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  1. As reported on Parking Prankster... CEL have been ordered to pay £905 in compensation & costs for breaching the Data Protection Act in regards to a private parking ticket. Ouch! http://parking-prankster.blogspot.co.uk/2017/05/motorist-awarded-900-for-data.html
  2. Just a quick one before i jump in and start filling in forms thought i had reclaimed all my PPI years ago, however i recently went through my statement and realized that i had two direct debits to the halifax for a bit i thought it was for the home insurance i moved a while ago - then realized it was morgage protection thinking back i can remember them saying that our morgage application would be looked on more favorably if we took it on... now for the first two years of the morgage this was about £50 a month, until we rang them up as it was really high and they removed things like the illness cover and just left the death policy on it at which point it went to £17.07 - which we're still paying apparently 9 years on is this something that its worth complaining about as i had and still have a death in service benefit of 4x salery (about £100,000), we were told that it was more likely the morgage would be accepted if we took it we're also looking at cancelling it as for the same price we have been offered life insurance at a payout of about £150,000 (vs the £25,000 left on the morgage) is that the best route?
  3. Apologies if this is in the wrong forum, I have spent many hours going back through statements and other related paperwork. I have kept every scrap of paperwork so have proof of everything I refer to below. I would appreciate your help in what to do next. I have tried to summarise events as best I can. The things that stand out to me are the Mortgage Protection & Income Protection did I really need both and that Norwich Union would pay the bank commission for arranging the policy. There just seems too many Critical Illness/Life policies at this time the total we owed around this period was about £45,000. Looking at it now it just seems over the top. I am no expert and will stand corrected obviously. I would really appreciate it if someone would take the time to have a look through and advise what I should do next if anything. If there are any questions then I will do my best to answer them as soon as I can.Thanks in advance. Regards Will INCOME PROTECTION, ENDOWMENT POLICIES, CRITICAL ILLNESS, LIFE POLICIES 1984- 07.10.08 CIS Cooperative Insurance Policy Number xxx6695 This was the Insurance policy against Endowment Mortgage account Number 40-xx-xx xxxx2998 (xxxx8196) Interest Only Mortgage Guaranteed Death Benefit/Target Amount on maturity £19,000 CIS Premium: £39.06 15.08.94 Midland Repayment Protector IPT will increase your MRP premium from 1.10.94. your monthly premium £10.47. 20.09.95 Midland Life Mortgage Endowment with Critical Illness Benefit Plan xx4339R To be issued by Midland Life Limited on the lives of Myself and Wife. 1995 - 2006 Cover £10,000 Term 11 years Monthly Premium £60.30 03.10.95 Midland Level Term assurance policy with Critical Illness for Me sum assured of £52,054. On a Single Life basis for a term of 18 years. Policy xx9914L-01 1995 - 2013 £34.06 per month. 03.10.95 Midland Income Protection for Me after 26 weeks Premium £11.52 per month. 03.10.95 Norwich Union Healthcare will pay Midland Bank commission for arranging policy. 01.12.95 Norwich Union Healthcare Safeguard Income Protection Policy Number Insured me xx8593Scheme 26 wk DP/IND Link Monthly Benefit £518 Premium £11.52 10.04.96 Midland Mortgage Repayment Protector (MMRP) Insured Person Me Policy Number. MBRP xx9966 Monthly premiums £8.70. 04.09.1997 Midland Life Policy (Joint Policy)Mortgage Protection Plan with Critical Illness and Permanent and Total Disability Benefit Policy Number xx9542B Insured Persons Myself and wife Amount of Life Cover £10,500 decreasing over the term of the policy. Commencement Date 02.09.1997 Expiry Date 02.09.2007 Premium £13.68 20.10.2000 Norwich Union Healthcare Safeguard Income Protection Ref xx8593 (HSBC-was Midland 31.10.95) Commencement Date 01.12.95 Monthly Benefit £575 Premium £ 21.53 April 2005 HSBC Letter Mortgage Repayment Protector Policy MBRPxxx849 To say that the policy is administered on behalf of the Insurers by FirstAssist Insurance Services Limited, future DD will be collected by FAIS Limited instead of Royal & SunAlliance, w/c 22.05.05 12.04.06 HSBC Mortgage Payment Repayment Protector Policy Number MBRPxxx849 Monthly Benefit Increased from £550 to £1,300 Monthly Premium £77.22 (27.04.06) 20.10.09 Aviva Income Protection(see 03.10.95) Midland Bank/Norwich Union Agent Name HSBC Bank Plc Policy Number xx8593 Premium Monthly £32.67 Payment Due Date 01.12.09 Monthly Benefit £733
  4. I live on a canal boat, for which I am required by the 1995 British waterways act to have a licence, the licence is a statutory requirement, British waterways was changed to a charitable trust some years ago but the legislation that governs licences has not changed, the trust is now falsely claiming that this licence is now a contract which they can add their own terms and conditions to without any recourse to parliment, and can cancel at any time they choose if the boat owner breaches any condition they have invented. The trust has now " re interpreted " the 1962 transport act section 43 and are claiming this gives them the authority to do anything they want, but they can't hide the fact that licences for boats on their waterways were not invented until 1975, and a public right of navigation existed on all their waters until 1968, so whatever way you interpret this section of this act it cannot possibly apply to licences. BW never claimed it had any such powers and post 1962 sought the consent of parliment for four new sets of bylaws, and 11 further waterways acts. The trusts is doing this because the law gives boat owners certain statutory rights which the trust wants to con them out of, many boaters already believe that the licence is a contract with contract terms and conditions, it sounds so right, but it is not true. I have taken the trust to task over this in a reasoned and polite way, they have banned any of their staff from speaking to me, and blacklisted my email and phone, they have also stated to me in writing that they will refuse to issue or renew a statutory licence unless their contract is agreed to, agreement to a contract or anything else is not a statutory pre condition of this licence surely must be illegal, the contract illegal and therefore unenforceable ? I and all other licence holders are being forced to agree to a contract we do not want, which the law states we do not need to obtain a licence, the Trust is blatantly breaking the law, which for them has no consequences, without funding a very expensive judicial review of the legislation we are at a loss to find a way to challenge this.
  5. I am starting this thread on behalf of my brother who desperately needs some help. He should've been on Group Income Protection by September however due to his bad health he never chased that up. He was then invited to attend a functional capacity assessment on behalf of insurer in January which itself was around 4 months later than when he should’ve started on income protection. He gave in his 200% in that assessment to a level that he ended up being with swollen legs and pain for next 2 weeks to follow. His illness started around March last year when he was getting bullied at his work place which caused him work-related stress and depression. The bullying continued and that lead him to a stage that he experienced paralysis symptoms in left side and lost strength in left side of body and he ended up being hospitalised. Subsequent tests and check-ups, physiotherapy (neuro physio), neurology consultants after thorough diagnosis ruled out stroke (luckily) and diagnosis were work related stress that caused his functional hemiparesis (losing strength in left side of his body). During this time, the management were still stressing his through different means while he had been off sick as a result his stress and depression got so out of control that it triggered Schizophrenia in him including hearing voices and hallucinations. Things like not being around for the family and being unable to carry out day to day activities worsening his condition and since then he is in care of Mental Health team. After a month, he received a letter of rejection quoting my brother doesn’t fulfil definition of incapacity and his claim was getting rejected. The basis of rejection was they believe there is no evidence of medical condition causing significant impairment in function and his reporting is inconsistent and unreliable (even though he disputes). They cited clinician believed there were number of inconsistencies in my brother’s reporting and his ability of walking and standing during formal testing were inconsistent with his reported left side weakness (even though he pushed himself over pain barrier to carry out these activities). They used around 1-2-day surveillance on him which was done approximately for around 1-2 weeks prior to his assessment and they quoted that surveillance showed him walk and stand unaided whilst grocery shopping and grip items and grocery shopping bags which doesn’t indicate functional loss. Even though they agree there is evidence that he used walking stick and displayed uneven gait throughout surveillance footage. He maintains that the bags referred to were very light. He also says that he doesn’t do these as day to day activity however on that particular day he was severely depressed as this shopping even though caused him physical pain but he did that as it gave him distraction and mental reassurance that he is not a burden on others. Now his mental health condition has further deteriorated due to further stress hence I am helping him with this and he has been given 90 days to appeal against this decision. I wish to get advice on following: 1) What should be his first steps to challenge this? 2) Given that he is physically incapacitated (as per treating doctor, physio and consultant) what weight does assessment from functional assessors carry when they say he is not functionally incapacitated considering they are paid by the insurers? 3) Does just lifting some light grocery bags justify him not being incapacitated? Even though he says it is not one of his regular activities and he did that to fight his depression and it caused him significant pain and distress? Considering that even they mentioned that surveillance shows him using walking stick and maintaining uneven gait throughout the surveillance footage) 4) Even if we ignore him moving with support and with uneven gait for the sake of argument agree with insurers no functional loss argument does high degree of depression and Schizophrenia including voices and hallucination not constitute incapacity considering his job involves high physical activities and care? 5) Considering he was supposed to be on Income Protection in September was it a fair practice from the company to get his evaluation done in January (approximately 4 months later)? 6) Is assessing someone nearly 4 months after they should’ve been on Income Protection good indicator how their condition was 4 months ago? 7) What should happen for the time between when he was due to be on Income Protection and till they assessed him? Any help is highly appreciated
  6. Hi all. My wife (28) and I (40) are looking to get income protection should one of us suffer ill-health. Please can I ask for any advice on what potential pitfalls to avoid or any other tips? Also, is a price comparison site a good place to start? Thank you.
  7. First of all, thanks all for contributing to this forum, your time and efforts are highly appreciated! I have received a Final Decision (rejection) from my employer's Group Income Protection insurance (UNUM) I have asked my employer to appeal UNUM's decision through the FOS (as I am not the policyholder) but they have declined to do so and refused to send me a copy of their T&C with UNUM. I am still off sick with bipolar and anxiety disorder and my claim is roughly around 16k£ Any suggestions? I feel like my only recourse at this point is against my employer
  8. Hi I am trying to get clarification if the cardholder protection plan on my Tesco card in the years 2000 - 04 were in fact PPI. The amount changed each month depending on how much I had spent. I did not have a balance on the card as it was paid in full each month, many times overpaid. I think in the 4 years I only got charged interest a few times. Also on the same card we had a yearly Sentinel protection paid once per year. What I am confused about is if this was in case my card got stolen, why would the amount fluctuate? surely it would be a standard price per year or month. I have read the date for claiming CPP has ended but I have also read that only applied for CPP between 2005 - 2014. So before I go to Tesco I would like to know if it is worth it and also what I had been sold Any advice appreciated
  9. Hi Guys, Need your advice on this unusual problem. Sorry story is a bit long. I’ll spilt it by bullet point to make it easier to read: 1. 23 Dec 2016 – went to the store made small purchase requested £50 cashback. Was deep in my thoughts. Felt a bit awkward at the end of interaction with cashier who started behaving strangely by completely ignoring me and started chatting with colleague. After packing few purchased items I was waiting patiently not realising what for. Felt as something did not finish - no eye contact from cashier, no thanks / goodbye. I’ve felt a bit strange and waited for much longer that socially acceptable in such situation and then left the store without exchanging a word with cashier. 2. Few day later realised I did not had my cash. As I was not out of the house since visiting store I could not have spent it or lost somewhere. 3. Waited for store to open again and went to speak with manager on 27 Dec 16 to ask them for my cashback and checking CCTV to confirm it was not given. Duty manager said he cannot view CCTV but checked till for that day and there was no extra cash in the till. He also found small receipt with my signature that confirms I’ve received cash. Signature seemed to be mine but I do not remember signing it nor receiving cash. 4. I’ve got my receipt with cashback on it. I am guessing I was asked to sign small slip confirming I was given cash and then was given my store receipt. That triggered me into thinking I got what I needed and made to forget about my cash by cashier starting to completely ignoring me. 5. I’ve spoken to customer services and same manger again who were pointing at each other saying I need to request CCTV footage and pay for it and that only store manager / area manager can view CCTV. 6. 6 Jan 16 spoke to customer services who then spoke to store manager who then checked till records again stating no extra cash was reported on that day. 7. Managed to speak to store manager in person on 6 Jan 16. Did not get much was just fobbed off making it sound it was my fault and I should have checked cash in store and they conducted their investigation. This person was quite elusive did not wanted to talk. Said nothing I can do. Both managers felt a bit arrogant almost as if they were saying good luck with that! If you know what I mean. 8. 6 Jan 16 stated electronic communication with customer services sending all above information via web form. Starting message with I am making formal request for CCTV footage under Data Protection Act 1998 confirming I am happy to pay for it. Providing all relevant details timing till number etc. 9. 18 Jan 17 sent them all above information in registered letter. 10. Did not get any response for around 10 calendar days and called them again to chase up for reply. 11. Received reply on evening of 20 Jan 17 (Friday) stating they passed for investigation to area manager. Provided instructions for requesting CCTV and how payment should be made. Advised that I need to contact police if I felt there was theft. 12. 20 Jan 17 I replied via e-mail and asked to place hold on the footage to ensure it is not overwritten as I’ve read somewhere that their retention period is 30 days. 13. 21 Jan 17 (Saturday) send request for footage as per their instructions. 14. 26 Jan 17 received letter stating request is outside of system storage capacity. 15. Chased them up for finial outcome of area manager investigation knowing what they will say. 16. 16 Feb 2016 Received response stating CCTV has now been overwritten they conducted till review and no extra cash was found. Nothing else they can do and I can contact the police. My view on that is that they ignored my initial request under Data protection act sent to them on 6 Jan 17. Purposely delayed providing instruction for requesting footage and timed it so that I have 0% chances of making it successfully and that it reaches them before 30 days retention period to cover up for their employees. I’ve seem to exhausted my option to get this resolved with the company and looking for advice on taking this further. I feel up to taking them to small court claiming for postage, petrol cost for number of trips inconvenience and original cashback. Just wanted to get your views on chance for success and some help with small court procedures if will be going that way. Thanks for reading!
  10. Dear all, I unfortunately suffer from chronic depressive illness and have done so for many years with the condition significantly worsening over the past few years. In the year 2011 I had been subject to police investigation. I attended a police interview on a voluntary basis. Due to my debilitating depression I had an appropriate adult also attend this interview who I understand was a social worker at that time. The social worker, without my explicit consent, went on to record the details of the alleged criminal charges I faced on the NHS Trust’s IT system and within my electronic patient records. This information is categorised as highly sensitive information as defined under section 2 (h) of the Data Protection Act and the Trust seemingly recorded this information unlawfully. Their response however is that the processing of this information was 'necessary for medical purposes'. The criminal matter has been long since disposed of in my favour however the Trust are continuously processing this information wherever and whenever possible. I am not clear on whether or not explicit consent was needed here. It seems to me it was. I should be most grateful for any input.
  11. Hello Friends, Are Insurance companies allowed to sell policies to people who are not eligible? I had bought MMS homeowner policy in Dec-15 and when I went to claim today, they refused saying that I was not holding mortgage in Dec-15. I had a mortgage in Feb-16. i had taken this income protection policy in Dec-15 in advance so as to protect me from commitments of mortgage. How was I wrong in that? I don't remember what questions the seller (ActiveQuotes) asked me when selling this policy with regards to my eligibility. Its possible that because I was going to have a mortgage soon, just waiting for exchange to happen, I would have said that I have a mortgage. However, that is speculative. If it was so mandatory should they not have asked documents to prove my current mortgage. They did not give me insurance initially in Sept-15 as I was still in probation and had not covered six months with my current employment. So should they not have checked for my mortgage as well. And given that I anyway soon became mortgage owner, do I not come under the cover. Excerpt from the Policy: You are eligible to take out this cover if you are: Living in the UK. Named as a person responsible for a mortgage or named as owner of your primary residence. Does this clause mean that I could not have bought the policy? Any ideas on this, please. Can the insurance companies sell such important policies without checks and only to leave the person stranded when he needs it?
  12. I have an ongoing tribunal this month with my previous employer, but a question i have is this. I asked if i could come to the office to collect some paperwork that was important to me, they replied that i could get access for this. Now i work away and usually have limited acces to emails, my previous employer then went through my laptop bag and scanned (as directors they would not have done this) my personal medical paperwork (and made comments about this that were derogatory and in depth so they have obviously read them) and my personal financial paperwork stating that i had numerous debt letters. Now they also copied in my wife (she did not work for them or had ever met them and had not given them her email and neither had i) and my union rep and their legal team, they suggest that i was hiding this information from my fie (which i most definitely was not, this was to cause problems as they never included her in any emials prior or post). Surely this must be a data protection breach as i have given them no permission to do this and my wife. Please can someone advise.
  13. Hi I took out a Barclays Income Protection insurance around 2008. http://www.barclays.co.uk/Insurance/Incomeinsurance/IncomeInsurance/P1242614107744 Barclays stopped selling this policy years ago. This was a policy that covered me for sickness and unemployment. I paid around a £100 a month and would get around £2000 a month in the event of making a claim for up to 2 years. I have been paying this policy for the last six 7 years. I was recently made unemployed due to a disagreement with my employer (over 7 years working there) - without going into details I was being asked to act immorally. I sought legal advice. It was clear the relationship had broken down. I did not resign, I was not fired - but a settlement agreement was put in place, which i decided to accept rather than going down the long and painful road of employment tribunals. Even if i had gone down a employment triberinal route - as I have read it, the polciy still would not have covered me as this would have been considered me resigning. The law around this was updated around this in 2010 in the Equality Act and further changes were recommended in 2013. Since I took out the policy i have never been contacted by Barclays with any statements or policy changes etc. I pay my money and they have been silent. When I signed up to the agreement I specifically asked about “Compromise Agreements” and was told that these were covered, as this is what had happened to me at a previous company. These are now called "settlement agreements" and widly used by employers for senior managers to deal with someone leaving. I feel I was mis-sold this policy and that I want to claim back my premiums i have paid to date. it would have been impossible for me to make a claim. If settlement agreements are now the norm and the policy does not cover it - it is worthless. I am wondering what the best course of action is - would this type of policy fall under PPI or is it something else ? Thanks in advance Simon
  14. READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/government-supports-awards-for-valour-protection-bill http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201617/cmselect/cmdfence/658/65802.htm https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/111414
  15. I'm a court appointed deputy for my husband. In 2008 he was placed under the court of protection due to a severe head injury, at that time he had a Barclays Bank account with an overdraft of £600. When the CoP was put in place he had been in to his local branch and they refused to serve him or talk to him. He was lied to about why and we only found out a few weeks later that it was due to the CoP which had taken over a year to be put in place. His original Deputy was extremely incompetent and cause no end of problems. In a nutshell they began paying his overdraft off at £15 per month but they continued to add charges and interest. In July 2104 the amount owed was down to £126 despite over £900 having been paid, the following month they changed the interest rate and his next interest payment was £18.75, more than was being paid into the account each month. His deputy failed to notice this. I took over as his Deputy in September 2015 and only discovered this around January 2016 when the previous Deputy forwarded a bank statement for him. I then sent required CoP court rulings showing change of deputy to Barclays, who basically ignored them and I also opened a complaint with them regarding the amounts and what had been paid etc. They offered to refund the amount owed and close the account, I asked that they return some of the money that had been paid as it was far beyond what was owed. They declined so the complaint continued. They continued to try and contact the prior Deputy, who having had their duty discharged duly stopped responding or indeed forwarding paperwork to me. The updated deputy court order they had received they continued to ignore. I again contacted them in May or June this year to be told that we now needed to go into the bank to process the deputy change. Which we did, they then very quickly sent through telephone banking details and immediately afterwards a letter saying that the account had been closed and that they would be taking action to recover the outstanding amount which had now built up to £405 overdrawn again. They have closed the complaint and are refusing to refund the overdraft that they had originally offered to do and have told me to contact the Financial Ombudsman if I'm unhappy. Anyone got any suggestions how to progress this please? I'm more than happy to open court proceedings. My husband, with my help successfully won a case against them after his head injury. For bank charges etc, so we're happy to go ahead with that.
  16. Early this year i went on the sick due to illness and depression, so i was sent to the working well group at ingeus met my key worker who at the time was lovely we went into a room on our own as am a very privet person and dont like others knowing my business, so we got chatting and i told her all about what lead to my depression and illness about the abuses i suffered in the hands of my husband, after this meeting with her i then became aware she was the cousin, of the girl that is going out with my husband When i found this out i went to my job center and told my adviser, so she then phoned her manger up to tell her i could not work with her, so in the mean time i was given an other key worker but on the day i went back to Ingeus my new key worker was unable to see me but was asked if it was ok for me to see this bloke instead of her for this one time i said yes its ok , so me and this bloke went into a room and sat down, and the first thing that came out off his mouth was spill the beans on why you cant see LB which was the key worker i first met and told all too which i found then they all new why i could not see her, he then wanted me to fill in a booklet and sign so they had my permission to my data which i did not sign and i walked out. A few days later i got an nasty inbox off my husbands girlfriend saying she knows all about me and that i do not work and she is paying for everything for me as she works for a living and that my husband did not abuses me nor my children at all and that her and her cousin have a laugh about people like me that go to Ingues, What a joke i must say that my husband as not known that i was out of work or that am going through mental health and as not known anything about what i have beaning doing for the past 2 years up until i went to Ingues for the first time and saw LB my key worker who is her cousin now thanks to her he and his girlfriend knows everything' I told my work coach at the job center about it all and she as told me i dont need to go back there, i asked her for an email so i can complain but that was over 2 weeks ago and still nothing as been done, i will be going to the police about this and i will be seeking advice on this matter as LB should loose her job over this as anyone else had this happen to them
  17. All this talk about obtaining medical records on this forum reminded me of obtaining my own a few years ago. Back in 2007 and 2008, I obtained some medical records of my own health under the Data Protection Act 1998. These consist of hospital records (such as a routine operation that I had back in 1988), GP records, child development records and so on. I also obtained my birth records (it tells me when I was born, when the delivery of placenta was, my Apgar score etc). This is the crux of the matter, and this is what I am asking - as they are pregnancy records, they are obviously regarded as being the mother's medical records, but I am arguing that if one happened to be the baby born as a result of the pregnancy, they should also be seen as one's own personal records under the Data Protection Act 1998. What do you think? I obtained them under the Access to Patient Records Act 1990 as my mother is now deceased and passed away before I obtained them, but my point is that a record of one's birth is just as much a Data Protection thing, so why did I need to access it as if it was just my late mother's records? Would I have been able to obtain them under Data Protection Act 1998 if she had still been alive at the time? I believe that birth records should automatically be seen under Data Protection Act 1998. Does anyone agree with this?
  18. Hi, my Aunty as just told me when she took out her mortgage in 2003 with Santander she was advised to take out Personal Protection Insurance separately, which she did. She wants to know is this the same as PPI ?? We have looked on the internet but it's not very clear wether it is or not. Thanks in advance.
  19. Hi, My husband suffered a serious brain injury some years back and after a few years it became clear that he was no longer able to manage any kind of finances. His solicitors suggested the Court of Protection which they set up and managed on his behalf, but it was very, very expensive and once all his savings where gone and they where only managing his benefits the cost was almost as much as they where. We recently switched to myself managing the CoP which means that I have a special bank account and his benefits go into that, his bills are paid and then an allowance is transferred to a bank account he can access. I've been trying to sort through all his stuff and I've found a number of credit cards that he's managed to apply for and use. The solicitors 'should' have blacklisted him with all credit agencies and as part of the CoP you: a) Can no longer have any credit. b) You are no longer able to sign any legal documents. c) Your financial decisions are legally made by someone else. I've returned the cards to the companies and made them aware of the situation. I'm assuming that since he should have been blacklisted, unable to apply for credit and unable to sign legal documents that the CCA's are at the very least unenforceable, illegal and that any debt built up is effectively written off? If anyone has experienced similar or has any advice on what sort of problems we might have because of this.
  20. Is it true that the EU regulations (not directives) will be updated?
  21. Not sure if this is in the correct forum. Please move if necessary. A bit if advice regarding an Administrator of a Facebook Group of which there are over 8000 members. I am the claimant in a court case after someone on a Facebook group owes me money after agreeing to purchase from me via the group and refusing to pay. Defendant is stating that the 'item' was offered 'free of charge'. Prior to the defendant offering to purchase, I exchanged some personal information via a series of private messages with one of the Admin on said group. I have just received the defence papers from the defendant and as part of her defence, she had submitted part of a private message exchanged between myself and the Admin. She could only have got this from the Administrator. It is unlikely to help in her defence as reading the full exchange, and not the bit she submitted is not detrimental, but at the time I offered to sell her the 'item', I had no idea that this defendant was best friends with the Admin. In addition, she has been provided by the Admin a copy of the advert which has been changed to show the Item 'for free'. Luckily I copied and retained the original advert. All posts from myself have now been deleted by Admin in relation to said item. What I am asking is: the personal information between me and the Admin was just that, personal, and I am shocked and angry that this information has been given to a third party without my express permission and that third party is now trying to use it in her defence. Does this come under the Data Protection Act at all? Has the Admin committed a breach of the Act? Hoping I am making myself clear.
  22. HA have done things i believe are a breach of data protection and it is bascially to turn everyone against me, it is two particular housing officers who are starting this hate campaign because they have lied and claimed the tenant upstairs is allowed laminated flooring and he is not. 1) I asked the HO not to speak to police about my case, she did this anyway and she also used my "block" on her speaking with police against me (even though i found out she did) 2) HO has told tenant above me I am getting an eviction notice. I was informed this information via the mediator. I spoke to the mediator today who claimed the HO only "said if there are any more complaints" funny he knew I was being served one though 3) HO has told mediator I had issues with another neighbour, she also told mediator i am from a domestic violence background which is why i had to move out my last property and the criminal is from "said area" 4) HO has told tenant upstairs i have other ASB against me, she said "loads" (from who?) the only thing i have written proof on is her saying she hasnt spoken to police due to my block but an email from police to confirm she is and that "several neighbours" apparently have a problem with me what can i do about this? I dont know if the mediator will admit to anything maybe if she was interviewed or required by court
  23. Hello all, I'm new to the forum. eBay have gone with the buyer. Buyer said camera was not working this was not true I have all the evidence. I have contacted CAB and they have stated Sales of goods act and a Breach of Contract. Who do I start taking the legal route with eBay or the Buyer the reason for asking is that eBay intervened and I'm now £48.00 out of pocket, Spoken to customer services at eBay about 10 times may as well talk to a brick wall. Your help would be appreciated. Best regards Steve.
  24. Hello, This is something I'm losing my sleep over. I've struggling for the last six months with the HMRC to obtain a full and detailed employment history going back to 16 years ago. I need this, because I need to send a request for permanent residency and I've lost some documentation. I first wrote to the HMRC last November and they replied almost immediately but only sending my national insurance contributions record. Then I wrote again in December, pointing out that I needed a breakdown of my employers instead. They replied in February, again sending the same ni record. So I called the hmrc helpline and the operator suggested that I wrote a request under the Data Protection Act, which I did immediately. I called the HMRC again in April and they told me that, due to the length of the period, it might take up to 375 days. However on their website they state: Now it's more than 3 months and yet no answer has come. Incidentally, re-reading the letter I sent, I have realised I had omitted my national insurance number. Terrible mistake, however I had included so much data that they could identify me without delays. What do do now? I'll call the HMRC tomorrow and if it goes nowhere, I'll write a second letter. Is there anything else I can do? This thing has been eating me for the last six months. Thank you
  25. Hi I was wondering whether anyone has any good letter templates regarding a breach of data protection compliant against Vodafone. Basically, I tried to access my internet banking the other day only to be told that I was inputting the wrong password. I knew for a fact the password I was inputting was correct. After this failed a number of times I went online and tried to re-set my password with Lloyds bank. If anyone banks with Lloyds then they will know that in order to change your password for online banking they have to call you and you have to enter the 4 digit number provided on the screen. So I requested that they call my mobile phone (which I always do) however I wasn't receiving the phone calls even though it said on screen we are calling you now. I tried again the next morning and it still wasn't working so I called Lloyds Bank to see what the problem was. I was told by Lloyds bank that there has been fraud on my account, all monies had been transferred from my savings account into my current account and then attempted to be transferred from my current account overseas via Western Union. Lloyds realised this was fraud and did not allow for the payment to go through. Having discussed this with Lloyds and explaining what had happened they advised my that there must have been a diversion on my phone as someone had received the phone call with the 4 digit code and entered it correctly. I then called Vodafone who first told me that there was in fact interference/diversions on my mobile and that she would take them off for me immediately. After 1 hour and 12 minutes on hold I called Vodafone again off a different number to speak to someone else to explain my dissatisfaction with Customer Service and distress caused regarding the fraud on my account only to be told by this person that there were no diversions on my phone and that there never has been. I know for a fact the first lady told me there was and that they are not in any breach of data protection. I then asked them to confirm what phone calls have been made to Vodafone regarding my account in the 3 days, I was advised that I called them 2 days prior (the day before the fraud happened) requesting a copy of my phone bill to be emailed. I NEVER MADE THIS PHONECALL so there is a breach of data protection as they clearly discussed my account with someone else. Well after hours on the phone trying to make a complaint speaking to many different call centres based in the UK, India and South Africa I have still got no where! Can anybody help me out as I am not sure exactly what I need to put in my letter? Thanks
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