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  1. Hi all, I haven't been on here for a while but thought I would put this on here in hope of some advice. My father who is the owner/keeper of the car that received the PCN and my mother who are both holders of Blue Badges and in their late 70's/mid 80's. I was the one responsible for parking in the disable bay which as far as I am concerned had a perfect right to do so, but inadvertently forgot to put the badge on display due to having to physically lift a mobility scooter out of the car and help my mother into it. My father in a panic over this PCN started to fret about finding the £100 to pay it. I told him not to pay and write and tell them what happened and to give the details of the Blue Badges. As you have probably guessed they still want their pound of flesh. I have now received a letter telling me I can appeal to IAS. Any help will be greatly appreciated. WIDYCHI
  2. Hello, I'm starting to develop a real interest in this subject as I've seen huge injustices in the past, so this is my vigilante intervention (I think I know the guy that got a PCN). he parked his motorcycle in the same place he has done for the last couple of summers - we often admire it with the kids. This afternoon I saw a ticket being written by an enforcement officer, who stuck the yellow bag on the seat of the bike. The location I will do my best to describe. It is a large area of road which has been divided up into car parking spaces to one side, a bus "slip road" to the other and a road running through the middle. There is an island (bricked) with a few black metal bollards installed. Around the island is a full circle of double yellow lines. Now, note that the yellow lines are painted on the road NOT the bricked area. Also, in the bus "slip road" NO PARKING is painted again on the tarmac, os on the other side of the lines. btw, the island is about the size of two cars and an ideal spot for making bikes. As far as I can tell the island itself is a haven of unregulated land and the double yellow lines relate to cars considering parking along the kerb of this island, roadside. There are no signs whatsoever on the island itself. Looking around there are various signs/rules relating to the parking spaces opposite, but thats all. What say you all? If he has been ticketed unlawfully I'd love to find him and give him the good news:) Thanks in advance
  3. Hi all, First of all many thanks for the forum and work done for others - I've already started to read through the PoFA 2012 and other forum posts in detail (phew!) Anyway, on to my situation, and apologies in advance for so many words. I live in a gated property that is managed by UKPC and I'm a tenant in a property there. I've just received 2 Keeper notices for the car being parked without displaying a valid permit, and on consecutive days (a Saturday and Sunday) in January this year. Each is for £100, total £200. The parking bay itself is allocated to my flat and I do have a valid UKPC permit for the car, but often leave it unattended for long periods, and might not notice either that I've forgotten to place the permit there, or see any drivers notice. I've had a look at the photographs taken by UKPC and can see that a drivers notice was attached to the windscreen. Needless to say neither was there when I next went to the car (indeed the second day's photos shows that the first notice has gone). The same car has been parked in the same bay with the permit displayed, and though while that means the permit has been accepted by UKPC in the past/recently, suspect it would not have any more relevance than that. I'm also still checking the details under section 7 and 8 on the paperwork, I suspect that many of the companies are tightening up their practices. I'll keep on going in this area. At the moment though I can see that no harm has been made against the land owner, the landlord of my property, or the tenant (me!), and no-one else has been deprived of a parking space. UKPC have been placed there by the property management company. So the charges look to be punitive (£200), and I'm going to be down that path as well as linking the permit to the car in a letter back to UKPC. I'm no where near the POPLA stage yet so happy to keep this softer. Funnily enough they don't mention this is in the "discounted phase", yet state that if this goes to POPLA then the parking charge will increase. The only part that appears to show the increase is "late payment", adding £60. I don't think they can do this under PoFA 2012, as a dispute would not be a late payment. The keeper address for the car is still at a different address, and so they are now at the Keeper stage rather than the driver stage of the process. Needless to say I had a shock when two letters were opened! Once again sorry for making this so long winded, and any thoughts well received. Cheers
  4. My wife has received a PCN from a Harrow Council civil enforcement officer, saying she was parked outside the parking bay markings where she parked. This was because a van had been parked similarly before the other drivers arrived and parked. The other drivers arriving to park were also having to park ouside their bay markings. None were grossly over their bay markings to take out a parking bay or to cause a danger to other drivers. Only my wife's car received a PCN. No video or photographic evidence is included with the Council's PCN record so there is no visual evidence from the Council to back up their officer's claim. My wife has a photo of another car similarly parked that did not have a PCN fixed to the windscreen and a witness statement confirming the details of the whole situation. What are the reasonable grounds for an appeal and is it likely that the PCN will be cancelled?
  5. I parked in a council car park a couple of weeks ago and got a ticket, at first I couldnt understand why as I thought I had parked in a disabled bay which I am allowed to do. Someone was already in that space and they left and I reversed straight into the bay. However it turned out to be a restricted area, but looked like a disabled bay as it was situated on the end of the row of disabled bay parking spaces. I parked over where it said 'keep clear' so had no knowledge until I got the PCN that it was restricted. There were no other signs. I understand I was in the wrong, however if I didnt see the 'keep clear' signs under my car as I had no idea that it was restricted, surely they should have signs on the wall to make it clearer. I certainly would not have parked there otherwise. I have appealed it, but the onus is on me to check. Was their response. I happened to be in a rush and didnt think about looking under my car to see if I was parked correctly. who does in a car park. As i said a car was already parked there so didnt see the 'keep clear' sign. I just want to know, please, do the council have to have other signs, say on the wall to state that the area is restricted, it was marked out in yellow just like the other disabled bays. Im quite happy to pay it but if its a technicality that I dont have to pay Im all for that, I cant really afford to pay it if you get what I mean. Cheers guys
  6. Hi, I received a penalty notice as my parking ticket was in the foot well when I returned to my car. Here's the notice & ticket: I then challenged the ticket following an example letter used successfully here (http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?389602-Have-a-local-authority-parking-ticket). This was my challenge description: "I would like to appeal the penalty charge served upon me. Enclosed is a copy of the Pay & Display ticket that I purchased and displayed for inspection. It can clearly be seen that I paid the appropriate fee and that the ticket was valid when the officer inspected my vehicle. Unfortunately, at some point during my absence from the vehicle, the ticket somehow became dislodged from where it had been clearly displayed and fell into the foot well. I accept that your officer could not have known this and acted accordingly. However, now that the ticket has been presented for inspection it is clear that I did not avoid payment of the parking fee or that I had parked beyond time paid for. The only purpose a ticket needs to be displayed is to enable an officer to distinguish between those that have paid for parking and those that have not and those who have exceeded the time paid for. The ticket produced clearly shows that had your officer seen my ticket at the time of inspection that there would be no need to serve a penalty charge notice. The only remaining issue is whether the fact that the ticket was not clearly displayed at the time of inspection warrants the council taking a hard line and upholding the penalty charge. I believe that for the council to take such a stance would be contrary to the advice of the DfT and the Secretary of State. As a valid ticket has been presented for inspection it is clear to any reasonable person that it would not be in the public interest to penalise a person who paid the required fee and did nothing to the detriment of the public interest. I cannot think of a more appropriate situation where paragraph 85 applies than this. I therefore politely request that the council act fairly and proportionately in this matter and exercise their discretion sensibly and reasonably by cancelling this penalty charge. It would be best for all if we can resolve this without the need to seek independent adjudication." I have now received the following response from Hackney: Does anyone have any advice on whether this is worth pursuing - I wouldn't be able to take any time off work, so if that was going to be a requirement for challenging this further, it's not really an option for me. That said, I do feel like this is really unfair and am keen to pursue on principle. Appreciate any help! Many thanks Simon
  7. Hi, I have been issued a PCN for parking on a street round the corner from my home on Thursday while I went to pick up my lunch. (See photos below). The place I am parked previously used to have a yellow line all the way across the gate, now there are terminations to the single yellow either side of the gate. There is no sign on the gate saying parking is not allowed there. On what grounds have I been issued the PCN? How, as a motorist, am I to recognise this as a place where parking is not allowed? I assume it is to do with the dropped kerb perhaps? I have emailed the council asking and got the statement: "Yellow lines are enforceable from the centre of the carriageway to the back of the footway/start of the private land, any pavement, grass verses etc being classed as part of the public highway". I don't understand how this statement relates to where I was parked. Regards, Chris [ATTACH=CONFIG]56317[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]56318[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]56319[/ATTACH]
  8. I was looking for information regarding my PCN in Kingston and came across this site. was a thread created in July to September with 4 pages with no conclusions It appeared to create some debate amongst members PCN-code-62-parked-with-four-wheels from fuzzy 30th July 2010 ( not allowed to give link ) I wonder if any one knows what happened to the appeal, because the link shown no longer exists and the Borough no longer has any information on Pavement Parking ( or I could not find it ) If any Kingston officers are willing to give me a outcome when reading this that would be great . I am not to sure why I received the PCN because there was a clear sign opposite the fairly tight road telling me to park with two wheels on the pavement (As a stranger to the area I have never seen one of these before ) in fact when I initially parked fully on the road and got out looked to see if there was enough room for a car to pass ( just for normal car , any large vehicle or van would not have been able to ) and noticed the sign then so I just thought that I needed to do this because of the tightness. I displayed my blue badge , checked if there were any yellow lines, resident parking scheme and if there was enough room for a wheelchair or buggy to pass through on the pavement . Everyone else in the road was parked on the pavement , ant there was a clear sign on the opposite side of the road near the corner showing the same symbol with a red X . I went to the football saw my team lose and came back to find a ticket . Strange thing is there were only 3 cars with a ticket , me another one bit further down ( that car had a similar number plate to me so must have been local to where I live ) and another parked near the corner ( almost under the red X sign ) no others had a ticket. I had another look to see for any other signs and there were none I have decided to challenge it asking for an explanation and common sense , rather than going the technical route at present But my guess is that the issuing of PCN on a Saturday in that area is regular and because of this it will stand If that is the case I will take it to adjudication,( the cost of the officers time to prepare and be there will outweigh the fine ) because if I could not park there then they should have indicated this like they have done further down the road ( be consistent ) and not leave it to guess work , especially to visitors who like me may have never seen one of these signs before ( 45 years driving). Obviously under the freedom of information I will obtain how many they issue around that area for each day of the week But if anyone has any information to help me prepare my defence that would be fantastic. I would be amazed if the forums are not monitored by officers, so I will not lay all my cards on the table , as by what I have given so far it would not be rocket science for a officer from Kingston to Know who I am . Many Thanks in Anticipation
  9. hello, i received a parking fine, reading the information the forum and guidance waited until the notice to keep letter arrived, at this point not sure what the next step is, have heard that others suggest to ignore these letter, honestly would rather not receive any more letters and have them off my back ASAP. most of you might be thinking this is stupid of me but in my defence there was only three motorcycle bays which only fit one bike at a time, two was taken up by car drivers and the other one was in a secluded section. the leisure complex is big and having preivously worked there i know that there have been many bike thefts knowing that information parked right in line of the doors in clear view of carmera and lights, all that being said there was one disabled bay which was away from the front doors which i thoguth no one would mind as there are 10 or more disabled bays alone the front entrance which was unoccupied and I know no one would miss this one bay. have taken photos of another bike who packed in-between disabled bays on the cross section, the photos are not detailed enough as it was dark and the markings have slightly rubbed off. the car park is free to use forget to mention lol fined on 23 Dec 2014 NTK letter dated 22 Jan 2015 and arrived through door 26 Jan 2015 any help appreciate. thank you
  10. Hi, We have a residential parking area which is policed by wardens quite regularly. I have had a valid permit since the inception of this policy. I ndeed we were 1 of the original members of the meeting when this was being planned and took part in all discussions when decisions were being made. Monday morning a week ago, a neighbour knocked drawing our attention to the fact that my car had a PCN on windscreen, for 'not clearly displaying said permit'. As mentioned, current permit is valid and always has been. What had happened is on Sunday afternoon, day before PCN served (Monday morning, 15/09/14) , I was cleaning the dashboard of car. I had inadvertently left a cloth partially covering the permit in force. However, due to my disabilitiesdue to my disabilities, I have to take regular breaks from such tasks, as and when I am able to do. Indeed, had the warden serving PCN looked into the vehicle, he would have noticed additional cloths and sprays, in the footwell, behind the car seats and possibly on passenger seat. This is how I had to leave the car on the afternoon of Sunday, 14/09/14. Such was my exhaustion from carrying out what little of the task at hand, I had by that time completed, that I found myself unable to complete the current chore, leaving the car in the state in which it was found, at the time of PCN being served, 08.47 15/09/14, with the intention of completing the task on the day PCN served. I am asking for advice as to how to proceed in challenging the PCN bearing the above in mind and how I should word such challenge. Also, am I correct in thinking somewhere along the line, that if PCN has been issued on the above basis but not for the reason as permit being hidden due to date of expiry, that DoT have issued guidelines to local authorities for cases such as this, advising that if permit in force, then PCN should be withdrawn if and when challenged? Many thanks for reading and all advice gratefully received. francis.
  11. Hi everyone, I believe this episode is inserted in mitigating circumstances because when I arrived to the site I was finishing a delivery to a customer and I had parked in the bay with the display ticket clearly visible in the van. (it wasn't necessary) When I was ready to leave the site I realize the approach of a CEO that however informed me that my van could not be there as it was an area not designated for class of vehicle. (I have a Luton van) and allegedly he thought I was parked there and pointed my registration What are my chances of making challenge and run well? I received the PCN and I'm sure the CEO did not collect information from my road tax disc as also does not contain any pictures as proof in the PCN letter. I parked on that bay to not obstruct the traffic flow on that street where only one car can transit in both directions and also for safety reasons I stopped at that bay (with display ticket). I feel frustrated because I see that these people do everything possible to achieve their targets and I got £130 fine to pay Can I prove something with my customer? what can I do? Gratefull for your attention Tiago
  12. I have recently bought a house. It is an end terrace with parking to the rear (private land for which I pay an annual ground rent of £215). My house had been vacant for a few years before I moved in and the next door neighbour had used the space at the rear of my property to park a broken down car. When I moved in I approached the neighbor to move the vehicle he said he would have it removed within 2 weeks. 4 months have now passed, the car has not been moved and the neighbour refuses to answer his door to me. His car is parked so close to my gate that I cannot get my bins out past it and have to drag them out through the house to the front of the property. Where would I stand legally if I paid for a recovery truck to move the car away from my space (only a few metres of movement)? Any idea of another course of action? I had initially thought it could be towed due to expired tax but as it is private land I understand this is not possible. Please help.
  13. Hi all, I can always rely on you guys for advice I'm certain this will be straight forward, but I thought I would ask here just in case. I have recieved a PCN and the reason for this was "Parked in a restricted street during prescribed hours (01)". This was on Friday at 20:46, in Portsmouth. There was a PVC sleeve over the meters and a notice on it stated "NO WAITING BETWEEN 0800AM TO 0500PM MONDAY TO FRIDAY" (I have pictures of it right next to my car). So I assumed I'm safe to park as it was outside those times. Before I challenge it I wanted to ask your advice, although like I said it's probably as simple as stating the facts? Thanks in advance
  14. Got a ticket for parking in Threadneedle Street EC, the kerb markings were there and not very visible, couldn't see the restriction sign on a post, when I got the ticket the sign was planted on a wall quite high up, do I have any grounds to appeal and is it worth it. Do the council have the obligation to ensure kerb markings are clear and precise rather than broken and not very visible, I also notice the vehicle in front of me didn't get a ticket as I asked the driver
  15. Hello again, I received this PCN. I was not aware that I had parked incorrectly at the time, this was probably because I was getting my kids out the car and my daughter needed to go to the toilet so I was preoccupied with all that. None the less, I did parked crookedly, there was a car parked to the left of my car, but by the time I came back the car was gone. I have attached some photos. I just want to know if its worse appealing? This is the first time I have ever received a ticket of this type. It was a pay and display little car park. Any advice greatly appreciated. Thanks
  16. Hello Guyz, I am new to the forum and decided to join this forum to get some help against recently issued PCN. I recently parked my car with one wheel over a footpath. On this road, parking with one wheel on the footpath is allowed but only within marked space. Also there is no parking allowed between Monday to Friday from 8am to 6:30pm. On that road, people often park their cars with one tyre on the foot path. On the day, I was not sure if I was allowed to park there so I parked my car with one tyre over a footpath. I got out of a car to check the parking restrictions and realized afterwards, that I can only park on footpath within marked space. As soon as I realized it, I moved my car. The car was moved within 3 minutes of parking it. You can also see me in the background checking the parking restrictions. I really can't afford to pay the PCN so can you please help me appeal against PCN. Do I have any grounds to appeal?. On the basis that I only got out of the car to check the parking restrictions and moved my car withing three minutes after checking the parking restrictions. Or on any other basis? I have attached all relevant pictures and PCN as well. Any help will be much appreciated.
  17. Hi, I am a regular user of the ringo service in Milton Keynes. Do to some delays I arrived late and booked 24 hours parking using the ringo app. I arrived back to the car at the end of the day confused why I had a ticket on the car. When I looked at the ticket I had parked and used the other registration in my ringo account. As soon as was reasonably possible circa 5 hours after discovery of the ticket I wrote an informal appeal to the email address listed on the PCN. I included evidence of being a regular user (ringo screen shots) and the details showing I had paid for parking on the day concerned but with the wrong registration. I had a rejection notice from the council about 10 days later. The car is registered in my wifes name and today on schedule I received a notice to owner. I totally understand that I made a mistake and failed to use the correct registration but I did pay in full. I feel that based on the contravention code 11 and it's description - I should appeal on the basis that I have paid a parking charge and I have the evidence albeit with the wrong reg. Does anyone have any experience or comment on this that may be relevant or useful? Regards, Richard
  18. Hi guys, I parked my car on single yellow line in an emergency for going to medical store because my wife is pregnant. I went inside the shop and ask for the medicine but they said you need to consult with your midwife and I just came outside the shop. This all took not more than 90 seconds and when I came outside the officer said you are late. A PCN has been issued to you, at that time he was still writing PCN, he said why you parked here and why you left your daughter unattended in the car, please take this PCN and you have to pay £65, when I refused to take PCN then he said ok its up-to you we have taken the pictures and we can send you by post if you like, because I was definitely sure that the pictures can't be taken in less than 2 minutes so I asked him to send by post. Today I received NTO with penalty charge of £130 without any pictures after 1 month and 3 days. My questions: 1) The observation period for "01 contravention" is 5 minutes, can they issue if contravention was less than 5 minutes. how can they prove this? 2) The officer said, take this PCN and pay £65 then how that amount become £130 by post. how does it possible? On Newham website it clearly state that newham.gov.uk/ParkingAndTransport/PenaltyChargeNotices%28PCNs%29/PCNLevelsJuly12007.htm "A penalty charge notice level of £130 applies to all 'serious' contraventions. You can reduce the charge to £65 by paying within 14 days (if issued by a civil enforcement officer) or 21 days (if issued by a camera operator)." 3) He said he has taken the pictures, I am receiving this NTO after 1 month and 3 days without any pictures, why he lied with me? 4) there is no discount period and they are asking me to pay full £130 in 28 days. Should I pay this amount or do you think I should try to go for representations for atlest reduce charge. Thanks ifti
  19. http://sunderlandnow.co.uk/news/10-local-news/2114-investigation-into-police-van-parked-illegally-outside-of-greggs-bakery.html#
  20. hi hope someone can help i recently reversed into a parked car which was covered in a tarpaulin sheet, nothing was visible on the car apart from the bottom half of the tyres i heard somewhere that a parked car had to have something showing ie number plate or reflective panels so i could see it more clearly to add the time was at night ant the road was not lit
  21. Hi all, earlier today I got a parking ticket for £70 whilst I was parked on a Taxi Rank, strange, seeing that I drive a taxi, the Council Parking Warden said that because I was not in my Taxi,( I had nipped out for a pee) he could give me a ticket. The sign next to the Taxi Rank says "No stopping except Taxis at anytime" it does not mention anything about the Taxi needing to be attended. I know that I am supposed to be by my Taxi and available for hire if I am on a Rank, but that is a matter for the licensing officer and not a parking offence I hope. Has anybody got experience of this, or knows the parking law and can help please. It is not a red route, and there are no other restrictions in place, just a normal Taxi Rank. Many Thanks
  22. Have received 2 x PCN notices for parking next to a dropped kerb. Had no idea that this was not allowed. I have attached the photos from the first PCN notice so you can see what the score is. The car is parked next to a dropped kerb. You will see from the photos that we took care not to obstruct the persons driveway. When collecting the PCN a member of the public on the street advised that the family which own the house have a disabled daughter and that is why the kerb is there. As you can see the drive is not obstructed. What can I do to appeal against this? £55 x 2 seems very harsh and I am surprised there are no signs warning people not to park there. http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/845/12372624.jpg http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/202/82000890.jpg http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/197/98961505.jpg http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/526/97379369.jpg
  23. Would be grateful for some advice here if anyone can help. Ive scanned and attached a picture of my van and the ticket (with importantg bits tipexed out). I asked the lady going into this pub if it was ok to park on their forecourt as the pub was boarded up and she explained that it was fine as thats where they normally put their table and chairs but as they have closed down for refurb i could park there. She lived in the top flat of that building. Then when i returned to my van i got the attached ticket. Noooo! Have i been stupid? [ATTACH]38691[/ATTACH]
  24. Hi I rent out my home to a charity .One of their workers parked her car up onto the front driveway .The driveway has not been dropped therefore she has driven over the pavement to do so. I have in the past provided residence parking tickets,arranged with the council for the tenants to get parking tickets to be able to park on the road which has plenty of resident parking spaces. I had also previously informed 2 senior members of staff that cars are not to be parked up at the front as the neighbors had complained that their vehicles parked legitimately infront of the driveway where being clipped by the cars of drivers trying to squeeze past onto the pavement to park.They have also been informed that parking wardens do and have issued parking fines for vehicles parked on on the driveway. When I attend to the property i buy a weekly dispensation order and park in the residence parking spaces on the street. The car which was parked up on the driveway was damaged due to a bay window tile falling and now she is claiming repair damages from me. Am I liable considering she has negligently parked as is at fault ? From my basic understanding with her insurancer it seems shes stating she parked infront of the house ,I dont think she has informed them that shes parked up onto the driveway . Parking is not included in the tenancy contract . Am I liable? my insurance company states not as the other party as acted negligently so how can the car owners insurance now be chasing me for damages over £1000! Any help would be appreciated.
  25. Hello Everyone I would be grateful for and advice or a bit of guidance on how to best handle the following; I have been issued a Parking ticket under the contravention; (01) Parked in a restricted street during prescribed hours. Band B. A picture is worth a thousand words, so here are photos; http://s590.photobucket.com/albums/ss345/cmguk22/Parking%20Ticket/ As you can see my front wheel was parked over a single yellow line (which incidentally does not have a T-bar at either end). The single yellow extends about 10m where it ended and there is an 'End of controlled parking zone' sign. On the reverse of the sign (thus I could not see this) is an 'Entrance to controlled parking zone' sign. However what is bugging me is that there are NO other signs, thus there is no indication where the zone starts/finishes. What is also bugging me is that there is no T-Bar at the end of the yellow line Do I have a leg to stand on?
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