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  1. Hi CAG, I'm wondering if you may be able to give me a little bit of advice . Back in January natwest fraud team decided to put a block on all of my accounts for MY protection, they didn't try to contact me they didn't try to let me know and the only way I found out was when I tried to check into my hotel at 6pm and my card was declined, i went over to a ATM and my card was declined to get a balance, mobile and internet banking was also disabled. That evening I spend a total of 112 minutes on the phone to the bank trying to regain access to my account but time and time again I was told that i would need to speak to someone at 9am the following morning as the department which put a block on my account was closed. Because of not being able to access any funds, in turn i couldn't check into a hotel or access any funds I had £4 in cash on me. I was forced to spend the first half of the night until I was asked to leave at 4am in a 24 hour Mcdonalds after I managed to take safe haven on a bench outside the train station and from around 6am I walked the streets until 9am where I then phoned the bank and regained access to my funds, checked into a hotel and went to sleep. The sleepless night affected my ability to enjoy any of my further trip and in turn it left me unable to see the matinée I had booked for the following day. My question to CAG is what is a reasonable amount for me to ask from the bank as compensation, what is a reasonable amount of money for me to request for the phone calls that i made. Thanks guys Matt
  2. Hi Cag community! I really hope you can help. I’m afraid I’ve never posted in a forum before so not too sure if I have posted in the right please so do let me know if I should post somewhere else! On 30th June 2015, EDF (representing Scottish Power) entered the communal corridor for my flat, and removed all the electricity meters for the whole building. We own a flat in a block of 5, and we had a prepayment meter with Scottish Power. In the few days following this we discovered (from the EDF officer who removed all the meters) that the meters to Flats 1, 2 and 5 (owned by the freeholder) were bypassed, and that my meter and the other leasehold flat were in credit. This proves that we were topping up our prepayment meters as we ought to, and that they theft of electricity was being done by our freeholders who were bypassing the other meters to the flats they owned. Whilst this was all going on, my mum spoke to Scottish Power’s Revenue Protection department on 9th July 2015 and was asked to pay £300 for a replacement meter, as the freeholder had still not sorted it out, and was instead trying to reconnect the electricity supply illegally (for which we reported him every time). She paid this £300 in advance so that I could book the time for the meter to be installed once we had the necessary certificates. The issues with the electricity have highlighted criminal acts by the freeholder, and these have been reported to the police (I have a crime reference number). Our freeholder illegally reconnected the electricity several times and we always reported him immediately to Scottish Power. We just wanted justice to be served and to get proper official meters installed as soon as possible so we could go on with our lives. In the end, we did not book Scottish Power to install new meters for us as the freeholder finally organised British Gas to do it (Scottish Power had scuppered his attempts to reconnect illegally). Scottish Power are now refusing to refund us the money as they have told us they are keeping it to go towards repaying the debt owed by our freeholder. Our freeholder has also (without my knowledge or permission) transferred my account away from British Gas and back to Scottish Power by posing as me. Scottish Power will not let me move my account back, presumably because they are taking a portion of money from my prepayment meter when I top it up to repay the freeholders debt. I do not know what state the freeholders meters are in at the present time as he now keeps them in a separate padlocked cupboard with a CCTV camera pointed at it. Scottish Power have told us that they have no interest in finding out who the freeholder is. The police have not followed up on the case either. Despite raising complaints with various departments I have been unable to resolve this issue. Scottish Power are still refusing to refund the £300 and are also holding me responsible for the rest of the freeholders debt. I really hope someone can help as I’m at the end of my rope with this one.. Here's to hoping.. thanks all for reading!
  3. Hi, I am really stressed. I have received claim forms for the County Court for a HBOS debt being claimed by Lowell/Bryan Carter. The claim is for £740. I did have a Halifax account a few years ago and it went into arrears for around £150. Is there anyway I can ask the court for them to make Bryan Carter provide full information for the amount claimed as I am not certain it is this debt and can't work out how it has gotten to so much? TIA
  4. Hi This is my first post, so hopefully I am doing this right. In January 2012 I took out a mobile phone contract with Orange. The monthly bill was £10.50 per month, paid every month by direct debit and no missed payments. The Contract was for 24 months. Due to a fall in income, I decided to ask Orange for a mobile dongle and end my contract for home internet with Sky Digital. This was fine and no problems with Sky. Because the dongle was really good, I decided to ask Orange to install home broadband for me. They agreed and this was set up on June 16 2012. However, the internet did not work, so I rang them and they sent an engineer. He spent a long time messing about with it, assuring me that it was fixed and would be working within 2 hours. This never happened I rang Orange again to cancel my home broadband service, explaining that it would not work. They tested the line and said nothing was wrong with the line, but I had not internet. Eventually, after been passed to several different people, it was agreed to cancel my internet. Cancellation according to the contract was to be done prior to the internet being set up. However, as they did not set it up propertly and it did not work, it was agreed that I would not have to pay any cancellation charges and I cancelled my direct debit. I contacted Sky to take over my internet from Orange, explaining that the internet had never worked. Sky had no problem setting up within a couple of days, explaining to me that they still had the line (further proof that Orange could not possibly have supplied me with home broadband services as Sky still had the line, albeit suspended). I telephoned to pay my normal mobile phone bill, shocked to find out that I had a huge amount to pay, this was for installation of my broadband that I didn't recieve and cancellation charges that I was told I would not have to pay since I never received the service. I asked if I could pay my mobile phone, but they had bunched all the accounts together and so would not accept the payment on its own. Obviously, I did not pay as I did not owe that amount. I was told by the customer advisor they would rebill me. In the meantime the suspended my mobile phone access due to there being this balance for my internet on the account. I rang to complain, pointing out once again that I never received the services for my broadband , the engineer had failed to install it and therefore I did not owe them any money other than my mobile phone charges that there was not dispute about. They promised to look into it and agreed that I should not be pay for internet I never received. I have the direct debit on my statement in July 2016 that I paid to Sky for my services, again showing that Sky had been able to set up my internet immediately because they still had the line and that Orange never had my telephone line and so could not have supplied me with internet services. At the end of August I received a demand for payment of my account, for the internet sevices not received, my mobile phone payments (now in arrears because they would not accept payment for this alone). I rang again, complaining about the bill, they said they would look into it and I again asked if I could pay my mobile phone contract, but they said they needed the full amount on the account and couldn't seperate them out. The following month, I recieved a letter stating that my mobile phone account had been cancelled by them for non-payment and that I now owed £322 (I can't remember the exact figure). I couldn't be bothered to ring them any more, as they had made frequent promises to sort this out and hadn't and they not my had cancelled my phone contract as a result of the business with the internet. I never heard anything else from them. I have moved around a lot in the past five years due to my ex partner. On the 9th October 2015, I received a County Court Claim which I am defending. I sent back the Acknowledgement of Service Form online to them. I now have until the 9th November to send my defence. I am sure I have a good chance of winning this. I am going to deny all of the particulars of the claim as I don't agree with this. I have no idea what it is they are referring to. I rang Cohen Cramer Solictors for information, they just said it 'has to do with a mobile phone account'. So I am left second guessing. I never received any default notices (although they could have been sent to a previous address) . I never received any notice of intended court action by Lowell, they insist they sent it, but I did not get it! I don't want to mess up my defence, I want Lowell to prove the claim and believe I should have sent them a CPR31.14 form, however, I only found out about this today and I don't think there is time to send this now and place my defence with the court by 9th November deadline. I know for sure that Lowell will not let me extend the time to submit my defence, they are awkward. My main questions at this point is: 1. Can I file my defence form and send the CPR31.14 to Lowell anyway or do I have to had a response from Lowell re the requests made in the form before filing my defence. 2. Could I file my defence anyway (I need a bit of help with this) and then ask Lowell for the evidence and produce this in court. 3. Am I too late with the CPR31.14 form. I am going to the CAB on Monday to ask them to help me put my defence forward. But, I want to put the onus on Lowell to supply evidence, which will include a copy of the contract with Orange, all default notices sent to date, and transcripts of telephone conversations between myself and Orange which will prove my case. Lowell said they sent me notification that the debt had been legally assigned to them on the 27/08/2014. I never received such notification. I am going to deny this and ask for proof of where it was sent to. I would be very grateful to anyone who can help me with this. I have a heart problem and this has exarcerbated it and slowed things down. Many thanks in advance.
  5. I have two questions, which I will ask after a brief explanation. I sold a house in London on the 18th of Feb last year and notified the council that there were new owners, and to bill the new occupier. I received a bill for the current tax year about two months ago. I wrote to them explaining again and asked them to confirm that it had been actioned. No reply, but another bill turned up this week. 1) What is the best way to nip this in the bud and can I threaten them with some legal recourse for harassment, when it is clearly marked on the Land Registry that it was sold on that date. 2) Whilst I did own the house in 2013, whilst doing it up for sale after a long rental period, I wrote to them and asked for a month's discount due to the month it was empty, plus the single person's discount and this obviously happened later, the fact that I was not the occupier/owner for the full year. Some how, they managed to take me to court without issuing a LBA and there was no summons from the county court, I certainly would have attended and put my quite strong case forward. The first I knew was just after we sold the house in Feb 2014, was a bailiff's demand, the county court ones, but I think they were called HCEO but the names keep changing and I know bailiffs has been replaced, but hopefully you understand what I mean. Shortly afterwards I had my stroke, spent two months in hospital and never got around to dealing with it. The bailiffs gave up, as I don't have a car at the moment, I'm well off territory living in the Midlands and I don't leave doors or windows open. It was also interesting that the court case was something like August 2013 but the bailiffs didn't write to me until Feb 2014, so probably any time limit on going back to the court had expired. I don't want to keep sending letters, and find they've managed to take me to court without an LBA or summons again, how can I make sure this doesn't happen. The only good thing, is that they can only put a charge on the actual property not other property owned by the individual (i.e. my home) also because I am still recovering, I am not in employment or on benefits, just doing a few cash in hand jobs ad hoc which doesn't even take me anywhere near my tax allowance, so they can't do an attachment of earnings.
  6. I had a contractual agreement with an organisation with a company in Uganda and they have not paid me for my services. I have obtained a judgement in that country and the company still refuses to remunerate me for my services what are my options in terms of enforcement if I am a UK national can I take steps to obtain a judgemnt in the UK and if so how?
  7. Hi, I've got an odd problem here, hope I can get some advice. 3 years ago the crown court ordered me to pay £500 towards court fees, I agreed to pay and they gave me a telephone number to phone to make payment. At the time I was receiving J.S.A whilst looking for work (benefit payments while unemployed.) When I phoned the number they told me that seen as I was on J.S.A they will only deduct £100 a month from my J.S.A every month effective from my next payment. I agreed and that was the end of that, or so I thought. 6 months went by and I was offered a job abroad teaching English, I agreed to take it and got ready to leave and seen as I was moving I canceled my benefit payments etc. I moved right away however a good year after the move I got a phone call from a friend who had gone around to my old flat to pick up my mail telling me I had received a bunch of bailiff letters stating that I ow well over £2,000 pounds to some bailiff company due to non-payment of the £500 to the court. Now I know I agreed for the £500 to be deduced from my J.S.A whilst I was there and I know I was on J.S.A long enough (6 months) for the full payments to have been deducted but clearly something went wrong so I checked my online bank statements and the full J.S.A payments where paid into my account with no deductions. Now I don't mind simply paying the £500 right away, I was just going to phone the court house and give them my credit card details to deduct the £500 however I found out by doing some basic googling that because the bailiff company has taken over I will have to pay them the full amount, and only after the bailiffs fees are paid the courts fees will be paid, which I refuse to do. I haven't phoned the bailiff company or the court just yet, I thought I'd ask here first just to make sure I take the right steps at tackling this as I know bailiffs are very crafty with wording and I wouldn't want to deal with them incorrectly. Any suggestions on how to go about this? I really don't want to owe any money to the courts I'm pretty sure that's a serious offense. Thanks!
  8. HI Apparently i have 2 outstanding pay day loans , I think with money in advance and access fast money. After i left step change and started dealing with the debts on my own one of these debts went to OPOS who i wouldn't communicate with as they were really nasty. Now its gone to Sll Capital and they say so has another. They're not for a lot but still more than i originally borrowed plus one month interest. I know i am being cash cowed as i paid monthly to Step Change for a while. About £65 pound each. The amounts i borrowed are around £150. they have been emailing calling and writing and i got fed up and sent all to spam. Now ive just had a letter of default last week and today they have sent me a text saying they have issued a notice of assignment. What do i do now, can a DCA register a default? Please help, there is also another thread ive put in about My Jar that i need help with Thanks
  9. Hi All When I left my ex-employer due to to some payroll issues they claimed I ended up owing them approx £5,500. I arranged to make them payments of £50/month and have been for the past 3 years. So they now say I owe £4,000. I am currently off work due to long term-sickness of several months, end of last year I stopped receiving sickness pay so mentioned to my ex-employer that I would not be able to make the £50/month for the time being, I mentioned this by e-mail. I heard nothing back from my ex-employer on this but I have received a letter (sent to an old address.... which I coincidentally managed to receive!) from a solicitor dated Fri 10 April advising they are acting on behalf of my ex-employer and require payment of £4,000 by Tue 28 April or they will issue a CCJ. Please advise? - Is this possible? Whilst I have been paying the claimed amount back at the agreed rate I never agreed to it in the sense of signing a credit agreement etc - My intention had been to continue paying it as soon as I was back at work and earning again. Any and all advise Greatly Appreciated. Thanks
  10. Hi I was hoping that someone could help me with a company called Are You Owed Money (used to be called Sentinel debt recovery) I had an outstanding debt with a garage for a repair which needed to be carried out on my car which in itself is a long story, i owed £900 and was contacted by sentinel to pay off this debt we agreed to pay off £50 every 4 weeks as this was inline with my pay and the only way to set this up was by giving them my card details they took payment every 4 weeks (first mistake). Around about September i didn't have enough cash to pay this i contacted them to tell them around a week before and asked could they take it out 1 week after the original plan and then go back to the original payment plan which they agreed and said it was fine. Then to my surprise they took 2 payments out one on my original date which left me with the money i required to pay my council tax and then a second payment a week later i contacted them and they did apologise and say it wont happen again. But this then happened 3 more times and i phoned them each time to tell them to stop it and reset the payments to the original plan but each of these times i was told that either the system was down or that someone would call me back (which they never did) During this time the company had change their name to Are you owed money i the phoned again to say that i wasn't happy and this is when i got a lady called Christine who was a very unhelpful she told me that "well i don't know who let you set this payment plan up as now the debt had risen to £1400 and we don't accept payments that low we will have to look into this and ring you back because you need to be paying this off quicker" this really did get me worried as i suffer from anxiety and depression (which i explained to them) really didn't help the matter, i did dispute the extra on top of the original debt but they just said "oh we will see what can be done with that when the majority has been paid off" I'm a bit lost now because they kept taking payments outside of the agreed payment plan i told them that i was going to contact the bank and block them which i did so then they change the name of who took the money to vantige legal and took another payment so i got the bank to block them as well. Now i have them sending letters to my old address even though i have told them i had moved at least 3 times demanding full payment and potential bailiff action. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
  11. Hi Caggers A long story cut short, I went on holiday paid for some duty free on the flight and used my debit card. On checking my bank statement when I got back to the UK, I realised I'd been overcharged by the cabin crew by £45. I emailed the company and they said I was overcharged and they would recredit the debit card with the £45. Unfortunately since paying for the goods and getting an answer back from Thomson I'd lost my debit card and got a new one. They informed me to contact my bank to have the payment refunded and to charge Thomson; my bank said no chance. I went back to Thomson explained what my bank had said and there answer was "well we can only credit the money back to the card that was used to pay for the goods". I asked if they could use an alternative method and they said no; so I'm now £45 down and looking at taking them to the small claims court to get my £45 back out of principle. Before I go down that line, I was wondering if anyone else had had the same type of issue and if they had it resolved without having to go to court. I just cannot believe that a major international company does not have various different means of refunding people who are in my situation. Any input or advice appreciated. Cheers PM
  12. I was offered out of court settlement for money owed to my company.Which was refused and have asked the the assistant of a firm to prepare me particulars of claim for a fee so that I can take up my case myself. Error were made on the PC by the solicitor and my claim strike out for being misconceived, with cost to myself. The other side want their cost and have promised to stop me progress with the fresh claim. Also threatened to make me bankrupt and once am bankrupt I can no longer be director of my firm again---- What do I do as I do not have money to pay this court cost-- which I am appealing at the moment and the appeal is not going well as the judge want 50% of the cost paid before appeal can be looked into------any help
  13. Just a little bit of advice needed if possible please. The short version is: We were overpaid tax credits. We were advised in October, the chaser came maybe mid November, and after trying to call through to sort out a repayment plan numerous times and being unable to ever connect during my lunch time(s), I wrote directly offering to repay back at a rate I was originally overpaid. Having only been a couple of weeks ago, I wasn't unduly worried about not receiving a reply, but instead have now received (hopefully attached) a letter from Rossendales instead. This came yesterday (4 December), and they have started ringing today (according to my partner). I have no problem paying the money back, but just wanted to know what kind of repayment Rossendales were likely to accept. (I am thinking around £150-£180 per month on £1800 debt). And yes, I know, I should have sorted this directly with Tax Credits after receiving the initial notice in October, but a few pointers would be helpful about what I might expect, because I/we certainly haven't got the money to repay all in one go. Thanks.
  14. Can someone please help me? This morning my employer received a letter from Department of Work and Pensions stating they are seeking recovery of monies for me. They had a very old address I hadn't lived at in 4 years. So I call them and give them my reference, the lady at the end of the line, who is clearly miserable and hates her job tells me I owe 93.70 from Job seekers allowance. I have not claimed JSA since 2005 when I claimed for 2-3 months. (9 years ago!) But I know what this is about as soon as she says this. One day in 2005 when I went to sign on I was told the next sign on sate was a bank holiday, so I'd sign twice on that day and wouldn't go in during the bank holiday. Thinking nothing of it 2 YEARS later when I'm in employment in 2007 I receive a letter saying I owe £93.70. I speak to a range of different people and they tell me as I didn't actually sign on a date I should have (as it was a bank holiday) I had technically been overpaid and owe them. I refuse to pay on the grounds of I was just doing exactly what I was told to do, I was not paid any additional amount to what I usually pay. So I appeal. I don't hear anything more from it, until this letter today. Then I speak to this lady and she says I have no option to appeal despite it being 7 YEARS since I did and I've heard nothing from them until today. She said I have to pay the money within 10 days. What do I do? I really don't want to pay money I do not owe. I feel shocked that despite only signing on for a couple of months in my life and being a tax payer for the past 9 years I am having to deal with this! Many thanks
  15. Hi, Sorry if i'm posting this in the wrong section, i'm not even sure that it is something that people may be able to help with. Anyway, i won't go into full details, but a family member is owed a large (six figure) amount of money mainly due to unwise business decisions and also being, well conned is probably the correct word to use. So if it is something that someone may have some good advice on recovering the debt i will post the whole story so people may be able to help. P.S. Not trying to portray a sob story but the person concerned is in their eighties and could possibly be made homeless quiet soon due to this situation. Any help or advice would be hugely appreciated.
  16. Barclays have agreed that I was missold PPI in 1999, they say they will send it ti the official receiver as I was made bankrupt in march 2013 and discharged a year later, is this correct that I will not get this money?
  17. Summary: ex girlfriend books a holiday and invites me along saying she will pay. (She came into £300,000 recently). 4 weeks after the holiday she decides to end the relationship and is now sending me emails asking me to pay back £700. Can she take me to court ? Should I reply to the emails. ? Apologies if this is the wrong section. I am new to the forum and very worried so posting out of desperation.
  18. Hi all, I am about to send a letter before action to my previous employer for wages and fuel allowance owed to me. These monies should have been paid to me in my last wage which I received before I left them. I only worked for the company for 5 weeks, I enjoy the work but the workload and pressure they put on their staff was too much for me to handle, when they expected me to work 25 hours over 2 days with no time for breaks or travelling I finally snapped and found another job. The cut off date for the wage I received was Sunday 17th August and I receive my pay on 22nd August. I told them I wouldn't be going back to work for them on 23rd August. I received my pay slip after I was paid and noticed that I had not been paid for 2 training courses I had been on, they have paid me the hourly rate for an unqualified worker when they have my certificates to prove that I am qualified and the big part is they have paid my mileage short by over 300 miles. Looking on the government website, it states that I should be paid for all hours worked even if I didn't work my notice (I was not expecting to be paid for the work I had done after 17th August). I have been trying to contact the person who is dealing with my wage issue all week, other than a call from her Tuesday morning to ask me to reconsider leaving I can not get hold of her. I have rang daily and keep getting told she will call me back but to date she has not. I sent an email yesterday afternoon with a tracking code in it and the email was opened at 11.05pm last night from an Iphone, but as yet I have had no response to my email. I think my only option now is to send the letter before action. Is there a set time I have to persue this matter before I can send the LBA? How long should I give them to respond before using the small claims system? Should I tell them that I will be adding interest and charges etc onto the monies owed at this point? Not getting paid the full amount has left me really struggling this month and they know this. It wouldn't be too bad if somebody would turn round and say "yes we are looking into it", but I am getting no response at all. I am hoping the LBA will give them the kick up the behind they need to look into this. Any advice will be really appreciated.
  19. Hi ppl, I hope you can help or give advice in some way. I'll input some history and hope I can get it sorted. I was out of work for two years at my previous address and was able to get ctax benefit, visited CAB and they told me to offer a payment of £50 a month as I had no other income other than JSA, which was accepted by the council. Unfortunately over the months our house got repossessed, but I fought till the end thanks to help from you good folk on here and the site team. We lost the house, but I managed to get off the JSA and start my own small business (still with relatively low income), but I had made a positive break from the benefits. I informed the council that I could carry on making the payments, but they issued a liability order but still accepted the payments. This payment has continued for some time.............but unawares to me, I didn't realise a CTAX debt accrued over and above the £50.00 per month. They have now issued another liability order and told me they can no longer accept £50 as there is now an account of £7000 up to and including March 2015. I have rang them and asked where do I go from here.......and they have told me to visit CAB as I have a mortgage shortfall of £137000 ( another story) which I obviously can't pay. They said I should go down the Bankruptcy route as their amount would be included ??. Firstly, I don't want to enter the bankruptcy procedure as I now run a small business (which I've started from nothing) with a Lloyds Business Account and bankruptcy would obviously affect this....... ....and I don't want to cough up £700 to go bankrupt. I told the council if I had £700 I'd put it towards the tax to which I was told....... .." there are charities that can help you pay for bankruptcy". " Contact CAB and get back to us and we will put a hold on the liability order". In the event of having to go Bankrupt, I would rather the mortgage Company force ME to go bankrupt.... ..which brings me to my situation; I've read other threads on here that pretty much state, nothing can be done to obtain the shortfall out of me.. .perhaps you would be so kind as to advise what could/would happen in my situation. 1) We were repossessed in October 2012. 2) I am not employed, but self employed so court cannot go for attachment of earnings. (read this on forum, so don't know if true or not) 3)There is no CCJ at present against the shortfall. 4) We have no assets or savings and in rented accommodation. 5) There is no physical way of obtaining the shortfall or even offering payment plan........as I can't even afford council tax at moment. 6)I have not admitted to or acknowledged any shortfall or made any payment. I've read on here there can be various actions the lender/DCA can take.. ...either writing it off if there are no assets or monies to pay back (If I write a letter explaining this, am I admitting liability?) or they can go the CCJ route... .but again, if there is no money they simply can't have it ??. I've read a few threads that say just sit tight. THEY JUST CAN'T GET MONEY YOU HAVEN'T GOT, whether it be a shortfall or otherwise. The council obviously want me to go to CItizens Advice, but I don't want to open a can of worms with the Lender/DCA if I can sit tight. Would really appreciate any advice you could give me on this situation. I'm no longer a worrier, just want to go about it in the correct way. The dca/lender is something I can handle...but the council want me to find out about bankruptcy and get a debt officer involved. I now have all my cc's on hold and not paid a bean since 2008, so a few months and they will be statue barred. At the moment I am simply not earning enough (between my wife and myself) and cannot afford the CTAX...........but worried that they will go down the bailiff route. I had enough stress with the repossession and now have it again. Any advice as to what route I should take or what answer I should give the council would be greatly appreciated. I rang them a couple of days ago, so I'm sure they are awaiting an answer. ( I have continued to pay the £50.00 ) Thanks, Taz11
  20. At the time I got my job I was unemployed so didn't really have a lot of room for manure, If I turned the job down no JSA, and I never found out about the overtime clause until I had been in the job 2-3 weeks. I will be brutally honest, I'd rather not be there at all let alone stay any longer than necessary so this over time clause kills me. We already work 45 hours basic let alone over time, Is there anyway out? I know all about the 48 hour limit but its averaged out over X amount of weeks. Its the fact all plans have to be dropped as and when asked or your marched into the office and reminded about the contract, I missed my kids nativity play over it at Xmas. Its all a major pain in the behind for £6.20 per hour.
  21. http://uk.finance.yahoo.com/news/cancelled-car-insurance-could-owed-124427989.html
  22. My mate was transferred to another company, but being on a monthly salary was still due money from the original firm, received a letter saying they obtained a quote for damage to the vehicle he was driving when employed by them. They went on to say that they would just keep the money due to him to go towards the repairs to the vehicle, bearing in mind that it was three years old by this time and very high mileage, due to the nature of the work the damage would be described as fair wear and tear, considering the vehicle was not designed to go off road etc, but that was the nature of the work. Question is can they keep the money due to him??
  23. We had trouble paying a MBNA credit card, and ended up paying a basic monthly amount. The debt moved to Idem and then Arrow Global and the letter of assignment said to pay through Wetscot. All fine and up to date until last month it was returned saying they did not deal with it anymore. Were waiting for another letter of assignment but instead had a letter from Rossendales Collect demanding the whole amount, as we had missed previos payment to Arrow. At a loss to know what to do, we can't afford to pay it all in one go, and did try to pay and had another PO to send when we were given a new address. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
  24. Hi legal gurus, My girlfreind recently got laid off alongside some others at work. Frustratingly she knew they'd never be reemployed, however long story short this meant she got no job seekers allowance for some time and basically caused her a lot of grief - they didnt give a damn. They were basically trying to liquidise the company, get out of paying their contractors, cut staff where lehgally possible and start over again as a new name with no debts in their name. She was owed over two weeks pay, which the company said she 'may' get back when the liquidation questionaire came through. Well, shes had a letter this week saying that she will not be getting anything. What is her next course of action? This company is now trading under a new name, with the same staff and directors, writing off any previous debts and commitments by doing this, all their previoust contractors who do work for them also wont get paid. Im making sure the contractors all know their new name so they can avoid them like the plague! Letter attached: http://picturepush.com/public/12757695 http://picturepush.com/public/12757716
  25. Hi, I am new to the forum, but I was wondering if you could help. We booked flights and a volunteering project with a uk company. They cancelled our project as the project put the price up after booking. The company we booked with did not ask us if we wanted to accept the increased price and did not offer us the option to cancel. They cancelled it without checking with us. Furthermore, the flights we had booked with them, were non refundable, non changeable, but we were not advised of this by them until after booking. And so, they were aware that we would lose our flights when they cancelled our trip. They have refunded our trip but not our flights. Are we entitled to our flight money back?
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