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Found 2 results

  1. Hi I was hoping that someone could help me with a company called Are You Owed Money (used to be called Sentinel debt recovery) I had an outstanding debt with a garage for a repair which needed to be carried out on my car which in itself is a long story, i owed £900 and was contacted by sentinel to pay off this debt we agreed to pay off £50 every 4 weeks as this was inline with my pay and the only way to set this up was by giving them my card details they took payment every 4 weeks (first mistake). Around about September i didn't have enough cash to pay this i contacted them to tell them around a week before and asked could they take it out 1 week after the original plan and then go back to the original payment plan which they agreed and said it was fine. Then to my surprise they took 2 payments out one on my original date which left me with the money i required to pay my council tax and then a second payment a week later i contacted them and they did apologise and say it wont happen again. But this then happened 3 more times and i phoned them each time to tell them to stop it and reset the payments to the original plan but each of these times i was told that either the system was down or that someone would call me back (which they never did) During this time the company had change their name to Are you owed money i the phoned again to say that i wasn't happy and this is when i got a lady called Christine who was a very unhelpful she told me that "well i don't know who let you set this payment plan up as now the debt had risen to £1400 and we don't accept payments that low we will have to look into this and ring you back because you need to be paying this off quicker" this really did get me worried as i suffer from anxiety and depression (which i explained to them) really didn't help the matter, i did dispute the extra on top of the original debt but they just said "oh we will see what can be done with that when the majority has been paid off" I'm a bit lost now because they kept taking payments outside of the agreed payment plan i told them that i was going to contact the bank and block them which i did so then they change the name of who took the money to vantige legal and took another payment so i got the bank to block them as well. Now i have them sending letters to my old address even though i have told them i had moved at least 3 times demanding full payment and potential bailiff action. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
  2. Hi, need some help please: Had a loan for a car a few years ago. It was a complete lemon, broke down time and again. took it back and it broke down again the next week. Paid a £500 cash warranty on it that was supposed to cover it for everything. It broke down one last time about 3 years ago, called them, said we had to get the car to them. We couldnt, so it sat there for 10 months. I told them time and again, and then eventually scrapped the car and informed them of that. Borrowed £1500 to begin with for the car, paid £800 (£500 for warranty) deposit for a car that was worth maybe £1200 max at the time (didnt know that then) Paid £300 a month for about 20-24 months. Yet this letter below says I owe £5110 still. When you have disabled kids and no transport and cant get credit you are desperate and will use anyone, know it was stupid but had no other options at the time. Then 4 weeks ago go a letter from this firm saying they had the debt and were going to do a doorstep visit. I called them straight away telling them I withdraw any right they have to visit me, and that I dispute the debt. We never had a credit agreement (there wasnt one, ever) and we did not owe the debt etc. I was told that they didnt have a copy of the CCA!! I was told to email them what I wanted and they would get back to me, this is what I emailed. Re our conversation today: no 1/ You have no right to access to my property, you have no right to call at my property. We do NOT have, and have NEVER had, a contract. Any permission you believe you may have had from me is hereby withdrawn. If you believe that you have power of attorney to act on my behalf, you are hereby FIRED, and any consent you believe you may have, tacit or otherwise, is hereby withdrawn. If you feel so inclined as to enforce statutes as a consequence of this matter, I will report your conduct to all relevant bodies and will pursue proof of claim in affidavit form, under your full commercial liability and under the penalty of perjury. Please also see the full attached notice of denial of access. no 2/ You have been asked to only contact me by post from now. Any attempt to call me by phone will be classed as harassment and will be reported as such. no 3/ I am giving you 7 days from today to provide me with a copy of the credit agreement for this alleged debt. If I do not receive it in that time I will consider the matter closed. no 4/ I refute the debt, I do not owe that money and no payments will be made on it. no 5/ I expect a confirmation email from you today that you have received this notice and that all points are understood. This was on the 5th september 2014. Today got a letter saying " Accordingly a statutory demand is to be served upon you without further notice" and threatening to try and make me bankrupt. I m a full time carer with disabled kids so really wouldn't be a hassle for me as I have no asset's anyway! But I dont owe this debt, I dispute it, I have informed them of that by email and on the phone, they dont even have a copy of the CA. I need to do this the right way now. I know I need to send them a letter stopping the bankruptcy (I really dont think they will, but the Mrs is really worried) nd I need a letter to ask for Cetc. Can anyone give me the correct templates to post asap plus any other advice re anything I need to do. Thanking you so much in advance.
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