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  1. Morning all, Just heard on the news that the tv license may be decriminalized . The prosecution of non payers is clogging up the courts . Oh joy some common sense at last next the council tax, I wish, LOL. If this goes ahead Barstons will no longer be able to hunt down non payers like a pack of wolves .Pursuing you up and down the country regardless of how old the debt is.Being a cynical Londoner , I am wondering how many palms will be greased by said bailiff company to keep this law in place ?Have they got an inside man in the MOJ ? Shurley shome mistake !
  2. For all the people that has been harassed by HFO Services Limited and Turnbull Rutherford Solicitors, this is good news. This culled from the OFT website and the link posted below http://www.oft.gov.uk/news-and-updates/press/2014/08-14#.Uvvum8uPPIV OFT finds three debt businesses unfit and excludes a solicitor from undertaking licensable activities 08/14 5 February 2014 The OFT has refused to renew the consumer credit licences of debt purchaser HFO Capital Limited, and two associated debt collectors, HFO Services Limited and Roxburghe (UK) Limited. Alasdair Turnbull, a solicitor who acted for the group of firms, has also today been excluded from the group consumer credit licence held by the Law Society for England and Wales. The OFT found evidence of misleading and unfair practices in the businesses' operations, including: sending debt collection letters which misrepresented debtors' legal position misleading and otherwise inappropriate behaviour by HFO and Roxburghe agents during phone calls to debtors failing to properly investigate disputed debts failure to respond appropriately to the concerns of regulators, including the OFT. David Fisher, OFT Senior Director for Consumer Credit, said: 'We expect businesses in the debt collection sector to behave with integrity and treat their customers fairly and transparently. We will not hesitate to refuse to license debt collection businesses that fail to do so.' The parties have until 24 February 2014 to appeal the decision. NOTES The Consumer Credit Act 1974 requires businesses that offer goods or services on credit, or lend money, or are involved in activities relating to credit or hire, to be licensed by the OFT. The OFT has a statutory duty under the Act to administer the consumer credit licensing regime, and must be satisfied that a licensee is fit to hold a consumer credit licence. Trading without a licence in such cases is a criminal offence and can result in a fine and/or imprisonment. The OFT's consumer credit team currently has 32 investigations open into firms which intelligence suggests are engaged in unfair practices or may be otherwise unfit to hold a licence. The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) will take over regulation of consumer credit from the OFT on 1 April 2014. The transfer of regulation is part of the Government's programme of regulatory changes for financial services and brings conduct of business regulation under a single financial services regulator. See the FCA's website for more information. Businesses seeking a consumer credit licence should see the Consumer credit changes page for more information.
  3. In May 2012 the DVLA revoked my license following my advice to them, on my Consultants Neurologists recommendation, that I have a congenital Hemianopia which does not affect my eyesight but does have an effect when undergoing the Goldmann's /Esterman peripheral vision tests (flashing white lights in an enclosed dome where one presses a button when lights are seen) My Consultant has written to the DVLA on several occasions and stated that there is nothing wrong with my sight and suggests they put me on a driving assessment to establish the fact. The DVLA resolutely maintain it is their decision whether I am allowed to undertake an assessment and to date have not allowed me to do so. I have involved my M.P. to no avail and am now considering submitting my case to the Parliamentary Ombudsman but wondered if anyone has experienced the DVLA's total lack of consideration even when a case is supported by a Nationally recognised Consultant Neurologist specialising in the field of Optomatory. Despite the fact that it is some 21 months since I lost my license I can assure anyone who may be interested that I have continued in my endeavours throughout that time despite the sluggardly nature of the DVLA's response time, to get a review of the decision. I am astonished that if I had one eye I would be allowed to drive but I am not with my supposed condition. I believe it is a case of Bureaucracy gone mad. Any adice would be appreciated. Kevin P PS 42 years of driving cars and powerful motorcycles with a totally clean license in all that time.
  4. i, This morning i got a call from my 16 year old daughter who was really upset crying telling me that we had a bailiff at the door. She said she loud banging on the door and then heard a woman shout through the letter box to open the door NOW. She looked through the bedroom window and without introducing her self she told my daughter to go and open the door. she finally said she was a bailiff after my daughter asked what she wanted. At first i thought it was a mistake as i will never let myself get into any sort of debts. I told her to not open the door and give her my phone number so she could speak to me (i was in work at the time). I spoke to the bailiff and i must say she was the rudest person i have ever spoken to. She was shouting saying she is going to ring a locksmith to come and break in. I told her my daughter was home alone. She said it doesn't matter. I then found out that the debt was for my wife for unpaid TV license. I do remember sometime last year my wife had changed bank and did not transfer the TV license so we went without one for 6 months without knowing. We thought it was strange that we didn't receive any correspondence! We had a man from TV license knock at the door and he told us we didn't have a license. We explained we totally forgot and he set us up a new one on the doorstep. He never took or asked for payment for the 6 months missed. Nor had we received anything since! I spoke to the bailiff again, who was still constantly hammering on the door demanding my daughter open it. She said the fine was for £630! I argued that it couldnt possibly be. its only 6 months we didn't have one! I refused to pay her and said we will have to sort it out with the court as i think there has been a mistake somewhere down the line. Well she didn't like that! she said ok i am calling the police and i am calling a locksmith. I didn't really believe her so i decided to call her bluff and wait it out to see what would happen. My daughter rang me 40 minutes later to say the police had turned up and was too demanding that she open the door! i rang the bailiff again who put me on the the police man. The police said that the bailiff could come into my property. I tried to argue that my daughter is home alone and he didn't care. I told him he had no right telling my daughter to open the door and his presence was just to keep the peace. He then passed the phone back onto the bailiff who said the fine has now gone up to £800 a nd when the locksmith comes it will be another £200. i decided enough was enough and i paid with my card over the phone. I asked if i could see the warrant before i paid and she said NO! she only has one copy. After i paid however she did post it through the letter box which i will scan on here for you. what i want to know is. Was this legal what happened? I really don't feel like i should of paid as i was not given a chance to pay the original debt and i really feel it was inappropriate the way she and the policeman spoke to my daughter. She was absolutely terrified. she sat on the floor under her bedroom window crying her eyes out while this big brut of a woman was hammering the door down.
  5. In this clip the tv license guy, right near the end of it, reads the occupiers their rights. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2CZtUaWy-3g How can that be right? He's a commissions agent working for a private company so how can he lawfully read someone their rights?
  6. Hi, I'm new to this forum so please bear with me I part-exchanged my old car on 9th April for a 5 month old car which I got through a broker. I duly sent the old car's registration docment off to the DVLA along with the document for the new car. When I received a tax renewal doc for the old car I ignored it as it says on the back of the form if you have sold the vehicle and informed DVLA that these forms are printed 6 weeks before tax dosc or SORN runs out and I knew I had posted the relevant documents to them. In the meantime I received the new log book for my new car. Some three months later I receive a letter from DVLA for failture to tax my old vehicle. I replied on the back of the letter stating that I had returned the document for the old car along with the document for the new car and as I had received my log book, they must have received both as they were in the same envelope. Then received a letter thanking me for my reply but I was still to be held responsible for SORN or telling them that I had sold it so was still liable to pay the £80 fine. I finally managed to get through to the DVLA which was difficult in itself and explained the situation to a lady who told me to write again stating that I had put the documents in the same envelope so if they received the one for the new car they should have received the one for the old and that whilst the case is still be dealt with, if I'm still liable then could they uphold the reduced fee of £40. Never heard another word until 31st October I received my first of 4 letters from Rossendales Professional Debt Collectors. I have ignored each of their letters. The last letter received today says "Please be assured that this matter will not go away and we have every intention of collecting the outsanding balnce" I must contact their office within 7 days. This afternoon however, I had a call from a number I did not know and it was them. The guy said that he would be recording the call and could I confirm my name and address. I just said I will see you in court and hung up. Really not sure if what I'm doing is correct or not. Can someone please advise. Thank you.
  7. Doddzy1

    Driving License

    Hi all. I hope you can help me. In November 2009 i lost my driving license for drink driving. Hands up i committed a crime paid my fine served my 23 month ban and hoped to continue with my life. 2011 took DVLA medical and got license back for one year Passed medical again the following year and got license back again for a year. In May 2013 i went into a rehab clinic as drink was starting to become an issue in my life and have not now drank for 6 months . This morning i received a letter from DVLA to inform me that my license has been revoked as im not 12 months alcohol free. Can this really be the case and do i now have to lose my license for simply trying to put my life in order ? Thanks
  8. Hi Not sure if this is the right Forum. Last year I got into financial difficulties and sadly got flagged up by my bank and other institutes as another mug to [problem] money from. Because of this i decided to take control of my money. I stopped using my bank account when it soon went into the red because of the DD [problem] which allows banks and the companys involved started fining me for unpaid DD ( sorry did i say fine? of course i meant to say recouping the loses that the failed DD caused) I now have an online savings account and a prepay debit card. I pay all my bills by bank transfer or with my prepay debit card. I have just received my tv license renewel letter. I can,t afford to pay it all at once and i went on their website to have a look for other options but it seems that i can only do that if i set up a DD. Obviously i cannot do that, I pay my council tax, mortgage, ect, monthly using bank transfer or my prepay debit card. Does anybody have any ideas how i can pay my tv license in instalments without setting up a DD.
  9. Hello to all you motoring seagulls out there. Coming to you in my time of need as I’m stuck with a problem. Hoping that someone can help me with this issue as it’s bugged me a lot. I’ve not had much luck in resolving this but the money it has cost me, I don’t want to forget about it or leave it as it was. I hope i'm posting this in the right place. A few days before Xmas in 2011, I was stopped by the police for speeding. No issue there as I was above the speed limit but not by much. When I was stopped, I was told this was why I was stopped and the officer gave me a breath test, which I had passed. I’d told the officer that I’d had a beer about 30 mins before that. My last alcoholic drink before that was probably about two weeks beforehand. Whilst that was happening, I started to have my car searched and I informed the officer I had a small amount of weed in my bag. Stupid, I know and not justifying it but thought it best to just tell the officer as they were searching my car. AT that point the officer was trying to accuse me of driving under the influence, even after passing a breath test and proceeded to arrest me for the weed. (I’ll come back to this point in a bit) Now, this is where my problem begins. The officer placed me in the police car and asked for my details, which I had no issue providing. Upon having my license checked, I was informed that it had been “revoked” and I was driving with no license. Turned out I hadn’t sent back a form and my license to the DVLA for points, a form, which had supposedly been sent to me whilst I was on tour. Still baffled about this form to this day, as I’ve never received it. Not the main issue though as I dealt with it after through the DVLA. The problem then was that according to the officer, my car wasn’t insured as I had no license and it was impounded. What the officer failed to notice, and then accept after was that it was insured in my mum’s name and I was a name driver, so there was no need to have it taken away. The car and insurance is in her name as I have spent time away on tour and my mum occasionally drove it. Done this before with other cars and never had a problem before. Now, back to the accusation of driving under the influence. Once I was back at the station and being booked in, the charge was dropped almost instantly by the custody sergeant as he felt there were no grounds for the charge. He felt there was nothing to indicate that. I possibly helped my case by remaining calm and being respectful towards them at all times. So at this point, I was facing a charge of driving without license and insurance with a court date set the following week. The custody sergeant was extremely helpful and could clearly see what had happened. He told me that I’d have to go to court for it but should not have any further issue over it. I may end up with a fine, but that’s it. It turned out it was for not sending back my license to the DVLA. Once I was released, I had to go pick up my impounded car that required my mum to be there as the papers where in her name and pay the £150 fee The following week I went to court and just like the sergeant said, I received a fine but no penalty points or driving ban. I have to be honest, I’m still confused as to why I received a fine but I can quite easily find that out. Just happy to not have any endorsements or charges over it. As far as I was aware, I was now able to drive again. 2 days after being in court, I was stopped again. This time, I had the paperwork from the courts and everything else in case this happened. Once again, my car was impounded but I was not arrested. Funnily enough, I was stopped parking outside Acton police station lol The officers decided that my paperwork was not sufficient, even though I had every possible driving document in my possession. So that was another £150 to get my car back. Great mass for me lol After that, I tried to get in contact with the relevant person to at least claim back my money as I felt it was due back to me, being insured and having a license. I had no luck in a response, and to be honest, I didn’t send any letters recorded delivery, so it’s my word against their word. What I was wondering is where do I stand? I feel the first time my car was impounded it shouldn’t have been as it was in my mum’s name, along with the insurance. The second time is also a situation where I felt that there was no reason to have my car impounded again. Especially after producing all the relevant paperwork. I’ve never had an issue with insurance before and aside from a few points, no license issues either. My car and license is extremely important for my work when I work in the UK. The other concern I have is because of the amount of time in which I’ve left it to claim. Aside from being away on tour a lot, I’ve had some personal and family issues, which have needed to be dealt with. Hoping someone out there from this awesome site can help me out :smile:
  10. Hi all, Just recently received a court summons from my local magistrates court for not paying TV license. To rewind back to what happened: Received a visit on the 26th of March by an tv license person who told me my property was unlicensed. I had changed bank accounts sometime in January/February and I think this DD must have been forgotten. This person filled in the form, cautioned me that whatever I say could be held against me, assured me this was just a formality and nothing would probably come of it, asked me to sign so that he had proof he had been there, and then we setup a new license with new DD details from my new bank, and off he went. Summons now received saying: Offences: Between 26/02/2013 and 27/03/2013 used a colour television receiver without a license. (Date probably wrong as new license setup on the 26th of March?) Now ok, yes I was wrong, should have ensured all DD's were up-to-date, but to be honest, with a 5 month old baby in the house, fulltime job and little sleep, this one was a very low priority on my list of things to do. Court date: 4th July. I plan to plead guilty by post, and in the section where I give details will basically tell them of bank changes, slipped my mind due to newborn baby, etc etc. Bottom of the court summons page it says: Costs: If you are convicted, an application will be made for costs of not less than £60.00 yet at the back of the stack of papers there is a photocopy slip stapled on stating if found guilty the minimum costs will be £90 and not £60 as printed on the summons page. Does anyone have any idea of what will happen, how much I'll be forced to pay, etc. I've never had something like this before and need some advice.
  11. Hi, I am new to this site and I wanted some advice on how to go about an issue. I have just looked at some few threads and seen some similar situations. My wife and I leave in our flat and occasionally/rarely previous occupants letters do come to our address. I did speak to our Landlady regards to what to do with the letters of previous tenants and we were advised to bin them as they were probably junk letters. Recently we decided to open one of the letters as we wanted to be sure our address was not used by some other person as a couple of letters had come in for a particular name(If it was a previous tenant/occupant,I am not sure). The letter stated it was a distress warrant to visit and collect a sum of £395 from our address. We dont know how that may have come about as we do not have any knowldge of who the person is. I have read different threads/suggestions to show a form of ID with a council tax or utility bill when they arrive at our flat but some others have advised not to do so as my information may be taking and then the warrant may be sent in my name(is that possible?) or they may not listen to me but still want to collect the money or goods. What are our options? How would you suggest I go about this issue? I await your suggestions. Thanks
  12. OK I do not, nor have I ever paid for a TV license. I know some people will think that is wrong, but I never watch live TV and actually only figured out a couple of months back that I can declare this to avoid paying it...rather than just ignoring their letters as I have been doing Anyway. Last year, 'I' got a letter from the TV license company..but instead of the usual 'to the occupier'..it had 'my' name on it. The first name was correct, however the surname is that of my partner. We are not, and never have been married, so I really do not understand it at all. It said I had signed some sort of contract (which I hadnt) and had not paid my bill so they were taking me to court. Since I have had many empty threats of court over the years..I just ignored it. But more and more letters kept coming. I sent them all back saying 'not known at this address'. I have had about 10 or so over the past 6 months. Yesterday morning I got a letter that looked quite important, for my first name/partners surname. I opened it and it was a letter from 'Collectica'. it appears that one of the letters that I sent back may have been a court warrant and a decision has been made in 'my' obvious absense. My question is..can they legally enforce this? Given that they, and the court, along with the TV license people have the wrong name for me? It says on the letter that if the name and such are wrong, to send a copy of the households council tax bill. But on the CT bill it will say Vicky R******* and G**** F*******. Whereas the person they are looking for is Vicky F******* I am absolutely baffled as to how they have put my name and my partners name together for this bill, without either of us ever speaking to them. I really am.
  13. Hello, my partner was visited by someone from tv license when she fell behind on the payments, he set up a new license and said not further action would be taken as long as we keep that payment up to date (this was october 2012). few weeks later we moved out to her parents house and cancelled the payment of the tv license as we did not need one, we finally get a new house (Jan 2013) and she received a letter enforcement for the fine of £165 as she had been found guilty on 14th of FEB of not having a TV license, even thought due to moving out we didn't know any of this was going on. my partner rang them and she had to do a income/outcome form over the phone, they messed it all up and made out that we have £200+ a fortnight spare income even though we on JSA, they never included most household essentials or the fact we have a child. and she was ordered to pay £90 a month, but we could not afford this as most weeks we struggle. so she emailed the courts asking for a lower payment option and waiting for a reply. As we waiting to get this sorted, we now receive a notice of attendance from a company called collectica saying we now have to pay then £465 or face removal actions. we rang these people and they said only way they would stop people coming out is if we pay £50 a week. I need help please.
  14. My drivers license picture expired in 2011, before i could have a new photo done my license was stolen (home invasion) i have yet to have it done. The problem, i dont have my old license to send back and its only just come to me that i havent had it done! As i say, i was subject to a brutal home invasion where i was stabbed multiple times and almost killed in my home. I suffer from severe PTSD to this day because of it. Ive only just remembered that the photo was out of date after reading a thread on here about it....it had totally gone out of my mind. I had more pressing issues, ie moving and trying to sort my head out. My license was in my wallet, which was stolen at the time. How do i go about getting a new photo license? I cant send the old one as it was stolen, i reported this to the DVLA shortly after the incident as far as i can remember, as well as the police for obvious reasons. I dont remember them sending me any forms, im sure i looked into it before but found it was a hassle and forgot about it until now!!! I cant even remember if i told them my new address....im sure i did, but i cannot be certain. A long time has passed, and now im worrying il get in trouble for not renewing the picture. I was moved by the council as i could not bare going back to the place i almost lost my life, it was apparently like a scene from a horror movie, blood splattered walls, trails of blood....i was told this by my parents who went to clear my property. Can i do it online? Should i call them? More stress i dont really need, but i feel it is something that needs dealing with ASAP now i realize i havent had it done. Its not one of those things you remember at the best of times, let alone after what i went through. I dont have a passport anymore as that ran out in 2012...so i dont think i can do it online. I have lived at my property for less than 3 years...i dont have the drivers license number as it was stolen Thanks in advance
  15. I've got myself in a bit of a mess and I don't understand the rules well enough for my options to be clear to me. Any advice much appreciated! The car is a 13 yr old Fiesta with just over 100k miles. Not worth much. Has Generally been good to me though. My tax ran out about a week ago. Partly due to procrastination, partly lack of funds. The police found my out of date disc and slapped a £60 fine on my windscreen. Ouch. I asked for that one though. Haven't paid it yet but I will of course. I have 28 days max. I got the MOT done today. The bill is £360; suspension problems. My 20 mile route to work goes through some horrible little lanes - poor car With the repairs, MOT fee, fine, tax, and the usual insurance and petrol..... I'm screwed financially - i really think I'm going to have to scrap it and get the bus from now on. the bus tickets cost roughly the same as the petrol, never mind comparing to all the other expenses of having a car. Where it gets tricky is, after I've sent it to the big carpark in the sky, I have to tell the DVLA, and presumably declare it SORN or something? Won't they get upset because it was on the road untaxed for a week, and fine me? They could insist I get it taxed for 6 months, but that means getting a valid MOT and... I start going round in circles then!
  16. i feel like im being a pain with all these questions lately. so ive came downstairs and found one of those "we called and you weren't in" leaflets from TVL. the time wrote on the card is 20.42 my question is,do i need to answer the door to them? i live myself with my kids,4 and 2 years old and i don't answer the door at night full stop unless i know someone is coming over.i honestly just about wet myself if my door goes at night and no one is meant to be visiting i fully admit that ive not kept up with the weekly payments because i simply couldn't/cant afford it. We've went without gas for nearly 6months apart from on a few occasions because i can't afford it so why would i pay them
  17. I am very unhappy with the way I've been treated by DVLA. I had an incident in September 2012 where I fainted whilst driving on the job (bus) due to lack of food intake and overworked hours. No police citation was given, and no one was hurt. I was immediately taken to hospital and seen by a physician but by that time all signs were back to normal. It was explained that I had suffered a hypoglycaemic episode, also called a vasovagal collapse. I had not eaten that day and had been working excessive hours, and it was determined that this was the cause of the blackout. After taking some time off work SSP, then getting a medical clearance from my GP and from our company OHS doctor, I went back to work and drove for 3 months without incident. Then in January I received a letter from DVLA advising me to surrender my car license for 6 months and bus license for 12 months because of information received from my GP that the blackout was "unexplained". Apparently she had not mentioned anything in her correspondence about the lack of food intake and overworked hours. So I made some phone calls and sent letters from the hospital physician and my OHS doctor which contained clear details about the diagnosis and cause. Long story short, about a thousand phone calls later, and after two unsuccessful appeals DVLA will not budge. They continue to use the terms HISTORY and MEDICAL CONDITION regardless of it being a one off incident. They have ignored all supporting letters and information I have provided because they will not admit that they acted impulsively. When I phone, I am not allowed to speak with any members of the medical team who make the decisions. I have thoroughly read DVLA regulations on their web site and do not find anything about my particular circumstance that would warrant taking this action. There are only guidelines for reporting known medical conditions but no reference to a one off incident such as this. Why does DVLA continue to treat this as a HISTORY or MEDICAL CONDITION when it is not? I have been driving for over 25 years and never had an incident such as this. I am a non-smoker, non-drinker and never take drugs of any sort. I have spoken with my solicitor but I don't believe he has the courage to take on DVLA or NHS. He uses the excuse that taking the case to court would take much longer than waiting for the year to pass to reapply for my bus driving license. I am broke and unemployed with a family to feed, which is unfortunate as I am fully fit to be working. I admit fault that my own neglect of my diet caused the blackout, but I do not feel it is fair to apply such a penalty as to lose a whole year's wages. If anyone has any ideas I would really appreciate it. I plan on seeing CAB Monday as I am out of resources. I honestly believe that both DVLA and the NHS are equally responsible for mis-managing this case.
  18. Hi I'm looking for advice due to receiving a actual court summons today. I am going to see advice from citizens advice and legal aid, but I thought it might be wise to see if anyone else had experience or knowledge in this area. I received a visit on the 13/9/12 from an inspection officer. Sadly believing I had nothing to hide, I let him in the flat to view what I had and explained I watched no live broadcasts. I don't think he could physically see as a big shelving unit is in front of the aerial socket, but it was not plugged in, and neither did he ask for the tv to be turned on. He seemed quite happy to believe me, asked me a few questions and said I didn't need a TV license as long as I didn't watch live broadcasts. I also got a phone call stating there was no license at my property, and once again I explained my situation was said to be okay. So I have to admit I was surprised when I received the summons. The exact offenses I am being accused of are Between 01/08/12 and 14/09/12 used a color television receiver without a license at the above address. The summons has a statement with it which I presume is what is going to be used as evidence against me seeing as I have signed it. But to prove my point about me not using it to watch TV (I only game on it with my xbox 360) under the inspection section, TV, digital box and DVD player are circled. Yet none of the following are circled.. Power/Aerial plugged in and Brought into use. The freeview box was not even plugged in in any way shape or form Something else which doesn't sit well with me is the fact I don't have a DVD player, I guess my xbox could be counted as one? But that isnt it's primary function and I don't believe it's illegal to watch dvd's without a license anyway? So I'm quite confused how they can charge me when the statement doesn't indicate the TV could even receive (as it couldn't with no Aerial) Also there is a section which asks when the last time you used the set for watching TV programs which I replied to by saying 3 months ago. 3 Months covers the period they are trying to prosecute me for. Under the section where it asks when did you first use this set to watch TV programs without a license and I answer May of 2012. But I later covered that period of time in direct debits.. and the actual offenses I'm being charged for are from 01/08/2012 to 14/09/2012 I suffer from multiple anxiety disorders and this is causing me a lot of stress I could do without, I am even tempted to plead guilty by post so I don't have to physically turn up. But I honestly believe I amnot in the wrong here and I was led to believe by the TV licensing company themselves that I did not require a license. I have made late payments in the past because sometimes my mental health deteriorates to a point I struggle to keep on op of such things, but I always made every effort to get back on track with payments and paid off arrears. I would of done the same in this situation but there was no indication I had to. They told me they would drop the court case if I paid for a full year there and then.. but I don;t have that sort of money, I pointed out that II was told I didn't need one and thy simply told me to bring my evidence to court. I have renewed my tv license on a monthly scheme despite the fact I still don't watch TV at all because I'm scared they could send me to court again if they have done it once already. I also offered to pay off any arrears they believe I owed from last year but they told me that wasnt possible, much like you cant go back and pay car tax which is fair enough I suppose.
  19. Hi everyone, A few months ago i received a visit from a TV licensing officer and agreed to sign up for a payment card as well as signing their paperwork saying i was unlicensed.(stupid I know ) On saturday just gone I received a summons for not having a TV licence between the dates 21/08/2012 - 29/08/2012. I have tried logging onto my tv licence online and the only information i can get is that my licence expires on 31/07/2013. Counting back from the end of July this year it seems to me that my license should be valid for the period they are trying to charge me. I phoned up TV licensing and the guy on the phone said I still had to goto court, when i asked about the dates he said licenses only last for 11.5 months!! This can't be right surely!! I really don't know what to do here, have I got a leg to stand on or should i just plead guilty by post? Thanks in advance for your help
  20. Hi all, On 25th May 2012, I received a visit from a TV License Officer. He proceeded to ask me questions about my TV Usage and set me up with a new TV License paying by regular installments. I signed the necessary forms, he handed over my new TV License card and left. I never got a copy of the form I signed and I never received anything after that from TV License other than my new TV License document, which I still have. I have now received a summons and the offense has been written as: On 23/05/2012 used a COLOUR television receiver without a license at the above address. Contrary to section 363(2) and (4) of the Communications Act 2003. Note, the date of the offense is recorded as 2 days prior to the visit. However, no proof was obtained on this date that I was watching a live broadcast of any kind. I have read through the form, which I signed on the day of the visit and have noted the following: Can I come in and inspect the set: NO Programmes Seen/Heard: NONE Channels Tested: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 + Cable When did you last use the set for watching TV Programmes here? 2 days ago. So the reason I have highlighted the above particular questions is because: 1) He did not come in and inspect the set 2) He did not hear or see any channels being watched, the TV was OFF when he visited. 3) How could he test the said channels if he did not come in to inspect 4) I did not admit to watching Live TV Programmes 2 days prior. He asked when I last USED the TV which was 2 days prior. The form also states that I have a Cable Box with a basic Cable TV Package. This is true because I was subscribed to Virgin Media at the time. It was cheaper to purchase a bundle with them and get TV, Phone and Internet all rolled into one than it would have been to get Phone & Internet from a different provider. I opted for the basic TV package because I did not need a TV Package at all but it was a cheaper option than getting the two services I did need (Phone & Internet) outside of a bundle. This is the honest truth - I do NOT watch Live TV Broadcasts. My TV is used ONLY as an output monitor for my Laptop (which has a broken screen that I cannot afford to replace). I watch DVD's and use the computer via the TV Screen. Yes, I have a TV Set and Receiver Equipment that is CAPABLE of picking up TV Programs so I realized on the day of the visit that I do need a license and that is why I purchased one there and then with the man at the door. So my question is this - Taking the above into account, is it really possible for TV Licensing to prosecute me for watching TV 2 days prior to the officer's visit when: a) They were not present and have no evidence other than a signed statement. b) The signed statement they have produced is questionable based on the fact they say they tested the channels available to me when they admitted to not being allowed to enter the property to do so. Furthermore, since the property is now licensed and has been since the day of the visit. Is it really beneficial to them to prosecute for 1 instance of TV Usage? They aren't claiming a period of watching TV without a license, literally just 1 instance of using it on 23/05/2012. How much am I likely to be fined if the courts agree with them for this infringement?
  21. Hi everyone, First of all, I want to apologizes for my bad English, I'm Spanish. I moved recently to UK, my landlord told me that if I have a TV I must to pay the TV License no matter if you watch it. I only use my TV for playing videogames and watch lovefilm via xbox, the TV License website said that I don't need the license but I should inform them and then an officer comes to my home in order to check that I don't need it. Anyone knows what kind of questions they usually made or what they 'check'? My tv is very old and it even need a freeview device that I don't have. I'm a little afraid and I don't know if I should pay the licence, as my landlord says, or if I should said that I don't need it and receive the visit. Thank you very much.
  22. Hi Everyone, I was hoping for some advise on what to do about this. I received a summons to court yesterday for missing a quarterly payment of £37 to the BBC in December 2011. I forgot about the direct debit coming out and had no money in my account to pay. I cancelled the dd a couple of days before it came out so I would not receive any bank charges. I thought i would receive a reminder letter but I got an 'officer' at my door in March. The TV was not on at the time, and I rarely use it. I went along with it as i knew i would need one again. I set the direct debit up again. The 'officer' said that that would be the end of it. I have paid them in April and in June since then. Both payments were of £37. after getting my summons I phoned them quite angrily and stated that i had not received any letters asking for the money, (which I haven't), and that i had to go to court for £37 ? She just calmly replied that i was being taken to court for not having a TV license. I really don't want to go to court because I have been before and I know there is only going to be one outcome... Im new to the site and hopefully I have uploaded the photos of the summons correctly and you should be able to see them. Please help if you can !
  23. Hi, be really grateful for any advice..... Back in Jan I passed out, and hit my face etc... I went to the docs who said that we had to notify the dvla, which we did. I had to fill out a medical form and was instructed by the doctor not to drive at all, which I didn't for about two months, I rang the dvla to see how it was all progressing to be told that they were really behind by about 2 months, so they hadn't even got to my case yet, but if my doc said it was ok to drive in the meantime it was all up to him. By this time, I had paid to go private and had lots of tests, scans, ecg's etc, and all were completely clear, I had been well and had not had any sign of another episode... I had been involved in a very stressful employment tribunal at the time when the pass out occured and to be honest everyone thinks it was stress......anyway doc says I think you are fine, drive, so I have done so for around a month now. This morning a letter arrives from the dvla saying that they are revoking my license, not from today but from four days time and for a period of six months from the episode, it is then likely to take another eight weeks to officially get my license back on top of this!!! I am really peeved, I live in a village, am self employed and have three kids that need running around, and my partner is always working too. I think it is all really ridiculous, and more so when they say oh you can drive for the next four days but then that's it, why say it's up to the doc then say it's 6 months from date no matter what as that is their rule???I would be grateful for any advice anyone may have on how to resolve this, I have had every test going and no know that I am actually very fit and well!!! I have to be able to drive or everyone including my business suffers aswell, and all tests are clear! Thanks in advance if anyone can advise!!
  24. Hello All !! new to this, but really could do with some help / advise. My partner had a minor car accident back in March.... the police attended and asked her to produce her license. Some weeks before the accident, she had sent her license off to the DVLA for a change of address, and had not received it back at the time of the accident. So she called them to see where it was. The DVLA told her they had not received her license in the post, and moreover, they did not have records of ever issuing one to her. DVLA confirmed she passed her test in 2006, but they dont have records of her applying for, and then issuing the full license...... subsequently, her provisional which she passed on has expired. Therefore, in October, her insurance company revoked her insurance, She's been to court and charged with driving without a license, 6 points and a fine, and DVLA are saying she has to retake her test. On top of that, I am really concerned that the insurance company will come after us for the costs of her accident in March, as (According to DLVA), she was diving without a full license, and therefore, the insurance would be void !! She has never had an accident before, no speeding ticket, no producer....... so no-one has a copy of the license and she did not make a copy before sending it off to the DVLA!!! I am continuing to write letters of complaint to DVLA and been in touch with my MP on the matter, but it this doesn't work, where to i go for here ? Do i keep on fighting them, or give up, and accept the possibility of a) Paying for additional Test b) Paying £4k+ each year for insuring her (coz she now has 6 Points on her license) c) Possibly pay £10k+ for her accident We have family and friends (all who are professionals) who can vouch that they have psychically seen her license at some point over the past 4years, including me, but just because DVLA computer says "no", its could ruin us financially. Thanks for reading this.........any advise welcomed
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