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  1. Last month a work man from my Housing association repair agent hit my door hard to cause injury to my shoulder. He saw that I was disabled. I did not let him into my flat as I did complain about his previous conduct and was told that he will not return. He has left me with a nervous disposition and injury. I live in fear and hightened anxiety. My housing asociation has not bothered to write or call to apologise for what happened to me My damaged keys as a result has not being repaired Also, I cannot live peacefully in my home owing to very loud drilling noise by their builders. I was not informed in advance of these works which has been going on since summer I asked them before to let me know how long thwe works will go on for so that I can make arrangements to remove myself from my home is I am disabled These has been ignored It feels as if they do not care really I have no relationship with my housing officer What do I do Can I take them to court? I gather that Housing Act 1988 and under duty of care to tenants landlord should inform tenants in advance of any work that will go on for months and would result in very loud drilling causing anuisance to their tenants Does anyone know about these and social housing landlord and their duty to thier tenants? Many thanks indeed
  2. hi Our child was involved in an accident and the case has got a date in the county court.the other driver crashed into our car when he was drunk,then got out and seen the damage he had caused,jumped back in his car and drove off. Now the drunk was never charged for been drunk or leaving the scene,even though the police were called.the drunk river now says it was only 2mph crash,even though damage to our car was £3000. Will our child have to give evidence or what actually happens in the county court??? will the judge look t the evidence himself and make a decision? is the court room going to be full of people or just the parties involved?
  3. So I just spent the better part of the last year healing a dislocated shoulder and two days ago I decided to go cycling, and so I cut through an old disused golf course, which as far as I can see is open to the public. It's in Scotland so there are freedom to roam rights and stuff. There were no No Entry signs and plenty of people use it for walking. There was some carpetty turf on the path which is old and rotten, and so I went to cycle down a slope not realising it had no grip whatsoever and was like an ice rink. It looked like it would have grip, however as soon as I went to cycle down it, not going very fast at all and I applied my brakes my front wheel gave way and I came down hard on my side, the same side I recently dislocated my shoulder. This has left me with bruising on my shoulder and my hip, however my shoulder did not dislocate. The point is though it could have since I'm now 30-50% likely to sustain the same injury in my life now. I COULD have seriously injured myself! Nonetheless, I still did sustain an injury and I am not happy about it one bit. So I am raising this with the local authorities, not sure who is in charge of this land however, whoever it is I am going to argue a case for negligence. This surface should have been lifted, as it is evidently a serious hazard to walkers or cyclists. Am I wasting my time then? In any case I am still going to have whoever own the land address this. If I was to put in a claim though do I need witnesses and doctors and all that? Is it worth using any of these no win no fee companies if the land is privately owned?
  4. Hi guys, 14 months ago I was involved in an accident. Brief details are these - I was driving along a 30mph road at 30mph. Ahead of me was a car parked half-on, half-off the pavement, Directly in front of this car was the entrance to the other drivers driveway. As I passed the parked car, the other driver pulled out of his driveway. Actually he didnt just pull out but more flew out and hit the side of my vehicle with such force that it pushed me to the other side of the road and totally wrecked the front of his car ( bits all over the road). He came out so fast that once he had hit me it took him around 50yds to stop his car. Everyone stayed at the scene for approximately an hour. I phoned the police but as no-one was injured they wouldnt attend. The other driver and his partner (who was in the car with him) initially were quite apologetic and offered to go back into their home and get his insurance details. This offer lasted around 10 minutes until they had a change of heart and became hostile, accusing me of speeding, possible drink driving, and then pulling into the side of the road too quickly, this last accusation being a bit foolhardy as it was obvious I was in the middle of the road overtaking the parked car! A week or so later I received the claim pack from my insurers and sent them back with relevant statements, drawings etc. I should also add that I phoned them on the day of the accident, explained how the accident occured and was given a courtesy car the very next day. Ive since learned that the other driver was refused one. A year or so later, having heard nothing else from my insurer, I rang them to discover that they had considered the accident to be 100% no fault in my favour, BUT there was an outstanding personal injury claim from the other parties. Not bad seeing as they spent around 1 hour after the accident walking up and down the street between their car and home, making the above speculative accusations, and phoning their friends who then kept arriving and offering moral support to them! So can anyone tell me could my insurers pay this claim out seeing as they have already decided I was totally blameless? I ask because Ive read quite a few post on CAG about how innocent parties have discovered that claims have been paid out well after an event and that they didnt know about it and that this could affect their future premiums. I should also add that my car was repaired even though it was substantially side-damaged as it was a one year old DS3 and carried some value. The other car was a 51 plate Polo and was written off. Ive also since learned that the other driver considered this to be a "rare" and "classic" car. Apparently his insurers have told my insurers this! Stretching the imagination a bit!! Sorry for the long post guys, but best to give you everything I can. Thanks all.
  5. hi ,just a simple question ,ive been awarded IIB at 40% for life what does this actually mean ? am i now classed as disabled?
  6. I was involved in a non-fault car accident in May 2013. I sustained injuries to my lower back & left trapezius, Paramedics & Police attended. The other parties' insurance have admitted liability. I contacted my trade union (CWU), who put me in touch with a Solicitor, who has been handling the claim on a CFA basis. I had a Medico-legal report in March 2014, which supported my injuries, & the treatment sought. I have been unimpressed with the slow pace of my solicitor, all the way through the process. The solicitor who was dealing with the claim has recently gone on long-term sick leave. I have been juggled around 2 other solicitors, & Today I received an email from one of them, stating that the 2nd offer made by the insurer, is the best he feels they can get, however I have been through the MOJ Guidelines, in a consciously unbiased & reasonable manner, & I feel that the 2nd offer is low. There is also an issue with the insurer wanting to clarify treatment, which led to a letter from my solicitor to our medico-legal. The original report stated "all treatment sought is reasonable." The medico-legal has now reneged on this, stating that "the clinical massage aspect of treatment would not have been recommended..." Therefore the solicitor has now proposed that this aspect of special damages be removed, which halves this aspect of the claim, & leaves me out-of-pocket for the treatment. I have receipts for all sessions, & the lady who performs the treatments has provided her contact details, should clarity be needed. I am at my wits' end with this solicitor, can anybody let me know my options? They appear unwilling to reject the 2nd offer, & dealing with them is like pulling teeth. I'm prepared to deal directly with the insurer if this is possible, failing this is it possible to have the file transferred, or would I need to begin anew? Thanks for any help you can offer.
  7. Hello, In 2012 a drunk driver crashed into my car and I had various injuries. There is a dispute with the third party insurers on the amount of compensation requested by my solicitor which they set at £48,000. The insurers have admitted liability, although a court date is set for March. My solicitor had stated that they would make an offer before going to court and I have now received a formal offer of £11,100 in the form of a judicial tender ! The letter advises that if I decide to go to court and the judge offers the same amount or less then im liable for all expenses which could be £40,000 plus I have made an appointment with an advocate for next week to discuss options. Obviously its only myself who can make the decision on where to go with this but has anyone else been in this situation where they have escalated this to court? Ta
  8. Hi guys on the 22nd/10/2014 i sustained an injury at work hurting my shoulder and knee, i have carried on working due to the fact i have no holidays to take to get to my gp,, i completed an accident form then 1 week later emailed my manager to see if he had seen it, at which he replied no, ( no further discussion has been made ) until today i worked all day through my breaks to then travel the 45 miles back home and make my late appointment with my gp. He wants me to go back next week drain the blood from my knee administer a cortisone injection in it and also put cortisone in my shoulder. if it does not cure my shoulder then an ultrasound and possible keyhole to fix the problem. He advised rest but i told him its xmas i cant miss the pay and work has told me i will already be on a disciplinary as it is because i have had 5 days off in 12 months, The doctor said well its my own choice that's his advice, i then went and told my manager what was happening for him to then say i cant attend work, as the doctor had advised i rest, no sick note issued mind. i told him well no one has give a stuff since the 22nd Oct so i can keep working now, but he is now adamant i cant work and i should travel the 45 miles to work tomorrow and call him once there for a meeting, even though it will then take him 2 hrs to travel up to the depot. i told him i have made changes to my vehicle now so it makes it easier on me while i mend but alas he is making me stop work,. So my question after all that is, if i feel ok to carry on and the doctor has not signed me as unfit for work can i still work.... Besides no body cared about it for the last 5 weeks or so.
  9. I am part way through a claim for Psychological damage in the workplace, which is being funded via a CFA. I have seen one expert witness, whose report was very favourable to me, with regard to the cause of my mental health. The defendants have now requested that I see an expert witness appointed by themselves, which is due to take place shortly, and I am happy to do so. The mental health team, who have been working with me for the last 3 years, are confident that the 2nd expert witness will not find an alternative reason for my illness, either via my medical notes or discussion with myself. I was rather surprised to receive a letter from my solicitor, suggesting that he makes an offer to the defendants under Section 36. This offer would be for 60% of the lowest amount which I would be likely to be awarded if successful in Court. At this stage, I had not anticipated that we would be offering a low settlement figure, as my solicitor had indicated that we have a strong case, with paperwork and witness statements from colleagues to evidence what happened. My own thinking is that it is better to wait a couple of weeks for the 2nd expert witness report, as this is likely to strengthen our case. As this case is funded via CFA, do I have to agree with the action proposed by my solicitor, or risk losing the CFA funding? Thank you.
  10. hi im currently on jsa and the cwp (as some may know from my cwp post) anyway today i went in smartly dressed as requested by seetec staff (instead of jeans t-shirt , trainers) after leaving seetec tonight I was walking home, it had started raining and I slipped (on metal drain cover) crossing road due to my smart shoes, now i'm not blaming seetec (for once) but the outcome after visiting the the 'walk in' medical center is severe bruising and possible aggravation of an old knee injury. Advised to rest , put up, cold pack in tea towel, should be ok in a few weeks and any further problems over next few days see my own doctor. So just checking the correct order of things to do... 1) tomorrow morning phone job center about being sick and ask for jsa28 - start from 2/9/14 2) phone seetec and inform about sickness, tell them i have requested jsa28 and informed job center already 3) I will get missus to collect a jsa28 on 2/9/14 as on 3/9/14 (i know i should be excused ) its my sign on day, should i just attend and hand in? ( i have crutches) 4)As 14 full days is 15th sept, this means i will either have to attend from (inc) 16th sept any cwp appointments or get a sick note from doctor and go onto ESA? 5)i'm presuming a injury is classed as sick / illness for sake of jsa28 claim. hope this makes sense..
  11. Hi This is my first time so please be kind! In June 2012 I had an accident at work, injuring my shoulder whilst lifting steel beams off a lorry which my Manager demanded was done when we are not normally allowed to manually lift. I have been off work since then. Initially I was paid under my companies sick scheme then SSP for the first 5 months. After attending an Occupational Health Assessment arranged by my employer who advised that I would need an operation which would take sometime on the NHS and them 3 months recovery, and the threat of making a claim against them; the HR Director decided that I should be paid basic pay and they kindly gave me Private Health Insurance. To cut a long story short the operation in April 2013 didn't work. My pay was stopped in May 2013 and I was dismissed for medical incapability in Sept 2013, thus taking away access to my health care! I have had another operation in Feb 2014 through the NHS but this too has failed. My consultant has now advised that no other treatment is advisable and to wait 18-24 months to see how it gets on. This could potentially take my time off work to 4 years (3 unpaid). I started a no win No Fee claim after they stopped my pay and it has been going for some 14 months. Things are currently held up by the Doctor who assesses for the courts, but it seems he is having difficulty in linking my accident to my medical condition from my records, so am extremely stressed and am awaiting an MR Athrogram at his request! My solicitor is rather reluctant to give out much information, but I am enquiring as my ex employer has admitted liability what is the likelihood of actually claiming for the suggested extra 2 years on top of the year I have already lost out on? Also if this continues to be a much longer or permanent condition, when or how do you calculate loss of wages etc? Any advice or info much appreciated!
  12. We renovated our bathroom 4 years ago and had a bath tub and shower screen fitted as part of the work. It was bought from an online store (with an actual high street store behind it). It had a good reputation/feedback, so I was confident in buying from them. We have used the bath/shower for the last 4 years until a couple of days ago. While bathing my 3 year old son, the shower screen dropped without warning. The impact of the falling shower screen was on my face - I had a bruised cheek and broken glasses (glasses on my face to see with, not the shower screen glass). I caught it in time before it hit my son, so we were relieved that he was ok. After assessing the shower screen and the wall fitting it was secured to, I saw that the hinge had snapped and a piece had broken clean off. It is made of plastic and I wasn't expecting it to fail after 4 years (or ever). The shower and everything else in the bathroom has been well taken care of and only cleaned with standard domestic cleaners (nothing harsh or likely to corrode any of our bathroom fittings). There should be no reason for a plastic part to be used in a safety critical item and there was no indication that any part was about to fail. I contacted the retailer and sent them pictures of the faulty hinge/fitting. They responded by escalating the matter to the manufacturer, who has stated that they will send a replacement set of hinges. I have asked them for their assurance that the replacements will not fail - I want to be confident that my family is not put at risk again. Should I accept this as the end of the matter? I suffered an injury (that I will get over) - but what about my broken glasses? Do I have any claim against the retailer and/or manufacturer for the loss?
  13. Good evening, I have been trying to find out what to do with regards to my problem. Back in 2012 i was involved in a car accident. It wasn't until last year that I decided to make a claim for personal injury on the say so of a doctor(Who did not get paid by the anyone i must add!). The firm of solicitors i used were Silverbeck Rymer. To say they were useless is an understatement. I had to do all the chasing, they never rang me, when they had settlement figures they didn't bother to contact me. Eventually I got a payout and they sent me a cheque. 2 Weeks later i got another cheque for the same amount. Knowing they may ask for it back I put it in the bank, half expecting them to spot the mistake and cancel the cheque. Now I know I shouldn't have cashed it and told them of their mistake but I felt like I had one over on them for once! They have wrote to me now, nearly 5 weeks after the second cheque had cleared and basically said we want our money. Seeing as they have overpaid me, both cheques had 2 separate signatures on and it was clearly their mistake do I HAVE to pay it back? I suspect I do. If I do, where do I stand if I offered them a % of the overpayment and the rest monthly? Can they force me to pay it back in 1 lump sum? Oh and while I remember, no i would no recommend them to ANYONE!
  14. Hi, I received a cut on my shin about 3-4 weeks ago when I open the door of my work van and something fell out and hit me. It was recorded in the accident book. On Monday (bank holiday) it was hot, red and pain full so first thing on Tuesday I went to my GP where I was told I had cellulitis. I was put on antibiotics an told to take the rest of the week off of work. I have to go back to the GP tomorrow as they want to check that its healing ok and not going ulcerous. I am not getting paid for this time off which seeing as it was caused by an accident at work seems a bit unfair to me, I have only been with the company since Oct last year. I would like some advice on if there is anything I can do to claim some money as I cant really afford to not get paid. (Its only a small company with approx. 12 people working there.) Thanks in advance HP
  15. Hello Please can anyone advise me on where/what to do next I work in a small butcher shop (6 staff) for the past 6 years, A part of my job involves unloading the meat wagon of beef quaters (220lb+) into the fridges, then cutting them into smaller managable loads (120lb) and walking them 25 yards into the shop. Ive never been shown a correct way of carrying (or any manual handling training at all within my role)Due to never been shown the correct way i have always carried it in a bear hug. Due to doing this for the past 5 years i've ended up diagnosed with degenerative disc desiease in my lower back due to lifting heavy loads over a long period. Which sometimes when flared up can be a crippling pain...i've only had 4 weeks off work in the past 6 years!! When I do any damage to my back it is not apparent at the time and may take a few days before i feel the acute pain, So i've never logged these incidents in an accident book. Whilst saying that when i have hurt my back, management have never taken it upon themselves to tell me to write the incidents in an accident book and when ever anyone hurts themselves at work sarcastic comments are made about the use of an accident book. Any mention of an accident book and its brushed under the carpet and laughed at and most definately not taken seriously. Two weeks ago another incident has done damage again, but this time to the upper part of my back and I have been off work sick. I've just come back from seeing the doctor and having xrays for a possible collapsed vertibrae.... Im only 34 and can't see myself working like this for another 6 months, i have debts to keep up with, i was loyal to the company until i was told by a work colleague last week the manager called me a 'lazy Bastard' haha with the company being at fault with no Manual handling training, do I claim? how do i claim? do i contact H&SE? Within my job there are limited options to change job role for lighter duties so to speak and I was advised by my gp to seriously consider my job. thanks!!
  16. Please does anyone have an experience of claiming compensation for breach of data protection act? My insurance company sent me a letter claiming a staff of theirs sold my accident details to injury lawyers. I WENT through a hard times in the hand of the lawyers. Can I therefore claim for compensation from my insurance company for distress? Thanks
  17. Hi there, A few weeks ago I was hit from behind by another driver. He was driving a company vehicle. After taking down his details, I rang his company and reported the accident to their fleet manager as well as informing them that their driver was using a mobile phone at the time of the accident. Their fleet manager arranged to get an accident report from the driver in question and then arranged for their insurers (Zurich) to set up a claim and arrange the repairs to my vehicle and provide a courtesy car for me to use whilst mine was in the garage. It was within 2 weeks of the accident that the car was taken in for repairs, so pretty quickly. I also sustained whiplash and this has set off another occurrence of TMJ (Temporomadibular Joint Pain) Disorder that I suffer from. Apart from my neck feeling very sore and stiff to move, I am suffering from referred pain down the right side of my face (headaches, ear pain, teeth, jaw pain, eyes) etc which can be very difficult to deal with. As a result of this I spoke to Zurich about a PI claim which they said they would look to settle. They immediately arranged for a medical examination by their medical examiners and have instructed a rehabitation company to assist with recovery. I also naturally informed my own insurers of the accident. My dilemma is do I use my legal cover I have on my own insurance / or through my union to instruct PI solicitors or do I deal with Zurich directly and try to settle the claim with them. My inclination is that it would be quicker dealing with Zurich directly, but I want to be assured that I get the best possible result for myself. However, what I don't want is for solicitors/claim assessors to drag it out for their own benefit. Has anyone got any view on the best course of action - dealing with the TP insurers who have acted pretty swifly thus far or appointing a solicitor through my legal covers? Many thanks
  18. Hi, can anyone give me some advise please. My daughter in law was involved in a car accident which resulted in injury claims for her and my two granddaughters, ages 7 and 14. The claims have been agreed and my daughter in law has been paid out for her injuries. They have now received a letter from Hampton Hughes stating that the injury claims have been agreed for the two girls. The amounts will be paid into the court office and the girls can claim them when they are 18. This is 4 years for one and 11 years for the other. The money while it is held will not gain any interest while it is held. Is there anyway they can claim this sooner or can it be put into their own child trust fund where it will earn interest as it sits there. Is this set in stone? Hampton Hughes said they can challenge this but they want my daughter in law to send them £5000 to cover the cost of any legal action?? Any advise would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  19. Hi I'm hoping that someone can give me some advice please. Here's goes, a bit long winded! On Friday 21st June 2013, my friend and I attended a concert at a well known stadium. We had an altercation with another member of the public over a seat and this resulted in a lot of shouting and a drink being thrown (by me). Following the altercation in the stadium, my friend and I were asked to 'come out the back for a quick chat' by two male members of an outsourced security firm. A heated discussion between the 4 of us occurred and one of the security staff went to speak to some members of the public to investigate the incident further. My friend and I were asked to stay where we were whilst this was happening. About 5 minutes later, the investigating member of security staff returned to advise 'we have witnesses, you're in the wrong, you cannot go back to the concert'. I would like to add at this point, no witnesses or third parties were asked to come along to discuss this, we were simply told that we were not to be believed and we could no longer attend the concert. A heated argument occured and a female member of the security staff joined us. At this point there were 3 or 4 male members of the security firm and a female member (I am female by the way, this becomes relevant further along....). I then told one of the security staff to call the police and I was told 'don't worry love, they're on their way'. I then advised a male security guard that I was going outside for a cigarette and I attempted to move towards a rear door to go outside and I was violently pulled back and manhandled by 2 or 3 members of the security firm and pinned to the floor. There was an arm around my neck and one around my head. Both of my arms were yanked behind my back and I was in so much pain, I thought that they had broken my arm. I was understandably distressed and extremely upset, the pain in my arms was excrutiating and I could not breathe due to the hands and arms also around my face and neck. My skirt had also risen up and my underwear was on show. At this point, a male member of the security firm was shouting ' there's no need for this, you're hurting her, let her go'. My friend who was with me at the time was also shouting to let go and was told by the security staff to be quiet and sit on a chair, which she did. At this point, due to the amount of pain I was in and the fact that my breathing was restricted, I temporarily blacked out for a very short period of time. I came to and my left arm was still yanked behind my back by one or two members of the security firm, there was also a hand near my face and neck and I was shouting that I could not breathe and I attempted to bite the hand in front of my face. May I add at this time, that although I attempted to do this, I was unsuccessful due to the amount of pain I was in. The security staff, eventually pulled down my skirt (I'm presuming to preseve my dignity, however at this point it was too little, too late) and I was manhandled off the floor and made to sit on a chair. I am sure you can imagine how understandably distressed I was at this point. A black male member of the security firm, whom I do not wish to implicate came over to me, knelt down and took my hands in his and gave me a tissue and a cup of water. He apologised for the way his colleagues had treated me and told me that 'this should never have happened and I am so sorry it has'. As far as I am aware, this black male member of the security firm had abolutely nothing to do with the way I was treated and he apologised profusely many times, he had nothing to do with the way I was treated. I was then taken away with the police. The police issued me with a fixed penalty notice (section 5) which I paid the very next day. I was also in so much pain the next day, I went to my local A&E who gave me painkillers and xrayed my elbow and left arm and I was advised that I had extensive muscle damage. Anyway.... I then decided to go back to the police to press charges against the security firm for the shocking and brutal was I was treated. The police have done their investigations and unfortunately, there is no CCTV available for them to view as all of this happened in a 'staff area'. The police advised that the CPS may not take on the case due to the lack of CCTV. I've therefore decided to continue with a civil claim for personal injury. However, after making an official complaint via email to the security firm, I received an email today stating that they acted correctly and their 'contractors' were also going to take civil action against me! I've spoken to my solicitor and she thinks that they are scare mongering, however I am concerned even though i haven't done anything wrong! Will the fact that I have a fixed penalty notice go against me, can the police give out my personal information (they don't have it at the moment, other than my name). Hopefully someone can give me advice please.
  20. Hi, After some general advice. My son was injured in store on 2/6/13. Managers did not do accident book or anything, or take details until I insisted on them taking the details. They did not report injuries. One of the staff said it was not my sons fault. (A display unit fell on top of him - he was not messing around etc, he was just playing with a laptop that he was invited to do). CCTV would confirm this, but they have not got the CCTV yet apparently. There were witnesses etc. I emailed them on 3/6/13 and had a reply on 11/6/13 saying that I should keep my son under more control. My son is 5, he was not messing around, again confirmed by witnesses incuding staff, and CCTV would confirm. I complained about response and was promised a reply, which I had a voicemail asking me to call back. I called back and they have said they are dealing and I would hear this morning. I have not heard anything at all despite chasing them up. What should I do next? Regards Matt
  21. Hi All Looking for advice please: I am a PA on a construction site and had an accident on Tuesday. The fire alarms went off so the whole building was evacuated and we all went to the muster point. (The site is at a major airport and the project is airside). As the building is so large, we were all asked to move back to make space for more people. As myself and a colleague was doing this, I noticed an uncovered earth pit. I told people to be careful and at the time couldn't see anything to cover this over. (The earth pit is around 150mm in diameter). One we had all gotten the all clear to go back into the building, we made our way forwards and I promptly fell down the earth pit! I had completely forgotten about it and with the volume of people it would have been difficult to see. Once I had fallen, I automatically got up and looked down to a pool of blood on the floor, at this point the firemen had seen I had injured myself and came over. He administered first aid and took a look at the wound to my shin and immediately applied pressure and a bandage. At this point a member of the site team put a bollard over the exposed earth pit. An ambulance was called and I was taken to the local A&E where I was treated, cleaned up and the wound was fairly deep and glued back together I also had an x-ray, but they couldn't see any fracture. I then went home. The following day, I was in alot of discomfort and unable to put my full weight on the injured leg. I called in to say I was unable to get in - it's a good 20min walk once through departures then up 6 flights of stairs. On Thursday, my ankle and foot had swollen to an impressive size and so I went and saw my GP who promptly signed me off as unfit to work for 7 days and said that if the swelling hadn't reduced by early next week, I was to go back and be re x rayed. She advised paracetamol and ibruprofen. I called my Employer (HR Director)r - who straight away started talking about RIDDOR and was I unfit for work, or unfit to get to work and mentioned that perhaps I could work from home. I then called my direct Boss, and told him what HR had said, to which he responded - ' well, if **** thinks there is a way around this....' I feel that all they are worried about is reporting it as a RIDDOR. I was then copied in on an email saying that it did not need to be reported as I could carry out my duties from home. - Is this correct? Nobody has mentioned anything about the exposed earth pit other than on the incident report form where it clearly states that the earth pit was exposed after barriers had been moved and not put back the previous week., I have received no apology, but I have received numerous phone calls from HR and H&S manager asking me if there has been any improvement in my injuries,but I feel they are asking purely to see if I can get back sooner. I just feel they are trying to cover this whole thing up! I am also annoyed that I now have to miss out on a concert I was due to go to this evening with my Son (his Birthday present) and cannot go to as I have extreme difficulty in walking. Do you think my Employer would refund the £100 for the tickets?? Other people are saying I should make a claim for compensation, just not sure what to do, very cross with the whole situation! Grateful for any advice!
  22. hi everyone my housemate i trying to sort out a strange problem that occurred a couple of week back. He was stopped for having a bumper missing on his work van, just the cosmetic bumper not anything safety-wise. they gave him a traffic offence report (ticket i guess) for RT88457 for "danger of injury due to vehicle condition" in the "vehicle defect rectification scheme" section, nothing is written about that that condition is or mention of the bumper area, no photos taken, etc. after hearing form him it appears the constable was a bit unsure what of what he was doing and no offer to get the van fixed within a time was offered. he was given a FPN of £60 and 3 points and a caution. This to me sounds completely over the top, i don't know much but I presume he should have given him the option to get it fixed within 14 days or something but straight went straight to all this.... He said that whilst in the car the officers have problem with the spelling of his name, they got it wrong, he challenged them politely about them entering an "n"where there was not one it it appears they got the hump for making a mistake and this may have led to them going this far. he has gone up to station to speak to the constables supervisor to try and sort it out and complain and is waiting for a call back from a sergeant. whilst there the desk officer entered into a light hearted chat about the new forms being not very good and them having a number of complaints about them which was ironic considering. Does anyone here know anything about this or what steps to take. it just strikes me as a something that has not been done properly and now he has to put up with higher insurance and a caution for potentially nothing? thanks in advance
  23. Hi,I was recently in a car accident on the way to work..I was going through a roundabout and a car,which was stationary to my left,suddenly pulled out a drove straight into me..The driver admitted responsibilty there and then and I also have 2 witnesses,my passenger and also a lady who approached me and gave me her contact details regarding being a witness.My car was written off in the accident but I have received a hire car until a monetary agreement and payment is made in respect of my car. The car that crashed into me was a hired vehicle,hired from Sixt...I receive a letter from Active Fleet Solutions,who are acting on instructions of AIG(the other drivers insurance company)and also acting on behalf of Sixt:|anyway, I then receive a letter from a Solicitor firm called Brodies who have been instructed by Active Fleet Solutions to pursure a claim against the third party on my behalf..I then receive another letter from a firdm called Accident Advice Helpline Direct Limited,whom I have no idea as to how they got my information,the offer a 'no win no fee' injury claim,but in turn,want 25%+ VAT of claim amount..Now,Ive no idea where this firm got my accident details from,it certainly wasnt from me.. I am now a bit confused as to which path to follow regarding a claim,as far as I am aware I have legal cover with my own insurance company but if I use them to pursue damage will I lose my no claims?they are not protected,also would I need to pay an excess before my insurance company would deal with it.. I was sent home from work around 3 hours after the accident due to headache and neck pain,I contacted my GP the next day and was informed I had whiplash,I have since been off work and have been instructed by my GP now to return until at least the end of the month.. I'm basically just asking for some expert advice on here as to which route to take,all advice would be welcomed
  24. Hi I work for a social care company. I have worked with them for 12 months as casual agency staff where I just took the hours they gave me, no work = no pay, no sick pay etc. In February my father died and I had to take care off his affairs, I was off work for 4 weeks. On my return to work they offered me a 6 month set term part time contract (classed as a probationary contract) which I have signed and the HR manager signed, this was due to start in a couple of week while I continued to work on the agency side. 2 days ago I fell at home and broke my ankle and am in plaster estimated to be off 6-8 weeks. I am not entitled to sick pay from work and presume I have to go down the DWP route, However, I am worried that they may see me as a liability and will want to withdraw the contract, sort of sack me before I start so to speak. Can anyone tell me the legalities of this please. Also I would be grateful for any info regarding sick pay entitlement from DWP and support for paying rent over the 6-8 week period. I am living with my unemployed partner who lost his JSA when I started work so I have been responsible for all household bills etc. Many thanks
  25. Has anyone any experience with Injury insurance please? I took out a policy in around 2005 to cover me in the case of an injury and I was unable to work as being self employed it seemed a good idea I found the company B&CE in a trade magazine and they were then advertising as a company that would pay out even for common injuries like a bad back I called the number and cover was arranged since that day I have never had any documentation from them ( I should have chased this bad I know:! The premiums were paid direct debit every month and I occasionally rang them to check I was still covered and that they were still trading !!! After a recent injury resulting in an operation I asked for a claim form etc and duly made a claim please see their reply letter attached my questions are how is someone with no medical experience be expected to be able to make a decision of the cover offered and if Ligament damage is better cover than Tendon cover, also with no documentation for over 8 yrs how was I supposed to know what I was covered for. Thanks CB
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