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  1. Hi, Finally got around to reviewing my mortgage with the TMB, after getting SAR Mortgage was repaid in full March 2006 with no late payment fees, etc There is however two fees added at the end, 50GBP for 'Amount owing statement' and 250GBP for 'Mortgage admin fee' My question is: are These reclaimable? Thanks G
  2. Hi, I have spent a fair while searching the forums for this, but cannot find a similar problem, so here goes.. I am being chased by Lowells for a cc debt with HBOS unpaid from 2009, it seems to have just been taken over. I recently sent a SAR to HBOS with my signiature on the anti tamper signature image I found on here. I have finally have[ATTACH=CONFIG]45409[/ATTACH] a reply acknowledging my request and the fee, but within the letter it states 'Unfortunately we are unable to verify your signature' and that I need to call them, which of course I have no intention of doing so. My SAR and the reply are attached, with all the personal information removed. How can I reply to this, and does this then constitute being in dispute? Many thanks in advance.
  3. Hi, Well, I've taken far too long to seek help from CAG. But, here goes! Essentially, I resigned from my employment in March 2011 because of unrelated legal problems. Then I wasn't able to pay my mortgage and I've fallen into arrears since late last year. I came to an arrangement with Halifax in Feb 2013 that I would pay £5 every month against capital - and I have done so ever since. I receive SMI of £125 per month. That leaves a shortfall of £231 approx every month. I now owe £2200. So, I'm being taken to the County Court on Tuesday 22.10.13 by Walker Morris of Leeds on behalf of Halfiax. I haven't sent off or completed the N11M online as yet but will do before Tuesday (online, I guess!) I am seeking/intend to seek an adjournment to give me time to sell the property quickly. Meanwhile, I can offer £1000 against arrears on Tuesday and offer monthly payments of £300 (courtesy of my parents) until the place is sold, which should be within 5 months at the latest! My only income is JSA @ £70.70 per week. I have other creditors: a) Halifax Current Account Overdraft of £1800. I pay £1 every month against this. b) Halfiax Bank Loan Outstanding Amount £6020. I pay £2 every month aginst this. I also have a charge against the property in respect of Legal Aid of approx £5500. So, how do I secure (if possible) the adjournment I'm after, please? I desperately want to avoid any Order appearing on the Land Registry because this might alert prospective buyers that something's wrong! All help gratefully received!!Many thanks,Britannicus
  4. Hi, I have a loan which was taken out through the AA and run by HBOS - currently making reduced payments through their wonderful agency Blair Oliver and Scott. However I wanted to query their policy of charging all the interest upfront so sent a subject access request with cheque for £10 to AA/HBOS and have today received the cheque back with a letter stating that they cannot find the account! (current theres about £25k outstanding) Where do I stand now in terms of payments to Blair Oliver and Scott, so i SJA them or send letter stating the above and dispute payment? Any thoughts/similar experiences of this much appreciated
  5. hi can someone point me the right direction please. yesterday i recd a ccj blue form from northampton court from Nelson Guest Solicitors regarding and old HBOS credit card, i dont know when i last paid this but my credit file shows date of default was 20/3/2009 !! i stopped paying my credit cards when i had to reduce my hours at work due to childcare and then i relocated jobs and just couldnt afford to keep up wih the repayments . i have been offered a reduction on this debt in the past but couldnt afford to pay. after reading other posts on here please advise should i aknowledge the debt with the court and ask for an extension of the time limit should i send a CPR request to Nelson Guest and a SAR request to HBOS. or should i just try to negociate a payment plan with nelson guest ( will this stop the CCJ ) thanks
  6. Afternoon CAGS, Following your excellent advice with HFO which resulted in no action, I have a final one. Took out a Halifax loan many moons ago for around 10k, paid it until it got down to 5k and then due to the usual changes in circumstances have been paying Westcotts up until recently 15 quid a month and same on a small overdraft of £600. Now my credit report has just notified me that this has defaulted today. So expect one of the Debt agencies will be in touch and was wondering what advise or steps I can take. As its defaulted now, can I offer a settlement of a fraction of the debts? Any help will be appreciated
  7. 2 YEARS AGO I STARTED PAYING THE FOLLOWING DEBTS WHICH ARE CLAIMED BY LOWELL. HBOS CAPITAL ONE LLOYDS I STARTED DEFAULTING ON THEM IN 2006. I AM NOT SURE WHETHER I ASKED for a CCA file or not but all of their correspondence mention the original creditor name. So far I have been advised by DX to send them a CCA file. Which I shall do as soon as my printer is fixed. A new development is that none of these appear on my equifax credit file anymore. Do they still have enforcement powers as I have been paying them a statutory payment for each account. They have offered discounts in the past. What should I be doing meanwhile, apart from the CCA file? And while I am asking for CCA file, should I keep paying? And also shoudl I ask for one CCA file for all of them or separate? In the past they have sent me letters with all three debts mentioned on one letter. Thanking you in anticipation.
  8. Hi this is my second claim against HBOS . The first one was last year and they paid me by cheque even though i owed them money . I made another claim for ppi on my credit card last june and it went through the fos and hbos have now given in and are offering me £13500 . I tried to make a genuine claim back in 2003 (broken an arm and a leg ) and they refused to pay me . my credit card went into default in 2011 and they will use the ppi to pay it off which is what i always wanted from HBOS . My question is I have asked them to remove the default as part of the settlement which they said no . I am just wasting my time with this . Also in the settlement letter they have not given me a complete breakdown of the ppi figure just the offer of £13500 .
  9. I've just got a letter from BOS (I know they're internal to HBOS) over a Sainsbury's Credit Card on which I owe circa £3800. I have been paying an agreed £1 token payment for a few months and suddenly, out of the blue, I've got a Notice of Intended Court Action giving me one working day to pay the full amount! I am severely ill at the moment and this is just the last straw. Annoyingly I can only respond via letter as I cannot make telephone calls and they are aware of this. However, I've still been getting calls on my private mobile which I cannot answer. I've only gotten out of bed today after a 48hr period of semi-conciousness. Do these people have no shame?
  10. Hi, Back in 2009 / 2010 Halifax were chasing me for a credit card debt. I CCA'd them and they sent me copies of statements. I replied to say this wasn't enough, and heard nothing back. The since passed the debt onto various DCAs each one has replied saying it will ask the original creditor for the information, and never got back to me. In September 2012, 1st Credit became the latest DCA to contact me. I CCA'd them in September and they responded with a copy of my statements, nothing else. I wrote back to them saying this wasn't enough and heard nothing at all until a couple of days ago when they again sent copies of my statements along with 2 copies of a Credit Card agreement, with my details printed on top. Interestingly, both agreements mention the " Distance Marketing Regulations 2004", which could not have been mentioned in any original agreement, as the account was taken out in 2000. 1st credit enclosed a letter which stated they have fulfilled their obligations under Sections 77/ 78 of the consumer credit act, and should contact them within 14 days to arrange payment. What would be the best move for me to make now? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
  11. Hi all, recieved a reply from HBOS regarding ouyr SAR and CCA request. They state that they want our signatures. So my wife and i have returned with printed names. i know HBOS can be funny with printed names as well. posted below for you to see [ATTACH=CONFIG]41052[/ATTACH]
  12. Hi CAG, Hope I can get your advice on this matter before responding to a recent letter I received from Cabot. I have a credit card debt which was approx. 3,500 with Halifax. In 2008 I sent them a letter offering £2.00 a month which they wouldn't agree to so I paid £2.00 a month anyway. For a while they continued adding interest to the account and subsequently that debt is now almost £5,000. Last week I received a letter from Cabot with a letter from Halifax attached confirming that they have sold the debt to Cabot and asking me to complete a direct debit form. I would appreciate your advice on how I should approach this, can I get the interest removed? Many thanks in advance. tammi
  13. Evening all, I sent a SAR to Sainsbury's Bank back in June and received a reply a couple of weeks later thanking me for my request, and that they are processing it, enclosed with it an 8 page privacy statement. I have received a letter today dated 1st August from HBOS PLC and it says Unfortunately, we have not been able to identify the card number you quoted in your letter for your Sainsbury's account. However, we have identified the savings account you have with 'Another Bank' (don't have a savings account here??) if you do also require this data. If you are able to provide us with additional information for your Sainsbury's card we will make further investigations, I have enclosed a copy of your letter as confirmation of the data you supplied. It then goes on to say that they will close their files if they don't hear back within 4 weeks. I have checked the number and it is the correct number, and I also put the address where I was living when I took out the card. The account was sold in 2008 when they refused to pay out on my PPI claim, (so well within 6 years) and is loaded with penalty charges. What 'additional information' could there possibly be to send (very tempted to send a blood and pee sample)? Are they just fobbing me off knowing that there is PPI and charges to reclaim? They did not send back the postal order so should I just send them a failed SAR letter? Your thoughts and advice as always, greatly appreciated. Up2
  14. I'm in Scotland, I suppose I should get that part out of the way. I had a BOS credit card (opened the account in 2001), which had a balance of £ 8,246. I was no longer able to pay the monthly bill (due to loss of my job because of long-term ill-health) and, stupidly, stuck my head in the sand. (I should also point out that over and above this credit card I had been, and continue to be, a Bank Of Scotland customer, with both a saving account (that's a joke lol) and a current account. The default date was June 2007, and a decree was granted at the local Sheriff Court on 8th January 2008, and the Decree was extracted on 23rd January 2008. Again I ignored that, along with the subsequent 'Charge For Payment Of Money' (left at my address by Sheriff Officers on 2nd July 2008). In the past couple of years I've been VERY slowly trying to sort out my credit file and have made some progress (some other credit agreements have dropped off my credit file and others have been time-barred and removed). This BoS debt is the only biggie I have left hanging over me but I'm not sure how to proceed. Should I just hold tight until after the 6 year anniversary of my default date (which is now only 8 months away) and it drops off my credit report? Or will that not happen because of the legal stuff connected to this old credit card debt? Another slight concern is that, since that time, after my marriage broke up and I had subsequently moved house to live on my own (hence being able to work on my credit file without external interference lol), I was able to open my own individual cardcash account. This was the only bank account available to me at the time because of my poor credit history, but after a year of maintaining the account in good order, I was offered a full current account. I still have both these accounts and have had no problems with them and have even had the occasional overdraft facility in the past. So......are BoS likely to make a move on my current account because of this old credit card debt? I guess the gist of this verrrry long, rambling story is ....will the credit agreement details be removed from my credit file after the 6 year mark (regardless of the legal stuff) and can BoS make any claim on my existing accounts once this credit agreement drops off my credit file? Phew!
  15. Hello All, I'm after some advice: I had a current account with the Halifax which got into a state of disrepair around 2 years ago with an amount in it of £-2566.92 against a £2500 overdraft. It was a "spare" account back in the halcyon days. I wasn't paying into it, partly because I was in hospital having a heart bypass - partly stupidity: so they shut me down. I am currently separating and living in a different house from my wife too - she has the run of the joint account - also with the Halifax. Wescot finance have written to me 3 times now - firstly (6/6) to establish that I am living here, secondly (10/6) to give me the bill asking me to get in touch with them and pay it, thirdly (20/6) with a final notice to pay up before 4/7; I have ignored all of them as they are raised on behalf of HBOS and have no legal authority; as I understand from some information kindly supplied by these forums. Today, a letter from Nelson Guest and Partners Solicitors dated 30/6 arrived offering to halve the bill if paid within 10 days of the date of the letter - otherwise further recovery action will be taken. So my first question is should I pay the bill or will they arbitrarily reduce it further? Or what are their tactics likely to be now..... I'd quite like the answer to be "ignore it" - I have banked with the Halifax for 15 years without a hitch - I should imagine that I've more than paid my dues there....so it's not going to weigh too heavily on my conscience. My second question is could there be any repercussion on my joint account? I think the answer here is no as I am not completely responsible for it.... Thankyou for reading this far - and now that you have - what do you think ? Kind regards - Andy
  16. well I lost my house in 1992 yes 1992, the halifax sold it for £21,770 a shortfall of £17,330, anyway fast forward to may 2012 and walker morris suddenly decide I have to pay the shortfall there has been no acknowledge of debt in fact no correspondence since we left the property in 1992. anyway after receiving several letters from Walker Morris demanding full payment of the £17K otherwise I'm going to court/doorstep collectors sent to recover money etc etc. they sent a letter last week saying that the Halifax will accept £225 as full and final settlement, I have never wrote back or phoned, knowing that this is statute barred (under mortgage lenders rules which Halifax are signed up to) under 12 year rule. amazing that after demanding £17K for about 4 months they suddenly will settle for £225 I'm so tempted to offer 1p as a full & final settlement, but will sit back and wait for their next amazing offer. They do cheer me up with their letters one threatens all sorts, next is income & expenditure sheet saying they want to help, followed by we are sending it back to Halifax BS, then the threat one comes again and we go off again with the cycle one a week, until this new one came with their generous offer. Will keep you posted
  17. Hello all, I am struggling to work out through Google who the current managing director is of the most beloved CCA – Wescot Credit Services Ltd. (WCS). I left HBOS with an o/d of £600 but after they charged me multiple times for going overdrawn when I didn't and then refused to correspond with me about it (either in person at the bank or in writing) I just gave up and things spiralled out of control with the account until HBOS closed it and passed the debt to WCS. The debt reached about £1200 when it was passed to WCS and after many arguments about not owing that much to HBOS and a few years ( I was explaining on the phone about accepting £600 as was my original o/d that was never cleared but if they didn't take me to court soon over the rest that I would start proceedings myself against HBOS/WCS. The bloke on the phone said they would probably accept a reduced figure that would be close to the £600£700 range and I said I would look at it when it came through in writing in order to give me a few days grace to work out if I could afford it - the deal being that I would have to pay the agreed sum within 3 months of me accepting it, the debt would be marked as 'satisfied' (though not paid in full) and this mark would remain for 6 years. The letter came through very soon (19/04/12, dated the 17th) and it is from their solicitors – Nelson Guest & Partners Solicitors (NG&PS), Kent – I believe this to be a firm of solicitors owned or run by Wescot. The amount on the letter states £1257.68 as the total owed and a 50% agreement of £628.84 being acceptable if I call Wescot. This I tried to do on the 20th but their phone operator kept cutting off, I find this happens a lot on Friday afternoon with companies like this. I spoke to a colleague of that operator and was told no agreement had been set up which was to my advantage as I called back on the 23rd and set up the agreement and got the standing order details set up through my bank. About a week later I called back and asked for the agreement to be confirmed to me in writing and the operator at that time quoted £700 as the amount agreed which I disputed immediately and we both agreed the original £628.84 agreement. The letter finally came through, this time from WCS, not their solicitors (dated 10th May but received 15th) and the numbers do not match up to any previous letter. The full amount owed has gone down from £1257.68 to 1209.28 but the agreed repayment amount has gone up to £700 in their letter and they know that I can not achieve this nor was this the agreement. Furthermore the letter does not state a commencing date of the agreement or an end date by which I have to pay it by. I am now writing to WCS and am copying in the Solicitor’s as well as it was their letter that quoted £628.84 and I would like to also copy in their Head of Compliance, Charlotte Allen as surely this is not compliant to any code of conduct or law but I would like to address the main letter to the managing director(s). Is Mr Jonathan Andrew Graham or Mr Paul Jenkins the current MD, or is it someone else? Would the MD be the MD for the whole company or would Hull and Scotland use different MD’s. I am planning on writing to Hull as it is this office that wrote to me but I am also planning on CC’ing Saltcoats, Ayrshire as this is their registered address according to both their letter and their website. All-in-all I am planning on sending the letter to: 1.) WCS Hull: correspondence address; 2.) WCS Hull: Head of Compliance; 3.) WCS Ayrshire: Registered address; 4.) NG&PS: their solicitors. Please can you let me know if this is too much and also help with the names of the MD’s as after reading much about WCS on the net I am worried that no matter what I pay them and how quickly, they are going to try to sting me for the full £1257.68. Sorry to have given so much detail but I do not want to leave you without info you may need ANY help will be appreciated, thank you.
  18. My wife has a court claim against Aquacard for charges, their date for AOS was 15th Feb so she requested judgement and it was issued 16th Feb, today received a defence from SCM that has been issued on 23rd Feb 7 days after the deadline, what is the chance that they will get the judgement set aside, also the defence is the usual drivel and a typical "fold before court" what would be the situation as wasted costs if they apply for a set aside and then settle before court?
  19. I would like to hear from all those who have had banking fees taken from HBOS. we need to stand together and fight this
  20. I am researching the methods that Lloyds have used to sell investments to their customers. I believe that there may be reasons for concern. If Lloyds, or their acquisitions, Halifax and Bank Of Scotland have sold you an investment prior to April 2010, please reply to this thread so we can discuss and I can give you further information. We may be able to help each other - and others.
  21. Hello everyone, this is a great site and I’ve learnt a lot from the forum posts. I am not very computer savvy so please forgive me if I am in the wrong section & advise me where I should be posting this. I have uploaded some of the letters which may help. I am hoping you may be able to give me some advice regarding my HBOS / Derby County (don’t laugh) credit card account which I opened in 1999. I will try to be as brief as I can. I got into trouble (messy divorce) and was left with over £20,000 debt and 2 beautiful little girls. Over the years most creditors have been pretty good and I have worked hard to clear my debts. I was paying £35 a month and owed £4060, I requested a CCA in November 2009 and received a letter in December 2009 enclosing a copy of my current T&Cs & a copy of my application form which has my signature although I actually dated it 1998 by mistake (I’m pretty certain this sheet was on its own when I signed up at Derby’s old baseball Ground Stadium as I remember doing it) The T&Cs are reconstituted ones on 4 separate sheets. I wasn’t too sure of my next move so paid my £35 a month until mid 2010 and decided to SAR BOS (recorded delivery) to see if they had more CCA info etc... After the SAR request, Reminder & LBA I heard nothing... Until end of September when I received a letter telling me they had refunded £193.56 which would come off my balance leaving £3,569 but they did not agree with my complaint. 21/01/2011 received letter from ICO who decided that it’s unlikely BOS have complied with the requirements of the DPA. They lied about trying to contact me (see attached scan) I hadn’t heard from BOS since September 2010 and then on 24 March 2011 I have received the usual credit card statement. I am hoping you good people can tell me if you thing the CCA is unenforceable and why you think they haven’t responded to my SAR request but just refunded a small amount of my balance. If it is unenforceable then great but what’s my next move? Reclaim the charges? To be honest I would be happy if they just removed the default account from the credit file as I defaulted in August 2008 so it will be on there for a few more years. Well thanks everyone for reading and please help me if you can. Mike
  22. Hi all, thanks for helping. I have been lurking here for a while, waiting for MBNA to come up with my SAR, which they did, on the 40th day! SAR Reply 08-10002.pdf It came with all statements since MBNA took over the account from HBOS and a copy of MBNA's current agreement which doesn't even have a signature page, let alone a signature! (It does have my address printed on it tho!) I had been having problems with Allied International over this one and sent THEM a CCA request first, which they replied by admitting that they had not been sold the debt, but were "acting on behalf of MBNA". Heard nothing from them since replying with a statement of their legal duty to comply and asking them to contact me by post only. My question is, what do I do now? I have not previously done a CCA request directly to MBNA, should I do it now, or take it that they do not have a copy of the original as they have admitted and send them an 'Account in Dispute' letter? I really would appreciate some guidance. Many thanks RobboM
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