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  1. I gather its for 13 weeks, at least thats what ive been told. What happens when it finishes? Back to the fortnightly or do they have something more insidious lined up?
  2. Good evening. I wonder if anyone can help or advise. My partner's ex husband has asked my partner to sign a "Letter of Authority" from a PPI claims company in order that he can reclaim some PPI "for them both"! Call me sceptical, but how do we know he won't just keep all of the money, as the company in question are dealing with him at his address? I have told her not to sign them for a number of reasons... 1) She has no way to guarantee she will get her share. 2) The PPI claim company takes 33% 3) My brother used a company who only took 25% 4) I think she ought to try and reclaim ALL of her share HERSELF! My brother seems to be of the opinion that if he had tried to reclaim HIS own PPI the banks would have given him the runaround. He was told (by the PPI company) that once a claim is opened they would not be able to help him so it was better to use them as he would have more chance of getting something. Is this true? Any advice appreciated. Thank You,
  3. Refund fraud mistaken return tk maxx, bought lots of items in august, returned new jacket/jeans from my wardrobe which tk maxx claim is not theirs. Seen cctv and i have returned an item with a tag from another. I have been under a period of stress with baby/uncertain job/family member advanced cancer. It was an innocent mistake as i thought the tags belonged to those items. in actual fact, there is no distinction on the label between a jacket and another jacket. and this is the case i put forward at 'police chat' with solicitor, it was strange debating wether TK M sold 'Superdry' stuff. I left without caution. What happens after police interview? Office mentioned he will call tk maxx and have a chat. Any ideas??
  4. Funny question but, what is the process, i mean what happens if a SD is served on me, how long is serving from being bankrupt, Also if a company makes me bankrupt as opposed to me declaring myself bankrupt does that mean i avoid paying the £700+ bankruptcy fee.
  5. When you make a formal request for a refund of DLC, OSC and charges, BrightHouse don't respond then you report them to the FOS? Does that go against BrightHouse straight away? As they never replied to me when I wrote to them in January and have no reported them to FOS ... if I get no joy there, direct action with Court is next.
  6. I succeeded in winning my appeal for ESA at Tribunal eight months ago, being awarded WRC at the hearing. The judge said she would recommend that DWP call me back within the year. But I don't know what that entails! I was never called for interview at the local Job centre concerning my placement on work related component, and although it's nice to be left in peace after struggling with them for a few years - I'm worried because I don't know what lies ahead. Will I have to go around the wheel of Atos/DWP appeal/Tribunal again?
  7. I've been reading a certain website by a whistle blower (or so he calls himself). I believe he's a doctor who used to perform WCA tests for ATOS and he's wrote the following on his blog regarding what he believes will happen and indeed what is now happening to the ESA WCA: It is positive by the way ---- Tuesday, 25 February 2014 ESA Reassessments Suspended The dogged investigators at Benefits and Work have used the Freedom of Information Act to obtain a key DWP internal memo from January. In it, the DWP instructed its staff to stop asking Atos for WCAs in certain circumstances. It was an official communication, so naturally it was unclear. Here's what I think it DIDN'T say: No one will ever have a WCA again The IB reassessment programme has stalled It's because Atos are pulling out. What I think it DID say is: When a claimant has: a) had a WCA; b) been accepted for ESA; and c) been recommended for another WCA in the future to review their condition, then Atos should henceforth no longer be asked to carry out that further WCA to review the claimant, unless the claimant has reported a change The reason for the suspension is that a large backlog of WCAs has built up Normal service is expected to resume when new providers come on stream at a later date in addition to Atos. The memo was written in January and the author was presumably unaware that Atos were hoping to pull out of the WCA programme ASAP! So I think statements about this being the end of the WCA are wide of the mark. What it does show is that Atos cannot process WCA requests quickly enough - no doubt because of the longer time it now takes to carry each one out, and because the number of assessors still willing to do them has dwindled since last summer. Posted by dr greg wood at 11:12
  8. I sent my PIP form to be assessed some months ago and have about 5 months of unpaid DLA ( or whatever it is now ) dependent on it , has any one heard what will happen to those claims ? ( esp for folk living on reduced disabilities like me ) thanks, mike
  9. I self represented myself at an employment tribunal this week for unfair dismissal. After the closing submissions the judge decided that he had ran out of time and would send his decision in the post. I am now totally confused as to how he will award compensation if I do win. How will compensation and mitigation etc be argued between myself and my ex employer? Can anyone clear this up for me as it wasn't made clear so now I am left thinking that as it wasn't addressed I must of lost the case.
  10. My benefits have been suspended for 11 weeks so far while the DWP investigate me for benefit fraud. I am innocent but they havnt proved me innocent or guilty. I know if they find me innocent they will repay it all but if they find me guilty my question is this, Do they a) repay the money theyv taken so far and then tell me to pay back in installments? b) say i owe them so much and keep what theyv taken so far and then i pay back in installments? c) say i owe them so much so keep what theyv taken so far and not pay me anything till its all reclaimed? I have had to borrow of friends and family to get thru and if the dwp pay me back i can clear my debts but if they dont then im screwed... nobody (def not the CAB) can tell me how they proceed. Can anyone advise please? Thank you
  11. HI I am a new to this so please can you give me any advice with my problem. Below is the letter which I sent to claims department after they sent my tv back unrepaired, and after todays phone call I find out that they wont repair it at all due to me neglect. PLEASE HELP ME THANK YOU Dear Sir/Madam I am writing to appeal your decision not to repair my television. I am very dissatisfied with your “Whatever Happens Premier Club” and the decision to not repair my Samsung television based on the supposed damage caused by neglect, abuse or misuse. Your monthly agreement was sold to me on the basis that I would be covered for breakdown caused by mishaps, which was the reason I originally invested monthly into your Premier Club service to be covered. Written below is a full explanation of how the accidental damage occurred and the events that followed. On the 10th November 2013 me and my partner was in the rush and full of excitement finishing moving our belongings into our first newly bought property. Our television was in the car so I lift it up and very carefully tried to bring it upstairs to make sure not to damage any walls or anything else in the way as it very bulky and heavy. In doing this I removed the TV stand to make it easier for me and started to take the television upstairs, however, about two steps from the reaching the top of the stairs I missed the step lost coordination and could not hold onto the television which continued to fall hitting stairs until it hit the ground with the left hand side of the television. The most damaging impact was on the bottom left corner of the television where all the inputs and outputs are located, causing damage to the exterior casing and metal body as the full force of the impact was felt there. As I mentioned above the television continued until it hit the ground floor, it did get caught banister and staircases steps on the way down but I couldn't see any noticeable damage to the property. The first time I rang the “Whatever Happens Premier Club” on the 11th November 2013 first question I asked what I need to do first report damage or change my address and gentleman on the phone told me to report damage first and after that he will change my address, after that I explained everything what happened to the gentleman on the phone, he wasn't too interested in what happened and made a very unpleasant remark saying “for me it looks like an angry customer dropped his TV”. However, I did explain the damage to him and he arranged for the television to be picked up on the 12th November 2013 and I was told that guys will come with the secure case or box and will put my television inside to make sure it won’t be damaged anymore and they will leave me a copy of collection note, I have also asked for a loan TV as I am Whatever Happens Premier Club policy holder on that he told me what at the moment they don’t have one and when it will be available he don’t know so he put me in the queue for it but I never get a call back saying that there is one available and when it will be delivered to me until I received a call from customer service that my television coming back unrepaired. When the television was picked up on the 12th November 2013 delivery guys came bare handed no secure case nor any other secure packaging as I mentioned above they just grabbed television asked my partner to sign on the dotted line and walked away talking with each other to wrap it or not on what one of the guys responded don’t bother it’s a definitely will be scraped after that they just chuck it on the back of the truck and drive of. Moreover when the television was delivered back to me on the 17th November 2013 I made sure that there was no other damages except those on the day of collection and after detailed check I have noticed what television has been disassembled, the front frame was held by two screws only, the back wall has been pushed in and the screen itself has two places where significant force has been applied to it. All of above I mentioned in the telephone conversation with the customer service after receiving television and trying to get some explanation why they refuse to repair my television, as there was no letter or any engineers report explaining it which I was expecting to receive with the television. From the little information I have received from customer service team is they think the unexplained damage was due to my neglect, abuse or misuses of the product, however I did mentioned everything what happened on the phone when I originally rang “Whatever Happens Premier Club”. I was not misusing, neglecting nor abusing the product in anyway. It was just an unfortunate event that should be covered under the breakdown by mishaps agreement in your Whatever Happens service due to accidental damage, which I agree to purchase on the first place. I would like to request the report under the Data Protection Act 1998 from the engineer, showing his assessment of my television and how the damage on the television differs from the report I have given. Under the terms of the agreement although you can withdraw your service if there is evidence of misuse, abuse or neglect, I would like to remind you that I require you to prove it first. I would also like to add that I currently have other products under the similar agreement and I am thinking of cancelling them if you acting in such unfair way and make me feel like a criminal. Please would you get back to me as soon as possible with this issue because the Christmas will come soon and I really looking forward to spend a good time with my family in our first new home and would like to get this small problem solved before that. This means I would like the television to be taken and repaired if possible if not then replaced, as I originally did pay a lot of money because of its good reviews and reliability, also I would like to receive a loan TV for that time. I am expecting a very good service level from your company and I am expecting a response from you within 14 days before taking any further actions. I am sending this letter via recording delivery for the purpose of proof it has been received.
  12. Hi Guys, Looking for some friendly advice from you guys who know a bit about this kinda thing. Received a PCN from my local council last year. Appealed the fine through email (still got copy) Never heard nothing back either post or email. Earlier this year I got a call from a Baliff (Excel Enforcement) demanding £317.00. I panicked as i thought it was solved with my appeal email as stated on the PCN. I asked if I could look into it and get back to him. He reluctantly left and said he'd return. I called the National Debt Line who were extremely helpful in the advice given. I filled out a TE7 and TE9 late witness statement this was filled and sent across via email to the Northampton Bulk Centre. I called them back after 4:30 an they said they'd contact Local Council to put a hold on any further action whilst in dispute. I'd called local council before I called NDL and requested this but was bluntly refused to hold off action telling me to speak direct with Baliff. Last I heard of this until today. My partner (who got the PCN) was at home as I was at work with the car a knock at the door from a local man demanding £317.00. When my partner called me at work I explained to her we'd received nothing from the Northampton Bulk Centre to advise the appeal was turned down and couldn't find that money. He immediatley give me half and hour to get home with the money or costs would be added for his visit. I explained I couldn't get the money and he said he'd notify the police to pull me over so he could come and levy my car which is in my name. The car's in my name but still paying off my dad's credit card for the car so not on finance as such but on credit card. He's now added £72.68 to the bill bringing it to £389.78 to which he wanted me to get to him by Friday this week or he would levy my car. I called NDL back tonight who again really helpful and suggested I call the council and pay the fine (Did this tonight) I paid £75.00 with a debit card on the phone. Got the payment authorisation code at the end and emailed the chief executive of the council to explain and request they call off any action. I've also filed a complaint online with the council about the non receiving of the letters they claim and requested under DPA they send me everything in email or by post. I'm hoping this will bring an end to the matter now but wanted your thoughts on any experiences you've had yourselves.
  13. Hello I have had an account with Fashion World which I got into difficulty with the balance is around £2600. The account was passed on to reliable, who agreed to accept £20 a month they said that the account would be looked at by their review team, and I would likely get the interest frozen and backdated from when the £20 started. After a couple of months interest was still being added so I sent a CCA request to get statement and interest rates from them. They replied in there letter outlining the agreement and stating that the interest was stopped. I wrote back saying that the interest had not been stopped, they replied saying that they had made a clerical error in saying that the interest had been stopped and that it would not be stopped. My problem here is I am a student now and recovering from long term physical and mental illness. The £20 goes nowhere near covering the interest and the debt is increasing each month. What would you guys suggest I do? someone suggest not paying until they issued a default or sold it on as then there would be no more interest added. Thank you.
  14. Just watched the video on how to post so i went to welcome to the consumer form trid to post and it said i have to post in the right section which section relates to the consumer credit act 1974 and 2006
  15. Ok so ill make this short and sweet with this story. Buy 42" lcd tv 6.4 years ago cover it at 7.99 a month on whatever happens TV on off button starts playing up. Ring up get tv picked up. Two days later call from someone saying TV written off, vouchers sent to replace. Vouchers arrive for £400. Look for a TV that will suit/replace the one we had. Now we hit problems. Old TV spec was that it has 2 hdmi and 2 scarts + other specs that are available now but not on the cheaper end or @ £400. So we argue/speak with a Duty manager at a currys store. He will look into increasing the vouchers (even though I had already spoken to someone on the phone and been told its a store managers discression/decision.) Anyway leave a day or 2, get back to Duty manager who has now passed on all the details to someone in the stores KnowHow team. So I agree thats fine and agree that I will definately get a call today from them. Waited till 3.30pmish and think ok I will just ring instead. ROFL, the person isnt even scheduled to work today so how was I going to be rang back when I have evidence that I was promised to recieve a call ? Here are a few question maybe others can answer for me. When I took out the 7.99 a month cover for my TV what was the value of the good (TV) that this covered as there new policy are £ 6 7 or 8 a month and 8.00 covers TV to the value of £1000-£1250 (as per the T&C on there website). In the small print there is nothing that says you as a customer may refuse the amount offered, or they at no point state that you agree to any decision they make. So as I stated to the Duty Manager, I do not except the offer of £400 and therefore would like my TV returned to me and then I purse it in a different way. They explain that this isnt possible. So who owns my TV ??? isnt it my decision if they offer to replace my goods that I am fit to ask for it to be returned so I can get rid of it in my own manner ? (hope that makes sense). What is "LIKE for LIKE" or what does it constitute when it comes to TV's Size, make, spec etc etc Cause all the Duty Manager was going on about is my old 42" was HD ready so ANY fullHD TV of same size is better, nothing else but that 1 spec. Really getting annoyed now and soon will start other approaches to get this sorted instore as that can be very pro-active when you start making a noise inside and outside of a store
  16. my daughter bought an ipad on 18/09/2011 and took out the extra whatever happens cover. around 4 weeks ago my daughter and her friend were messing around and her friend jumped off her bed ontp my daughters handbag which had the ipad in it as she uses it for college. ipad was badly damaged. took to currys and they took a statement of what had happened. we then got a letter back saying that they were not going to replace or repair ipad and that we could appeal the decision. they wanted a letter stating exactly what happened again with a list of everything that was in her handbag. we sent off another letter appealing the decision and yesterday we received a letter saying that they are still refusing to repair or replace. please help. my daughter relies on this for her college course :-x:-x:-x
  17. My laptop had an accident back in June, and on giving it to the Whatever Happens team, it was returned unrepaired 15 days later. There was a letter stating that the damage was not covered by the agreement and the extent of the damage was inconsistent with the description of the accident. This was a case of accidental spillage of coffee on the laptop. I responded to the letter with a detailed description of how this happened, and asked to have the decision reconsidered. This was back on the 5th of July. Since then, I have been regularly calling them on the telephone and as soon as I state the reason for my call, I'm placed in a queue and my call NEVER GETS ANSWERED. The longest I've been on hold is 20minutes, beyond which it is impossible for me to wait AND have a normal life. Could someone please advise me on what the possible next steps would be? I have emailed the local Trading Standards office asking about how I can register a complaint against PC World/Currys, and Im waiting for their reply. Is there anything else I can do or have the government given CURRYS a free hand in this matter so that they can cheat customers of their hard earned money?
  18. Please please please can you help?? I Purchased my TV in Aug 2007 for £1999. Purchased Knowhow's whatever happens policy for TV in Aug 2008 at £7.99 per month. Paid a total of £479 over the 5 years! TV developed a fault and was sent off on the 19th July. I phoned knowhow on 19th July as I was concerned with the way it was transported as PLONKED my heavy 50" Plasma TV into a case on its side and transported it in the van on its side. It was logged as a complaint (which is still ongoing). I received my TV back, fault supposed to been repaired, on the 26th July when I open the wrapped bubble wrap I felt that the top edges and the top of the TV frame had deep scratches and scuffs and a big dent in the rear of the TV casing. I take great care and pride in my gadgets and this cosmetic damage had not been done prior to Knowhow taking it. I contacted knowhow again informing them they had cosmetically damaged my TV. They took the TV again for investigation. On the 2nd of Aug I recieved my TV back with a replaced front frame and rear case. Quite impressed however, on inspecting the TV I found a dent and scuffs in the new replaced rear case of the TV. Not that big so I was okish about this until I turned my TV on and low and behold, this was the first time I had switched the TV on since 19th July, the original fault I had reported and sent away for had not been repaired. The original fault was red vertical, coloured horizontal lines across the TV screen which, until the TV was warm, the TV would turn its self on and off. The TV was sent back for a 3rd time! They had to end up writing the TV off as it was passed their 21 day policy. Eventually I ended up getting a voucher code to which I took to my local Currys, happy that I was going to get a new TV, when I was informed the value of the voucher and their supposedly equivalent like for like TV of £699 ps51f5500. After an hour of disagreeing and getting no where with trying to get them to understand that the TV they were trying to replace was NOT like for like as for starters it didn't have the same connections let alone the same amount! Well after an hour I walked out with no TV. I have phoned Samsung and they advised me that the TV Currys offered is far less inferior product and advised that the equivalent today was a ps51f8500 at £1749 TV which is exactly what I had researched as being a replacement. So far I have got no where with this. No offer of compensation for cosmetically damaging my personal possessions. No offer of an apology. And no like for like offer according to Samsung themselves. But the topping was the offer of a £699 TV which is what I have nearly paid in premiums alone! Samsung have said it was a top end TV at the time I purchased it. So they should replace with a top end like for like in today's equivalent which they are not honouring. I am not accepting this offer so what should and can I do and where do I stand with this? Please please help. Oh I am severly sight impaired/Blind and my TV was a major part of my normal daily living and to have been with out for over a month now has been very hard for me. I only have a tiny bit of sight left in my left eye only and rely on larger scales to help me with my day to day activities. Knowhow are fully aware of this. Many many thanks in advance for any advise anyone has got to give me as I am not accepting this offer. I am also being told by Knowhow t,hat I cannot even get my old TV back! Is this now not theft as I haven't accepted their offer and want my TV back which they are saying I can't have back now? Can I not claim criminal damage for the damage knowhow caused to my own personal possessions? Please please some please help not a happy bunny
  19. PC World sold me a void Whatever Happens Policy and refused to repair a valuable laptop 23 months later blaming me for their errors. Having taken many months of installments they maintain that the blame rests with the customer for being sold a policy with a void product code by their incompetent staff. I am taking them to court but wondered if anyone else suffered in a similar way at the hands of these faceless, unaccountable, clumsy buffoons? I am so sick of their attitude I intend to make very long and loud warnings about this useless organisation and it's amateur attitude
  20. Hi I am claiming JSA and interest help with my mortgage. My GP has signed me off for a month today (I am due to sign on Thursday). This is my second certificate this year (for the same health issues). Do I send the sick note to my local JC, also will the help with my mortgage continue. I expect there might be a delay as I change from one to the other. Pretty scared really, as I am waiting ECG tests, and just had my meds upped for depression. GP was very nice and understanding, not sure the DWP will be, reading what some of you folks face it all sounds horrible. Any help much thanked Lily
  21. hi all need to sell my flat what will happen to my bennifets when i pay off my motague and my debts i need to buy another home BUT mortague free debt free it will take time after i sell to buy as u know can take a while any ideas b4 i go down this road
  22. I feel a bit stupid for asking this but I have severe cognitive issues at the moment and no matter how much I've read it's not sinking in. If a creditor takes me to court for an unsecured debt and a CCJ is issued for an amount I can afford in installments (eg £5 pcm), can they do anything if I DO comply with the CCJ? Can they, at the first court hearing just demand a charging order or bankruptcy order rather than payback in installments? It seems too easy if I was issued with an affordable CCJ and stick to it that they can't do anything. It would take centuries to get all monies owed! Thanks, Daniel (dazed and confused).
  23. Hi, David here, and I am new to the site and looking for advice. I had a £11,000 debt with Barclaycard and through advice from CCCS, set up a £1 token payment agreement, as I am on Pension Credit and completely broke !! This has been in place for 12 months, but has been taken over by Link Financial, and today I have received a letter from IDR Finance telling me that they have been assigned my account. The letter is not threatening as such, but I now wonder what the next step will be ?? If anyone has had a similar situation, I would be grateful of advice. Thanks...................
  24. I'm sure you're all aware of the Whatever Happens policy Currys run. I've had a bit of a customer service scuffle with them. They don't respond to my emails unless I badger them on social media (then I get a quick response - funny that!) and they don't call me back when they say they will. Quick run-down of the events. I'd love to know whether you think I'm in the right, or whether I should just suck it up and move on. My laptop went into repair (boot-up issue) on the 17th of October 2012. Due to a clerical fault on Currys/KnowHow's end, it was recieved back in store on 1st of November without a fix. At this stage, the Currys staff member attempted to request a write-off as there was no way that the computer would now be fixed within 28 days. The service summary I have says at this point the laptop was past the '28 day remit for repair'. The Currys staff member was unable to complete this request 'as unit is in transit'. He was told that he needs to 'await return to store and then call knowhow for writeoff.' I have all this in writing. When the laptop returned to the Currys store, fixed, on 24th of Nov (clearly outside the 28 day remit) we called to request a write-off. This was denied 'because the product has already been repaired'. So essentially, I was told to wait until it was back in store and then when it was back in store I was told they would not process it. This seems incredibly misleading/unethical/ and a potential break of policy. Given that the fix took longer than 28 days, surely they have to honour their contract and what's stated in the service summary, regardless of the current status of the unit? These other points aren't part of my main grievance but have some connection: Since the laptop was returned it has major connectivity issues. They had to perform a data transfer on the computer and only transfered around 20% of the files on my computer. Many files with sentimental value were lost. They labelled this operation on the data rescue form, a 'success'. My emails have been largely ignored. All of which has combined into a rather frustrating experience. I'd love to try and get some objectivity in regards to it. Is it worth pushing forward with this, and taking further action. What should be my next steps? Should I drop it. Thanks for reading. Apologies for the length.
  25. Hi all, Would someone please provide me with names/addresses for Currys or 'Whatever Happens'. In particular the contact details of the C.E.O would be good. I have tried dealing with Gary Perryment, but to no avail. He WON'T reply to emails or letters. I am going to send a LBA requesting their initial engineers report on an item returned to me after they refused to repair it under WH. I will also be requesting a copy of the report from H.M Investiagtions. I will need this as evidence in court. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks to all in advance.
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