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  1. Thanks for all replies - and especially this onefrom antone. I feel somewhat comforted now and a bit less worried. I can only hope that your 'guess' is right!
  2. I'Ve been trying to find out how UC will affect me as I was placed in an ESA Support Group a year ago for a one year - and then told this year that I wouldn't be called for any type of assessment at all and that they will look at my case in spring of 2017. Btw, I went through the hoops several times plus two tribunals in order to get where I am at the moment. Obviously I was relieved to hear about the '2017' decision, but now am starting to wonder what is likely to happen to me under the scheme for UC. If it helps, I have Fibromyalgia and am a 62 year old female. Please help me as I feel I can't bear to have to hoop-jump again at my age! I honestly thought that I might be left alone until 2017. Thank you for reading this!
  3. Hi Margaret and all. I said I'd report back on my ESA85A which arrived in the post the other day. It says I'm in Support Group for 12 months, or rather it says I should be reviewed within 12 months. I wonder if they are likely to leave me alone until I am nudging the 12 month part? Hope so!
  4. Hallo and thanks Belfaster and Margaret! Margaret, well one of the things written (2nd from top) is 'extra money because of the Disability Income Guarantee' at £15.55. Then there's extra money because I'm in the Support Group, at £35.75. Yes, I'll ring the number at the top of the letter on Monday and ask for a copy of the ESA85A report to be sent to me, and we'll see what it has to say!! Eek, just seen that the top of the page say my ESA is based on my NIC records and any amount the law says I need to live on. But I was on Income related ESA (as you rightly remember), so have they put me on contribution based Support ESA by mistake - or am I just misunderstanding something here?? Oh, wait, the final amount of £120.02 is described as income-related - so I guess that answers the question!
  5. Hallo to ReallyMadWoman, Margaret and other folk who have helped me in the past. I started this thread (just in case you forgot me!), and I'm here today to update you that this morning I had a letter through from DWP saying that I had been moved from WRCG to the Support Group, and would be getting an increase to my benefits, dated from last week. To say that Ii am shocked is an understatement - and I am relieved and pleased to say the least. However, I don't yet understand the implications of this one. Does being in the Support Group mean that I will be summoned to another Atos medical within the next year and have to go round the wheel again - or am I to be left alone completely, or what? Please help me again, as I am in a fibro fog daze! Thank you for reading this.
  6. Thanks Margaret.
  7. So if I fail my Atos medical next time, I immediately lose benefit?
  8. My goodness, Atos are going down the tubes!! Am I right in thinking that I would NOT be put back to 'basic rate ESA, unless a) failure to return form or, b) I had been seen and failed at my Atos medical?
  9. Hi, it's me again I'm afraid (started this thread). I'm still on ESA WRC. I last posted here on 16th Dec. - and went on to submit a new Atos medical form, along with last Tribunal decision (appeal upheld), a supportive doctors letter - oh and my daughter wrote in my Atos form in my support about her concerns over my pain levels, medication and safety when out in the town etc. That was sent on Dec. 29th (I rang them first to say I was worried that it might not reach them by 1st Jan. 2014, and they just told me to add a note to say when I was posting it, which I did). Sorry, all this, just to say that I have heard nothing from them at all yet, and I am unnerved to say the least. Should I be contacting Atos to see what is happening? I will be 61 in May, if anyone thinks that has any bearing on the matter!
  10. Lol, I have to comment on this, because although they aren't DWP people, my first Tribunal was dreadful inasmuch as I found the judge and doctor officiating to be very unreachable and, well, cold, and unapproachable. Second Tribunal? Got on like a house on fire with judge and doctor (once I'd calmed my nerves), and they (particularly the judge) were very kind and compassionate and also asked questions about my life and background (regarding previous work and marriages) as well as health, which were unnecessary perhaps - but possibly gave them a fuller picture of the person they were dealing with. Same down at my local Job Centre over the last few years. Some people are so, so kind - and seem happy to go beyond the call of duty, certainly with regard to treating you with kindness and respect. Sorry to waffle, but yes, just thinking about how it depends on who deals with you and your claim etc.
  11. Thanks RMW. I'll update what happens over the next month or so, if I may. Wouldn't it be heavenly if Atos (or is it the DWP directly) decided not to call me, because of the last gtribunal decision, and the dtrength of my G/P's letter? Well, I can dream...
  12. Thanks for coming in anyway. Well, I had an advocate (lawyer, free because on benefits) for the tribunal before the last one - and she did very little in the courtroom, and I failed my appeal. Last year I went alone (never thinking I'd get through) and won my appeal!! I really do think it has a lot to do with whether the tribunal panel like you or not. Anyway, I have filled out Atos form and will enclose the last (favorable) Tribunal result, along with a letter from my doctor to state that things have got worse over the last year - and we shall see what happens from there. I'm just trying to keep a calm, open mind and look at the worst possible case scenario as well as the best. What will be will be. Good to hear from you!
  13. Do you know, I really am slow on the uptake these days! Of course, that makes perfect sense... I think I'm displaying what is known as 'Fibro fog'! Thanks.
  14. Thanks very much for your full reply, Margaret. I think it's all beginning to sink in now!! So, the stage at which to fight the hardest is the first stage of completing the Atos form? Presumably, my G/P's contribution would have a major clout? And would the last Tribunal decision (which went in my favour) be worth enclosing?
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