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  1. Only the thing is... Am I missing something here, only I'm sure I filled in the paperwork for this and sent it in before the 31st of July last year. That was the deadline for paper and 31st January is the deadline for online submissions right? I've responded to everything they've sent me in the post so surely this is a clerical error and I should appeal against it? Unless I've missed something.
  2. High Street retailer PerfectHome has been fined for making some customers hand over their house keys before it delivered their purchases. PerfectHome is a rent-to-own business and has 67 stores across the UK. Hull magistrates court convicted the company of aggressive and misleading trading practices after more than 50 sets of house keys were found at the firm's store in the city. PerfectHome said it disagreed with the verdict and planned to appeal. It blamed a previous store manager for a "rogue practice" that was not company policy. Misled customers Under the rent-to-own model, customers take out an agreement to buy a product, and then pay weekly instalments until they own it - similar to hire purchase agreements. Hull city council's trading standards team launched an investigation into PerfectHome after a customer complained that she had been pressured into giving her house key to them before they delivered her television. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-31440752
  3. Barclays Bank has been fined £26m by UK regulators after one of its traders was discovered attempting to fix the price of gold. The trader, who has been sacked, exploited weaknesses in the system to profit at a customer's expense, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) said. The incident occurred in June 2012, the day after the bank was fined a record £290m for attempting to rig Libor. Barclays said it "very much regrets the situation" that led to the fine. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-27536127
  4. I'm 14 and I got fined £20, I was really Ill and forgot to tell my parents about the fine. now they've sent a letter saying you have been fined £55 and now i don't know what to do now. My parents can't afford to pay this, can I get away with this because I live in a flat and theres 2 gate's. Do you think the debt collector will come in? I don't want my parents to go court, really scared right now:(
  5. on thursday i didn't buy a train ticket and the machine for buying a 'pay later ticket type' wasn't working i went on the train from Burnham to Windsor. The train was arriving at 8:16 and i was at the station at 8:12 but the line was so long. I couldn't miss this train. 4 to 5 people were still ahead of me by the time the train came. i got on it because i didn't want to miss my examination. When i got to Windsor i told the inspectors all of this but obviously they don't work on assumptions. i gave my details and left without doing the whole Q&A. This is where the problem comes into play. I forgot my weekly ticket a couple months back. Got fined that day too and got a £80 fine and a pre-court action letter. Paid it all off as soon as it came but i re-read the sheet and it says 'if this ever happens again. There will be court action' This is only my 2nd time in 2 years. Is it likely that they are going to take me to court this time?
  6. http://www.moneymarketing.co.uk/news-and-analysis/regulation/fca-hits-insurance-broker-with-30m-fine-over-misselling/2006613.article
  7. Hello, I am looking for some advice regarding a motoring offense I received a conviction of at the beginning of the year. Just to clarify, this was an honest mistake on my part - I was insured on my car and drove my next car thinking I was covered but wasn't. I mis interpreted the small print in my policy (as confirmed a common mistake by the prosecution during my hearing!) I had an accident and hit a parked car which was deemed a write off. At court, the prosecution charged me with driving with no insurance and I received an IN10 judgement. The prosecution then said they will make a claim through the Motor Insurance Board and the judge accepted this and deemed I was to pay the excess on the petitioners insurance policy (which I have). I then thought the matter was settled as I have been charged in court for this. I have just received a personal claim form from the owner's solicitor of the parked car claiming for the full amount of the damaged vehicle. I am wondering where I stand here as I have heard nothing for over six months and this has come out of the blue. Any kind of advice would be really appreciated as this is my first offense (I am over 40 years old!) Thanks in advance!
  8. Hi, My daughter was pulled over by the police for having her MOT out of date by a few days. She was issued with an on the spot fine of £60 which she paid online. Subsequently, she received a letter a couple of months later saying she had not paid. She phoned the number on the letter and explained that she had paid. They said that they had either not received it OR she was late paying and so the payment was rejected and returned. They requested proof of payment and so my daughter emailed a screen cap of her online statement as they requested. She also examined her statements and can see the payment has been made and has not been refunded to her account. This was about 6 weeks ago. The bank statement shows "HMCOURTS-SVS GOV U £60". She has now received a letter from Marston Group Limited demanding £175 (Fine of £90 + fees of £85). It looks like a threat'o'gram but as it states they are in possession of a magistrates court order, I'm taking it seriously. Any advice would be appreciated.
  9. Swinton failed to inform customers that the policies were optional and separate from the core cover Insurer Swinton has been fined £7.4m and has set aside more than £11m to compensate customers after the City regulator found it had mis-sold add-on insurance policies over a two-year period. It is the biggest fine of its kind for an insurer and comes days after the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) announced an investigation into the market in add-ons. The FCA said that between April 2010 and April 2012 Swinton had sold personal accident, home emergency and motor breakdown policies to customers without providing enough information about the terms and conditions or cancellation process. The policies, which made the firm £93m, were sold alongside home and motor insurance, but the FCA said Swinton had not made it clear that they were optional extras and separate from the core cover being bought. The insurer failed to properly monitor sales calls and its aggressive sales strategy meant it failed to treat customers fairly, the FCA said. The problems emerged when a new chief executive, Christophe Bardet, was appointed at Swinton and conducted a review of the business, and the insurer reported itself to the regulator. The firm set aside £11.2m to compensate customers who were victims of mis-selling, and in summer 2012 it contacted more than 650,000 policyholders who it believes may have been affected. So far it has returned £1.9m. http://www.guardian.co.uk/money/2013/jul/16/swinton-fined-mis-sold-insurance-add-ons So you mis-sell insurance, make £93m, get caught and fined £7.4m, pay out £1.9m and set aside another £11.2m. That still leaves a cool £72.5m that you otherwise would not have earned if there had been no mis-selling at all. I bet they couldn't pay that fine quick enough.
  10. Ed Balls, the Shadow Chancellor, has been fined for jumping a red light as he left Parliament. Mr Balls was caught on camera as he drove home along the Embankment, in central London, after leaving a late night Commons sitting last December. The Labour MP has now been caught for traffic offences on three separate occasions. More ... Here is some cheerful news during these hard times lol.
  11. My daughter went to the beach today and used a Saveaway. She went into the shop, asked for a child saveaway, paid and scratched off the date. On the way home she was fined by an inspector because the saveaway she had was a "one zone" ticket (£2.10) and not an all zones ticket (£2.50). She wasn't even aware there was two different types. Can she legally be fined this £20 and what happens if I don't pay it? It was a genuine mistake, not her trying to swindle Merseyrail out of 40p.
  12. Hi All need some advice, i sold my vehicle (well part ex) to Perrys Vauxhall in January, i completed v5 and the sales men took it to put in that afternoons post which was being taken to the post office (my first mistake). I left with the new motor and thought nothing of it... I have now just received a failure to tax vehicle notification from the DVLA with an 80 quid fine, I have contacted Perrys who are sending me all the documents to prove the sale this week hopefully... Does anyone have any advice i get married in 2 weeks and could really do without out a fine... Am i screwed and likely to be fined or do i stand a chance with my appeal and does anyone have any advice for the letters content??? CHEERS Dave
  13. 'The OFT today issued decisions finding that Mercedes-Benz and five of its commercial vehicles dealers infringed competition law and has imposed fines totalling over £2.8 million. Each of the five decisions relates to separate infringements that took place over different periods between March 2007 and January 2010, involving different parties. The nature of the infringements varies but all contain at least some element of market sharing, price co-ordination or the exchange of commercially sensitive information.' http://oft.gov.uk/news-and-updates/press/2013/30-13
  14. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-20909763
  15. In addition nPower has agreed to issue £10 vouchers to affected customers. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-20625462 The abandon calls came just weeks after nPower were fined £2m by OFGEM for its poor handling of customer complaints http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/personalfinance/consumertips/8859221/Npower-fined-2m-by-Ofgem.html
  16. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-20338335
  17. Hi, back at the start of April I somehow lost my tax disc, or it was nicked. I applied for a replacement ASAP but I had to carry on driving my car as it is a vital part of my job, and was told if I couldnt come to work they would find somebody else to do my job for me. I got pulled one night and got an on the spot fine for 'failing to exhibit valid excise licence ve10), the copper told me the DVLA can impose a fine of upto £1000 but probably wouldnt do anything. The next morning my tax disc arrived in the post. A couple weeks down the line I get a letter from the police rescinding their ticket and about a week after I get a letter from the DVLA saying they are charging me £258 for an out of court settlement and if I didnt respond by today I would automatically get summoned to court However in their letter the registration plate they gave was xxxxxx, mine is xxxxxxx, can I use this to get them off my back? I dont really know if I have a leg to stand on or whether I can fight them or should I just give up and pay the fine before this snowballs into something else? Also helpfully I managed to put the DVLA letter in the washing machine. Any comments will be greatly appreciated...
  18. Hello, Not sure what to do here, friend of mine charged and arrested for being on the system as not having a license or insurance, car was impounded, kept in cell for 8 hours overnight. Got the car out at cost of £150, going to court on Friday. His license was surrendered to the courts before xmas to add on 3 points for a parking charge, not had any notification that he could not drive from the DVLA. Police pulled him over on the 30th December and told him he was on the system as not having a license and was arrested. Problem is due to the Christmas post I guess but what do you think would be the best way to prepare for court? I was thinking call DVLA and ask as a simple inquiry "Whats the status with my licence" record it and tell them he is recording it. Then speak to the court he surrendered his license to and finally try and get the hearing adjourned before Friday and not on the day in case they try to stitch him up on the spot, plus he needs to speak to a solicitor which has been tough due to New Years and bank holiday. Personally I would make a claim against them to get his money back for the impound. What would you guys suggest? Thanks James
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