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  1. Had a letter through this morning from dvla quoting the same wrong registration number and informing me they are preparing the case for court. I will receive a summons soon. I cant afford to go to court and dont really want to, ive never been before. Should I send them a photocopy of the letter I received from the police now?
  2. no ive never had any connection with the number plate they are quoting
  3. Should I send a letter accompanying the photocopy? Sorry im a bit clueless with these sort of things
  4. thanks a lot i feel a lot better now
  5. Hi, Just before Xmas I sold 2 x brand new iPads on ebay. A week or so after selling them both one of the people that brought one claims it isnt the model I said it was and wants a refund. This was complete rubbish they were both the same, the other person didnt complain. Eventually the case was resolved and he was granted a full refund, however I had already taken all my money out of paypal after hearing about them freezing your money etc. So Paypal have refunded him and are now saying I owe them the money. Surely not?? I couldnt sell the iPad for half as much as I did originally because it was no longer brand new, the guy had unwrapped it and set it up etc. Now I am getting letters from GBP solicitors claiming that I need to have to pay or a CCJ will be issued, please help!
  6. Hi, back at the start of April I somehow lost my tax disc, or it was nicked. I applied for a replacement ASAP but I had to carry on driving my car as it is a vital part of my job, and was told if I couldnt come to work they would find somebody else to do my job for me. I got pulled one night and got an on the spot fine for 'failing to exhibit valid excise licence ve10), the copper told me the DVLA can impose a fine of upto £1000 but probably wouldnt do anything. The next morning my tax disc arrived in the post. A couple weeks down the line I get a letter from the police rescinding their ticket and about a week after I get a letter from the DVLA saying they are charging me £258 for an out of court settlement and if I didnt respond by today I would automatically get summoned to court However in their letter the registration plate they gave was xxxxxx, mine is xxxxxxx, can I use this to get them off my back? I dont really know if I have a leg to stand on or whether I can fight them or should I just give up and pay the fine before this snowballs into something else? Also helpfully I managed to put the DVLA letter in the washing machine. Any comments will be greatly appreciated...
  7. Just found out they are part of the BPA, does this make any difference?
  8. Ok i had sent an appeal that got rejected, does this matter? Could you explain an unenforceable invoice please.
  9. I got a parking ticket at college from a company called "Valley Enforcement LTD", recently changed from "WJ Parking LTD". They are demanding £70 within 7 days or the charge will be increased to £100! This is a ridiculous charge for a student that will at most have a part time job, i don't. How can they expect me to pay this? I remembered watching Watchdog one night and they said you don't actually have to pay tickets from private companies, read a few threads on here and it seems true, just wanted to be certain, so could anybody please enlighten me!
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