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  1. Hi All, A friend of ours is in a huge amount of debt from her marriage, where her husband built up this debt, cheated on her and was also very abusive. Our friend had no choice but to go into a refuge with their 2yr old son. Whilst in the refuge, her husband didn't give her dog the medication that it needed and it became ill. the husband took the dog to the vets in the morning, but the vet put the dog to sleep in the afternoon. The dog belonged solely to our friend, not the husband. The vet did not call our friend on her mobile phone to speak with, as the dog's owner), they were happy to speak with her estranged husband. The vets have sent our friend the bill and asked her to solely pay it as the sole vet account holder and dog owner. She wants to know if they can do that? Someone takes the dog in ( who the vet knows) and destroy it without t=contacting the owner and also without checking that the vet account holder is happy to accept the charge for this treatment? many thanks in advance E5D
  2. Apple who owns the icloud have such weak security that they are being hacked and users of their cloud are having personal files stolen. Typical 'We don't have malware problems' Apple. Why does anyone pay up to 10 times what other companies charge for goods and services and put up with this amateur couldn't care less, company. The theft comes two years after a host of celebrities, including Hollywood star Jennifer Lawrence, fell victim to a hacker attack on the iCloud - which stores private photos from phones and computers online - which saw images posted online. You would think once bitten twice shy, but not Apple. They are a 'give us the money and push off, we don't care' company obviously.
  3. I run a small limited company. I am owed just under 15K from another limited company. Lets call them ABC Design Ltd. The money due to me has only just become due, and I have emails from the director saying stuff like don't you worry me ol china you'll get your money etc. However, I have just found out that ABC Design Ltd is about to close down and another company ABC Design 2 Limited is about to open with a member of ABC Design Ltd staff as director of ABC Design 2 Ltd. In fact the director of ABC Design 2 Ltd was the person who signed the contract I have with ABC Design Ltd. I know by the time i sue them, they will have gone bust, but is there anything I can do with regards to reporting them to someone as the clearly doesn't seem right and although ABC Design 2 Ltd has a new "front runner" the company will be run by the same people as ABC Design Ltd Sorry if this is posted in the wrong section. UKD.
  4. I thought I was good at maths but can anyone explain this to me? I have just 1 year and 4 months left on my mortgage. The mortgage rate has just reduced by 0.25% thus my mortgage rate has also reduced fro 3.75% to 3.50%. My repayments were £357.62 a month but have INCREASED to £378.10. That about 6% INCREASE per month. The mortgage company put a note with their letter saying the increase is because I am near the end of the mortgage term but I really do not understand that. If the rate has gone down surely the repayments should go down too. Can anyone explain this to me please? #confused.
  5. I am mightily confused. I have been signing on for 12 months, at the start of my claim I signed a claimant commitment stating I will do X number of steps each week to find work, IE look in papers, ask family and friends, use UJM etc. I completed my job search online and always filled in my activity history on UJM, ensuring I recorded X number of steps as required in my claimant commitment. Part way through the year I was told not to use UJM instead I was given a paper template to fill that stated I must do 35 hours job search per week, this had a section to fill stating the time each task took. Some time later I was issued with a pie chart diagram which showed different activities I could include in my 35 hour job search. Now I have been given another paper template form which states I have to apply for and record 10 vacancies jobs per week. What the heck as happened to my claimant commitment, no where in that did I agree to a 35 hour week job search nor did it state when I signed it that it was a requirement. Secondly, I would never agree to applying for X amount of vacancies per week , what if the only suitable vacancies are ones I have already applied for. And now they have just reissued me a new claimant commitment to sign which is basically same as my old one except they have added “ engage with the work program” Can they enforce this 10 job application rule and what is in place to prevent me from just jotting down bogus applications. Obviously I am fulfilling my claimant commitment still but as there is no actual way to record that activity any more am I even obligated to carry it out. From what I can gather the 35 hour per week is only a suggestion and not enforceable as long as client shows they have took reasonable steps they cannot be sanctioned but I cannot find any info at all regarding the 10 vacancies per week.
  6. Hello and greetings to all at CAG, I moved eight doors down the same road (upsizing) and Hastings have upped my annual premium by £131.82. When I queried this I was told that the underwriter (Advantage) take into consideration additional risk factors, such as flood risk, proximity to main roads, crime levels etc, hence the increase. I consider this increase to be out of proportion because there is no difference risk-wise to the part of the road I previously parked in. The only difference is, in fact, one letter at the end of my postcode. I feel I have been stung by some generalised, presumably out-of-thin-air statistic generating at the hands of Advantage/Hastings Direct. My partner's car insurance premium (Aviva) did not increase at all so where does the 'increased risk statistics' come from exactly? I refute the increase entirely and don't see why I should be penalised for moving 62 yards, same side of the road, from xxxx 2AW to xxxx 2AN. I have written several emails to Hastings Direct and have escalated my query to a complaint; which has decidedly fallen of deaf ears because I received the same, generalised reply regarding risk-factors. Short of demanding a Hastings rep come to my road to see there is no difference re: risk between location of house A to location of house B, I've hit a brick wall. If anyone could tell me what else I could try I would be super grateful.
  7. A new DWP website has been launched by the Pension Tracing Service to help people more easily and quickly locate their lost pension savings. There is currently an estimated £400 million in unclaimed pension savings. This is money people have previously saved for their retirement, and the new website will better help people to locate their hard-earned savings. The new DWP online Pension Tracing Service helps reunite people with their lost pensions, giving details of providers to help people track them down. Anyone who thinks they may be missing out on any savings can use the free online service at www.gov.uk/find-pension-contact-details. You can search for a workplace pension (a pension an employer has set up for you), a personal pension (a pension you have set up yourself), or a civil service, NHS, teacher or armed forces pension. If you're looking for a workplace pension, you'll be asked for your employer's name. If it's a personal pension, you'll need to enter the name of your pension provider. If it was an NHS, civil service, teaching or armed forces pension, you'll be given a link to contact the specific pension enquiry service directly. Once you've clicked on the relevant company or pension, you'll be provided with a name, address and possibly email or phone number for the administrator of the pension scheme you may have paid in to. You now need to write to or call the administrator to see if they can find your pension, and if so, how much it's worth. If you're writing, include as much useful information as you can – in particular your name, date of birth, the rough dates you believe you had the pension and your national insurance number.
  8. I would value your advice on how to respond to an offer from Xercise4less that hopefully would result in the closure of a dispute over my son's alleged membership arrears. In brief, my son and his friend joined Xercise4less last May on a monthly rate of £9.99 four months later when they went away to university they both cancelled. A month or so later my son noticed the monthly fee was still being deducted he cancelled the direct debit. Shortly after that he received a letter from Harlands claiming he was in arrears and that he owed monthly fees plus administration charges of £25. Others followed a month ago CRS sent him a letter (followed by a text) asking for fees of £66.50 as part of alleged arrears now totalling £166.45. He tried to contact Xercise4less by phone (no one ever answered) and by email (the company replied by referring him back to his local gym as central office hadn't received any evidence of the cancellation of his membership). More emails to the gym manager followed until he was told that in fact he was not a member of that particular gym - but of another one 6-8 miles away!! He had used the local gym for 4 months but no one had ever challenged him on the fact that apparently he wasn't even a member there... By this time the whole situation was annoying me as much as my son. I am regularly in pain and sleep is often difficult I vowed to resolve this matter once and for all. I emailed Xercise4less two days ago and this afternoon they replied. They asked for evidence of his cancellation from the gym (it was a verbal cancellation with nothing in writing). They asked for proof that he had moved to university (I have an email from his university with an accommodation tenancy agreement). Then came the money part of the offer, the bit I need your advice on... They said if evidence of relocation is provided a request would be submitted for his membership to be recalled from CRS. However this would need “a final £9.99 payment and a £20.00 administration fee” for the account to be fully closed down. My question is: should I pay any or all of those fees?
  9. Security researchers have put a pompous computer criminal in their rightful place after releasing the decryption keys for their ransomware. Lawrence Abrams of Bleeping Computer writes that the ransomware, which was released last week, encrypts users' files using AES encryption, appends the .LOCKED extension to all files, and demands that victims pay a fee of 0.5 BTC (approximately US $210) in exchange for the decryption key. All things considered, a pretty standard piece of malware... "You'll never be able to find me. Police will never be able to find me. Go ahead and try them if you like, but don't expect your data back. They will be concerned about helping the community, not with helping you meet your deadline. If they say they need to keep your desktop for a few days, well lol, you probably won't be seeing your machine again soon, let alone your data. I've been doing this for five years now and haven't been caught yet." "...Just be thankful that it wasn't worse. I could have asked for more money. I could have been working for ISIS and saving that money to behead children. I could have been a mean SOB and just destroyed your data outright. Am I those things? No. I just need the money to live off of (true story) and don't care at all about the hacker 'community'. So there isn't anyone you will be protecting by sacrificing yourself. I'll just encrypt more people's data to make up for the loss." Full article
  10. I work in a place with very restrictive car parking, my boss refuses to pay for the car park so staff have to instead. I pay a monthly fee through my manager to the owner of the property for the last two years to park there. Originally I would get a receipt, but these phased out. Our verbally agreed parking spaces moved between two car parks (owned by the same company) and we were told if our own space was taken to just park somewhere else.. . Parking became a pain in the backside because it was unenforced and we bagged the landlord to enforce it as part of our fee, else it made no sense and wasn't fair on legitimate parkers who paid and couldn't park. He did... Millennium parking services. And now I've got a parking charge notice which I don't seem to be able to contest. Knowing one of the two car parks is locked overnight, I parked in the other one as I was staying late, and came back to a ticket. Following advice on various forums I ignored the ticket but waited for the notice to keeper. This arrived in 5ish weeks, on the same day I went straight to their website and launched an appeal. Another month later, I get a Notice of Liability from PCS for £150, I launched an appeal on the day of arrival through PCS a nd every time I email them (they are good responders) I get the repeated reply that I'm out of the 21 days to appeal and have to face up or go to court. The last message back read: "The time to challenge the charge has now expired and therefore access to the Independent Appeals Service (if applicable) is no longer available. I have made notes on your file, but it does not alter our position and this parking charge will stand." Now the easy solution is go to the property owner for some kind of evidence, but in the past he has flat out refused receipts (with a short 6 month stint of receiving them in the middle) which we only assume is some sort of tax thing. He's also generally useless taking over a year to give us CCTV footage when someone drove into the car park and scratched a member of staff's car before leaving, so I don't hold much hope there. So where do I stand? The signs in both car parks explain that we need to display permits which we have never been issued. We do know the owner and people we pay are all legit, we know the parking company are legit. I'd welcome a court appearance, but with no evidence my side, and I assume a photograph theirs, I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. The auto high lighting on this site has recommended writing to the property owner copying the parking co in. That's probably my next course of action so if all else fails, I have evidence that I'm doing everything to resolve it. .. that wouldn't stand up in court though surely..?
  11. Hi there. I'm new to this site so I hope this explains m situation - I am getting very worn down and stressed by my previous telecoms provider and now they have a debt collection company chasing me. I took out a 2 year contract with OneBill Telecom and this contract came to an end in September 2015. Now, they have a few hoops to jump through when cancelling the contract which includes 90 days written notice and you must complete the full 2 year contract. If their steps aren't complied by there is a £300 termination fee!!!! Well, I carried out ALL the steps they requested - gave them over 90 days written notice, kept the contract for 2 years and always paid by DD on time. So, when I got a final bill with £300 added to it I thought it was some kind of mistake! - having read the reviews of the company I can see it is something they regularly do. I spoke to someone at OneBill on the phone and all I can say is that they were aggresive, rude and very arrogant as to why I shouldn't leave them as the other company are not as good etc etc.. . Needless to say all my other communication with them was done via email - I say communication - I sent them a number of emails over a month and not a single one was replied to , I just kept getting a final bill, then a threat of passing it on to a collection company. Whilst all of this has been going on I have been in touch with the Ombudsman (as I needed to wait nearly 3 months from the first complaint to OneBill if they didn't get back to me for the ombudsman to look into the case) and I am waiting for them currently to look at my case and get back to me. However, whilst waiting for the Ombudsman to get back to me I have had my first threatening letter (and an automated call which I hung up) from CARS debt collection saying I owe them £347 or they will take further more severe action!?!? I am now a bit lost and stressed as to what to do. I am positive the Ombudsman will turn in my favour as I have tried to contact the telecom company stating the facts of why they can't charge me this fee yet they haven't replied directly to me once etc. ...BUT I am afraid that this debt collection company will try and take action before a decision from the Ombudsman and will not listen to my end of the story which is the true one! I know people on here have said their (CARS) bark is worse than their bite, but when you are a sole trader on your own it is very intimidating having to deal with this when I just want to get on with running my business. I have seen some threads similar to this with links to templates etc, but I am unsure as to which ones to print out and send etc. ANY help/advice on this matter would be greatly appreciated and I need to try and resolve this as soon as I can.... Thanks in advance!
  12. We stopped for lunch with friends in a country pub in the middle of nowhere yesterday. As we tucked into the main course the waiter appeared and said they could not take card payments as their machine was down. We didn't have enough cash on us to fully cover the bill and it was roughly five miles from the nearest ATM. I mentioned a cheque and the waiter didn't say anything. The bill arrived and the bar staff and then the Manager refuse to accept the cheque which was already signed and completed. It was being handed to them and they refused to take it as a solution to a problem not of our making. Instead they asked me to leave my card details and security number on a sheet behind the bar. I refused having had a card cloned in a restaurant previously. Then they asked me to leave name/address details and they would phone for the card details, which we did. On reflection I am not minded to give my details over the phone to a company which would suggest we leave the card info on a list by the till, who knows how the information will be disposed of? So, when we get home and they ring for payment can I insist on sending them a cheque?
  13. Hello, Looking for some advice if possible. I have got in a real mess with Welsh Water and they have reduced the water pressure in my house. I now have no hot water and not enough pressure to refill my toilet which is upstairs. A few years ago, when I ended up as the only person living in my house I switched to a water meter. I was paying on DD and all was rosey. Suddenly, somehow a bill for just under £1000 turned up. I just couldn't understand it. It turns out my water meter was feeding not only my house by my next door neighbours house!. Welsh Water came round and took the water meter off. They then returned a few weeks later to try and fit a meter inside the house but the engineer seemed to think it wasn't possible. About 2 weeks ago WW called me and stated that my water bill for 2012/2013 was due and it is £1300 based on my houses rateable value. So, after not really not knowing how to work out how much they owed me and how much I owed them I stuck my head in the sand. Now I have no water pressure. Just a dribble. Im going to call WW now and try and sort it out but was wondering can i demand a water meter? I really really cannot afford over £100 a month for water and sewerage. I really need to get on a meter. Can they refuse to fit a meter? Thanks
  14. It does look as though the regulator has done a U turn over this and now intends to investigate.. http://www.theguardian.com/business/2015/dec/09/fca-investigation-hsbc-whistleblower-complaints-credit-cards
  15. My GP and an OT applied to the council for adaptations to be made to my home (wet room and stair lift). I live in a 3 bedroom house, my eldest 2 children having now left home. My youngest daughter has her room, I have mine and the L shaped minute box room I pay Bedroom Tax for each week. The council have stated that I can not have the adaptations made to my home as I am under occupying the house I live in......The problem is, my diagnosis. They seem to have overlooked as to why I can't move house. They make it sound as if I choose to live here. I certainly didn't choose to have all 12 diagnosis that I have, which makes it impossible to move. I wont list them all, I can if it helps with answering my post, but I will mention High Functioning Autism, Non Epileptic Attack Disorder, and the reasons I needed a wet room in the first place.....Chronic Pain Syndrome (feet, ankles and calf's) Sciatica and Arthritis of my right hip.... I feel as if I am being penalized for the same reason twice. I have to pay bedroom tax for that box room in order to stay where I am and yet the council are using that very same reason as to why I can't have the adaptations, for a room that I'm paying for. It just doesn't sound right to me. Anyone got any ideas? Is it right????
  16. We are contracted for 35 hours, but all staff do more, 40, 42, 48 and upwards, at no extra, meaning no overtime etc. I have worked nights now a few years, 4 nights a week, for 10 hours shifts. I have been doing 40 hours all this time. Now what with minimum wage going up in October, and works pensions, and also our firm HAS to have 3 staff on nights now, the bosses have to pay for all these extras. Well last week, we were told we MUST have a 1 hour break in the night now, and this will be deducted from our wages, so instead of picking up 40 hours, it is only 36 hours. Seeing as our work is busy and unpredictable,(care home), you cannot just stop for 1 hour, anything might happen. We get our breaks so to speak in times of quite, in between 1/2 hourly checks etc. But when you worked it all out it is a damned lot of money to be down weekly, monthly, and certainly yearly. 4x6.70=£26.80x4=£107.20x12=£1286.40 I am going to be nearly £1300 a year worse off, that was the council tax paid or my gas and electricity paid for the year. I do not claim anything, tax credits or anything. How am I to survive.
  17. Saw this story on the news this morning - http://www.credittoday.co.uk/article/17947/online-news/dcas-in-crackdown-on-foreign-driver-parking-fines But the news piece didn't really give much of an explanation and nor does the above story. So currently, councils cant access foreign car data (unlike our UK DVLA system), but they are going to employ DCAs (who we all know have zero powers even in the UK) to track down these foreign car owners (how ??), and ask them nicely to pay ? I cant see the success rate being very how, surely it will only end up costing councils ?
  18. Hello, on the 12\05\15 i purchased a VAX vacuum cleaner from my local Argos store. I set about cleaning yesterday to find that the brush roller had seized up, the drive belt was starting to melt, there was no suction whatsoever & it made a loud screeching noise when switched on. I took it to the Argos store today with the intention of obtaining a refund, or credit note, as i had decided to buy a more expensive model. I was told i must contact the manufacturer & that they would not refund......basically they did not want to know & the person i spoke to was arrogant & had a nasty habit of talking over my words. Can anyone give advice on how to proceed? Thank you.
  19. Hello everyone im looking for a little help if possible please ive just been declined for a mortgage and after checking all 3 credit reports there is 1 debt and default listed from Vodafone Ltd Gemini on all reports from 2013 for £852 its still listed at my previous address and i have no idea why its showing on my file as defaulted i closed the account fully down before moving abroad due to family problems. They were fully notified along with every other company and paid the early settlement figure over the phone. I have been in contact with vodafone via there chat service and they are stating i just stopped paying my bills and there is no record of me paying off the finial bill or the convo about me moving away. I thought it might have been fraudulent but they went on to rule that out and They are adamant there is nothing they can do and it needs to be paid, im in the process of trying to get bank statements from that time to confirm 100% they took the payment they also said there is no way of having this default removed which seems very wrong if it is proved that i did pay them or if they listen to the phone calls to customer services around that time . I would never have let a £800 debt affect my credit file i even offered to pay it off again today in full and then claim it back once proved but they went onto say even if i did they wouldn't remove it from my file im left in limbo dose anyone have any advice on what steps to now take to get this looked into ?
  20. When I was at Ingeus a few years ago my adviser there signed me up for Self Employed agianst my will. She said 'you don't have to do anything until you go self employed'. For some months now I have tried to tell HMRC that I am NOT self employed and that I am signing on at my Job Centre. When I got a letter there was a form on the other side, I filled that in telling them that I am signing on and never was self employed. They never got back to me, they sent out several letters demanding money. My Dad phoned back and they gave him a number, he rang that number and waited 40 minutes and gave up. He tried again today and 40 minutes with no one answering. I am at my wits end as to what to do. What I am going to do is write them a complaint telling them that I am not self employed. I can't find an email address and writing them is my only choice as they refuse to anser our calls.
  21. I am very upset after reading the email from Hastings Direct Smartmiles, threatening to take £152 from my credit card and if I don't pay up, they will ruin my perfect credit history. I made the mistake of putting 8 years No Claim Bonus instead of 9 and the woman operative told me that according to the live rate this moment, I will have to pay £159.53 (£25 admin fee) on top of the £800 plus I paid last month (my son is 19). I was very shaken. I kept telling the woman that I did not inflate the figure with a view to lowering the premium. I made a genuine mistake of giving 8 years instead of 9 which is what I have. To any rational people, the common sense rule is that the more NCB years you have, the less you pay. The woman operative, a Ms Gill, kept saying that because of LIVE RATE, I actually had to pay more. Then she probably pretended to help me by running through my quote again and of course, according to her, I still have to pay. I googled the internet and found a similar amount being quoted by another person with a complaint on this site. It seems to be it is their practice to whack people with £152! My policy number : 22039TET0039072 The tone of the email is plain nasty. Please read Additional Premium £134.93 Your change caused your premium to increase Administration Fee £25.00 As stated in our Terms and Conditions Amount due £159.93 Please contact our Customer Service team. If we do not hear from you in the next 7 days we will collect this amount using your securely held card details. If we are unsuccessful your policy may be cancelled and the amount shown will be passed to a debt collection agency and your credit rating may be affected. ***** If I cancelled the policy, I would only get back £600! What a nasty company. They have no right to hit people with a genuine mistake like this - not to say I have ONE MORE YEAR OF NO CLAIM BONUS. The woman operative stuck to her gun saying that it is because of the LIVE RATE, she could not get me a lower quote! I hope anybody reading this take this as a lesson - I wish I had stayed with my previous insurer. Beware of this company. It is NO JOKE! It seems to be this company have a penchant of whacking people with £152! Would you like to deal with a nasty company like that??? Next time when you see the name, stay away or you will live to regret it!
  22. We are moving back to the UK in a few months time after six years living in Australia. When we moved over here, initially I was paying my credit card debts until I just couldn't afford it anymore due to living expenses, and the charges the banks charged every time I transferred money to the UK. I have never been contacted by anyone during my time here or heard from anyone at all, although I did receive a letter regarding a strange account number, which could have been from a DCA,- that was two years ago. All my creditors knew that I was in Australia. Once we are back, I'm planning to not to have anything on my name, no bills, not a car, not on a rental contract, will definitely won't go on the electoral roll, I won't even have a mobile contract and most importantly will never ever apply for a credit card or a loan ever again. The only slight problem might be having a bank account, but I have one joint account with my OH. I was just wondering how long will it take before the threats start to arrive?
  23. How can I find out if I am deliberately being turned down for jobs where I have previously work due to someone in authority taking a dislike to me.
  24. Hello on the 13/03/2015 a insured driver with Hastings insurance ran into the back of my vehicle whilst it was stationary at a set of traffic lights.Although myself and my pregnant partner were shocked and there was substantial damage to my vehicle and the 3rd party's i thought it best not to get too angry at the driver who had hit me as he was an elderly gent and could not say sorry enough.We exchanged details at the scene and that was that. We both attended our local walk in centers and were told that we were both suffering with whiplash but on the up side our babies are fine. Later the next day i had a call from the 3rd party who advised me that he had told Hasting's insurance what had happened and he had admitted that the crash was solely his fault,would have very difficult to see how it could of been mine when i was stationary and he ran in the back of me. I then involved a well known solicitor of the internet who arranged a inspection of my vehicle which was done a few days later and it was deemed a cat d total loss. Seven days ago i got a call from my solicitor who told me that Hastings had still not admitted liability for the accident but they were releasing a Cheque for vehicle damages which has still not arrived at my solicitors office as of today. I have a pregnant partner who is 25 weeks pregnant today i have to get her to hospital every other day for blood pressure checks as we are having twins. I want to know why liability has still not been admitted or even how it has not when the Hastings driver ran in the back of myself. The Hasting driver is ringing me every few days to see if myself and my partner are ok and if his insurance company has sorted the claim as he seems to be a genuine bloke. But Hastings insurance are dragging there feet for some reason and i would like some advise on who i can complain about this too. I am not currently not in a credit hire vehicle but i wish i had gone down that route as i have had no car now since the 13/03/2015 and i am running out of money to send my mrs to the hospital in a taxi. I will be holding Hastings insurance liable if anything happens to my babies as a result in them taking so long to do there job. There driver hit me end of story.:mad2:Now is there anybody who can help me as my solicitor is about as much help as a wet lettuce as there is nothing they can do until a certain date and then that will involve taking Hastings to court. A much longer wait.
  25. I am unable to find any other articles on this and sadly this site doesn't allow you to read the full article http://www.thesundaytimes.co.uk/sto/business/Finance/article1516387.ece
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