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  1. News as at 5th.July suggests it could be next week before all issues are resolved.There are many reports of failed direct debits and some being duplicated.
  2. Hi there, I found a computer repair company in the phone book and so I took my laptop there at the end of March. The guy said that he should be able to fix it by the following day. I didn't hear from him for a couple of weeks, so I tried to get in touch with him to find out what was going on. When I eventually managed to contact him by phone he said that he couldn't find the problem but he would keep trying. He then called a week later to say that he needed to order a new part for it and that it would cost around £40. It has been at least 3 or 4 weeks since I last heard from the repair guy. I have tried calling the shop at different times of the day, pretty much everyday but no one answers the phone. I visited the shop last week and the shutters were up but the shop was closed. So I popped in to the shop next door to check if they had noticed whether the computer shop had been open recently. The lady said that she hadn't seen anybody in the shop recently, but the guy doesn't always bother to open up the shop, but he diverts calls to the shop to his mobile (which he clearly doesn't do anymore). I wrote a note to express my concern about my computer and left my contact details again just in case. I posted it through the letterbox of the shop, but I still haven't heard from him yet. Obviously I'm really concerned about my laptop and I plan top visit the CAB when they are next open, but I was hoping somebody may be able to offer me some advice on here?
  3. Hello I am not sure if this is the right location to post this in, I did look around a bit but this seemed to be the most relevant place to post this problem. I will try to keep this short and sweet but there is a lot of problems :c If you do not want to read my wall of text, I have made a summary of the problem at the bottom! Basically my mum has an account with a catalogue company called marshal wards, and I thought it would be a good idea to buy a new computer from the company and then pay it back in installments. I purchased the computer on the 10th of October 2009, and received it a few weeks later, all was going well until about January 2010 when the computer started slowing down and making a loud noise (compared to the whisper silence i was used to) So I phoned marshal wards up and they told me that I had to send the computer to their repair center (instead of them even asking what was wrong, or coming to my house) So I sent the computer to the repair shop, almost 3 weeks later i receive the computer back, apparently there was a problem with the hard drive. All is fine and dandy until May 2010, the same problem, so I phoned up the company first thing and complained that in less then 4 months my computer was broken again, you may be thinking that I ABUSE my computer, but I only really use it for surfing the web, playing a few online games with friends and chatting. I spoke to the manager of the repair company, and said that I wanted a new computer unit, or a refund. He told me that would not be possible as they only repair units, and would only replace it if they could not fix it, and for a refund I need to contact Marshal Wards, which I then did. Upon speaking with Marshal Wards they told me that since it is still under the 1 year manufacturers guarantee, they could not do anything about it, and I have to send it off for repair. They would not even accept my plead for a refund on a 6 month old computer. So I send it off again, 3 weeks later it returns, same problem listed on the receipt, hard drive failure. All is fine and dandy again until...wait for it...it breaks again! Now by this time I'm thinking "Is this just me or is there something wrong with this computer?" I was abit reluctant to send the computer away for another 3 week vacation at the repair center, so I just left it alone for a few days. After that it seemed to work fine, no overly loud grinding and whirring noises, no slow loading times and this went on untill a few days ago, when it alllll...started again. This is four, count em FOUR times this has happened in under one year of buying a top of the range £700 computer! I have sent it off twice, it magically fixed its self once, and now it is on the fritz again, I REALLY need this computer for my school work so its a bind since its either pray it works enough for me to finish my work, or send it off for a nice 3 week vacation and take the bus to the library to do all my work. I just REALLY want some help, either a way for ACER to give me a NEW computer without having to wait the 3 week period, or what I would REALLY like is for Marshal Wards to give me a refund, even if it is not cash and store credit, I will gladly buy a new computer from them, just making sure its not a model made from ACER. Phew, that's about it, sorry about the long read, i just needed to say EVERYTHING so that you understood the bind I'm in! SUMMARY OF EVENTS I purchased a new computer in October 2009, it broke in January 2010, then again in May 2010 and then again in September 2010, all of these problems were due to hard drive fails. Marshal Wards (the company I payed) Will NOT give me a refund since they said its still under the one year guarantee, and ACER (the computer manufacturers) Will not replace the unit, only replace the faulty hard drives each time i send it off (this takes 3 weeks each time!) I am looking to either find a way to get a refund from Marshal Wards or get a new computer unit from ACER at least. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this post!
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