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  1. Hi there, I found a computer repair company in the phone book and so I took my laptop there at the end of March. The guy said that he should be able to fix it by the following day. I didn't hear from him for a couple of weeks, so I tried to get in touch with him to find out what was going on. When I eventually managed to contact him by phone he said that he couldn't find the problem but he would keep trying. He then called a week later to say that he needed to order a new part for it and that it would cost around £40. It has been at least 3 or 4 weeks since I last heard from the repair guy. I have tried calling the shop at different times of the day, pretty much everyday but no one answers the phone. I visited the shop last week and the shutters were up but the shop was closed. So I popped in to the shop next door to check if they had noticed whether the computer shop had been open recently. The lady said that she hadn't seen anybody in the shop recently, but the guy doesn't always bother to open up the shop, but he diverts calls to the shop to his mobile (which he clearly doesn't do anymore). I wrote a note to express my concern about my computer and left my contact details again just in case. I posted it through the letterbox of the shop, but I still haven't heard from him yet. Obviously I'm really concerned about my laptop and I plan top visit the CAB when they are next open, but I was hoping somebody may be able to offer me some advice on here?
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