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  1. Hi I received a PCN code and description 31 entering and stopping in box junction. I received 2 photos showing the back wheels of my car just inside the junction box and another with a vehicle infront of me. I appealed against this informing them that when i entered the box there was enough room for me to move forward without stopping in the box however the vehicle infront of me stopped due to the traffic lights turning red which made me to stop directly behind it with my back wheels just inside the box. I was not blocking any vehicle turning right. The car infront me had enough to move forward which would have avoided me to stop in the box but he choose not to. My appeal was rejected and i now received 4 photos showing images of my car. The first photo of my car not entering the box unit it was clear . The time was 13.10.15 . The second picture my car entering the box as the traffic was moving . The time was 13.10.26. The third picture showing my car stopped just inside the box . The time 13.10.35 this was when the traffic light turned red. The fourth picture my car moving forward leaving the box. The time 13.11.03. The letter stated that having considered my representation in accordance with the requirements of schedule 1 of the London Local Authority and Transport for London Act 2003 I should pay the charge or submit an appeal to the independent Adjudicator. Can anyone please advise. I know that i only stopped because of the lights turning red. I have attached the CCTV footage of what was sent to me. PNC Photo.pdf
  2. On 26th June we parked in Wetherby Services, arriving at 0153hrs and left at 0456hrs. We genuinely didn't see the signs regarding parking regulations, 2 hours free parking etc. It was dark, we were on unfamiliar territory, the driver and passenger were both very tired. We received a Charge Notice dated 6th July, with photographic evidence of us arriving and leaving. Charge is £60 if paid within 14 days, or £100 thereafter. On 9th July, we wrote to them, saying that the registered keeper did not believe that CP Plus had the authority to make contracts and demand monies in their own names. Posted Special Delivery. Letter dated 23rd July received on 27th, saying amount outstanding now £100. In payment not received within 14 days an initial debt recovery charge will be incurred. Letter dated 27th July, received today (30th) acknowledging and rejected our appeal, and providing us POPLA code. We now have another 14 days from date of letter to pay the £60, or thereafter £100. We understand that we exceeded the 2 free hours, but £60 seems excessive, given that we were parked in a designated space, and there was plenty other spaces free for others to park if needed. We didn't actually intend to stay as long as we did, but having driven for 5 hours and encountered numerous road closures and diversions, we fell asleep for longer than planned. We did use the toilets at Wetherby, although didn't buy anything in the shops given the time of day. Where do we go from here? Is there a template letter? Or is it a case of writing to them, outlining that we genuinely didn't see the parking restriction signs and appealing to their better natures, based on the fact that the driver stopped in the interests of road safety, as his passenger has cancer and needed to rest. All true. Todays letter gives us the POPLA code and web address to contact, also says if we prefer to correspond by post to contact their appeals office and they will send the necessary paperwork. Is it best to correspond by post, rather than electronically? Hope someone can assist, even if it is just to say "stump up".
  3. I was surfing as normal and came across a very new code of practice from an LA in this case Halton Borough Council (HBC) dated the 17/05/2016 I have briefly read it and seems rather fair although at this time it is in it's draft format. Thoughts anyone? Link here >> http://councillors.halton.gov.uk/documents/s32725/Code%20of%20Practice%20draft.docx
  4. Just a query really.. .my son parked his car opposite our home. Now where we live there are white lines on the pavement where you are allowed to park two wheels on the pavement and two off then there is a line where it ends. This is due to the road being quite narrow when there are two cars driving on either side. My son unfortunately placed two wheels on the pavement on two off after the line. He received a ticket for this at 22:10 hours. Although he was in the wrong with the two wheels on the pavement, are they allowed to issue tickets at this time of night??
  5. Hello everybody, I am after some advice with regards to appealing a Penalty Charge Notice. I was doing some work for a client at one of their rental properties in Battersea (Cupar Road). I turned into Cupar Road from Battersea Park Road and drove to the end where I saw a parking space on the left (and coincidently right by the house I was working on). As I got out of the car I saw the sign saying “Permit Holders or Pay at machine”. Underneath there was an arrow directing you to the nearest ticket machine. In that direction, was another sign stating the same thing; Permit holders or pay at machine. I went to the machine and got the parkmobile location number and started my parking via the phone app. About 30 minutes into my parking, I see a traffic warden putting a ticket on my car with a Code 12 and for a cost of £130!!! I said I had parked via parkmobile and showed him the running app on the phone. He responded that I have parked on the wrong side of the road! Permit holders only on one side and a mixture on the other! I pointed at the sign when I pulled up (which is right opposite the end space where I had parked. He said, I need to check the other sign (which was about 10 – 15 yards back down the road, in the opposite direction of the ticket machine and the arrows on the other signs). I saw the sign as I got out of the car and another one just over the road both saying pay at machine. The warden noted it was a genuine error and I had paid to park. He also recognised that I am not a resident and just doing some work there. He advised me to appeal and he would write a note saying I was working, so not familiar with the area and parking restrictions. He took photos of the car and the black bags I had lined up to show that we had chatted and that I was working on the house and not a resident. He said in all likelihood, the PCN would be overturned. I also took photos of the car with the sign right opposite the car, which would be the first signage you saw from the car, then backed up with a second sign a little toward the ticket machine which is directly in front of the car. It never occurred to me that there would be a third sign lurking a bit further down the road saying permit holders only or that parking on one side of the road or the other made a difference. I hadn’t come across this parking arrangement before (Live in a small village in Sussex). In my mind, the signage doesn’t make it particularly clear that you have to park on one side of the road or the other. Plus, the positioning of the signs; One right at the end saying pay at machine with arrows toward the machine and another in the opposite direction saying permit holders only. As the machine was at the top of the road and that another sign was there inviting you to pay, I had no reason to walk down the road. In my mind, I saw two signs saying pay at machine and that I could pay and park. Many thanks
  6. Hi, I have just received a PCN charge (code 53j) in the post and completely in shock. I turned into this road (Electric Lane) as I was trying to find parking and noticed it was a dead end, so just turned and drove out. I do not know Brixton that well as I live outside London. I also did not see any sign to say no entry at the said times. I have gone on line to check and seen that the sign age is placed where it cannot be seen clearly. I really feel that this ticket has been produced unfairly but need solid prove to show that its misleading. The only one I have is 1. Sign age not clear upon entry 2. Was not aware its meant for pedestrians I would be very grateful if you can assist me with a letter to appeal to the council and also further prove. I want know whether the sign is within the Law and if this PCN is valid. Any suggestions, ie case law will help. I know a begging letter will not suffice with them, not unless I can prove they are wrong. Many Thanks
  7. Hi, I wonder if anyone can help ? I worked my notice with a company and left on 6 November, returning my company car and fuel card. On 16th November, I started with my new company with NO company car or fuel card. In November's pay I was paid from both companies (a part payment from each) and was taxed on 1060l code. In December, the code was still 1060l, then on 6 January I handed my P45 in and my tax code in January was 178T. Now February's payslip has come and I am being taxed on a 469T code ! Bit confused to say the least (and skint!). I called the tax office who said that because I had a company car and fuel card, the payments are spread over 12 months so even if you had the benefit for 1 day, the payments would still be collected over a 12 month financial year. So basically, I will still have to pay for my company car and fuel card up to the end of March even though they went back on 6 November. Does this sound correct ? Thanks in advance.
  8. I hope this is the right topic. I just used my bank card online. I'm terrible at remembering passwords and my account has recently changed to 3 boxes where you choose random letters/numbers rather than the whole password. I thought I'd got it right but I hadn't so it asked me to choose a new one. So lets get this straight, a thief finds my card. Decides to use it but doesn't know the secure code so is invited to reset it???? Really??? The only thing it asked as a security question that hadn't been included when I put my card details in for the purchase was the sort code. Which is printed on the card! So what kind of security is this? It's not new, this has happened before (like I said, I'm lousy with passwords) and I thought then that it was just wrong!
  9. http://www.csa-uk.com/assets/documents/compliance-and-guidance/code_of_practice.pdf
  10. Hello everyone. This is my first post here. I received a PCN notice for parking in Brent Harlesden Tavistock road. This was a shared use bay, there was signs at the start of the road that has a residents or pay & display sign as well as another sign at the end of the road that had a resident permit holders only sign. I parked about 3 bays from the parking machine and signage that stated pay & display and I paid by phone with the ringo app. The parking machine has a ringo sticker on it with the location details. On approach to my car I saw a yellow sticker PCN, I checked the time and saw that I still had a valid ticket at the time I was issued the PCN. I immediately log on to Brent's PCN website and challenged the PCN I attached the pictures of my ringo ticket payment confirmation for my parking ticket which shows the time . A few weeks later I received s response from Brent stating I had parked in a permit holders resident bay and my ticket was not valid. They attached the picture of the sign at the end of the road that stated resident only. I then responded to the letter again online and attached the other signage that stated resident or pay& display, once again they responded and insisted that it was a resident only bay. As this was a shared use bay, with no double demarcation lines of anything to separate the bay, and I had a valid pay by phone ticket, I don't think I should have to pay £130 for this PCN. They have now issued a notice to owner.
  11. Hi recently i have got pcnicon from walthamstow council.I have parked my commercial vehicle 2 tyres on pavement while i was doing delivery to retail shop.once i come back to vehicle i found out they issued me ticket.I would like to find out do i have any grounds to appeal on this pcn. All i was doing delivery and because i ve parked on pavemenet i didnt want to block road
  12. please advise me have had my tax code reduced to 897m.reasons are they state i owe £76.14p in tax from a previous year so they have reduced my tax free amount by £380. no records i have show i owe hmrc tax .then i owe £462.15 arrears for class 2 nat ins contributions they have therefore reduced my tax free amount by £2310.00.think i do owe some nat insurance from my self employed days over 10 yrs ago.but do not owe any tax to hmrc im sure about this .how can i dispute this and find out further details on this debt thank you
  13. This whole nightmare started when I upgraded to a sim only contract but they got it wrong (third time) so I phoned to cancel the upgrade. When they cancelled the upgrade they also cancelled my contract which they are calling a glitch. I now have had no service for 2 days and just want to leave. The problem is as they have cancelled my number so a pac code cannot be generated. It gets worse though because when I asked to just cancel my contract they told me the early termination fee would be £540! This is because the cancelled upgrade will only be processed when my service is reconnected. I had less than two months left on my original £38 a month contract. They are giving me a refund of line rental for the days I don't have service and £10 for the inconvenience (how generous!) Originally they said it would take 24-48hrs to get reconnected and now they're saying 48-72hrs. I feel trapped and don't know what to do in this situation. They've also deleted my account so I can't see bills or anything and as my number is cancelled I can't even phone them as you need to enter your number when you call. I've ordered a giffgaff sim in the mean time but I'm so angry at how they've treated me and others. I kept asking to be let out of my contract without penalty but they just ignored me #11196366
  14. Hi, where does a driver stand if they have appealed using the parking firms own process (which was turned down), which included a request for a POPLA code, but the POPLA reference was never provided?
  15. Hi guys (again), I hope somebody can help with this. I've just got a parking ticket from Wandsworth Council (again) for being "parked in a special enforcement area adjacent to a dropped footway, cycle track or verge lowered to meet the level of the carriageway". At that moment I was doing a big removal (Ashvale Rd, SW17) and as you can see from the photos there was no chance to park my van anywhere on that road so I parked right on the kerb (it was the only place to do it). I don't feel really confident with this one but just wanted to hear what do you have to say about this. Does anybody have any suggestions for the grounds for appeal? Many Thanks Tiago
  16. A few years ago my JSA was suspended & then my HB/CTB was suspended, I was invited to apply for DHP and filled in the form etc, then shortly after received a phone call telling me I had been successful, the form I filled in was called a Review of Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit and on the front page at the top it has 'Office use' with various codes and one of them was circled it was the letters 'BOIS' does anyone please know what the letters stand for? This info is time sensitive so I would really appreciate all your help. Many thanks.
  17. could anybody help, i need a sort code and acc no. to set up a standing order to kandco so i can start paying off this debt. thank you in advance
  18. HI. Has anyone sorted out this p0405 code
  19. [ATTACH=CONFIG]55583[/ATTACH]Hi all, have been helping a friend of the wife's out with a parking ticket from smart parking. Original notice was for £30 but she only received the letter on the 16th day from the so called over stay, I think I have read correctly that they must write within 14 days. I will confirm the dates if needed, from the time of overstay to the day letter received. Sent an appeal in under those reasons or asking for POPLA code and they sent another notice this time for £70 and ignored the first letter sent via recorded delivery. Sent a 2nd appeal letter again via recorded delivery and this time they have provided the POPLA code. The actual car park is free and I am 100% sure when it first opened as a private parking the maximum stay was 2 hours, This has now been changed to 1.5 hours. The signs I have seen are small and where it stated 2 hours has now been changed to 1.5 hours, about the size of an A4 sheet of paper, if this even matters. Friend over stayed by 26 minutes while shopping at the various shops there. Could do with some help on next step and the POPLA appeal form on what to put down, I have read that the appeal should be arguing the genuine loss of earnings or something along those lines. Any help appreciated George P.S Have enclosed the latest letter as PDF
  20. I was looking for information regarding my PCN in Kingston and came across this site. was a thread created in July to September with 4 pages with no conclusions It appeared to create some debate amongst members PCN-code-62-parked-with-four-wheels from fuzzy 30th July 2010 ( not allowed to give link ) I wonder if any one knows what happened to the appeal, because the link shown no longer exists and the Borough no longer has any information on Pavement Parking ( or I could not find it ) If any Kingston officers are willing to give me a outcome when reading this that would be great . I am not to sure why I received the PCN because there was a clear sign opposite the fairly tight road telling me to park with two wheels on the pavement (As a stranger to the area I have never seen one of these before ) in fact when I initially parked fully on the road and got out looked to see if there was enough room for a car to pass ( just for normal car , any large vehicle or van would not have been able to ) and noticed the sign then so I just thought that I needed to do this because of the tightness. I displayed my blue badge , checked if there were any yellow lines, resident parking scheme and if there was enough room for a wheelchair or buggy to pass through on the pavement . Everyone else in the road was parked on the pavement , ant there was a clear sign on the opposite side of the road near the corner showing the same symbol with a red X . I went to the football saw my team lose and came back to find a ticket . Strange thing is there were only 3 cars with a ticket , me another one bit further down ( that car had a similar number plate to me so must have been local to where I live ) and another parked near the corner ( almost under the red X sign ) no others had a ticket. I had another look to see for any other signs and there were none I have decided to challenge it asking for an explanation and common sense , rather than going the technical route at present But my guess is that the issuing of PCN on a Saturday in that area is regular and because of this it will stand If that is the case I will take it to adjudication,( the cost of the officers time to prepare and be there will outweigh the fine ) because if I could not park there then they should have indicated this like they have done further down the road ( be consistent ) and not leave it to guess work , especially to visitors who like me may have never seen one of these signs before ( 45 years driving). Obviously under the freedom of information I will obtain how many they issue around that area for each day of the week But if anyone has any information to help me prepare my defence that would be fantastic. I would be amazed if the forums are not monitored by officers, so I will not lay all my cards on the table , as by what I have given so far it would not be rocket science for a officer from Kingston to Know who I am . Many Thanks in Anticipation
  21. Hello I parked in a local shopping centre car park and went to the library and shops. The parking was 3 hours for free. I went to leave before this time was up and noticed a new store round the back and went to have a look. The car park seemed to be a separate one so I thought it would be OK and stayed a bit longer. I received a Parking Charge Notice from ParkingEye in the post 2 weeks later saying I had overstayed by 33 minutes and was charged £100 or £60 if paid in 14 days. By the time I received it there were only 7 days left. I sent in an appeal and it was rejected by post which I received yesterday. My appeal was based on the following: (I sent it as the registered keeper and not driver but did not point it out specifically): The car was not improperly parked. I asked for evidence of where the car was between the times mentioned. Inadequate signage. Photos enclosed of the second car park with no signs visible in half of it. Unreasonable and disproportionate terms. £100 is not a realistic prediction of loss. Unethical use of ANPR (an unreasonable and disproportionate response to parking management) as per theInformation Commissioners's Office 2013 Data Protection Code of Practice for CCTV. It's a poor area and the shops there are mostly discount stores.P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm; direction: ltr; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); }P.western { font-family: "Liberation Serif","Times New Roman",serif; font-size: 12pt; }P.cjk { font-family: "DejaVu Sans"; font-size: 12pt; }P.ctl { font-family: "Lohit Hindi"; font-size: 12pt;* I am aware of my rights under the Citizen's Harassment Act 1997. Any more letters from them will be kept in evidence of harassment. I also sent evidence of purchase from one of the shops in the the form of a till receipt I sent a copy to the local councils and local MP. The MP said "It is difficult for us to give advice on parking fines, but we do believe that it may not be possible to enforce a parking fine when it is given for a parking infringement on private land. We aren’t totally sure about this so can’t definitely say it is the case, but that does seem to be what the situation is." The response from ParkingEye was: "You have provided evidence of purchase. However, please be adivised that this did not meet the discretionary criteria set by the landowner in this case. We are therefore writing to advise you that your recent appeal has been unsuccessful. This is because you have not provided sufficient evidence to show that you did not break the terms and conditions on the signage." The sent the POPLA form and "as a gesture of good will" have further extended the "discount" period another 14 days, half of which are already up because it was dated last week. What should I send to POPLA? Do I have a chance of winning and not going to court? I am feeling a lot of stress right now but have got this far because this seems really wrong!
  22. Mal Nichol

    Wrong Tax Code

    Just received a tax PAYE coding notice which held a odd surprise. Three years ago I retired with a private pension. Up until today I have had no problems with this pension till today? This was in the form of a coding notice stating I had underpaid tax by £532? Most of this underpayment was as a result of alleged payments of Job Seekers Allowance over a 2 year period between 2011 and 2013? This is odd as I have never received or claimed job seekers allowance? I contacted the HMRC via phone to find out more? I was told that they had received notice that I had signed on for job seekers in 2011. I did go to job seekers once in 2011 just after I retired to seek advice on any part time jobs in my area? I did give the office my details as I was worried that having worked all my life since leaving school I would be bored in my retirement? The meeting lasted about 10 minutes and was told I would have to go on a website to find a job and was give the site address. That was it no money asked for or received???????? Well fast forward 3 years and speaking to the HMRC customer service person the polite lady tells me that the job seekers had informed them of this 10 minute meeting and as a result of this meeting they assumed that I must have claimed job seekers allowance????????? I asked if the person who assumed this had made any enquiries to confirm this and how did he come up with the amount I was supposed to have claimed over 2 years??????? I was told that Job Seekers was another office and they did not tell HMRC the result of the meeting and they did not check they just assumed I must have claimed some money and guessed how much this would have been. Well sorry about the long winded story above. But the point of my post is to ask? Can they do this without any comeback? I have been told that they would correct this mistake and contact me within 3 weeks. From your experiences do you think this will happen? or do I need to take it further and if so how?
  23. I have had a similar experience at edinburgh high riggs, but this is more complex. On the 8th dec 2014 i was asked by a security guard to take down the hood from my hooded top. I did but pointed out it was winter and a number of people were wearing hooded jackets and hats who were already in the building. The security guard insisted it was hoodies in particular. On the 16th of feb 2015 I go sign on again, this time a different security gaurd tells me I can not wear a hooded jacket; i tell him of my last experience, but this makes no difference. On entering the building i noticed an older man wearing a baseball cap so file a complaint. It is apparent that it is not the item of clothing you are wearing, but the demography of the population that the security gaurd decides yo fit into. I am a guy in his 30s, i tend to wear hoods in scotland not because I want to be affiliated with the hoody culture, but cause its cold here. I found the treatment humiliating and giving people preferential treatment like this is surely illegal
  24. Global_Ent

    Tax code error

    I have been working for the same company for over 5 years now, but have always thought that i was being underpaid. I assumed that this was an oversight by my company & that they would make amends at some stage, but didn't instigate anything as i did not want to jeopardise my employment status. Anyway, after years of waiting, i finally got the nerve to enquire as to how to obtain a definitive answer. I was told that i should contact the tax office, as they would be the authority on this matter. To cut a longer story short, after i contacted the tax office, i was informed that not only have i been on the wrong tax code with my current employer for the last 5 years, but they actually knew about this & they were supposed to contact me a year (or so) ago, but somehow this matter was forgotten about. It turns out that i had a sizeable amount owed to me, but i wouldn't have found this out if i wouldn't have made contact. I recently received my cheque from HMRC, but my thoughts are, shouldn't i be further compensated for their errors over such a long period of time (5 years)? I'm aware that if for any reason that i ever owed money to HMRC, i would be pretty much hounded & that there would be serious ramifications if that money i owed to them was delayed for such a period of time. I have been trying to start a venture for years, but it has taken me a while to save funds. I even had to lend money (at exorbitant interest rates) from the payday lenders just to get by for long periods of time, which has cost me literally thousands of pounds in charges. I feel that there should be some accountability somewhere. Can anyone offer some advice? Thanks!
  25. Hello all, I recently got my car towed and paid £265 to get it back ( £200 tow fine and £65 for the PCN -Newham council ) I want to make an appeal but I am not sure what to say in the letter to improve my chances . Been reading forums for a couple of hours now and I`m confused. There are no yellow lines where I parked and no parking restriction signs and I have honestly did not notice the lowered kerb. Here is an image for the place in question taken off google street view: uploadpie.com/jkSoL On what grounds could I possibly appeal? I have not seen any images taken by the enforcement officer when the PCN was issued or when the car got towed. Hope anyone can help. Thank you!
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