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  1. Hi I received a PCN code and description 31 entering and stopping in box junction. I received 2 photos showing the back wheels of my car just inside the junction box and another with a vehicle infront of me. I appealed against this informing them that when i entered the box there was enough room for me to move forward without stopping in the box however the vehicle infront of me stopped due to the traffic lights turning red which made me to stop directly behind it with my back wheels just inside the box. I was not blocking any vehicle turning right. The car infront me had enough to move forward which would have avoided me to stop in the box but he choose not to. My appeal was rejected and i now received 4 photos showing images of my car. The first photo of my car not entering the box unit it was clear . The time was 13.10.15 . The second picture my car entering the box as the traffic was moving . The time was 13.10.26. The third picture showing my car stopped just inside the box . The time 13.10.35 this was when the traffic light turned red. The fourth picture my car moving forward leaving the box. The time 13.11.03. The letter stated that having considered my representation in accordance with the requirements of schedule 1 of the London Local Authority and Transport for London Act 2003 I should pay the charge or submit an appeal to the independent Adjudicator. Can anyone please advise. I know that i only stopped because of the lights turning red. I have attached the CCTV footage of what was sent to me. PNC Photo.pdf
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