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  1. This is just something I have noticed. On Oxford Street in London, I walked past a new bay that has just been made. It's a bay that goes into the pavement like a loading bay. Now, there is no sign, or markings put on this bay yet. Could someone legally park there for free?
  2. hi everyone, I'm hoping someone can help me as I'm in a bit of a dilemma. Back in may 2012, I went to halifax bank and got an advisor to help me re-mortgage for a 2yr fixed deal with halifax bank. Today I called them generally to ask some questions regarding making overpayments and also when I can make an appointment with an advisor to get my mortgage product reviewed. I was shocked to find out that even though I took out 2yr mortgage in may 2012, it doesn't finish until end of aug 2014! How can they do that? A 2yr fixed should run from may 2012 to may 2014, should it not? Yes, it's true that it states it on the paperwork, but if your told that your in a certain length of contract, then surely that should be the length? In my eyes thats sneeky as the actual length of term is not 2yrs, but 2yrs and 3mths!!!!. For example how would you guys feel if you were told that your mobile contract is 12mths, but on the paper it ran from jan 2014 to april 2015? Is there anything I can do about this? Thanks for your help.
  3. Here we go, a colleague has had an operation this week which will see her on sick leave for the best part of 3mths. I work in a pharmacy on the shop counter, she works in the dispensary. One lady from the dispensary has been refused a holiday this month due to the other lady being on sick leave, and I have been turned down for November. This is because, if I am on holiday he has to use someone from the dispensary to cover my days on the counter. Can he do this? What if, and I'm not wishing this on her, her recovery takes longer than expected? I have known women take 6 mths off with this kind of op.
  4. Desk Monkeys any more? I noticed some of my posts have been edited to say Desk Jockeys instead. Hardly insult of the year is it? I call the PPC lot far worse in real life What can they do if they are called names? Run to the BPA and whinge or is there an actual chance they could take the site to court for defamation of their (decidedly questionable) character? Wouldn't they have to prove it was aimed at an individual?
  5. Hi,going through incapacity to esa at the moment, Can anybody tell me what savings are allowed,I am married but my doesn't work ? thanks
  6. I purchased a Dyson fan from Littlewoods catalogue two weeks ago, plugged it in, found it incredibly noisy -- no way could I sleep through that -- unplugged it, packaged it up and phoned to return it. I have been told I can't do this as it has been used. How on earth do you know whether a fan is going to be suitable or not until you've listened to it? Other reviews have stated how noisy it is. I purchased this on a buy now pay later scheme and it's going to cost me £1007. When I ordered it I asked if I could return it if I found it unsuitable and I was told yes. Littlewoods say they are going to listen in to that recording and if I was told that, they will accept it back as I was given the wrong information. I asked if I too could listen in and they said no I'm not allowed. I am horrified that I've got to pay all that money for a fan that I plugged in for half an hour, found it too noisy to sleep, and that's all I did. Does anyone know if I have any comeback here? Thanks, Sarah.
  7. Hi. I have a mobile phone account that I have been unable to pay. I have no real reason to dispute the account and will probably make an offer of payment shortly. However, a had a letter from power2contact saying they will visit me at my home. I sent the template letter from cag to stop them knocking on my door and they responded with this... 'You are not correct in your assertion that, under OFT rules, we can only call at your home if you agree to make an appointment. In law, a creditor is in a different position to a postman or a member of the public asking directions. When you opened this account, you impliedly agreed that the creditor could communicate with you to discuss repayment. You do not have the contractual right to revoke that agreement until the loan has been repaid. We will not disregard any reasonable requests you make as to the timing or method by which we have those discussions. Unless we hear further from you with such a request, a doorstep visit may still be a viable option for us to discuss the repayment of your account.' I am not really worried about this. It's just that I don't want them at my door. I have sent the template letter before regarding other debts and they have just accepted it.
  8. A major retailer was offering 99% discount applied to all items of a particular brand in their online store, i purchased 20 of these items my order was accepted and payment. I have a order confirmation email to confirm this. Then i received a Email about 12hours after my purchase from the retailers Head Office informing me that my order has been cancelled due to one of our suppliers, Lands’ End, inadvertently applied a discount of 99% against their entire product range rather than the correct 20% sale discount and that they will refund the money back in to my bank account and some banks can take up to a few days. Are they allowed to cancel my order just like that? is the anything i can do about it? I am not happy at all about this and wondered if anyone could please offer any advice. Thanks.
  9. If it makes any difference, mum is an agency worker. Mum works nights, comes home around 9 / 10am and goes to bed after dad (works nights too) gets up and normally doesn't get up until at least 5pm. Today, mum's work phoned her mobile a few times, which dad answered. After a few times, he told them again that she's not up, he doesn't know when she'll get up and no, he isn't going to wake her up. The person on the other end then put then phone down on dad. Anyway, they phoned the land line about 15 minutes later and he yet again told them that she's not up. The lady's response was to call mum lazy! She does 12 hour nights and it takes a good hour (more if there's traffic, accident, etc) for mum to get home. She's then got to wait for dad to get up. Are there any laws regarding calling agency staff on their days off please / are the laws different if the person is a night worker, therefore, will be in bed the following day?
  10. And the DVLA does nothing And the BPA does nothing (no surprises there) And they try to tell us that POPLA is independent!!! Oh how we laughed.
  11. Hi everyone, could do with some advice please, one of my neighbours told me he saw a man knocking on my door a few nights ago at 7-50 pm, I was in bed at the time and heard nothing, I have now been told by the DWP that an Atos doctor wants to come and do a home visit regarding my DLA ,when I asked if a doctor had called at my house they didn't know. Are they allowed to turn up unannounced? I find it quite unsettling that a male doctor or indeed any male from the DWP could come to a females house unannounced at that time of night, can anyone tell me if this is right?
  12. I was recently in my local ASDA (I go there every week to do my "big shop") I was walking down one of the isles when 3 security guards were coming the other way, one of them looked at me funny and his "mates" all started laughing, very hilarious as you can imagine. called this security guy a ginger t*** under my breath. About 3 minutes later i saw them at the end of one of the isles looking at me so i went down another isle. Next second i looked round and the man was standing in front of me asking me if i had a problem with him. I said "no" as i've heard that these types of people get off on restraining people who "cause trouble". He then said, "what did you mumble to me earlier?". I said again nothing. He then asked me to leave the store and for not to come back. I'm not sure if they're allowed to do such a thing as it would be my word against his and his pals. Can anyone help me with info as to whether i can take this further or if i can't at least I'd know!! cheers.
  13. Hi, I'm trying to get really organised with my debts so have spent all day sorting through them all, making spreadsheets etc and I've just noticed that I have not received a statement for my other half's HSBC loan account for at least 4 years. Our last correspondence was in 2008 where a repayment amount was agreed for a CCJ. I find this strange because on the CCJ the claimant is listed as CL Finance. We have two other debts with CL Finance and they send us statements every 6 months, all of which I have kept (although not very neatly until today but there is nothing for the loan at all. I have no idea how much he owes, I would have to obtain his credit file and try and work it out (providing the current balance on the credit report is up to date of course) and by trawling through bank statements. Correct me if I'm wrong but shouldn't they send statements at least once a year? any suggestions what I should do would be gratefully received Thanks in advance:-)
  14. Hi all, This is for a friend, She has worked for the company for 14yrs, Her working tax credit has stopped as you now have to do in excess of 24hrs per week and not 16 like she does now. So all hours are pretty valuable to her, this is happening to a few people at her place of work, I'm not sure if it's all legal and a above board, I can understand the downturn in work by asking staff to reduce hours until further notice, most would accept to keep the job, but they want her to sign a new contract, plus reduce her from 16hrs to 12hrs, and the threat of not signing and been reengaged elsewhere, she asked to stay on the 16 hrs, but for the other 4 hrs they say she can travel 20 miles away to do them, which really is not viable as it would incur more cost in travel! Plus the re-engagement elsewhere is the place 20miles away. I must also make you aware that the company know that she also helps look after her father who is ill at the moment, and has been on and off for the last year. So looking at the letter and new contract, does she really have any case to argue! Thanks in advance as per usual!
  15. Hello all Quick question x2 1/How much are you allowed to have in saveing when claming jsa income based? 2/If your under the allowed amount, When filling in the form to start a claim it will ask you about bank accounts and balances in said accounts. Do you have to tell them whay accounts you have and balcances even when you know your under the threshold Many thanks
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