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  1. Hi Guys, I received a chasing letter from Lowell for a debt I thought was SB they have replied saying it is not. I have been paying this through a DMC but stopped payments in 2012 (i checked my statements). Thing is I completely forgot about this and sent them a prove it letter. The debt is a store care debt and total £299.00 - They have said they have placed my account on hold when they request the contract from the creditor. What shall I do when they do reply? Thanks for your help
  2. Hi, I received a letter from horizon parking about 4 months ago saying that I had overstayed in the car park by about 7/8 hours, I wrote to them to appeal saying that I had not stayed that long when I had actually gone in earlier in the morning then came back in the afternoon as well I don't think the camera caught me going out or back in only caught me coming in the morning and going out in the evening it looked like I had stayed for the full time there. They asked me for receipts to prove I had been in but who actually keeps receipts. I asked a friend what to do and ignored the reply and now I've received this letter from Debt Recovery Plus saying I need to pay them. What is the best option for me as I don't want to pay the fine as it's definitely not my fault. Will they take me to court?
  3. Long story I defaulted a number of years back on a Burtons card and it was eventually passed to the Lewis Group. The lovely people at the Lewis Group took out a CCJ and I was ordered to pay it back at £5 per month. I have been doing this ever since paying the £5 per month. Eventually it was sold on to Arrow who use Rob Way as agents. I had to state to Rob Way that a CCJ was in place so they stopped pestering me. Which I kept paying each month. Now I received a letter from Arrow that Rob Way is no longer managing the account and has been passed to Restons. From what I have read Restons are not exactly a great company to deal with. But am I right that once a CCJ has been put in place that they cant get another one on top? Also all I should be paying is £5 per month. The debt is for £400 I have told them my situation has not changed and I will carry to pay what the court ordered back in 2011. Either that or gave them an offer of a full and final of £50 which my friend has been able to give me to get them off my backs. I am undergoing cancer treatment and I really dont need this on top of it all. I assume Restons are a solicitors I havent heard anything yet from them but I really dont know what if anything they can do given I been paying the CCJ since 2011???? Your thoughts please ????? is the f and f a decent offer given I am on sickness benefits?????????????
  4. Hello, Its my first time when i am trying to claim my PPI - can someone help me where to send complains I had a few store cards, all now closed and all information are from my Equifax account DEBENHAMS 2009 - 2013 - NewDay MONSOON 2007 - 2012 - NewDay TOP SHOP - account closed 2009 - GE Money River Island - NewDay NEXT - (2006 - 2012) I had as well Personal loan from Ocean money and again I dont have idea which address to use? Any help will be appreciated
  5. Wrote to advise of financial difficulties. Have been paying min payment for last 3 yr due to other debts. They actually didnt renew my card when due 2yrs ago so they obviously not happy to extend credit. Have now defaulted (3mths) and advised will only pay £1pm. Also asked them to look at fact that interest etc over 3yrs is majority of debt. In light of this would they look to reduce debt accordingly. they have replied saying may consider my offer but need i&e. Gesture of gw have refunded x3 late payment fee and x1 returned payment fee. charges and interest are in line with my credit agreement they state. no PPI. they have asked me to provide i&e plus bank statements and payslips plus proof of other debts..... They know i have debts as they didnt renew my card due to credit history being shot! How much info are they entitled too? Any thoughts? Worth haggling over trying to get balance reduced due to their extortionate rates? Debt about £400. I didnt ask for cca as didnt think apply to store cards. Thx in advance.
  6. Is it right that an online store (Debenhams) have got authorisation to take funds from my account for an item that they have now told me is not in stock - still advertised on their website as being in stock though. I completed the order and got email confirmation (although the T&C's say no contract is formed until the item is dispatched) and then shortly after received another email saying the order is cancelled. Are the online stock systems so poor that they do not update automatically. I have called my bank and I will not have access to the funds until the authorisation is withdrawn or 10 days pass. It is not the amount here but the principle.
  7. Dear all, I am 19 years old and was apprehended by security officials whilst leaving this department store a day ago. I know shoplifting is wrong, this is my first offence, and I want to keep it that way. They took me into a side room when they told me that this was due to shoplifting a month ago. One security guard said he remembered my face. When I asked if I could be shown the tape they said only the police could access that, and if I didn’t comply the police would be called and they would see/would be able to show me the tape. They asked me my details (name, DOB, address), which I gave them, and also to empty the contents of my pocket/bag. I showed them what was in my bag and my pockets. They saw my ID via my buspass as I had no other ID with me and took photos of it and of me. I told them I am ill, with epileptic fits and some forgetfulness which is true. I paid via bank transfer but DIDN’T admit to the crime – I said I couldn’t recall being in the store at the time. After paying I was given a letter saying I was banned from the store and that my details would be passed onto the police to say the matter has been resolved. I want to know if you guys think I did the right thing by complying. Do you think they were lying about having it on tape? Also they said the matter wouldn’t be on a criminal record or anything, so I assume I didn’t this won’t appear on any background checks even extended ones? Thank you for your replies!!!
  8. Dear All, I am hoping someone could assist my wife here with her rejected Santander for a Debenhams Store card. Herself and her mother, where in the store at the same time and both took out a newly offered card at the same time, and spent near the same amount and never again used it since, All they needed was some wedding stuff at the time., Now a month ago or so Santander got intouch with her mother out of the blue and said "hey we owe you some money" and she got £2500. The wife wrote off to them, and i think they have just fobbed her off, I have uploaded their reply and can be seen below. It would be fantastic if anyone can let me know if we can turn this around and put it back in our favour.. I feel she is being mistreated and fobbed off with a standard letter Regards PDF file now attached, Many Thanks santander.pdf
  9. Hello everybody, I recently purchased a guitar effects pedal from a store over the internet via PayPal. I sent it back the next day during the cool-off period. The shipping in the online ad states free delivery. They have refunded me the cost of the item minus £6.99 for postage. I did a quick web search and came up with: The Office of Fair Trading; “The OFT’s view is that the normal postage and packing charges for the delivery, but not the return, of distance sales purchases must always be refunded in addition to the cost of the goods when orders are cancelled during the cooling-off period.” From Out-law.com: “Online shopping customers who send back goods straight away must not be charged for their delivery, Europe's top court has said. Consumers can be required to pay the cost of returning the goods but should be refunded every other cost, it said. 15 Apr 2010” “The UK's Distance Selling Regulations govern this right and consumer regulator the Office of Fair Trading has previously ruled that refunds must include the cost of postage or delivery of goods.” I contacted the store with this information and they sent me the following reply: "Thank you for your email and I do appreciate your point of view If you change your mind, you can return your purchase in its original condition within 14 days to us for a full refund minus any costs incurred for the initial dispatching using our express courier and any costs incurred by -------- for the returning of the order. Please note that shipping discounts are removed if your full return or partial return takes your order below the free delivery threshold (this only applies for items that have been sent). Orders which have received discounted shipping (for example, free next day shipping) will have to cover the initial express courier dispatching, normally £6.99. The fact that you received free shipping is because we applied a shipping discount to your order and paid this shipping as a goodwill gesture. We do not ship item via any standard (normal) delivery options and ship everything using express next day service therefore we are entitled to recoup any delivery costs from the refund. I am afraid that the £6.99 deduction is correct and does not breach any consumer rights. So, are they correct to deduct the postage or not? I would be very grateful for any answers to help me resolve this. Thanking you all in advance, Nigel
  10. hi, Has anyone confronted with the situation like I have an iphone with contract from 3 and now phone not working, went to apple genius bar and they confirmed that phone unrepairable and needs a replacement , went to 3 store and got info that in that case i need to purchase a new apple phone from apple store, send to them authorisation paperworks from genius bar and receipt and then they will refund that money amount back to me. So maybe someone has any experience with this? Anyone got a refund ? I need a phone , and 3 customer service says this is the only option , but it is quite big amount of money and i'm afraid that they won't refund me ? ........
  11. I find this story quite amusing. The Mother has said she was made to feel like a rubbish mum - but instead of a quiet word of complaint to the Manager/Head office - she rushes off to the Newspaper ? Was the store right to ask the Mother and child to leave ?
  12. My other half was paying monthly for an old debt to Capquest. On 20 October she received a letter from Capquest stating, " Thankyou for your payment.Your account is now closed. We`ve updated your credit file to show your account as fully satisfied. If you have any questions contact ............etc" She stopped making payments. Fast forward to 9th December and she gets another letter from Capquest saying "The amount owed £90.60 and that as of 9th Dec Capquest will move the management of your account to drydens Fairfax solicitors .As a result drydens Fairfax will contact you shortly regarding your continiuing payments." What is this all about????? Thankyou for any advice.
  13. New Aldi has opened up in Portishead, Bristol - and includes ANPR cameras for Parking Eye, with an hour and a half parking limit. They have made two mistakes..... (1) They bought the store from the Co-Op who decided to pull out of the town due to increased competition (Waitrose, Lidl, Iceland, Sainsburys etc) but the original covenant when change of use was placed on the land and Co-Op got planning consent was that a minimum of 2 hours free parking is provided. (2) The planning application for Aldi to make various changes to the store appearance & to redesign the car park didn't mention the installation of signage, sign posts & the ANPR camera pole in the car park - the planning approved design / layout plans didn't show the location of the poles etc The store has only been open for 3 weeks and the locals aren't happy, North Somerset Council are investigating the covenant & planning breaches.
  14. http://www.stokesentinel.co.uk/Aldi-customers-told-register-vehicles-store-face/story-27985958-detail/story.html I don't see how this really helps with the congested car park as anybody is still allowed to park there without using Aldi...
  15. Good afternoon everyone. I have a particular story to tell: In May I have had a problem with a Lg g2 and contacted the seller, which is a shop on Amazon. I was suggested by the seller to contact a local store for having the mobile repaired. The mobile had a small problem to the headphone jack, the icon of the headphone was constantly on and I could not use the speaker. I went to a local shop and they have kept the mobile for one day and repaired it. The day after I have taken the mobile and used for one day before going back to the store because one of the volume buttons was not working. They have taken the mobile and after one week they have told me that the engineers could not turn the mobile on anymore. After that moment I went to the store at least 10 15 times and after 120 days they keep asking me to go back and waiting. Today, 10/10 I advised them I was going to report them. The mobile costed me one year earlier £310 The police told me that they do not deal with these issues and that I have to talk with a lawyer. Should a citizen pay for having their win against these sellers? This seller is the actual Shopping Palace in North End Road. I will never go back anymore there. But what to do now? Regards, Fenixo
  16. Hi. My 15y old child is banned from an M&S store for swearing at a member of staff. Is the company allowed to throw us out of the store 6 months later when I decide to go in there together with my child to buy clothes? Thank you
  17. http://www.kentonline.co.uk/medway/news/mouse-infestation-closes-supermarket-41346/ I like one of the comments from readers of this article.
  18. Hi I was going through my file of statements for a Store Card taken out in 03 and realise that there is a long list of Late Payment Fees added over the years. Creation has always been the company receiving my payments on behalf of the store. And has always been the company inundating me with calls when I miss a payment !! I do use the store card every now and again. I do pay monthly, sometimes clearing the balance in total, sometimes paying the minimum. sometimes a higher amount. There is currently £500 owing. I have added up all the Late Payment Fees. (Actually Creation changed the name to "Default Sum Fee - Arrears" in end 2008.) The fees have been £10, £12 & £22. From mid 2005 to date the sum total of charges is: apx £240. Compound Interest is apx £995 Total Charges + CI is apx £1235 So their statement says I owe £500. Yet I consider, given the above figures generated from a CI spreadsheet, that they owe £1235. So should I write to them a letter saying I want these charges + compound interest reimbursed to me??? In addition since Jan 2015 Creation has added "Interest on Purchases and Default Sums (if applicable). So 6 months of interest charges on their charges??!! This doesn't sound like fair practise....
  19. These guys were calling me 17 times a day on mobile or landline and really aggressive. Debt owed was £1900 they added huge % and penalties so now £3100. Opened Sept 1996. I foolishly sent cheque for £1 with CCA which I am 99% sure they copied my signature to a Credit agreement,where theyactually spelt my name wrong so I know I didn't sign it. They sent my account to Drydensfairfax who wrote several letters threatening court action etc but have gone very quiet since Feb this year-waiting for next move. I replied to Drydens saying they had not returned a CCA and was therefore unenforceable, heard nothing since. No statements,no calls nothing-eery- I CCA'd them in Jan 2014-they sent several attemptsat reconstrued CCA type A3 blank credit agreements-which had nothing,no details on them....their % was 26.5% . Stupid me to have got in this mess but I had quite a nice business then a creditor liquidated owing me huge monies and I lost everything-tried to survive for a while using CCards to support myself and pay debts with each of them -made it worse.hey ho such is life.All ok have my health,my family and it's summer at last
  20. Hello everyone. If I obscured too many details in the attachment please let me know and I'll reupload. How can I get rid of this charge? I was in the store's coffee shop working on my laptop, I have a bank statement showing the date and amount spent. It wasn't a huge amount, less than £10 because I wasn't shopping for groceries. I was just having coffee and some pastry/sandwich while working on my laptop. I shop at this store frequently, in fact it's the only store I go to shop for groceries. I spend loads at this place. So irritated to get this ticket... The lot wasn't even full! Any help is much appreciated. Thanks.
  21. Hi All I'm sure I read somewhere that it is now against the law for an employer to offer incentives to employers if they persuade customers to take out a store card. But what if they threaten to punish employees if they don't persuade customers to take out a store card, or at least attempt to persuade them?
  22. was in my local tesco earlier, minding my own business in the biscuit aisle when i felt something smacking me on the back ..turned and looked around to see 2 pieces of the concrete roof on the floor so thats what hit me, must have fallen a good 50 feet. each bit was about 10cm x 10cm. told a member of staff and the checkout lady and she got he manager and assistant manager, they logged it over the phone in the accident book and i spoke to the person that logged it. i already have something wrong with me that the consultants have yet to diagnose but im under orthopedic care that causes me to be in pain every day ranging from moderate to the point where i have to crawl out of bed. today was an okayish day but since it happened ive been in agony again and ive had to get my crutch out again to support myself. i also suffer from anxiety so when they were all fussing i was trying to hold it together and not have a total meltdown but i was sweating, had the shakes, heart was racing etc i was so warm i looked like a tomato and that didn't go for a good 2 hours after it happened. they paid for my taxi home and she handed my a giftcard, never offered it just said here you go and to be honest i just wanted out of there, like i said i didn't want to have a meltdown in front of every one. i dropped the CEO an email and tweeted them ,someone is going to call me tomorrow after 11.30 but someone said because i 'accepted' the gift card they will not offer anything else? dont really feel comfortable going back in there now either. thanks in advance for the replies.
  23. Supermarket giant Tesco has named the 43 stores it is closing across the country, a move that will see 2,000 staff lose their jobs. The company is currently informing staff at the affected stores. The Express and Home Plus stores will close on 15 March with the Tesco Metros and Superstores on the list closing on 4 April. Tesco warned earlier this month that 43 stores would be shut as part of plans to cut costs. Tesco chief executive Dave Lewis said the decision to close the stores was "exceptionally difficult". "Our priority is to explain what this announcement means for our colleagues and, wherever possible, offer them alternative roles with Tesco," he added. Superstore closures include those in Doncaster and Chatham, while the DIY and homeware Homeplus closures include stores in Edinburgh and Southampton. In total, 18 Express, 12 Metro, seven superstores and six Homeplus stores are shutting their doors. Troubled Tesco 43 unprofitable stores to be closed £250m of cost cuts planned 49 planned new stores to be cancelled 0.3% fall in like-for-like store sales over the six-week Christmas period Source: TescoPA The move follows two successive years of falling sales and profits, and a shock accounting scandal, which saw the chain overstate its profits by some £263m. Mr Lewis, who joined the retail giant from consumer goods firm Unilever just five months ago, has pledged to slash costs and sell assets to fund lower prices and mend Tesco's finances. Retail union Usdaw said the store closures were "devastating news" for the 2,000 staff involved. "Our priority is to maximise employment within Tesco, seek redeployment opportunities for members, where possible, and to keep job losses to a minimum," said Pauline Foulkes from the union. Tesco's announcement marks a stark contrast to Tuesday's update from Waitrose that detailed plans to create 2,000 jobs in new shops and by expanding existing sites. The retailer is opening 14 new shops from spring this year, seven of them smaller convenience outlets. However, of the so-called "big four" supermarkets, which includes Tesco as well as Sainsbury's, Morrisons and Asda, most are shelving expansion plans or even closing stores. In November, Sainsbury's said it was scrapping plans for new stores, while Morrissons plans to close 10 loss-making stores this year. Tesco store closures Tesco Express stores: Bearwood Belvedere Church Street Ballymena Heaton Chapel Heybridge Essex Houghton Regis Liverpool Kensington Longbridge Road Barking Northfield Birmingham Raymouth Lane Worksop Sheffield Manor South Tottenham High Road Tredegar Troon Walsall Wood Wealdstone Whitley Bay York Road Hartlepool Tesco Metro stores: Bicester Bootle Caerphilly Crossgates Devizes Grangemouth Mexborough Morecambe Ormskirk Runcorn Smethwick Woodseats Tesco Superstores: Bedlington Chatham Connswater Cregagh Road Doncaster Kirkcaldy Wrexham Doods Lane Tesco Homeplus: Bristol Cribbs Chelmsford Chester Edinburgh Southampton Staines
  24. Hi I came on this site to find out about my student loan deferment and realised that someone may be able to help me with a spot of bother I have got myself into. I went into a Three store 3 days ago to look at a phone I was thinking about buying. I ended up buying it on contract and was under the impression that I could cancel it and have my money refunded as I specifically asked the salesman "I can cancel this can't I" me meaning that I would not be worse off financially if I did. I went into store to cancel it because I decided it was too expensive and was informed that there was no 14 day cancellation option and I have to keep it. Is there any way for me to get out of this because it is not very economically viable? From what I have read some companies offer a 14 day cancellation service but are not required to by law if you go into store to sign the contract. Any information to contradict this would be gratefully welcomed. The phone and sims are unused and sealed. Thanks Jon
  25. Hi I have an issue with e bay and an one line store recently and wondered if some some could help me ? I ordered an item for halloween and paid extra to get the item for next day delivery after checking they were able to do so. I waited patiently to discover halloween came and still no outfit, i had struggled to find their telephone number to contact them and was still waiting on the reply to an e mail regarding this. I hadn’t been out in 2o years so this was a very special occasion to me and I love halloween so spent far to much on this so I could have a great time. In pure desperation I was trying the internet and any where to see if I could find their telephone number but still could not find them? In desperation I called one of the 118 numbers to see if they could help not knowing latter I would find out for this one call and they still didn’t have the number it would end up costing me £15.oo and being on a benefit its all a real struggle for me. When I finally found their number out of pure luck and (I have no idea) I phoned them and they seamed nice and did try to help, but they told me that some one had left the parcel bag some where and its probably been stolen. When I asked why didn’t they e mail or call to let me know I was given excuses of were not sure who’s have gone. The only thing he was able to do was to ring his people who he gets these orders from direct so I could get it their, but it was approx 1 /2 hours away one way in Halifax. Out of pure desperation I said I would collect checking with his first that the order was correct and the size I didn’t want to go all that way and find I couldn’t get it. He said it was correct so I drove to halifax knowing I would have to be quick because tonight I was due out, it wasn’t easily either because I have a condition that leaves me in a lot of pain. When I got their I was told the size I wanted 24 wasn’t available the item only went up to size 22 and this is stated on the from of the package which was very upsetting I only went for this item because the size was 24 but it was also an extra £25.00 because of this. I didn’t know what to do so all I could do was bring it home and try it, but when I did it didn’t fit I was very angry and upset and didn’t go out due to the journey took me far longer than I wanted leaving me late in a lot of pain and the out fit didn’t fit so my whole day was ruined. I feel very cheated and lied to about the size etc.. the out fit is no good to me really halloween is gone and it cost me £65.00 with out delivery etc I paid £72.00. It has just cost me a lot of upset and money instead of the night I was looking forward too. I was going to keep it in the hope of loosing weight by next year and having it here already, because I bought lots of other items to go with it. But feel very cheated and hurt by the company. I have sent them a e mail.. which is below along with a reply but not sure my rights etc and how to handle the situation from here on in.. Can some one one help me and give me some advise. Many thanks This is a copy of the actual letter sent to the company. I am writing due to buying this above order from your company recently, After struggling to to find your telephone number I had no choice but to check directory which latter I found cost me £15.00 to do so. But after speaking to you I discovered that my parcel was one that had probably been stolen and there was no way I could receive it on time for that night. Even though I ordered it with plenty of time and checked this would be ok and paid extra for delivery. You did try and help me but to get this order I had to drive to Halifax over 2 hours to get their then back. Costing me £17.00 in Petrol money one way only £34.00 in total, which you promised to reimburse. Before I left for Halifax I double checked that the order was correct especially the size and I was promise everything was correct, yet when I got their it clearly stated that these makes only went up to size 22 not 24 as promised In the advert. Which is the only reason I payed £25.00 extra with your self rather than others so I got the bigger size so I feel very cheated, and the clothes did not fit. By now I was very upset and annoyed being so put out and having to drive such a long way and pay well above the odds for an item that I did not receive and spent far to much on. I drove home which made me very late and was upset that the item did not fit and I had no costume to wear. As I explained via phone this was going to be my first halloween party (or just going out) in over 20 years. So I was very excited and looking forward to my favourite day of the year. Instead I have suffered a lot of upset and had to stay in. Not receiving my item. £15.00 on directory phone call for your number. Cost me extra in delivery £6.00. That didn’t turn up. Spent nearly 6 hours traveling to Halifax, also made me late. Costing me £34.00 in petrol. To collect a costume that did not fit, even though I checked the sizes again and again. I could of got this costume £25.00 cheaper If I hadn’t been lied to. (false advertising) Only to have to stay in and not go out on Halloween which was very upsetting. I was upset and angry after all I had been through, I am writing to collect the petrol money you promised me but also to let you know how upset I am I believe you let me down a lot and think you should rectify the situation on what I have lost out on. Yours Faithfully, THEIR REPLY Our contact number is on the shop. We have responded to your most recent message and we will honour the promise made to you on the phone that day. Regards Hi, First of all if you read the packaging make sure you are not reading the American size as you have received the correct size as we stated in one of the messages to you. The costume is a American brand and the size on the packet is American. If you doubt this fact check the manufacturers website. We also do not understand why it has took you so long to discuss this situation with us. You have also gone over the 14 day return period and you do realise that all costumes would be checked by quality control to test if they had been used or not. We have responded appropriately and honestly to your latest message. We will honour our promise made to you on the phone that day. We pulled the stops out to rescue a situation that was outside of our control. We have never lied to you about anything, our contact number is listed on the shop and we responded to your messages and sorted you a replacement costume with one of our contacts. Our price is what it is and you are free to choose to buy from us or not. Your claim of "False Advertising" is unfounded so be careful what you say, we will not take this matter up with e bay on this occasion due to the circumstances and we do feel that you was inconvenienced with this transaction but the issue was outside of our control and we did find a solution for you. The size of the costume is as stated and that is beyond doubt and can be confirmed by the warehouse. We have already lost the first costume in the post and we have paid for your replacement. We do except that this is not your fault and as per all previous communication clearly states you were very glad that we helped you and you leave it until now to contact us over 2 weeks after your event. So please do not now create problems as we rectified the situation in the only way we could and you agreed to collect the item. We did promise to cover you for the fuel cost and we will honour that promise. We can not refund you for that through e bay but we will refund you direct to your PayPal Account. If you wish to discuss the matter sensibly please ring us on …....... or …......... and we will gladly resolve the issue with you but we will compensate you for the fuel and the £6.00 delivery charge which will be £40.00. We are not obliged to do this but we will do as we feel that you made the effort of driving to collect a costume same day that we organised for you and we did promise to help out with the cost of doing so but do not take advantage with the claim for the other cost items. We appreciate the situation as we did at the time but we have done everything possible to rectify the situation. Regards
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