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  1. Hi guys, This isn't my usual post, so please excuse me if I miss out any information. Sometime around 3/4 years ago, my Grandmother had work done which was funded by a council grant to renew her Electrics, Central Heating, Windows, Bathroom, Kitchen, roof and facia boards. Soon after, the work was found to be unsatisfactory. The man at the council who issued the grant to the builders in question stopped responding to our calls and it was just accepted that we'd have to deal with these issues. Time has passed, and we've just not stopped finding faults. About 18 months ago, I wrote to the man from the council, who brushed off my complaint as "Not his problem". Previous to this, his comments were "If you think it's bad now, you obviously didn't see the state of it before", although, I kinda think this is why the council issued the grant to her? So, recently, the hot water tank has ruptured, causing the ceiling in the landing to come down, making the stairs wet and upsetting her Stannah Stair Lift. What do I do? The home insurance won't cover the hot water tank, although they have said that they will stem the leak and deal with the damage resultant from the rupture. How do I go forward with this? The local councillor isn't concerned, the local MP has ignored us and the man at the council is just using our slow actions to his advantage. I am tempted to go into the council offices and create havoc, but I don't want to get into trouble myself. This is having a massively negative effect on my grandmothers quality of life, added to the lightswitches that were left in place but not connected, the double glazed windows that don't open, the leak in the ceiling resulting from the bad roofing job and the new radiators which were charged to the council, but in fact, are the old radiators... What can I do? Any advice accepted gratefully.
  2. Hello If a resident does not have parking facility on his road because there’s restriction in place and parks in an immediate side street near him (nearest side street/road), This side street becomes a residential parking scheme and permits needed to park; will it be possible to apply for a permit to park, if not resident on that street?
  3. Hey all. I'm so sorry if this is the wrong place to ask but I had no idea where to put it so please feel free to move it to the correct place. I am currently working in a temporary, full time position with the possibility of going permanent after 3 months. While I'm temp, I am "under" Manpower, if/when I go perm I then get took over by the company I am working for. Manpower use the TSA Scheme but I'm having a few problems and I hope someone can help me. I have been paid 4 times (I worked 1 week in hand and get paid weekly while temp). My first wage and TSA was correct: TSA Allow: 34.60 - A TSA Adjust: -34.60 the allow and adjust matched but the next 3 payments have not matched: TSA Allow: 43.25 - M TSA Adjust: -47.58 as you can see, what has been taken out is greater than what has been put in, which means I am short by almost £5 per week. I asked our point of contact for Manpower if the allow and adjust should be the same - she said yes and said she would look into it for me but I havent heard anything from her for 2 weeks. Now I am emailing the whole team as advised for someone to help but I'd like some info in case they are trying to pull a fast one. Can anyone who knows about TSA explain or let me know if the allow/adjust should be the same or if they are meant to be different and why? Is the above TSA correct and I'm worrying about nothing? I've heard so many bad things about Manpower since I started my new job that I'm worrying they may be taking money from me (and others). What rights I have and what I do about it if all this is wrong. Any help/info is appreciated. Thanks.
  4. Consumers who cannot afford their energy bills are set to receive free vouchers for gas and electricity at so-called ‘fuel banks’. Energy giant Npower is planning to offer millions of pounds worth of free energy to claimants around the country in much the same way food banks give out emergency food parcels or supermarket vouchers. Npower has been working with food bank charity the Trussell Trust on its plans, which could see vouchers equivalent to two weeks’ worth of gas and electricity handed out a maximum of three times a year to those in need. The plans are due to be piloted this summer, Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3045322/After-food-banks-poor-fuel-banks-Labour-hails-Npower-plan-away-20m-gas-electricity-s-gimmick-cover-sky-high-bills-rest-us.html#ixzz3XsJhJIfp
  5. Some people who applied to the NHS low income scheme may have paid too much towards their health costs, due to an error in the scheme’s calculations. The error affects a small number of claims. The NHS is working to identify people who were affected and to make a payment to them. You may be entitled to a payment if you applied to the NHS low income scheme between October 2003 and September 2008, and all of the following apply to you: you or your partner were aged over 60, and you or your partner were registered blind, were ‘signed off’ by your doctor as incapable of work for at least 28 weeks, or were receiving Disability Living Allowance, Incapacity Benefit, Severe Disablement Allowance or Attendance Allowance, and you were issued with a partial help certificate, called HC3, which set out how much you had to pay towards NHS dental, optical, travel to receive treatment, wigs and fabric support costs, and you then paid NHS charges or costs for any of the above while the HC3 certificate was in force. You’re not affected by this and can’t claim a payment if any of the following apply to you: you were issued with a HC2 certificate for full help with health costs you applied to the low income scheme before October 2003 or after September 2008 you met the eligibility criteria and received a HC3 certificate but didn’t pay any NHS charges or costs while it was in force. If you think you’re affected, you can apply for a payment by calling 0300 330 1344. You’ll need to confirm that you applied to the NHS low income scheme during the affected period and that you paid NHS healthcare costs at that time. You’ll be sent an application form which you need to return by 31 March 2015. You can find more information on the NHS Business Services Authority website. FAQs on the redress scheme. The NHS low income scheme provides help with health costs for people who are on low incomes but don’t qualify for any other help. More about the NHS low income scheme. http://www.adviceguide.org.uk/england/news/whats_new_dec14_nhs_low_income_scheme_redress.htm
  6. I need some advice please. I had to cancel the healthy pet club scheme in my vets after a number of problems. I suffered poor service, increase in prices, I was forced to purchase a blood glucose kit costing me £120, they charged me £15 consultation fee when its a free health club check, then they refused me insulin as my cat is a diabetic. I reported the vets to the British Veterinary Association, whom have yet to reply to my complaint back in August. I cancelled at the healthy pets club direct a couple of months ago; why demand money now? Today I got a letter from the vets demanding a payment of £167 as I had cancelled out of contract on the scheme. Upon reading the terms and conditions on their website, it clearly states you can cancel at any time, and doesn't mention about being charged anything!! Also when I canceled with them direct, they never said anything about being charged either!! I thought that the monthly fee of £9.99 was collected by the healthy pet club people not the vets direct? I fail to see why I should pay this because I had been forced to take my cat elsewhere as they had put his health at risk not just once but twice. I also cannot understand how they claim I owe £167 when the monthly fee is £9.99 this does not add up!!?? In a pickle and dont know what to do! All this vets wants off me is money!!
  7. A series of court cases has resulted in nine women in the Bristol area being convicted of conning about £20m from friends and family by running an illegal pyramid scheme:- https://www.gov.uk/government/news/nine-convicted-of-multi-million-pound-pyramid-promotional-scheme I started to take an interest in this story back in 2008 when it was reported in the Daily Mail. I feel sorry for all the people who have been conned out of their money.
  8. Hi all I've recently had a reply from WFSL to a charges reclaim and they've come back with the attached "Scheme of Arrangement". Having a look around on this site, I've noticed that some have been refunded unfair charges before the start date of the scheme, which is 2nd March 2011, and others haven't. On my letter it states: "During my investigation I have taken into account the date on which any relevant fees were charged to (and subsequently paid off) your accounts. This is important because the date on which each transaction occurred may affect whether we are able to offer redress." "Welcome Finance entered into a 'Scheme of Arrangement' (The Scheme) as of 2nd March 2011. As the above accounts had fees applied/paid before this date I am unable to investigate this account due to this Legal Arrangement." Does anyone understand what this is all about, as I'm baffled? Many thanks
  9. Could someone help with a quick question. My friend is moving into a HMO and would like to know if the deposit has to be protected? It is a contract in his name only.
  10. Hi all, We ended our tenancy early (with landlords agreement we have a signed deed of surrender). We owe the landlord a few days rent which we agreed to pay. When we asked initially for details of the deposit scheme the LL had used we received no response. We have written three times to ask for the information to no avail. The LL has now sent us some cash but has deducted over £260 for various 'issues' all of which we would strongly contest. Points: 1. AST from 2012 2. contract states deposit scheme will be used although not which one 3. no inventory completed 4. we have vacated the property (in very good condition and we did take some photos as evidence). LL is now saying our money was not put in a deposit scheme because we refused to pay the £25 admin fee. LL has made this up and is now saying this after a month of us trying to get our deposit back. We have previously rented and all our other landlords used a deposit scheme and we got all of our deposit returned with no problems. We had assumed that our money was safe and maybe the LL had overlooked sending us the paperwork. LL also has numerous other properties that they rent. Is our only option to take the LL to court? If so any advice would be gratefully received.
  11. Can anyone give us some good advice? We have paid two solicitors over the last few years and it's got us no where. And we are now unsure if we need a French solicitor to see us through the bailiff stage. Our failed leaseback meant we had an unfinished property. We have never been able to pay the E30,000 to finish the property and after about 18 months had to stop paying the mortgage. We tried to negotiate with the bank but to no avail. Now it's gone to bailiffs. We have had the first letter from the bailiffs. The debt is 140,000 Euros. We had to sell our UK property in connection to this disaster, so we now have no significant assets. I have drafted a letter with two options: 1) trying to offer a payment scheme and 2) offer of them taking our unfinished apartment which wont be worth much but will be something - maybe 40,000E. Have I done the right thing? I haven't yet sent it... We are reluctant to go bankrupt but this has been hanging over us for three years now. Should we just stick it out a little longer and hope the bailiffs will liaise with us? Might they just turn up and try take our possessions? If it goes to court in France - do we need to attend or must we take on a solicitor in France? Is this all worth it? Should we just go bankrupt? Has anyone been through this and come our the other side? We just want to move on with our lives, yet also we dont want to have to bankrupt. Just can't see a way out... Please help! Thank you so much in advance for any advice.
  12. The cost of delivering Iain Duncan Smith’s troubled Universal Credit scheme is £225,000 for each person on it, it has been claimed The project has already cost the taxpayer £612million and has been dogged by delays and IT blunders. Mr Duncan Smith, the Work and Pensions Secretary, had promised one million people would be receiving their welfare payments under the scheme by April this year. But figures show only 2,720 claimants have been transferred onto the Universal Credit so far - a cost of £225,000 per person. The universal credit bundles together the six main benefits - jobseeker’s allowance, income support, employment and support allowance, working tax credit, child tax credit and housing benefit - into a single payment. In September 2103, Mr Duncan Smith told Parliament it would be delivered “on time and within budget”. But the roll-out has been delayed three times and is now only available under a small number of pilot schemes. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/iain-duncan-smiths-universal-credit-3115946#ixzz2u3Wj7V9B Universal Credit: Government's welfare reform ‘may be scrapped after next election’ The future of the Government’s major £2bn welfare reform was thrown into fresh doubt on Wednesday night after it emerged that just a handful of claimants have been enrolled into the new system. The Department for Work and Pensions disclosed that only 3,200 people had been signed up to receive Universal Credit – a fraction of the original target – at a cost of nearly £200,000 per person. The figure emerged amid claims the next government could be forced to pull the plug on Universal Credit, which has already been seriously delayed following IT problems. The new credit, which combines six working-age benefits and credits into a single payment, has been championed by Iain Duncan Smith, the Work and Pensions Secretary, as a way of ensuring the unemployed always have an incentive to find a job. Under his original timetable, 1 million people would be receiving the payment by April, rising to 1.7 million a year later. But the DWP admitted that only 3,200 had been enrolled for Universal Credit by the end of November, nearly all of them as part of a pilot scheme in four job centres in the North-West of England. The vast majority are young single jobseekers, the least complicated category of claimant. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/universal-credit-governments-welfare-reform-may-be-scrapped-after-next-election-9139458.html
  13. Last year I rented out a room to make some extra cash to a student. Long story short he did a runner owning rent and left the room in a tip. Wrote to him at his parents address asking for outstanding amount to be paid or I would go to small claims court to pursue had no response. He failed to turn up at court in Nov&Feb court found in my favour. I tracked him down via his new employer a few weeks ago and engaged the sheriff officers to deliver the decree to his address which gives him 14 days to respond which he didn't. So last week I applied via the sheriff officers an arrestment of earnings order against him. Suddenly now I have his attention and had a call from the CAB stating that the 3rd party doesn't owe anything I explained the situation to the CAB who have then said well sounds like he's had his chances and will now need to engage a solicitor. I've been told by the sheriff officer he cant stop the arrestment of earning order and I know there is no direct right of appeal against the court findings. But I think he can try to get the hearing re-called and would this prevent me from getting the money owed until it was resolved
  14. Please have a look at this link from the Motability Website: http://www.motability.co.uk/understanding-the-scheme/pip-and-motability/ This PDF is from their website:
  15. Hi I have been looking for a definitive answer to a question i have and after ages trawling the internet I wondered if anyone here might be able to help me. We are looking to take out a mortgage in a year or so and are interested in the new help to buy scheme mortgage guarantee scheme....however.... I have a ccj of £2127 which is over three years old, will this mean we are ineligible to apply? Other than this, our credit reports are clean, and we have very little outstanding credit. Many thanks for any help
  16. Hi everyone. First of all apologies if I am posting in the wrong place, this was the most appropriate one I could find. Please move it if there is a more appropriate location for it. Here is the situation: I have a serious medical condition, I live in a fourth floor Westminster Council flat without a lift, and steep stairs. For me, stairs are impossible. Access to full time water is not available - apparently to fix that would be "an improvement" and not "a repair", which means I have to fund it myself, which I can't afford. All my furniture is adapted, however equipment adaptations (i.e. kitchen worktops, sinks, shower, etc) aren't possible apparently because I have applied for rehousing. I can't access the bathtub or the kitchen sink. I rely on others helping me with basic groceries shopping, helping with strip/sponge wash and using the kitchen. These are just some of the issues - the list goes on. Westminster Council has placed me on rehousing waiting list, awarding me Mobility Category 3, with 200 points. Here's the problem: Those who are downsizing social housing, let's say from 2 bedrooms to 1 bedroom, are placed in Cash-Incentive scheme and are automatically awarded Mobility 3 (irrelevant as to whether they are healthy or not), and are awarded the maximum number of points which is 550. Ref: See section 3.1.5, page 39 of this Westminster Council document I have also verified this by phone, and it is correct as of today. It is easy to understand that we are short of social housing and that this frees up 2 or more bedroom flats. However, this places 1 bed flats in more demand. So where does this put a person like me who is only able to bid for properties under Mobility 3 category due to stairs difficulties, but those properties being swept away by healthy people placed in Mobility 3 category just because they have been luckier in life to obtain large properties. The number of 1 bed/studio properties advertised for bidding under Mobility Category 3 are rare and few as it is, so with healthy people being able to take them on the grounds of downsizing, this means a disabled person like me has no chance. Does this not become disability discrimination? On top of everything, Tollgate Gardens demolition means that bidding is heavily restricted due to the decants need of rehousing and decants with Mobility 3 also get 400-450 points, whereas I get 200 points, which means they override me in the waiting list. I do emphasise with the decant situation, but having healthy people under Cash-Incentive scheme being prioritised over those who have a genuine medical need is both, insensitive and negligent, I think. I am feeling more disabled than I should simply because my living circumstances are so unsuitable for me and it just seems that I can't get around it, which is really depressing. My Social Services case worker also looked into making a rehousing recommendation under the Social Services Nomination, which would speed up my process as it would grant me 400 points (see page 25). However, Housing informed her that Social Services referring me to housing will not increase my points in any way and there is no advantage with the case worker doing a referral. (Please note: Westminster Housing has on numerous occasions misinformed me providing me misleading information, which I have on record, and what they say may or may not be true.) I am further of an opinion that the council is not as "transparent" as they claim to be. This week a Mobility 3 studio flat went on the PDF advert, which is publicly advertised (see page 5). However, when I logged in to bid on it, it had mysteriously disappeared and it was not available on the system. I phoned the council to inquire about this, but I do not believe I have received a straight answer. The point of the story is, what is publicly displayed, may not necessarily be true. Anyways, enough of my ramblings. What do you think about this situation? Any tips, ideas? Anyone else has been in a similar situation? Any advice on how to improve my situation? I have literally been thinking to withdraw my application for rehousing as it doesn't seem to be fair or possible, so at least if I withdraw it I would get some equipment adaptations made (although not a lift or a shower LOL)... But on the other hand, that would not solve my long term issues. I feel really stuck Any help and advice is most welcome!
  17. Morning All Can anyone clariffy please. Does the Landlord or there agents have to put a deposit from October 2006, into a TPS, my ex landlord seems to think that they had no legal obligation to do so. Thanks Leakie
  18. Hi everyone, I would like some advice on what I can do about my property. Myself and now ex-partner purchased a property under the FirstBuy Scheme, but things between us have not been so good and now I am stuck here to pay for the place on my own. I would like to sell up and move on but have this firstbuy scheme looming over my head can anyone tell me if there are any issues in selling the property within the first year? or is there some clause that prevents me from doing so. Any advice would be great, many thanks Shane
  19. I applied for the above scheme in June of 2012. I was aware the scheme finished in Nov 2012. When I rang British Gas I asked if I would be still be able to apply. I had a letter apologising for the time it would take to send someone to survey my home, the appointment was for Dec 2012. I rang on several occasions and was told I would probably get the work done in the Summer but I said as long as it was done for the Winter it didnt matter. My house is very cold and I am on a small pension. I rang again today and out of the blue was told as the money from the Governement had run out in Nov 2012 they didnt think I would be able to have the work carried out. I have a contract with them which was given to me by the lady who did the survey in Dec 2012. This is obviously worth nothing and makes a mockery of these deals. I am going to have another freezing Winter and there doesnt seem to be anything I can do about it!
  20. Anyone who now has a mobility scooter through their scheme is no longer given the option to purchase it at the end of the 3 year contract. Not very happy to find this out yesterday, when I had my scooter I was told I would be able to purchase it for a nominal sum at the end of the contract. Had I known at the time, I probably would never have had one with them in the first place as you can buy them new of dealers for less than Motability charge. Those who have cars with them may need to look into this also as it is possible they could be affected.
  21. I wonder if any of you can help me, I have substantial council tax arrears, they were incurred when I had periods of unemployment. I now have a permanent contract albeit part time and low income. I applied for council tax reduction and have had an email saying that I don't qualify, does nyone know how to appeal, its all very new. I have one dependent child and a son who is an apprentice, it clearly says on the local authority website that apprentices qualify for council tax reduction of 25%. Is there a template and does anyone know how to apply for a discretionary payment? as I am now expected to pay the full amount I have no hope of catching up on this years payments, let alone pay the regular monthly payments. Are there any template letters? I would appreciate any advice, I have had bailiffs at the door due to the arrears, they have been placed on hold for the moment.
  22. Hi CAG I am writing on behalf of my sister. She is in her late 50's, lives alone, has worked hard all of her life and now finds - after a couple of years of being bullied at her place of work (seriously !) - that her hours have been cut drastically and she can no longer afford her cost of living expenses. Also the hotel where she works is closing down in July. For the first time in her life she has gone sick with stress and I am worried about her too. She also looks after my elderly Mum & stepdad. We have just applied successfully for DLA for Mum as she is now housebound. My mum has been helping my sister with money towards her rent. None of them claim Carers Allowance despite my telling them that either my sister or my Mum's elderly partner would certainly be eligible. My sister has a car on finance. I have talked to her today about the possibility of getting a car through the Motability Scheme so that she can take Mum out in her wheelchair (she has a wheelchair but hasn't actually left her flat since she came and spent Christmas with us - we live 180 miles apart). If my Sis did this what would she do about her current car ? She is worried that questions will be asked about the money that Mum gives her to help her with rent & food. I'm sorry to have so many questions but can anyone help at all or suggest some next steps that I can pass on to her ? Thank you
  23. hi, im having some issues with my previous landlord i moved out the end of april and still have not received my deposit back. they have advised because they live out of the uk they do not need to use a tenancy deposit scheme however on research i have found that does not matter. i am being blamed for alot of damage that was present in the property when i moved in. can i make a claim at small claims however id they live abroad? do i need to give them so much notice also? since i mentioned the deposit scheme they have went silent but before i advise i will be raising a small claims case i need to make sure i can take them there due to there location. i was gonna send an email stating please take this as 14 days notice. if the issue surrounding the deposit is not resolved then i will be taking the case to small claims where i will pursue the maximum compensation for non use of upto 3 times the deposit amount and legal costs. they also wanted me to call then and stated im not giving a gd enough reason as to not want them to call but i refused and stated email only so i have a paprr trail of all communication. its been nearly 3 weeks is there any timeframe on how long they have to return my deposit? all helps appreciated.
  24. Got letter from capital one asking for bank statements.Do i black my account number and sort codes or not? Many thanks
  25. Hi was looking for some advice for a friend of mine please. She went back to the pawnbrokers to buy back her rings which are worth a substantial amount of money well within the given timescale but when she got their to by them back she was told they had been sold what rights does she have and what can she do. Tinks Sorry mean't to put this in legal section can someone from site team please transfer.
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