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  1. Hi there, today I received a claim form addressed from the county court business centre in Northampton, which has been filed by Moriarty Law on behalf of JC International Acquisition for a debt on behalf of Talk Talk Limited. I have seen a similar problem to mine posted on here but I can't seem to follow it, so I need help step by step to get me through this maze!! The particulars of claim state: THE CLAIMANTS CLAIM IS FOR THE BALANCE DUE UNDER AN AGREEMENT WITH TALK TALK LIMITED DATED 13/10/2011 WHICH WAS ASSIGNED TO THE CLAIMANT ON 26/03/2014 AND NOTICE OF WHICH WAS GIVEN TO THE DEFENDANT ON THE 26/03/2014 AND WHICH IS NOW DUE AND PAYABLE. THE DEFENDANT AGREED TO PAY MONTHLY INSTALMENTS UNDER ACCOUNT NUMBER 100*****43 BUT HAS FAILED TO DO SO. AND THE CLAIMANT CLAIMS THE SUM OF £167.12. THE CLAIMANT ALSO CLAIMS INTEREST THERON PURSUANT TO S.69 COUNTY COURT ACT 1984 LIMITED TO ONE YEAR TO THE DATE HEREOF AT THE RATE OF 8.00% PER ANNUM AMOUNTING TO £13.36. So with the amount claimed being £180.48 the court fee of £25.00 plus Legal representatives costs of £50.00 the total amount is £255.48!! My response to all this, is that I have never agreed to make monthly instalments because I have never spoken to them regarding this debt and have never responded to any letters. At the time I took out this deal with talk talk I was in a very dark place in my life, not long coming out of a rehab and I was not working! After coming to my senses that I could not afford this because I didn't have any money for food, I contacted talk talk to say I wanted to finish which I believed had been stopped. I made payments to them for the amount which I believed I owed to finish the contract, and unplugged the device not to use it again. I also moved address not long after. I have now got my life on track with work and have got what I believe is a good credit score with nothing against me, so to have this rear it's head against me is a bit of a shock! So please please give me advice on how to tackle this and what steps I need to take!! The issue date of the claim was 29/09/2017 and I received it on 04/10/2017 Thanks in advance for any advice you give.
  2. Hi all, Today i received a random letter from Santander regarding a £5500 loan debt. At first i was wrecking my brain what hell is this as i have my bank account with them. Thought i was stung for fraud again. There was no information, just my name, a sort code and an account number. It states opening balance march 2017 and current balance sept 2017. i googled the sort code and seems it belongs to a cahoot accounts. The last cahoot loan i took out was over 11 years ago (march 2006 to be exact), im almost certain i settled this (but haven't kept all those papers) and it would surely be statute barred? Wondered if i could get some advice? Ignore, write a letter? Thanks
  3. I am looking for some advice dealing with the DCA chasing after an alleged debt they say I had with Npower. I paid every month by direct debit and as far as I was concerned all paid off and sent the final meter reading on the day I moved out. I called them few months later and was told what the final bills was £36 and paid off. Now a DCA sending letters, but the company name is Npower Northern which I have never known. My bills had the name Npower and not Npower Northern. Have they changed names? How can there be an outstanding amount when paid by monthly direct debit ? I have read so many posts regarding their incorrect bills. I am going to call them today and send a SAR request and start the process from there. It is so unnecessary that we have to do this as when we pay every month and trust them to send correct bills.
  4. I had a joint mortgage with my ex, and was left struggling with it after she decided to leave, stopped paying anything and refused any contact. Managed to keep it going for a bit but I was put on the SVR after our 3 year deal ended which doubled the payments, and of course because she wouldn't speak to me I couldn't resign to another fixed deal and get the payments back down so ultimately the property was reposessed in Sept 2011. The property was sold for much less than we'd paid, but the lender marked it as "settled" on my credit file and I heard no more for a year or so, when I received a letter to say £28000 was outstanding as a shortfall. Since then I've had one letter pretty much every other year just restating that there is a shortfall. This year however Enact have suddenly sent me a flurry of six letters in the last month demanding to know my situation. Is there anything at all I can do about this? I'm in Scotland. No contact with my ex so I don't know where she stands on it, or if she has gone bankrupt. The sum claimed hasn't changed so she hasn't made any payments. I have a young family now and really need this put to bed, but don't want to be in a cycle of paying them for years and years for something I no longer have, nor do i have a lump sum I could give them. What is the worst they could do here?
  5. Hi all, new to the sight, and indeed, to debt. Had a look around here this morning, and I'm quite frankly overwhelmed by all that is concerned with debt and debt resolution, so please, bear with my ignorance! I'll try to keep this as concise as possible also. Full time employed home owner/mortgage, one active credit card with my bank which I over pay on religiously (£2k balance) so no issues there. No HP/credit, and no defaulted utilities. Wife left Dec 2015 (not divorced yet), I remain in the house and the mortgage is in my name. I'm also a lone parent to 2 boys, 6yrs and 9yrs. In Jan 2016 I got a letter from PRA stating 'my' account had defaulted on 'my' debt (from MBNA credit card) of £10278.34 and advising me I had previously to that point been paying £80pm against the amount. I had no knowledge of this until the letter landed on my mat. As you can imagine... It's come to light that my estranged wife had, over a number of years, been using one of my cards without my knowledge. The first I knew of this debt was the letter from PRA. At the time I was left financially devastated, and have spent the past 20 odd months getting back on an even keel (hence the £2k balance on my current credit card). As such, during this time, I kicked this £10278 debt 'into the long grass' as it was not my priority. Wife also owes other debt held by PRA and a number of other debt companies, and has 'bumped' many of these payday loan companies. I get regular mail in her name from people chasing her for debt. Quite the girl. I have received several more letters from PRA (last one Aug 17th 2017) advising me the matter is with their litigation/investigation/collections team, and an offer of a 'one off' discount allowing me to pay only £9250.51. They've also predictably been phoning me (assuming estranged wife gave them my number...), and also phoned daily by what has been described to me as a 'hunter' for PRA to establish if I am resident at my address. None of these calls I have answered. I am expecting a doorstep knock, as this 'hunter' is only 20 miles away. I was at the point last week of phoning them and saying, "I can give you £100pm...." but thought better of it. As I am seething that the debt I did not accrue is in my name, but yes technically it is my debt. I have no way of disproving this. I spoke to a solicitor last year who advised they could likely establish the debt was not accrued by me, but it would probably cost me £10k in their fees. As it stands then, wife had been paying £80pm to Activ Kapitol (the only thing she did concede), and stopped paying when she left in Dec 2015 (they should have knowledge her paying it over the years as it would have to come out of her account). Obviously, the status of the debt is 'defaulted'. I've paid nothing to it as I wasn't able to during this period. The only thing I have done (last week) was fill in the assessment form on PRA's website. Gin has a lot to answer for... What's my situation? What's likely to happen next? Will I end up in court/CCJ? Do I have to pay this? Should I just pay this and get on with my life? Again, please appreciate I'm all new to this. And yeah, I know, ignorance of the debt is no defence. Many thanks, Jason.
  6. Last year Lowells lodged a county court claim against my wife for money she clearly did not owe. We defended the claim in the county court and Lowell's claim was dismissed in December 2016. In February 2017, to my astonishment (although I'm not sure why - its Lowells after all) they started chasing the same money all over again through the usual letters. The most recent one was today, where they very generously offered us a 60% discount on the debt the county court says we don't owe them. Surely there must be some course of action we can take ? Any and all suggestions welcomed. Cheers, Dave
  7. Hi, I recently sold an iPhone on Ebay. The customer had damaged his/her phone, and then messaged me on Ebay and then finally purchased the second hand device from me. Everything was tested before hand and working. However, the customer decided to use it for 3 weeks and then ask for a refund using eBay's Not As Described policy. The customer actually messaged saying they've now purchased an iPhone 7. The whole thing sounded like he/she purchased my phone just as a get me by until he/she got a new phone. he/she eventually returned the phone and it was not in the same condition as it went out. The headphone jack was no longer functioning. Although, the day before it went out i was listening to music on it! PayPal automatically took the funds from my account. they actually made it a negative balance, because there were no funds in there! Days later, PayPal tried to take the money from my bank account, which i found out later was declined. PayPal didn't inform me of the funds being declined, and i was so miffed about the whole eBay thing that i just closed my PayPal and Ebay account. The PayPal balance was showing as 0 and the eBay case was closed. Now i'm getting calls from PayPal, but i'm currently just blocking them. I really do not want to pay them back. What can they do? Will they take me to court over this? Any advice will be greatly appreciated.
  8. Hi guys, new here and after some advice on a rather messy situation if possible..... Around 2011/2012, i was discharged from an IVA id been paying into as i lost my job at the time, was out of work for a lengthy period, and had no way of covering the amounts set. The IVA company handling my account told me the creditors would "probably" start contacting me again in pursuit of the monies outstanding. Some did, some didn't. After a period of around 6 months, i was offered settlement on a couple of these, which I accepted. As i wasn't being pursued by the others, i assumed the matters were closed. Naively. Roll on to 2 weeks ago when I received a letter from Drydens, this was a phishing letter as they wanted to know if i lived at my new address, of which ive been at 8 months. No mention of debt, just an "is this you" letter. i ignored it. Today ive received another letter from them, addressed to me and detailing the debt of approx £1200 to a company I've never heard of. I believe this company to be a Luxembourg company that buys debts. But to me, it could be anyone, and none of the original creditors I owed. After 5.5 years, to be honest, I have no idea who i paid off, who's was left chasing, and who gave up. This amount is on my credit file, but again, i have no recollection of the company Drysdens are claiming i owe this money to. Also, it looks like this debt will become SB'd in December of this year, Dec 2017. There are 3 entries, of which this is one, on my CF that are "closed", whatever that means. where do i go from here? Do i just ignore Drydens, do i ask who this is they claim i owe money to? Do i try and ride it out to SB'd? Any advice appreciated. S
  9. 1 Date of the infringement 20/04/2017 2 Date on the NTK [this must have been received within 14 days from the 'offence' date] No PCN/NTK received (no change of address or other reasoning for NTK not being received) 3 Date received Letter from ZZPS received 04/07/2017 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? [y/n?] No PCN/NTK received 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? No PCN/NTK received (contacted ZZPS to inform them I was not aware of the infringement and wanted evidence to prove the allegation) 6 Have you appealed? {y/n?] post up you appeal] Not yet. I have contacted ZZPS to request they refer their claim back to their client and ask them to supply evidence Have you had a response? [Y/N?] post it up YES from ZZPS Good morning, Please be advised, we have been instructed by our client to pursue the outstanding balance. Our client confirms that this Parking Charge Notice has been issued correctly, all previous correspondence has been sent out and the correct procedure has been followed. We will not be referring this matter back to them. Upon reviewing our client's system, I can confirm that a Parking Charge Notice was sent, via post, on 22 May 2017, to the details provided to them by the DVLA. These are the same details we hold on our system. This site is private land. The landowner has employed our client to issue these Parking Charge Notices on their land. A motorist will be made aware of the terms and conditions of parking at the location by way of the signage located at the site. All of your client's signage is approved by the British Parking Association (BPA) and this site is audited regularly to ensure it complies with the BPA's Code of Practice. As advised above, we have been instructed by our client to pursue payment of the outstanding balance. Please arrange payment of this. I have placed the account on hold until 27 July 2017 to allow you time to make your payment, please refer to the reverse of our letters for payment methods available to you. In the absence of payment, the hold on this account will expire and the account will be left to progress accordingly, where further fees may be incurred. 7 Who is the parking company? One Parking Solution Ltd 8. Where exactly [carpark name and town] This information hasn't been provided although I have requested it. The information on the DCA letter states Plough Lane, London, sw19 8gt. This is a public highway to my knowledge and doesn't have parking spaces as it is a busy main road. The postcode and road name also don't match up when entered into google maps For either option, does it say which appeals body they operate under. No but the BPA logo is present in their letter If you have received any other correspondence, please mention it here Only correspondence received is from ZZPS posted above. I should probably also add that I have no recollection of this event ever happening and the letter from zzps states that the time of issue was 20:57 and checking my calendar against that time and date I was at work. I have checked my clock card with HR and they confirm I clocked in for work at 20:34 on that date. I should add that I work around the corner from the vague location given on the DCA letter.
  10. eon are using LCS ( debt collector) to chase for Limited company debt, company no longer trading - Dissolved in February 2016 eon have changed the name on correspondence from "XXX Limited co" to ( Directors name T/A XXX ) i wrote back to LCS stating LTD company is separate legal entity - and that they cannot simply assign the debt to the previous director. I also asked for copy of any agreements, signed documents, copies of any bills etc as i believe the bills will have xxx ltd ( Not TA) Is this Practice legal - surely there is an illegal re-assignment attempt here - what about VAT ?? they cant retrospectively go back and change names on invoices and reassign the vat .... Now i have a CCBC claim form for the above I have filed an AOS stating i will defend complete claim. Any help or advice welcome
  11. I recently left my employer as the job really wasnt what I had been sold. As part of my package I received international relocation expenses to move to the uk, with my contract stating 75% should be repaid if leaving within 18 months. Upon leaving I owed around £5000, £2500 of which I repaid. I am now being chased for the remaining, I haven't paid this because I dispute around £1000 of these costs. the shipping company the firm used we more than double the highest quote of any other supplier I can find. All of this I explained to the firm and tried to resolve before leaving to no avail. To date I have received two letters from the company and now a letter from a debt collector 'Spratt Endicott' demanding payment within 7 days of they will proceed with legal action. Do I need to pay or are these just scare tactics and I should try to negotiate. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  12. Had a letter from ZZPS 71 days after an alleged parking offence was committed. No PCN from Premier Parking Ltd at all (genuinely), would be grateful for any advice. Thanks. As far as I am aware Premier Parking Ltd would have to issue a Parking Charge Notice within 14 days for it to be considered legal. The only problem is the legislation states that the notice is presumed sent unless proven to the contrary, v.hard to prove a negative - but for certainty these notices should be sent out by recorded mail.... as my letters to ZZPS have been.
  13. Hi guys, Story goes, Back in December 2016 I called up the body which were dealing with the transaction move from CSA to the the 'Child Maintenance Service' questions, what they told me then led me to call the CSA From 21 Oct 2015 I was officially out of the UK and not contributing to the Tax system as I was now working in Denmark. I was still paying the same assessed money as I was told to until I called up about the above proceeding move between the 2 companies. The agent from the CSA told me because I was now working out of the UK and getting paid from Guernsey there would be a NIL assessment because they could not assess what payments I should making. So in theory I was still paying their calculation for around 14 months, which I didn't need to do, but this doesn't bother me, I was still contributing to my child and taking the responsible thing to do. Now during all these years I have always, when calling CSA, asked them to clearly check and confirm what I was paying was correct and everything was up to date, I never missed one payment and always kept to the agreed standing order for all the years. I also received a few statements of what I had paid and my future payments dates. There was a time previous that they did an assessment on me as I returned back into the UK a good few years ago and I had arrears to pay off which I did at £410 and then once they were paid off I then started to pay £310. This was all calculated out for me and I have the documents in my folder of all the breakdowns and payment structure When I called up in December she told me that as of December I would not have to pay anything due to the Nil assessment (working in DK) but I told her I would still like to keep paying, which I am doing straight into her account, the mother agreed and sent her bank details to the CSA which were then fwd onto me, payments are still going smooth. (I also have a letter from the Child Support which stating I am due £0.00 from December) Until yesterday, I came home to a letter from the CSA demanding over £1000, they state in the letter (attached) "we transferred the money to the Secretary of State, rather than the parent with care" Has anyone else experienced this and due to their blunder (I presume), they don't even send a break down of where this money is due from dates etc, it's like someone coming to my front door and saying, "Sorry buy you're due me £1000, pay up now!" Please can anyone help? I'm thinking of writing a letter back explaining all the conversations I had with previous agents asking for a confirmation of balance and the fact I have have it in B&W I was due £0 from December, how can they now go back? I am also thinking of visiting my Solicitor regarding this, just mad that this should have all been taken care of CSA just makes my head boil !! CSA DEMAND 2.pdf
  14. ’ll try and keep this as brief as possible but I’ll need to explain a bit of background. When I was in university I rented a room in a house with three other students that I didn’t know between July 2012 to June 2013. Npower supplied the electricity and gas. I gave the first meter reading in July and the first bill came in October and we each paid a fourth to the landlord and I thought this arrangement would continue. However, towards June 2013 I contacted the landlord as we hadn’t got any more bills and queried what was going on he said he’d put the bills solely in my name. I was amazed that this was possible and called Npower to refuse to be the only sole name on the bills but they said this was the landlord’s right. Shortly after that the other tenants all left and two of them half way around the world. The bills at this point still hadn’t come to the house (although they might possibly have done so but one of the other tenants liked to take people’s mail…) and I gave a forwarding address and explained that as I was only one of four tenants they should only send me a fourth of the bill. Instead they started sending widely varying bills (anything from £1300 to £2000+) and after talking to them on the phone failed I then wrote them a letter showing them my tenancy agreement saying that I was only responsible for a fourth of the bills, emails to and from the landlord where he took responsibility for paying the bills if we paid him. Npower ignored all correspondence from me and the demands for payment became nastier and they and debt collection companies started sending letters to my parents as well calling them. I wrote them a cheque for over £500 which was a fourth of what they were asking for at the time. The demands didn’t stop and became more and more frequent. It was deeply stressful and if I’d the whole amount I’d probably would have just paid but I didn’t; however, the demands finally abruptly stopped. But, now more than four years after I paid Npower the £500 and the demands stopped a debt collection company called Wescot that Npower used before has started asking for money again. I think this was because I just updated the electoral register to my new home. It’s a horrible and not to mention embarrassing to start life with my partner in our new home and to be threatened again by this very ruthless debt collection company. I am not sure what to do next and was wondering if someone advise me what they make of these options? Just pay the damned bill and all the nasty extra charges they added. Would this be the end of it? Would accepting it give them the right to damage my credit report? Ignore it and hope it goes away like last time. It hasn’t affected my credit rating so maybe they don’t have enough information about me? And perhaps me going on the electoral register here just tripped some automated system? Pay the bill but take the only other U.K tenant to small claims court for their share? Or even half would that be possible? Threaten to refer their behaviour to some ombudsman or consumer body? Things like calling my parents and writing to them, calling on a Sunday, using aggressive and threatening language etc. Would this scare them enough to leave me alone? Sorry for how long this post was and thank you if any advice you can give.
  15. Long story short, CCJ for just under £9000 which dropped off the file in December 2016. HSBC have put more effort into chasing the debt after the 6 years than they did before! Latest letter received threatens a debt collection agency if they dont make a payment (reduced settlement). Im pretty sure that they have had their chance and would need to go back to court and explain why they didnt try to enforce the CCJ before, am I right?
  16. This is not for me but for my ex partner In 2013 she got a claim form for on old Three debt (sent to my address she she had not lived for 12 plus years) I helped her with the claim form and to cut the story short she went into mediation and agreed a settlement. Which she paid by DD to the account as specified by Lowell/Howard Cohen. So all paid up and completed, no CCJ, no action, no more letters. Now jump forward to 2017, letters start coming through my letter box from Lowell for her, which I pass on. They claim the debt is still owed, they have CCJ and now if she doesn't pay up (again) they will enforce the CCJ they think they have. Any advice I can pass on. There have been a number of letters now and I am thinking that she goes for harassment?
  17. Hi, Hope someone can give me some advice on this. Ok, here's my back story... I fell into debt in 2009 after getting out of my depth with catalogues etc, I did have a car on HP at the time but couldn't afford that either therefore it had to go. I'm pretty sure I handed the car back to Black horse in early 2010, unfortunately I cannot remember the exact date or the last time I made any payments directly to BH, but assume it was a few months before I handed the car back. I joined a DMP (Debtline) in 2010, which I was in until 2011. I paid £120.00 a month for several debts, the catalogues and HP for the car. I had to cancel the DMP in early July 2011, lost my job and then husband bolted, no income meant massive cut backs had to be made. I think its safe to assume that as BH was in the DMP the last payment (albeit reduced) made via the DMP in June 2011. I have checked my historical bank statements online (from May 2010 to present) and I can see payments to the DMP, up to and including June 2011, I cannot see anything for BH. I'm now happily divorced and have been working hard to sort my self out, I've paid off a few smaller debts and currently have a payment plan with Lowell on 2 other debts (catalogues, reduced figures due to negotiating at £10 a month each). However, I've now received 2 annual statements and a letter on the same day from DLC for a debt of £6,268.00 from Black Horse for the car, the letter is offering me a discount if I pay what they ask for. (This was addressed to me at my previous house, I know the current tenant who passed it on) This is the first time I've heard from anyone about this, I haven't heard anything from Black horse for years, last time was before the DMP, neither have I had any communication with any debt collection company over this debt. I dug out my old credit file from 2015 and there was an entry for Black horse, this had a start date of 14/10/08 with payment terms stated as: £11161 x 17 months and a default date of 10/08/2012 with a figure of £6268.00, which is over a year after I last made a payment through the DMP! I also dug out my 2016 credit report and there is no mention of Black horse or DLC, and there are no CCJ's listed. I have checked my online report, nothing about BH or DLC (or CCJ's) and have also ordered a new £2 copy for this year to double, double check. I'm aware of the statute of limitations and I am wondering how would I go about finding out the actual default date? I don't really want to do anything to inadvertently acknowledge the debt. Happily take any suggestions or advice on how to proceed with this. Thanking you in advance
  18. Good afternoon everyone, Currently I have Rundles bailiffs harrassing me for payment of a fine from a council. The offence was a Bus lane violation. To try and be concise, I owned a car and it broke down and wouldn't run correctly. I took it off the road and did not repair it. The tax ran out so I declared it SORN. The insurance then finished on02/09/2014 I sold the car off the driveway to a chap on 30/06/2015 I was concerned that he was driving it away(albeit slowly) without tax etc... and warned him it was his risk and gave him a receipt for the sale. Witnesses were there to see me sell him the car. On 11/10/2015 he, or whoever had the car committed a bus lane violation in the next council area. I had moved houses in the meantime and did not get any letters from the council alerting me. I posted off the V5 as demanded, but perhaps he hadn't sent off his part? Fortunately I had scanned the V5 document before sending it off! It appears the car was still registered to me at the time of the offence, despite me sending off the V5. Rundles bailiffs have been chasing. I found the scan of the V5 and sent it to them, they have demanded other "proof" Today I have had a long but ultimately successful phonecall to my insurers at the time, adn they have confirmed that the insurance ceased in September 2014 "Cessation of insurance" is one of the "Proofs" Rundles seem to require. My insurance company have just sent me a PDF electronically of the cessation of insurance, and confirmation of my no-claims at that point. Should I send this on to Rundles? I have already sent them the scan. They have also asked for "proof" I sold the car saying the V5 isn't good enough. I have searched for the simple receipt of sale I wrote out 2 copies of, one for me and one for the buyer, but have not yet found it. I don't keep everything! I do have witnesses to the sale though, who clearly remember the car being sold. How far do I have to go to jump through Rundles hoops? I appreciate they are a business, and have a job to do, and that an offence was committed, but I don't like their bully-boy approach. Any suggestions as to how I should proceed? Many thanks in advance, this forum has always been exceedingly helpful!
  19. Hi, I've been Chasing the Clydesdale bank for 4 years over mis-sold ppi from 1991 . I received an offer from them this week and was wondering if anyone could help me with the offer calculations, I am struggling to work out if the calculations are fair and correct. The loan amount was for £4800, taken out in August 1991 over 5 years & the monthly repayments were £149.47. The offer details are PPI premiums paid £1343.52 Plus 15% simple interest £47.78 Plus 8% simple interest £2468.65 Minus 20% incometax on simple interest £503.29 Total compensation due £3356.66 Not sure if the PPI premium was loaded upfront at the start of the loan or if the premiums were taken with each monthly instalment. If someone could please explain how they worked it out and if its correct,I just can't get my head around it. Much Appreciated Thanks
  20. Hi, I'm hoping someone can give me some advice. I have an old MBNA debt which I defaulted on in 2010. Since then I have religiously been making pro-rata payments up to and including this month. MBNA sold the debt to Aktiv Kapital who in turn sold it to PRA in 2014. I know that PRA have been receiving my payments because they sent me a letter towards the end of last year saying "...thank you for your ongoing commitment to the payment arrangement on your account". It goes on to say "....We would therefore like to make you aware that if it suits your current financial situation, you could settle your agreement by paying a discounted amount which is detailed below" The letter ends with " If you feel you are unable to pay the settlement amount then please continue with your arrangement as normal." Which I have done! However, on the claim form they state "..Payments of £307 received up to 16/6/16" and are now claiming sum owed plus 8% interest + court fee + legal costs. I know I have not missed any payments because my bank statements tell me so I know they have been receiving them because they wrote and thanked me for my continued commitment 4 months after the date that they claim they received last payment. To say I was shocked and confused to receive the claim form from the court is an understatement. What's going on? and how to tackle this? Any help would be appreciated.
  21. Just when I thought I am getting everything in order here comes Lowells with a Pre-legal assessment letter. How funny they are sending a letter for an account that was settled. It was an old account that I had with BT which is also SB'd as last payment was made in 2010 (disputed termination fees which was settled). I sent them a letter to say that I do not owe them or BT any money and they are trying obtain money by fraud.
  22. Cabot are chasing me for a 12 year old Goldfish debt. I've just sent them a CCA. Who owns Goldfish now?
  23. Hi, I have a small camper van that I don't use in the winter, so it is on my private drive and I don't tax it for 6 months. I can see by doing a check that this year I forgot to fill in a SORN and it was due to be taxed in November. I cannot remember any reminder coming through, any letter from the DVLA saying the vehicle was not taxed or any fine from them. All I have is a letter from a debt collecting firm CCSCollect asking for £80 Non-payment of this penaly is a Civil Offence under Section 7a of the Vehicle Excise and Registration Act 1994. We request you pay £80 within the next 7 days from the date of this letter. If I have to pay then fine, it is my fault, I just want to know if I should pay these direct, not pay and deal with the DVLA, take it off the road now and ignore the letter. I am just very weary of debt collecting companies and dealing with them. Any advice? Thanks Paul
  24. Sold house in December 2014, exchanged in early January 2015, spoke to EON, took meter reading and took photo of meter. Weirdly we had no bills from EON since 2006. Heard nothing. Today get letter from EON demanding £109.57. Turns out actual energy usage was £31.45. But that relates to a bill from October 30th 2015 to December 30th 2015 So somone else's bill They also claim that there's a £55 call out fee and a £10 extra fee. But refuse to provide an actual bill, and are stalling when I ask for a breakdown of the £109.57. Oddly the lack of bills from 2006 to 2010 is because we were in credit and 2 payments from the Government (??) - why would the government pay our electricity bill? The story keeps changing. Asked why no bills had ever been sent prior to this, despite asking for one. Spent the whole day on phone trying to sort this out. Despite having the photo of the meter and proof of sale, which EON wanted earlier in the day, they now don't want it and are not prepared to discuss the issue any further. I assume a court date is next and my credit rating has been trashed? Any ideas how to resolve what should have been an easy to resolve issue?
  25. Hi Can someone please advise on whether a DCA can reconstitute a CCA and DN for a credit card taken out in 1999 and if they can use it to enforce in court. Many Thanks
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