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  1. Hi i have been dealing with wonga now for the past 6 months. My 1st loan was small to which i paid back in full and on time. The next month the same thing happened. This has been goin on for the last 6 months, Last month like an IDIOT i borrowed £1100 from wonga which is due to be repaid on the 5th September 2012. The amount due is £1387.... My problem is that i have now found myself trapped and have to borrow from them each month to live on. (I CANNOT AFFORD MORE THAN £200 this month) Its like basically i get paid, pay Wonga back in full and then borrow my wages from them again... Well the time has come to which i need out of this terrible situation ASAP. I have read all of info on your forums with regards to dealing with wonga direct but need some advice.. So far i have cancelled my bank cards (reported them lost as to get complete new cards) also have informed my bank to cancel any CPA on my account to which i was successful. My problem is where to start, do i call them now and ask for a repayment plan? Wait until the loan is actually due which is in 2 weeks time 05/08/12 and then tell them the situation? I can afford to pay them £200 every 4 weeks as per my salary pay. By paying this amount to them the debt of £1387 would be clear in 7 months... Are they likely to accept?? Please help me as it is causing me sleepless nights and alot of stress.... Thanks for any advice Alex
  2. I had asked for the days i would be expected to work this month, up to january, which i was given around about a month ago. This had not included new years, which fell on my rest day. 3 days before new years, i had a phone call asking to work it, which i had said no to due to now having arrangments. i then had a phonecall telling me i would be disciplined if i do not work it, which i had responded by saying i must take the punishment as i cant work. Today i have had a call from the owner telling me i will be dismissed if i do not work, what can i do ? i work in a hotel , night portering. Many thanks in advance
  3. Hi guys, Just a quick brief up! Car parked in local area, and apparently it was illegally parked, and just picked up and towed away, Do companies have the power to do this without any notification? I have just had the call from me niece about it, I have firstly advised her take photos of where car was parked, also all photos of surrounding area, along with any signs that she can see, and also take photos, form away back from the signs if any. I believe it to be in an private land where they go to the Hub! Only reason why they know it was towed away, they seen another been done, and they got the number. For arguments sake, lets said they did not spot him, then report car stolen, I guess then the company would get details of owner and send out letter! But in mean time report stolen and start making a claim via insurance! Then letter arrives and they try to claim removal fee and storage charge! Any help and advice appreciated! Company Believed to be called Mansfield Rescue and Recovery! This Happened in Birmingham
  4. Hi all i am new to all these problems and forums so i apologise in advance if i am not making sense or i am posting in the wrong area. my problem is that my dad is away for a month and i have been checking his mail. i came across a county court claim form against my dad for a sum of £1560 owed to barclaycard. i understand that my dad is required to respond to this within 14 days however what happens if he is not in the country?? the reason he has got himself in this pickel is because he tends to ignore anything he doesnt know how to deal with instead of asking for help. if i dont intervene he will continue to ignore this and i am scared of what the consequences will be. this is all scary to me. i can pay this amount for him, if that is the best course of action or do i have other options such as negiotating with mkdp???? i have briefly spoken to my dad and he has explained that he had missed one payment and the charges and fee added where extortiante, therefore he refused to pay. Instead of contacting Barclaycard im sure he probably just ignored calls, letters etc. i am really confused as to how to deal with this, i know if i leave it up to him he will continue to ignore this problem. can i contact mkdp and negotiate with them or is it too late for that? what would be the best course of action regarding the claim, since my dad tends to ignore all lettes i cant say if he has recieved any notices etc. i feel that defending part of the claim will be weak on my part hoever i dont want to just hand over more monies then i have to. hope someone can offer advise on this . Regards
  5. Two months ago I took up a job as a care coordinator. Wage was £8. I was told Id have to cover the oncall system one weekend out of every four. Roll on two months, I am on call - both as emergency on call and backup - 7 nights a week plus one Saturday a week. I work in the office from 9-5 and have to also cover going out on calls both before and office hours and during the weekend. I am now told that I have to also cover Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and boxing day. I am not happy. Where do I stand legally? No contract has been signed. Im having a meeting with the business owner today together with the other one coordinator who is equally unhappy. Can anyone offer any advice please?
  6. Hello everyone, i am a newb here so please assist me if this post is in the wrong place? I genuinely do not mean for it to be :/ Anyway long story short...... Around 4 years ago my wife took out a loan through the dreaded welcome finace company. Shortly after i (her husband) was made redundant and since then we have hardly paid any monies to Welcome. The loan was for £3000.00 and was "unsecured" which we used to clear £2000.00 of mortgage arrears from when i was out of work. We had honestly tried all avenues to maintain at least some sort of payments but subsequently fell way behind to the point we just didn't have any money to offer them. recently (last 4-5 months) we have been getting letters from Lowell Portfolio and the most recent one today 31/10/2012 stated they had done a credit check on my wife to find we were homeowners, and that they would take us to court for a charging order on the house for the outstanding amount £5300.00. They have said they will start proceedings to make my wife bankrupt and i/we are terrified of this as we have 3 school children at home. Our mortgage is in arrears of £6000.00 but we are in a payment plan with them and they are happy with the arrangement at the moment. We reduced our mortgage to interest only of which the monthly figure is £315 but we agreed to pay £450 pm. I don't know what will happen with our home as it's all we have kmown (been in) for 16 years. The current market value of our property is approximately £75000.00 and yet our mortgage still owed is £88200.00 Can anyone shed some light onto what will/may happen as we are absolutely terrified. I emailed Lowells to explain our situation that there is myself out of work my wife on minimum wage and 3 children at home and we are truly on the breadline :/ I am totally sick to the stomach with worry. Thanks in advance people
  7. Hi everyone..... I'm appealing for advice on behalf of my son , he was dismissed today at work! I will start with the initial background to disciplinary and then the result from todays hearing! BACKGROUND! My son of 20 yrs has worked as a service technician apprentice for a well known car company for past 2.5 years, he has about 8 mths left of apprentice till fully qualified!... He also gives up voluntary one day a week to work on the sales side to train, they were highly impressed with him that they offered him a position on sales that he declined as he wanted to complete he's apprenticeship on technician side..... all in all there very happy with him! Last week he received a call from he's dad asking for help with he's car that had a warning light come up, He stupidly decided without asking prior permission went to BORROW the diagnostic machine to put on he's dad car, before he left work the foreman asked if he had taken this which my boy admitted that he had got it in he's bag to borrow it to try find fault on the car, the machine was put back and the foreman decided to report to manager,( The machine never left the company at any time) they suspended him on full pay and has a disciplinary hearing on monday .... Received a letter from company aswell as recorded CD interview saying it is an extremely serious nature amounting potentially to A} Engaging directly or indirectly in any business or employment which is similar to or in any way prejudicial or detrimental to the interests of the company B} Dishonesty/Theft c} Breach of implied trust and confidence between you and the company A combination of one or all of the above constitutes gross misconduct and if substantiated disciplinary action,which could include dismissal, may be taken against you! On interview he asked why he never sought permission and he replied he knew the answer would be no!... In the recorded interview the HR lady was asking questions, was this allowed also it was the HR lady that informed him of suspension after the manager said i'm dismissing you pending a disciplinary hearing but then it was changed to suspension!!!! Now my argument is,he wasnt taken business away from company as it is a family member that no costs would apply and he didn't thieve it, he was borrowing with every intention of returning. Yes i agree he should of sought permission but he said in interview like a fool that he knew the answer would be no! THE RESULT FROM TODAYS DISCIPLINARY Well sadly my son was dismissed for breach of trust and confidence, the business manager stated that it was a hard decision but this is done as an example to others...... Hmmm!!! The foreman that originally reported this had asked for my son to not loose he's job as it was a mistake! We also no although the business manager conducted the disciplinary it was the owners decision on outcome and if we do appeal its then the owner that does the appeal which is hardly fair! My son received glowing reports throughout the departments and i feel he has been used as a scape goat and we also aware of people within the company who have been disciplined for more serious offences and got off. Also the incident was originally reported on the saturday, this is when the line manager got involved, he allowed my son into the workshop to work un supervised on the monday morning then suspended him approx 3 hours later, surely tho if you dont trust someone why allow them to work??? is this a ground we can used.... They agreed that no theft took place and the first accusation was hardly mentioned, the disciplinary consisted of just breach of trust etc...... All the company managers and staff within that branch are up in arms and arguing that he shouldn't of been sacked so surely that shows there is no issue of trust?? Please please can someone help us as it saddens me to see my son go through this when he has been loyal and hard working for the company Thank you in advance
  8. Hi, I have recently gone to a lady (The Frock Swap Shop), who said she would sell my used wedding dress and mother of the bride outfit. She said that she would be able to sell both outfits for £200 each of which I would get a £100 profit for each item sold. I have no learnt she is closing down the business. I have tried contacting her to arrange to get my two items back, however she either doesn't respond for a few days and when she eventually responds just fobs me off. Where do I stand legally with getting my stuff back? Can someone please help/advise. Many thanks
  9. Hi All, Im sorry if this is in the wrong place but i had no idea where to post this. Originally a car i was using was clamped by a bailiff because of a PCN i did not know about. Tomtubby helped me to file an OOT statutory declaration and the car was unclamped. The statutory declaration has now been refused by the TEC. This was refused on the 5th November and now i need to fill in the N244 and i believe it has to be in now, but i have some questions. 1/ What if i am to sick to attend court (I have health problems, ME, depression amongsth other issues and cant see how i could possibly make the trip to court)? 2/ How do i fill out this form, it makes no sense to me! 3/ In box 10 can i state the reasons that were put on my OOT statutory declaration? and which box do i tick? 4/ Can i retrospectively claim the court fee exemption? I see that form EX160 requires a letter stating that im on income support dated within the last month. This will be impossible for me to get in time and means i will have to borrow the money. 5/ Am i the claimant or the defendent? 6/ If i fax the form through to the TEC how can i make sure they get the fee in time? Sorry if some of these questions are stupid, but when i am stressed my M.E prevents me from being able to think clearly.
  10. My girl friend was at Primark, she got caught stealing. Was taken to a room by Security and since she didnt have a photographic evidence with her , police were called who cautioned her, she signed a letter by the police. Primark sent separate details to the RLP and said they will make their recovery from there. Question is: - What to expect from the RLP? - How much money should she pay to the RLP. She had apologized and vowed never ever to steal again. this was her first time and she regrets it fully. But now I need to help her out. I have no experience of dealing with RLP before. At Primakr she made a formal apology to the security in the presence of the Police . Is the RLP still going to come after her? The things she took, they were not damaged other then the price tags , I think she took off the tags off one of the products. Is Primark going to take unnecessary action against her if she refuses to deal with RLP? Also , will she be able to shop at Manchester store?
  11. Hi there I am new to the forum and need some help my Husband (from whom I am separated) has run up Council Tax Debts - which I had no knowledge of. The Council's solicitor has been odious and would not negotiate with me when I found out and contacted her, neither would the Council - I made 2 offers before she served the Order on us - I had no idea she had even got the necessary paperwork together to get to this stage. she applied for an Order for Sale and now we go to court on Friday, and I need some help on dealing with some points of law - I was getting some free legal advice but the gentleman concerned is now overseas working on a Trial now. the solicitor has finally accepted our offer (2 weeks after we made it and only 4 working days before we go to Court on this Friday - obviously to further add to the stress we are already under) and will suspend the order for sale if we agree to some "extra" clauses she has added and which I need help with! the offer she has accepted in order to suspend the order for sale is £1,000 now with the remaining Council Tax being paid off over 18 months. Please note the council tax is for 2 years 2010/2011 and 2011/2012 and the total debt including interest / bailiff fees etc is around £4250. I have already paid off 2008/2009 and 2009/2010 for my ex. because he got in a mess. Believe it or not we have maintained a good relationship even after this! Do I contest these little extras in Court, or when I complain (to her firm / the Council) about various matters/including the contents of the Agreement? I am worried that if we contest them in Court then the Hearing will be delayed and she will say that we are trying to delay things / not pay - which we are not and then add more to the costs she expects us to pay. By the way she has already accused of trying to delay the process –which we have not! In any event, these are her little extra: If we break the agreement the property should be marketed at a sale price of not less than £150k. This is not reasonable or equitable as the drive by valuation she obtained in June 2012 was for £165k and we purchased the property 5 years ago for £182k and I put down a £18k deposit. The only reason we have any sort of equity is because we have paid off a chunk of the mortgage (mortgage now stands at £135k) but if she puts property on the market at this price we will be left with nothing. Surely it is not reasonable for us to be expected to accept this? Should we challenge in court? The property should be marketed at a value of no less than £150k - which is not equitable to us. Firstly as the solicitor obtained a drive by valuation of £165k in June 2012 and we paid £182k in 2005 with a deposit of £18k being paid. The mortgage now stands at £135k and the only reason we have any equity in the property is because we have paid off some of the mortgage. She would be happy to leave us with nothing (and probably further in debt), once the Mortgage and Council Tax Debt paid off - if for example a sale price of £145k was agreed this would leave us owing money for the conveyance / estate agents fees; Now this is the really good one and ties in with first "extra". She wants her Firm to conduct the sale of the property! Which is another little earner for her Firm (apart from her costs - which more on in a minute). Now surely this is a conflict of interest - ie she cannot work in the interest of both the Council and us? Hypothetically, she could put the property on the market, sell it to the Cousin twice removed of the head of XXX department at the Council's and leave us owing her Firm/the Estate Agents money for the sale, with the purchaser being left with a flat worth considerably more than was paid. Thus I presume we should challenge this in Court? Next she has wacked on the Claimant’s costs (ie her fees) to the tune of £2,450. Now I/My ex appreciate there are some fees involved, however if she / the Council had met me half way and agreed a payment reschedule then a lot of the fees could have been avoided. It is my opinion she did not want to negotiate and wanted to earn extra fees/kudos for herself. Thus I presume we should challenge this in Court? Finally the interest on the debt (around £500.00 to date) she wants continued to be added to the debt at a rate of £0.86 (8%) per day which adds £313.90 a year to debt. Surely this should be frozen at the date of the Hearing? Plus the interest rate is way above the rate of inflation and according to Section 17 of the Judgment Act should not be added to Council Tax arrears. As per below and again I presume we should challenge this in Court: Section 17 of the Judgment Act, states Every Judgment debt shall carry interest. However a Liability Order for council Tax should not be classed as a Judgment as defined in Section ( ) of the Same Act since it s not made in a Court of Equity or of Common Law. The fact that there is a Charging Order does not affect this as a Charging Order for Council Tax does not meet the definition of a judgment either Please HELP. I know this is long winded but believe me when I say there has even more going on in the background! I feel bullied, harassed and totally stressed and I will complain about this all post the court hearing to the appropriate people but at the moment I need to know how to proceed. I am not a bleeding heart and know my husband should have paid these costs but he was in a terrible state for a couple of years and could not cope and then continued to bury his head in the sand, hoping it would all go away. I also had cancer in 2008 and was diagnosed by my Oncologist in 2009 with Clinical Depression but neither the council nor their solicitors have taken care/note of this. The last few years have been horrible and I just want to get things sorted but I don't want to be blackmailed in to agreeing her terms, which are manifestly unfair to us. Please note we will make the payment of £1,000 and put the monthly repayment aside - if the court date is delayed because we do object to her terms, so she cannot throw this at us further.
  12. I upgraded my phones and paid 65.73 some idiot at t mobile also took a payment of 97.07 they are refusing to refund it back onto my card, what can I do???
  13. Hi guys im new here so go easy on me. I apologise in advance if im posting in the wrong place. I just dont know what to do. I have a debt with capital credit management. They asked me to make a token £1 payment over the phone with them which i did do last week. I then agreed to set up a direct debit for £10 per month which they said was fine. It has been set up now with my bank and details all posted to me. I then go to my account this morning to find it is -£85. I phoned the bank this morning who say that they see 3 payments - one for £50, one for £30 and one for £5 coming out to a Lasker International. I told them i dont know who this is and i havnt authorised anything. They say it seems to be a debt recovery agent and we can do nothing until they actually show as transactions on your account. I asked to be put through to the fraud department who tell me the same thing. I ask can i then report them as fraudulent transactions in a couple of days when they go through. They asked had i any dealings with any dra. I said yes capital credit management not lasker international as i have never heard of them. I said i authorised them once to make a transaction and have set up a direct debit with them. They say if they refund the money and this lasker international say i owe them then the bank will take the money from me again. They asked me to contact the company they gave me the phone number. I cannot get through to anyone there. I phoned capital credit management and they say they would not take any other money from me other than that i authorised and they have never heard of Lasker International. Does anyone know what i can do im going out of my mind with worry that they will continue to take payments from my card. What can i do anyone please help. Im living on nothing as it is now im also £85 down Thanks for any help in advance
  14. Morning All I have just been in my garage at home for the first time for a day or so. On the cars windscreen is a bright yellow envelope marked "Parking Notice Enclosed. It is an offence for any person other than the driver to remove this notice". Now I am dying to read what it says but I don't want to commit any crime and end up in jail. None of the 8 drivers who are entitled to drive the car for me are owning up. Should I just leave it on the windscreen until it falls off or can I have a quick look and hope I dont get caught? I might just add I don't keep a record of who drives as they are all family members. Some advice please. Thankyou.
  15. Hello all, I have a problem that I need help with badly. I have just had someone call to my house saying I have an outstanding debt of £3000 that has been to court and got against me. I recognize the company concerned but the debt in question was for £400! They have refused to say as to as to why the debt is as large as it is or what the ref number for it is when it went to for the judgement- I have received nothing! She wants me to pay her £1200 by the end of today! I need some advice please on where I stand, the people who called are the HCE group. Am I able to put something to the court - the only thing I know is that it is Northampton County Court to get it relooked at as I have had nothing from them about it Are HCE allowed to say they will only send me the documentation if I pay £1200! Surely that is not right Please any advice is appreciated
  16. Need to act swiftly as I have received a ccj claim form. I have not had chance to deal with this as I have been dealing with a sudden family bereavement and a few days away which I didn't want to cancel and only got until 19th to respond - I'm thinking of applying for more time to respond. In a nut shell - in 2008 my son asked if I would be guarantor for him on a loan for a car - foolishly I agreed. On several occasions money has been taken out of my account by the loan company and my son would pay me back. Since christmas this year I have received letters from the company to say that they would be taking money from my account as payments from my son's account had been rejected only to find that no payments were taken despite there being funds available. to this end arrears built up and when my son has contacted them to make arrangements to pay they have declined payment unless the arrears could be paid in full - these people are utter cowboys. There is no reasoning with them and all they want to do is talk over you when all you want to do is get the situation sorted. The claim names me as the 1st defendant and my son as the 2nd - It's not my loan and I didn't apply for the loan especially at 42.6%APR ! Any advice is welcome - not sure if the CAB could advise?
  17. I have an outstanding loan which started with Lombard got passed to Moorcroft then to Arden (they transferred all of Lombard Directs rights as lender to Idem december 2011 which has agreed to perform the obligations of Lombard Direct under the terms and conditions of your loan with Lombard etc and as a reult of the transfer Idem will be your Data controller as defined in the data protection act 1998), when I requested a CCA was told to contact Idem servicing, so complied, received my statement from them then wrote to Idem servicing informing them of my circumstances and could only offer a token payment, have heard nothing until last month when I go a letter from Arden saying that Idem servicing have instructed them to recover the amount of loan and asked for a one off payment etc (which I cannot pay as I don't have it) today I have received another letter from Arden saying despite numerous attempts to recover the ammount we have had no response from me and were going to instruct field agents to attend your property to discuss this matter in person etc and a fee for the visit will be charged to you with the amount not exceeding £75. We can cancel this visit if you contact us within 5 days of the date of this letter and make satisfactory arrnagments regarding your account. Being a bank holiday first it ridiculous to expect a reply within that time, I need to send a £10 request for a SAR this time as I need to try and claim back my PPI can you advise me which letters are best sent to Arden and Idem servicing, I assume the SAR request will have to go to Idem as they appear to own the loan and what letter should I send to stop door step callers thanks
  18. Hi guys, I send a N1 Claim together with a postal order of the court fee on the 16th Oct 2012. It has been two weeks now, and I didn't receive any Notice of Issues yet. Is this normal? Who should I contact to ask what has happened to my claim? Thanks a lot for your helps
  19. Briefly, - I have been taken to court in an ordinary action. My case is remarkably similar to one in another thread by someone called 'GLW'. However - I couldn't access any kind of legal help and have been forced to try and defend the case on my own. I am at the stage where I face an options hearing tomorrow. I some quick and urgent questions. 1) The pursuers didn't post their FIRST note of adjustments or inventory of productions until the very last day. Like GLW their initial write was based on utter tripe and their adjusted writ is still a bit 'wrong' - I have put a note in with my rule 22 note asking for a further period of adjustments. 2) Just phoned the sheriff court who tell me that (as I suspected) I SHOULD have got a copy of the record from the pursuer - I haven't! Though the court confirm it WAS lodged wih them... 3) In the meantime I applied for DAS - Pursuers solicitors have been told this and I am on the 'protected' register... still looks like they're going ahead with the action though. REALLY panicing now as I've never been to court in my life - don't know what to expect really... Question I have just now is DOES the fact I've not been sent a copy of the record give me any leverage - if so how do I use it? Basically I'm with GLW in that I feel CPUTR is being breached in bringing the action; my main agenda is resisting them loading the debt with costs. - like GLW I challenged them for proof of their claims but to date have none. I only 'folded' and went for DAS because I feel bullied into capitulating due to the court action
  20. Hi All, I need urgent help wiht my case, i'll keep it brief: Last year Lender took to court despite agreeing for us to pay normal monthly payments plus £37 towrads arrears. Judge granted an SPO for these exact terms. This month were not able to pay as no income - applied for E&SA and forwarding an application to the lender for Help with Mortgage Interest. it's an interest only mortgage. Rang the lender to request reduced payment until mortgage support is active so for a period of 13 weeks, told nothing they can do and apply to court. so now completing an N244 to submit to court stating the same reasons as above. Can anyone suggest what is the best way to go about this and what we should include in the supporting statement please? Basically we are hoping the Judge will take on board our reasons and grant the reduced payments rather the lender file for repossession which I know they will starightaway once the payment is missed this week! Having read some of the awful stories on here of other I'm feeling very deflated anout the whole situation. Any help would be great Thanks.
  21. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?369035-car-repro-d-say-they-can-as-payee-is-not-on-the-V5-HELP!!&p=4019350#post4019350
  22. I took out a loan with quick quid and i kept topping the loan up i no i have not been responsible my gambling addiction got the better of me again i feel so low and cant pay them back i will be due about 1000 pounds on due date i cannot pay this. Ive got myself in a right mess can anyone help me so i can find away out i only have about a 100 pounds a month that i can pay. any help please?
  23. Dear All, I have come across this site while doing some research for a court case takes place on the 10/10/12. Probably a bit late in the day but I was looking for some help, advice and support as I am representing myself. I purchased a Siemens fridge/freezer in Sept 2008 which went faulty in May 2011 just outside it 2 warrenty. They inspected the appliance and found a fan needed replacing and that they had none in stock and had to be order it from Germany. There would be a week before they could come back to repair it. To cut a long story short, I was being charged a call out fee plus parts, which I refused to pay. The appliance cost approx £870 pluse £130 delivery. This was with a 20% discount and it was through their friends and family scheme. I was just wondering what would be my main arguement? Not fit for purpose, durabilty? I had it repaired in the end (from another company) and have a report which states that the power to the fan was there but the fan was not working. The comapny that I used to repair the item, refused to stated that it was due to a malfunction in the component. If anyone has any experiences with going to court or any advice, I would be appreciative. Thanks in advance.
  24. just had a "very urgent" message from the opos office (sounded like the Home Office at first) urging me to call back URGENTLY. Could this be regarding an old Minicredit loan which I recently disputed on Noddle. Have I unwittingly sparked their interest Needless to say I won`t be calling
  25. I have posted about my current dispute with the Natwest a couple of times receiving some really good advice - I really could do with some more as a matter of urgency. my husband had a limited company with a business loan with Natwest, I signed a guarantee on loan, was led to believe it was a Directors guarantee not personal (I as a director at the time in name only). Business gone horribly wrong resulting in falling behind with payments, I receive a court claim POC claiming on the guarantee. I sent a CPR request to solicitors for copy of guarantee, they didnt so counter claimed requesting case to be struck out without the said documents. Have a court hearing date in November. Have now received a letter from different solicitors who have taken over, with a copy of guarantee stating first solicitors also sent this. My question is this:- Is there anywhere to go with requesting an original copy of guarantee to prove its my signature - rather than photocopy (did this under CPR) I dont think Natwest have served a default notice (did request a copy under CPR even though its not listed in POC) Or do I have to surrender and pay the debt (under severe duress when its not my bloody debt it belongs to a LTD company). If this is the case I am going to have to offer the absolute minimum amount as my husband hasnt worked since April due to a fractured skull, and does anyone have any experience on whether Natwest accept a bare minimum repayment. I really wish there was someway of fighting this but I really dont know which way to turn now, other than getting the original copy which hopefully cant be found!!! Any help would be really appreciated Many thanks as always Clare
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