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  1. Hello there, I have deep concern in regards to the DWP and what they're claiming I owe them from my late fathers estate, he unfortunately passed away 2 years ago of Motor Neurone Disease and left my mother with a few outstanding debts. We sold a property prior to his death and the money was transferred to me in advance due to the fact his ability to eat, drink, think and communicate deteriated rapidly and it came to a point he could barely type on an ipad to speak so therefore did the best he could in offering me the money they had prior to his death. Upon his death, I used the money to pay off existing debts outstanding upto about £35,000.00, once the debts were paid I then invested their money into a property which I and my sister now pay the rest of the mortgage on to give my mother a roof over her head and the final yet small amount of funds available went to the solicitor for doing absolutely nothing yet charging for it. The DWP although two years since my dads death are saying there was a period he was overpaid pension credit and we now owe them £5800(ish) pounds. I have no doubt that we owe them this money because although he was dying and was entitled to pension credit, there was a point we had enough money to not claim the maximum amount entitled however due to ill health my father didn't change that and I wasn't aware that this would be the outcome. My question is, is it possible to pay back half the outstanding balance and call it a day or will they basically demand the money in anyway shape or form, they've told me via telephone that I have a month, unless I can't pay up I have two years in which they want a lump sum (based on bank statements) The thing is I'm not executor, I'm just trying to stop my mum from suffering anymore.
  2. I have been on Jobseekers since March 2012. At the end of May they stopped paying as they were told I was claiming ESA. I wasn't and even the ESA said I wasn't. I got no response and I got my M.P. involved and they have now said that as my Wife was receiving Working Tax Credit I wasn't entitled to a penny and in fact have been overpaid. My Wife is actually self employed and is not managed to earn more than £80 during this period. DWP did help with my Mortgage interest but that has stopped as well. Is the only way for her to come off Working Tax Credit or is there any other way? I repeat, she has earned next to nothing and we are now surviving on Child Tax Credit and Child Benefit. Any help would be much appreciated.
  3. Hi ,I am hoping someone has the answer for me to this. Me and hubby are currently going through the Income support/ESA transfer, and hubby has recieved a letter today for a medical next monday, and I am wanting to know if he does fail the medical can I claim jobseekers for myself,hubby and 2 kids?, as my hubby is too ill to work. I know he can appeal but we dont want all the worries of doing so, so if he does fail and I can claim jobseekers then I am more than happy with that
  4. Hi guys. I have a question regarding money spent not by seekers but by DWP advisers themselves and DWP service providers. I was put on a 'digital awareness' course which turned out to be a CV writing course. I have spent three of the four days sat around doing nothing. All of the seekers on this course have been referred by the same advisor. It all seems very cowboy, I dont think this provider deserves the money for giving me this course and i think the advisor should be investigated for sending me on it. I am sat in the centre right now doing nothing until 3.30 because 'those are the rules' for completion of this course. Any tips on how best to do this complaint? The research i have done tells me I have to do this with the Jcentre but I'm worried that they will all cover for themselves and bury the complaint. I'm also tempted to contact my MP about this, because this is more than me being ****y about a course, this is serious money being wasted because I am not the only one that should not be here on this course. Cheers.
  5. I lost my mum in march 2013, she died in a nursing home where she has been since a major stroke in 2004. Since registering her death i have had 3 bills from the dwp for overpayment on her pension, pension credit and d.l.a. The 1st two i have paid from her estate, but the d.l.a one i've just recieved is for an overpayment between 01/12/2004 to 05/04/2005, that's 8 years ago, and all of her savings she had left went towards her funeral costs, leaving us a shortfall to pay between us. Can you advise me on the overpayment please, why have they not written before and obviously she has nothing left ...
  6. Hi . My background : 66 years old . Pensioner. Finished full time work due to redundency in 2010 , did not know what to do about being unemployed so rung the Job Centre . Forwarded to DWP Preston . Explained my situation advised them i had health problems Angina and Arthritus so work scope was limited . They advised that i should apply for Employment Support Allowance and that they would place me in a work group together with help from a additional allowance to Unemployment Benefit ! That continued for nearly a year in the meantime my doctor had referred me to the local Heartwise Group at the Local Gym which after i felt confident to push for a part time employment somewhere. Through a friend at the local Hospital I was offered a part time job as a cleaner around the streets of the Hospital. But before i accepted i rung the DWP Preston and spoke to a young man who advised me that it was ok to work but no more than 16 hours per week . Also to send a letter to a name and adress at DWP Preston. (unfortunatly i have no copy or record of the letter at all). When i was interviewed for the job i advised the Manager that i was not allowed to work more than the 16 hours per week and was that a problem ? The manager stated it was not because she had others that also could not work more than the 16 hours due to benefits. A few weeks ago i was advised that i was being investigated for benefit fraud and duly interviewed and cautioned . Last week i recieved a letter from the DWP advising that i had been committing fraud owing to the fact i was working whilst on benefits . I am just bewildered .I thought i had done all the right things! I have worked since i was 15 years old , thats 51 years , paid all my taxes and deductions , now to be told i am a benefit cheat . I told the investigators what i had done and they say they have no records of the phone calls or the letter i sent which i am sure if memory serves it was to a woman and a box number but i cannot remember more than that . Any helpful advice will help i am having a job sleeping at night ! Incidentally i am still in the same job still doing the 16 hours per week and still paying taxes ?
  7. Hopefully someone can help me out. I claim Income Support and Carers allowance. My wife is disabled and claims DLA high rate for care and mobility. My wife also claimed Incapacity benefit. My wife had her Incapacity Benefit changed to ESA February 2012. Prior to this my income support statements always showed she was claiming High DLA and IB. I was last week sent a review form by DWP, I filled it in and yesterday received my Income Support statement showing a reduction in payments. I telephoned DWP who said, due to the governments change from IB to ESA, my income support had been wrongly awarded since February 2012, as I never told them that my wife had changed from IB to ESA. I never knew I had to, as they were fully aware that my wife was on IB, and no change in amounts between the two. I asked why it hadn`t been passed on internally (all claims are made by the same DWP office) she said they don`t have to, and it is my responsibilty to tell them the government changed the name of the benefit. My wife was told she would be getting an extra payment due to her being on support group, she didn`t get an extra payment but my income support went up - which is why I didn`t question the extra amount. After all my waffling-sorry, my question is: Should DWP have passed on the information to each area dealing with Incapacity Benefit changing to ESA? I understand now I have an overpayment on my income support, and although it hasn`t been done intentionally what are the chances I will be prosecuted? The DWP have now lowered my payments and have assured me that I am now getting only what I am entitled to, but I`m scared stiff I`m going to end up with a criminal record as I didn`t tell them my wife had changed from IB to ESA and accepted the overpayment.
  8. 3 weeks ago my work sent me to an Occupational Health interview. The company that did this was Atos. They wrote up their report and said it would be between 3 and 6 months before I was likely to be fit to return to work. I was sent a copy as well as work. I, a while ago applied for benefits inc. incapacity. I have an interview the first week in July with Atos through the DWP. Do I need to phone them and tell them I had this? Will I still need to attend the DWP interview or do you think my report they did for my work will be used. Am pertrified at the thought of going after what I have read especially with having chronic depression.
  9. When I received my phone call telling me they'd be sending me the ESA50 form a few months ago now, as I stated in the thread at the time, the guy on the phone from DWP told me that "I wouldn't get put into the Support Group because only 3% of people are put in Support, and they are the terminally ill." That of course I found to be rubbish once I came on this great site. He also told me that when the DLA is switched to PIP, there would remain 2 levels of mobility, but an increase to 12 levels of care, suggesting that if I were in the top level now, I may end up in about 7 or 8 once re-assessed. Yesterday I spoke to Welfare Rights who informed me that he was, once again talking complete ******** as there was actually a reduction from the 3 levels of DLA to only 2 for care with PIP. I'm seriously wondering if the DWP are deliberately misinforming people before they even get to the Atos stage in order to frighten them off claiming? It was certainly that phone call which made me so depressed I was ready to give in...thankfully I came here and I'm now in the Support group without even having attended a medical.
  10. Hi All - this is my first post as such on this site so please forgive me if I ramble! I recieved a call yesterday (11/06) at 16:50 from a man (Mark xxx) claiming to be from the DWP. He asked if I had recieved the forms sent 6-8 weeks ago and was I going to reply to them. He at no point asked me any security questions (such as NI number etc) and I asked what the forms were relating to, apparently these were relating to to a possible refund of benefit of some sort. He had details of my mobile no. my present address and DOB. He asked for my employer details - which I foolishly gave him- and he explained tha new forms would be sent in the post. He rang again 15 minutes later and asked me to confirm my employers name - I became suspicious at this point and asked to which address he had sent the original forms. He said to put my mind at rest and that these had been sent to an address which I had lived at 14 years ago..... I did not have time to ask for his direct number to verify his ID etc and am now worried that it was some sort of false call from debt collection agencies. I have contacted the DWP - various departments (including debt management / social fund / job centre plus - which were very helpful) but they had no record of calls made to my number or of any such person called Mark xxx. The only clue I have is that the debt management team said I have an account to do with a social fund loan and they could not give any details (the last time I had ay social fund loans would be from over 15 years ago?) - yet the social fund staff say that they have no record of such? I do have a recent ongoing issue with a motor dealer that are pursuing a debt from over 13 years ago (which is a long story) and time statute barred. I have also informed my employer that should anyone attempt to contact them by telephone or letter in any matter not work related that they are not to issue any details and to put the call through to me. My worries are that a debt collector has posed as a DWP staff member to glean information about my employer - which according to DWP is a criminal offence? What can such agencies do with the information (my employers name only - but they have previous address and mobile number / DOB) ? If my employer is suddenly contacted after this bogus call can I then take action against them as they would be the only agency to have called in the first place and therefor must be the person posing as DWP staff member? Has anyone else had the same experience? Any advice gratefully recieved - thanks
  11. Hi, over the past few years, i've received letters from the DWP stating that i owe them £2561. Apparently the debt dates back to circa 1996/8. I have no knowledge of this debt and when i contacted the DWP to ask them to prove the debt, they couldn't provide proof. I therefore ignored it. Last week i received a letter from a debt collecting company stating they had been hired by the DWP to recover the debt. Before i contact this company i was wondering if anyone could offer me some advice. I should have stated from the beginning that i have always lived in Scotland and the debt collectors are an English Company. Akinika i think. Thanks in advance, Bern.
  12. Ok all Have been assisting a friend with this. DWP Debt Centre contacted friend in Dec 2012 stating old social fund load hasn't been paid repay debt. They repaid this debt some 5yrs ago and obviously after such a length of time doesn't have all the paperwork but does have some and 3 letters from DWP stating thank you for payment of £XXX. Now the classic DWP state they mean nothing as DWP own thank you for payment letter isn't a receipt. Gets better one of the letter they have from 5yrs ago matches exactly the recent letter to pay the same debt but from a totally different debt management centre. So what has been done so far: 1. Tier 1 Complant letter sent to DWP Debt Management Centre with copies of previous document and receipts from 5yrs ago asking for full investigation, breakdown of debt amounts and copies of all letters. Note the letter was signed for by them on 27th Jan 2013 (royal mail electronic proof). 2. Friend recently contacted DWP demanding why complaint not responded to and was informed initially not received until pointed out electronic proof signed for. Suddenly admit they have complaint but over 3 months backlog. During conversation it ends up the reason they cannot find debt on system is because it on there old computer system not linked to new system and will look into it and get back to them. DWP contact friend and now insist it is correct and the debt is now for some other imaginary loan must pay and will respond as per complaint. 3. Today friend receives info from DWP or complete lack of info all they received was a) Letter stating amount to pay with no breakdown. b) Payment forms. Now please bear in mind this was a Tier 1 Formal Complaint which they have failed to respond to except what was received today. My thought are. 1. To send another letter now demanding that initial Tier 1 complaint received and signed for by them on 27th Jan 2013 that they have failed to respond to is now dealt with as a Tier 2 complaint and that DWP has also breached its own Debt Management Contact Centre Customer Service Standard. 2. Also sending a Subject Access Request with above letter. These DWP PDFs may be of use to others: What are your opinions
  13. My husband has been through 12 months of hell waiting to see what the DWP are going to do with him. He had been claiming DLA for 10 years was granted it in 2002 for arthritis in his legs and chronic asthma. He was granted it indefinitely so he never bothered as his asthma or his arthritis never got any better. As always good days and bad. He carried on working as it was the only thing that kept him moving he took his painkillers and spray and got on with it. But he was always and still is in pain. As he came to retirement last year he was called in for interview under caution. Some one had reported that he had nothing wrong with him. We know has done it and this person knows nothing of my husbands condition this guy is just a vile person who likes to make trouble for people who he doesn't like . My husband was was honest with the interviewer they had footage of him at work for about in total 20 mins which really did not show much apart from him shuffling around and moving some things he drove a wagon but only a small on and he did have trouble getting in and out of the cab but he carried on as he wanted to take care of our family what is wrong in that ? He struggled on until his retirement in April last year. He wanted to take early retirement but we could not afford it. Now he is being done for fraud. He suffers with swollen hands and the above ailments. He has always been a honest man and never done anything wrong in his life he is so worried we have had this hanging over us for over 12 months and then this bombshell he is worried he will be sent to prison. We have no life now we can not get out and about we have lost everything. I too am disabled we are prisoners in our own home we had our car taken from us and they take £50.00 per week off his pension as they are claiming the money back. I was wondering is there anyone else going though this heartache like us .
  14. Hi,I'm on ESA at the assessment rate (waiting for appeal),and the time is approaching for me to send in another sick note,but I'm unsure of how best to go about it. 1. I could send it by post,but the DWP have an annoying habit of pretending that my mail does not exist,which could be a problem with a sick note. 2. I've read that I could telephone DWP for an appointment to have it scanned onto the system, but the people manning the call centres have no clue whatsoever what they're doing, and tend to tell me whatever they think I'd like to hear - even if it means making stuff up. If I choose option 1 I'd need to get a sick note nearly 2 weeks before the old one expires ,because the mail is routed to a PO box in Birmingham before making it to my local DWP office. This would mean I'd only get 2 weeks worth of sick note if the Doctor gave me a month,which isn't ideal. Is there a period of grace built into the system for sending in sick notes? I could choose option 2, but what happens if I get to my local DWP office and the call centre dude didn't bother to make me an appointment? Could I just walk into a JobcentrePlus and hand in a sick note without an appointment? Am I overthinking it? I know I'm probably paranoid and delusional ,but how does everyone else deal with handing in their sick notes on time?
  15. I've seen many different threads on the forum regarding old debt, but my case is a little different in that the 'debt' owed was repaid! I received a letter in 2006 from DWP stating I had been overpaid IS in 1996 and was outstanding. This was actually repaid via Family Credit deductions in 97-98. As per other threads, DWP claimed they had sent many previous letters (which I didnt receive) but refused to provide copies or tell me to which addresses they had been sent (the person I spoke to actually said 'tell me where you lived and I'll tell you if thats where we sent them') They also advised that Family Credit records only go back as far as 2003 so they can't comfirm or deny I did repay this They have also acknowledged the fact that they cant pursue this through the courts, although they are still sending threats to this effect. I asked them to look at this again in 2009 as I was getting nowhere - I received their 'decision' this month (2013!!) saying nothing had changed and if I didnt make a payment arrangement within 3 days they would take the money from my wages. No explanation given, despite this being promised in their own guidelines in the very same letter!! I want to make a formal complaint but am not sure whether this could also go to the Ombudsman or elsewhere, as I am absolutely at my wits end with them Any advice as to where to go from here?
  16. This is what DWP said to MSPs article from Evening times: http://www.eveningtimes.co.uk/news/dwp-man-told-you-are-talking-claptrap-124288n.21068511 TENANTS hit by the bedroom tax should either move, get a job, increase their hours or take in a lodger, it was claimed today. Pete Searle, Department of Work in Pensions, Strategy Director, based in London, stunned MSPs when he said there were smaller homes available. He told the Welfare Reform Committee four ways in which people could deal with the changes, which was then dismissed by one MSP as "claptrap". Mr Searle said: "There are 148 one-bedroom properties in the social sector in Scotland. There were 24,000 new lets in the sector, there are properties there. "Not perhaps all sitting empty at April 1 but there's been plenty of time to prepare for that. "There are a number of responses housing associations and individuals could make. Downsizing is one. "They could take up work in some cases, increase their hours or take in a lodger. "They can use the private sector and some people will choose to make up the shortfall. "I'm not saying this is easy but there are options." MSPs on the committee were outraged by the suggestions. Linda Fabiani, SNP MSP, branded it, "nonsense," and had to be asked by the committee convenor to let Mr Searle continue. Annabelle Ewing, SNP MSP, said it was like "Alice in Wonderland" Kevin Stewart, SNP MSP said: "I've never heard so much claptrap in all my life." Information from the largest housing association in Glasgow and a look at the labour market cast doubt on Mr Searle's assertions. Estimates in the city showed 15,000 homes will be liable for the cut of either 14% for one room or 25% for two or more, costing an average of £52 per month. Glasgow Housing Association estimates 6000 of their tenants would be affected and has a £16m plan to buy up to 300 smaller properties on the open market to meet increased demand. GHA said it currently has only 86 one-bedroom flats available for rent in the city. NG Homes in the north of the city said it had 1321 one-bedroom properties in total. It had only 15 which were currently empty, but some were under offer. A spokesman said: "Our void turn-around is five days and we don't have a lot of properties sitting empty." Queens Cross Housing Association said it had let out 112 one-bedroom flats in the whole of last year out of its stock of 1910 one-bedroom lets. The latest unemployment figures show Glasgow had the fourth highest level of people claiming Job Seekers Allowance at 5.7%, higher than the Scottish rate of 4.1% and the UK rate of 3.9% In Maryhill and Springburn the rate is 7.5%, the highest in Scotland. Many new jobs are part-time in the service sector, with studies and anecdotal evidence showing people want to work more hours but can't, with many having their working hours cut. The Office for National Statistics reported between 2008 and 2012 the number of workers who wanted to work more hours increased by 1 million. to more than 3 million. A recent poll by IPSOS Mori found 40% of people in work said they would take on more hours if they could. Michael McMahon, Welfare Reform Committee convener said: "There was a clear difference between the evidence the Committee has gathered on the demand and availability of social housing in Scotland and the DWP's understanding. "This is incredibly worrying. We will continue to push for answers." New Gorbals Housing Association let 20 one-bedroom flats in the last six months and have 1500 people looking to move into one-bed homes. It estimates 400 of its 2700 tenants are affected.
  17. Hi Everyone. Long story short. I have an ongoing complaint with the DWP and my local JCP. Ive had my complaint referred to the Director General Operations. Background. I had an appointment for a course with A4E.. I turned up but asked if I could leave 20mins early to go sign on. A4E refused, so after a lot of chatting A4E said they would cancel the course and rebook later. I then receive a sanction doubt letter. I replied, and basically DWP upheld the sanction, my first one and for the whole month of january. The sanction letter to uphold was dated the same day that I emailed the complaints resolution manager, and demanded my whole complaint be sent to the Director General. Next bit is that today I had my local Council Housing Benefit Officer turn up unanounced asking if she could verify my DWP claim details. She stated quite specifically that "DWP have sent us information saying that you have a home in London". ANyway she illed out the paperwork, checked our JSA paperwork, and after 10 mins she left. I should have requested then that I have a copy. I went t the JCP this afternoon and signed on as normal. I also gave a letter to the assistand manager stating about the housing officer visit, and accused DWP of making accusations that my partner and me are guilty of fraud. So Ive made another formal complaint to DWP about this. When I got home I also sent an email to the council housing department asking for copies of the documentation that they have about this, using the Data Protection Act. So my question to you all is, hows the best way to proceed with this. Ive had no letters claiming fraud, no nothing. I believe this is an attempt by DWP to get me and my partner to go away. So I dont understand why this has happened. If there was any real evidence that I was frauding, then surely the first time I would hear about it, would be when I get a letter saying Ive got to go for an interview under caution ? Hope you can help Confused
  18. My bank informed me a bill payment failed yesterday due to insufficient funds. I had no clue why not as I ought to have had plenty of money so I logged on to my online banking and saw that my last payment of ESA was in March, nothing in April. For some reason it seemed to have stopped for no reason, no letters from DWP or anything. I got into such a state wondering if they'd sent ESA50 that hadn't arrived and so I'd failed it, maybe my horrid neighbours had made false allegations, amongst numerous other fears. Most of all my bank has a 3 strikes and your out policy on that account so that is one of those used up and I have another bill due to be paid tomorrow and had less than 10p in my purse. I went to the CAB today as I can't use phones and they phoned the DWP who told them that there was a computer glitch when they updated the system with the new higher payments at the start of April and a lot of people have not had any benefits since March. They are needing to re-input people manually and it is taking time. Thankfully the man promised to get my payments in by the end of play today and it has arrived but I am absolutely stunned that this sort of 'glitch' can happen and that hoards of people have been left with no benefits since March, what are they supposed to live on? I assume it is a lot of people if they haven't caught up since then re-inputting people. Anyone else been affected? I ended up in such a state yesterday I took 3 doses of sleeping tablets and that still only gave me 3 hours of sleep.
  19. Rang the DWP 22nd March to tell them my wife was being retired that week. I gave them her finishing salary and within a week received 4 separate letters informing us our Pension credit had been stopped as my wife was earning too much. Rang them on the 3rd, 11th and 17th of April to be told that I would be receiving further requests for proof of earnings, pensions etc. Rang today to say nothing received and they attempted to fob me off. Eventually put through to someone higher up who was the first to actually admit I'd rung on each of those days, then told me that because of the pressure of claims outstanding the pension service was delayed in replying to outstanding requests. It took them less than a week to close down my claim based on a verbal say so of my wife's past income, but several weeks later they can't sort out my claim and although they have all the details they require, he thinks, it will be some time before anything is done. As we are now living on my wife's combined pensions of £632 per month you can imagine the problems we have, especially from out mortgage company who were receiving the interest payment from DWP. Is there any redress.
  20. Hi I on ESA and work 2 hours per week from home which I've done for a few years. Every year I have to send in 5 payslips as they check you don't earn over the £20 threshold, which I don't. However, there have been a couple of problems with DWP returning the payslips; Once they sent them to a disability organisation I never had any involvement with but, as the employers name were on them, the organisation sent the payslips to them. My manager then came home to me with the payslips, he was angry as they contained personal information and couldn't understand why they were sent to the organisation in the first place. The second time,2012, they were not returned and to date they have still not been returned. I now have to send in a letter about annual pay increase as well as the payslip with my new wage on. Are the DWP allowed to keep any original letters and payslips?
  21. Hi everyone. I am new to this site which I did not know existed until today and hope to be able to get some advice and contribute advice in the future. My concern is that I have received a "Invitation to Office Interview" from Jobcentreplus Customer Compliance. The letter has been sent from Newlands JCP Customer Compliance Support Team in G43 area of Glasgow but the interview is at my local Jobcentre in Parkhead Glasgow. The letter is not hand signed. As far as I am aware I am not doing / claiming anything wrong and only moved to this address as a lodger 6 months ago. Do I need to be worried about anything or any advice of what happens at this interview. I am on IS / HB (rent) and SDA but do not claim CTB as its my landlords responsibility. Thank you for any pointers
  22. I have just received a letter from DWP Debt Management saying that I owe them £111.60, and that I had been contacted previously explaining why I owe this money. This was the first I had heard about it, so I rang them to find out more. Apparently they had overpaid me income support in 1998 and were wanting the money back! He couldn't give me any details about what date the overpayment was, and would have to send me the details through the post - but it's ok, he has updated my details to say I have rang them! Although I was on income support around this time, in no way do I believe that I was overpaid! Also, this was at a previous address (I moved into my present address over 10 years ago) and it was also in my maiden name. This letter is addressed to Miss but in my married name. I have never been contacted about this before, it is the first I have heard about it, - and pointed this out to them, but the guy at DWP insisted that they had sent me letters in 2004 and one a bit later (I can't remember the dates, as I was gobsmacked!). I mentioned whether or not they could still claim this "debt" as it was 14 years ago, and they said that it only became "written off" if they had made no attempt to contact me, and they had.... I am not sure what to do - I don't have any outstanding debt whatsoever, and as it is only £111.60 I am tempted to just pay it, but something is really hacking me off about this. Can anybody give me some of their views on this? Thanks. Mrs Guest
  23. My wife and I are both retired.My wife is disabled and receives DLA.I receive Carers Allowance. My wife also receives pension credit(savings) and has two small private pensions.I also receive a private pension(income drawdown). In December 2012 I had a 5 year pension review and my pension was slashed from £560 per month to £250 per month due to new GAD rates being imposed. We advised DWP of a change in circumstances on 20th dec 2012 and despite phoning them every 2 weeks we have received nothing. Our meagre savings have now been used up and we are now worrying about paying our bills particularly the mortgage which is £515 per month. I have raised a complaint with the DWP and now don't know what else to do. Can anyone advise. Thank you.
  24. Hi, Hope I have posted this in the right place. I have been receiving ESA for a while now. I have had my ATOS assessment but I still have not heard a decision. However, I now have new information they need to know to support my decision, which is very important as it means I am no longer allowed to take my medication. I have rang several numbers and been sent round and round in circles. ATOS told me there is nothing I can do now until I receive their decision, but I don't want to have to wait for that, then appeal (which I will probably have to) and wait again, as we really are struggling money wise and I am unable to eat properly, so that extra bit of money added to my ESA would make all the difference. I can't find a telephone number or even an address to contact the DWP about my situation, does anyone have this information that they can share with me please? I can't believe how difficult things are.
  25. Back in 2008, DWP claimed that they had overpaid Income Support of £6500 between 2001 and 2003, and £8000 between 2004 and 2007, due to "savings" In March 2008 DWP claimed an over payment of approx £14500, they were asked to "look again" at their decision. Today, I have received 2 letters from DWP. The first says "Frther to the request for the decision about an overpayment issued on 03/08 to be looked at again ------ We have looked looked again at the facts and evidence used to make out decision, and as a result we have not changed our original decision" The second letter is similar, refers to decision March 2008, and states that they have changed their decision. They are now claiming an overpayment of £16500 between 04 and 07, but then go on to state "the total may include an amount that has been paid in error which is not recoverable". I assume this refers to payments between 06-07 that are marked as "Income Support Paid in error" I cannot believe that that are responding to my request to review after FIVE YEARS. and now state that I can appeal using form GL24, within ONE MONTH. Can anyone help me out. I am not aware of any overpayment. There were no savings, and during the period in question, IS was stopped several times, and documents provided to the DWP for the claim to be reassessed, and reinstated in each case. Claim for IS ended in 2007.
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