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  1. Rang the DWP 22nd March to tell them my wife was being retired that week. I gave them her finishing salary and within a week received 4 separate letters informing us our Pension credit had been stopped as my wife was earning too much. Rang them on the 3rd, 11th and 17th of April to be told that I would be receiving further requests for proof of earnings, pensions etc. Rang today to say nothing received and they attempted to fob me off. Eventually put through to someone higher up who was the first to actually admit I'd rung on each of those days, then told me that because of the pressure of claims outstanding the pension service was delayed in replying to outstanding requests. It took them less than a week to close down my claim based on a verbal say so of my wife's past income, but several weeks later they can't sort out my claim and although they have all the details they require, he thinks, it will be some time before anything is done. As we are now living on my wife's combined pensions of £632 per month you can imagine the problems we have, especially from out mortgage company who were receiving the interest payment from DWP. Is there any redress.
  2. At the top of this sites header there are several companies offering to collect in such circumstances. To me they look like ppi claimers we are often warned off. Do the site officials give their unqualified approval, as I can't find anyone else to take on Blemain for me.
  3. Back in June BG decided to increase my monthly payment from £200 to £300. I wrote to them and asked them to maintain the original payment and received confirmation on 29 August that £200 was fine and to continue payment which I have reducing the amount owed to £600. I have then received several letters demanding full payment of the £1000 plus owed. On ringing their 'overseas' office via the freephone number I was told that my only alternatives were to pay the full amount or accept a pre payment meter, there was no other alternative, other than to be disconnected. I pointed out with reference number about the letter I had confirming the agreed payment and was told that they had nothing to suggest this on record and I either paid in full or he would arrange a meter. I eventually contacted the person who had agreed the continued payment and she confirmed yesterday that she did work for BG abd my arrangement stood. Today I took an out of area number and was told by the BG representative that the person mentioned did not exist there was nothing on my file, even though she had confirmed there was, about an agreement and if I didn't pay the now £800+ due I would be cur off. What is it with Bg are they on commission in India or wherever to get meters fitted ?
  4. The original debt was secured on her cottage which they sold cheaply so I assume its acceptable for them to get a charging order on our jointly owned house to cover the debt, seems unfair. But from reading the above I assume they can't get an order on my part of the equity. Surely their debt was only secured on her house, which was bought in auction and sold without much being changed at a huge profit recently 11 months later at a price that would ahve cleared all her debts. So I've looked and can't find what do I say to the solicitors and to the judge when I go to court?
  5. Thanks, then how do I tackle it in court anyone?
  6. I'm someone who was sold via Ocean Finance a loan from Blemain at a time when we were in desperate financial need, part of my house had collpsed, and I fit all the criteria perfectly.In fact we ahd accepted a loan and signed the deal with ocean but they changed to Blemain at the 11th hour and we were rushed through the deal by a guy who called and caught us with what I now appreciAte was a hard sell. So what can I do?
  7. theor solicitors have written to ask me if I will be contesting their action today, what do I do ?
  8. How do I. Received correspondence from Optima Legal acting for Oakwood finance on the mortgage my wife had on her house. They obtained judgement in March this year for £17k, £11 of which were charges and interest after they forceably auctioned her house well below its market value. The judge ignored my requests to reduce the costs and stop adding to the interest. Now they are asking for a charge on our jointly owned property and have submitted an application for a charging order at court in October. I remember reading here ages ago that its possible to object as I was not on the original debt. How do I do it. Plus bearing in mind the FSA ruling on charges does this apply in my wife's case please.
  9. My wife had decided to take the state pension early, she reached 60 in May. As a result we lost my pension credit award, and our working tax credit was reduced by £30 The problem is further accentuated by the fact my wifes earnings will drop from last year when she goes back to school in September. Is there any way of assessing which option is best. My wife has spoken to the pension service and they were of no use at all, apart from suggesting if she wanted too she could change back
  10. No he rarely gets more than 2 days a week work and usually they6 are on sat and sun, sunday being a short day. It might get better during the summer months but he went to the jobcentre because College had finished, he thought, and he had worked for 5 hours in the previous 3 weeks. Then of course when he went he found that he 10 then 20 hours of work and college decided he had to return for 2 days a week. I have tried to persuade him to complain but he will not. Now all I have to do is sort out the council re our benefit
  11. Thanks, for asking. Her figures, his bosses, are : last week 0 hours previous week sun 4 hours previous week mon 5 hours previous week 0 hours previous week , sun, 4 hours Previous week sat, sun, mon, tues, 20 hrs previous week 10 hours previous week 0 hours, previous week 0 hours any help ?
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