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  1. I got in some difficulties and lost my job, as someone close to me passed away i was having difficulties coming to terms with it. ended up being gambling addict, I'm recovered now have been for some time. although i put a block on a lot of gambling sites so i cant join them again. Due to situation i was struggling to buy food and other items due to being out of work and gambling, i told Halifax of my situation and that i was unemployed but still had around £2000 savings only, it wasn't much but he saw my savings, it was just under £2000 not much. To my surprise he upgraded my bank account and gave me a £6000 over draft even though i didn't lie and was totally honest about being unemployed, surprised they didnt even check that i was spending all my money gambling. Yes i was young and stupid, i lost money on gambling and general living until i got back on my feet again with help of family and friends. The bank then chased me for the debt, i informed them that they shouldn't of given me a overdraft of that much when i was unemployed, they wrote back admitting they were aware i was unemployed at the time, but because i showed proof of having funds they thought i would gain employment soon, seems odd answer as do they normally give people money in hopes of them gaining employment? plus £2000 is hardly a lot of money. I spoke to someone from Halifax on the phone who told me that they had made mistake by giving me the overdraft but they have not admitted this in writing. I also told them that most of transactions were gambling and i was going through difficult and depressing time, i was on medication also, they just told me sorry to hear that but i still need to pay outstanding amount. Although they did leave me alone until debt was recently passed on. Do i ask for credit agreement or how do i go about disputing this, as i really cant afford to pay it now. As though I'm back on track i don't have the money to spare to pay of the debt as it will leave me struggling. I still have a basic bank account with them they have not closed that down. But they passed my debt to a collection agency. I will never gambling again or get myself in this situation, i had bad time in my life and could not deal with daily life so went into my own world.
  2. Afternoon CAGS, Following your excellent advice with HFO which resulted in no action, I have a final one. Took out a Halifax loan many moons ago for around 10k, paid it until it got down to 5k and then due to the usual changes in circumstances have been paying Westcotts up until recently 15 quid a month and same on a small overdraft of £600. Now my credit report has just notified me that this has defaulted today. So expect one of the Debt agencies will be in touch and was wondering what advise or steps I can take. As its defaulted now, can I offer a settlement of a fraction of the debts? Any help will be appreciated
  3. In late 2010 I applied for a current account online with santander, they accepted me and sent me out a debit card with a £100 overdraft limit. I spent the limit, then got a letter through the post asking for £80 in unplanned overdraft fees because I'd apparently spent £106 over. The last transaction I remember doing on the card declined, so I think maybe that's the one which which took it over. I want to contact santander to try and sort this out now, but I've never had any correspondence from them since about it. All the contact info on the site says are phone numbers, but I'd rather email them if I could. So basically, how can I email Santander about my account, and how much am I looking at repaying now to get the account back in good standing? I wanna sort all this out! I don't have the debit card for the account, and I forgot the PIN number for it. And the account is registered to a previous address, so any letters they'll have sent out will have been returned.
  4. I come home the other day and find a letter from Lloyds telling me I have gone into red. First reaction is wtf! Letter shows an OD of about 3 times the OD limit they had set to my a/c automatically without me ever asking for it. Having a better look I realised that a credit card I am using had mistakenly carried out a direct debit payment on my account twice. The fee is small because I caught the issue early. But to focus on the actual issue, I never authorised Lloyds to give me any overdraft, let alone an "Unplanned Overdraft". I have 0 debt, 0 loans and never used any overdraft with them whatsoever, so I ring them up... I spoke to an operator on the phone who was useless and kept repeating like a tape player about the fees, trying to convince me the issue is with the other party etc. I told them they are operating a debit a/c as a credit card which I never asked for. My understanding is that the point of having a debit card is to spend as much as you have, not a penny more. Even worse, if there is an overdraft "limit" (approved or not) it is there for a reason. I told them the transaction should be blocked, whether payment is made or not is a problem between me and the third party, since I may not have sufficient funds. I had them put the manager on the phone eventually who supported that, they have to abide to the Direct Debit scheme guarantee and have to proceed with the transaction (as to full-fill my obligation to the third party) and, they are not able to know it has gone in the red until it does! I respond like "ok, silly example, according to Lloyds some idiot decides to DD me for £1m. So Lloyds will OD me for one million plus fees for every single day while I may have no clue about this transaction and the OD goes on?" The bank now suggests I have to go after the credit card company to pay the fees. On further argument they claimed they have a "policy" to honour the fee (if the CC don't pay for it) once per 12 months, but I should consider saving that option for a genuine fraud case in the future. I can't help but consider this to be the genuine fraud, making thousands of pounds in overnight deposits from my accounts while they expect me to pay fees for an OD they generated themselves. What will happen if I am on holidays and I don't even notice...
  5. My Bank, (HSBC) has been negligent and mis-sold me an overdraft on the basis of funds coming from an investment which turned out to be a con trick the bank had said the investment was sound and actively encouraged me to run up a large overdraft knowing I only had a very small income- they were so desperate to get all of the funds from the investment deposited in their bank they advised me badly and when it was found to be a con trick, they placed a charge on my property to cover the overdraft and are now trying to repossess my home! I have complained to the FOS but they were biased in favour of the bank, so I complained to the Independant Assessor who said I`d been treated badly by the FOS and things had been done wrong and awarded a small amount of compensation- I believe things were done wrong as they were biased in favour of HSBC. Now the Bank is going for a repossession order for my property so I`ve been to see a solicitor today who`s told me I have a good case and may get legal aid but after ringing the legal aid line I was refused legal aid...probably because I`m not on any benefits! I can`t afford to take the bank to court myself as this whole fiasco has ruined me financially and seemingly I can`t get free help but surely there must be something I can do? Please help if you can as I feel so helpless and am at my wits end. I was at Court on 10th June for a Possession Hearing and put in a Defence and the Judge adjourned to enable me time to submit a fully pleaded defence and counter claim but I can`t afford a Solicitor to do this? The day before I was at Court in June, HSBC e-mailed me and offered to knock the amount they claim is owed down from £91500.00 to £59500.00 and no costs would be payable, provided I signed an agreement saying I wouldn`t take any further action against HSBC either now or in the future...I find this `offer` all very odd and feel I`m missing something that HSBC are worried about? Sorry for the length of this- can anyone advise me please as I`m due in Court again next week...thank you
  6. I have just noticed that the Bank of Ireland charge more for an informal overdraft request in Northern Ireland than they do in the rest of the U.K. When queried with BOI staff they have informed me that Northern Ireland is a separate jurisdiction from the U.K. Now I have checked and as far as international boundaries are aware Northern Ireland remains part of the United Kingdom in short the BOI are discriminating against customers who reside in a different part of the UK. Letter sent today awaiting response, any assistance appreciated as always.
  7. oh mighty forum a question my overdraft was turned into a loan and reduced from 10 k into a 2k with my 8 restructured into a loan and having no choice in the matter , but with my consent as my account would have been closed was structured this way i was told that this is unlawful - has anyone had similar experiences
  8. Hello there pretty new to the forum and need some advice on my situation in regards to my student overdraft which I believe is now dormant. Being stupid I have ignored this problem but now I want to tackle it head on. Some background information. I took out a student overdraft account with Natwest in 2008 as I was going to University and had to pay my accommodation costs upfront, so I used my overdraft of £1250 to pay for it. Over the course of the next two years I was in and out of the overdraft as my student loan didn’t go directly into my Natwest account it went in to my other account (Halifax) and I would transfer money directly into the Natwest account to pay off the balance (1250 usually). Going into my third year I stopped using this system of paying off my overdraft instead using my Halifax account to pay my accommodation and left my -£1250 account to drift into dormant. I had an email from Triton (I believe to be the in house debt recovery agency for Natwest), saying I need to get into contact with them, this was in 2011. Now it is 2013 and I have no contact with anyone in relation to this debt, no correspondents from Natwest or Triton (last contact was the email in 2011 from triton to get in contact with them). While I know I have been foolish to bury my head in the sand, life circumstances have made me completely forget about this debt until now, I need advice on what to do, my main questions I need answer are: 1. Will the debt still be 1250 or will it be more, if so how much more? 2. How should I approach sorting it, contact natwest? Or triton to find a solution? 3. will I be able to negotiate how much I pay back each month until the debt is paid off and will they send me a letter once the debt has been fully paid to let my know I can stop worrying. Thanks in advanced for any replies, I just need to sort myself out with this and the added stress is not helping at this current time. Thanks for reading.
  9. Good Morning. I have received three letters recently from Wescot on behalf of NatWest re my business overdraft. NatWest closed the account September 2011 and also a loan account I had with them. I had written to them explaining that I could no longer make the loan account repayments and supplied them with a list of creditors, expenses etc in support of this. We finally negotiated a final settlement earlier this year and for some reason the other account (overdraft) was never mentioned. I suppose hand on heart I hoped that the damn thing had disappeared in some dusty filing cabinet. Three weeks ago I suddenly receive a letter from Wescot, the one where they say 'we think you might live here but if you dont reply we'll assume that you do'. I have since received a second letter actually stating what they are chasing, and now a third threatening legal action and/or door step collection. I haven't replied to any of them but not sure what the next step is should the summons appear. The original debt was £7300 but now has transformed into £8800 since being in Wescot's grubby hands. I have never received any letter from NatWest advising me that they were instructing Wescot to act. Should I contact original creditor and discuss? Bit concerned as I am a houseowner. Thanks for any advice.
  10. Hello to everyone this is my first posting, although I have used this forum as a resource. Santander (ex Alliance and Leicester) have offered me a nice sum for miss sold overdraft cover, a version of PPI but only going back six years. Although I have had an account there for at least twenty years! Is this correct? They state that they only hold six years statements (very convenient) and can go back no further, I am sure I read somewhere that they can estimate the redress due even though no statements are available. I might have one or two old statement in my shed but nowhere near over fourteen years worth… Will I have to accept the very generous offer or can I push harder and get proper redress?
  11. Hi all, I have a little issue that's brewing here and would very much like some input... Smile, have apparently rescinded my OD, looks like it happened yesterday (03/04/13) without informing me, on top of this I now have 2 messages in the secure messaging area telling me they are going to charge me for 2 transactions that went through after the OD was removed (04/04/13). I have only figured this out by tracking back my transaction and adding it all up and have also noticed that my OD limit now says £0.00 My OD is part of the Smile More account and is supposed to come with £260.00 OD as standard and up to 2 days ago I was£40-£50 under the £260 so I know I didn't go over the agreed £260.00 and the transactions they are charging me for would have easily gone through as they were for £3.72 and £3.99. On top of this I have gotten a missed call from what looks like their collections Dept... (I checked the missed number on-line and others reported it has co-operative debt management team) Now I know (from what others say) they can remove the OD at any time but I feel its a bit off to just to remove it without warning, and then charge me for bouncing transactions and on top of that call me a day later from debt collections. Any input and advice is most appreciated... mrbrooks
  12. Hi everyone, This is my first time on any forum, and I would appreciate any advice regarding my position with Barclays. I have a business account with them but the company, which is Ltd ceased trading at the end of Feb, All the direct debits were cancelled via online banking and the remaining balance was transferred into another account. Once the accountant had completed the final accounts the company was to be removed from companies house, however Barclays paid a £2500.00 bill (which had previously been set up on variable dir deb (but did not show on the list of dir debits) The account has never been overdrawn and no overdraft facility was ever agreed, (as it is a ltd company any overdraft facility would have to be signed personally) So even though no money had been paid into the account for several months, the balance transferred and no overdraft in place they still made this payment,does it have to be paid back to them?
  13. I had a business account with NW and recently sent them a SAR (and £10 cheque) which they received on 16th August now well in excess of their 40 day requirement I have also now sent them the letter before court action, time period also expired without any contact. Wherer do I go from here?
  14. hi can you help..i took out a pay day loan with tls..due to pay back last friday..i got made redundant and knew i wouldnt have money to cover it..so contacted them... i have just checked my bank account and received letter from my bank stating they have allowed payments of 225 to be taken and have given me an unplanned overdraft..payments were for tls..who emailed me stating my account is now cleared and paid...surely if i didnt have money in account they were able to do this....i get only jsa money...and would have been happy to pay the loan store 10 per fortnight..now i have a 225 unplanned overdraft..they are going to charge me 5.00 per day til it is paid...help please...i dont agree with this..
  15. Hi, hope someone can help me. My husband had a personal account with Natwest, he had a student overdraft on it. He set up his first small business with them in 2007, with a business account, loan and overdraft (loan I think was £5000, overdraft £2000). He was paying the loan off, no problems, except the date they'd take the loan out every month would always mean the bank charged him. The business manager used to be impossible to get hold of and he wanted to change the payment date by a couple of days, but they wouldn't let him. We moved to a new area in 2009, he still had the loan and personal account as well. He went back to studying as well as a new full-time small business in which he was a partner and thanks to the student loan company being very late with payments (first payment- should have been paid in the sept, but was paid January- I was a student too and I got the first payment 3 days before that Christmas- I had to leave the course in the end- they paid the tuition fees so late I wasn't allowed to continue), everything got thrown around a bit. Natwest chucked their toys out the pram that we'd pay the rent and council tax, buy food etc, above paying them, and bullied him into having a managed loan- which they dumped the whole lot of personal and business overdraft and loan accounts into. He still had a basic account with them at the time. He was paying them every month (credit history shows was all fine then), when he was suddenly rushed into hospital in autumn 2010. He's still not well now. We're trying to sort things out, one thing at a time, getting rid of debts and this is the second biggest one we have, and has just reared it's head again via debt collectors (Regal Credit- who strop like toddlers when you call them liars:lol: we had a bit of fun with them on the phone yesterday...). Natwest were, shall we say, difficult, when he was in hospital (he was in for a couple of months). I had access to his NatWest bank account- and the only money going through it at the time was working tax credit, then ESA. They froze it- I'd ring up- get my husband to give them permission for me to discuss it, sometimes they wouldn't understand him as his speech would be a bit slurred and they'd say the line was bad:x- they'd then shout and argue with me, I'd quote something at them (can't remember what it was)- they would go to speak to a manager, come back and apologise and release the money and say they'd put action on hold for a month/whatever, and then the whole thing would happen again. And again. And again. We wrote and told them he was ill, begged them not to do this, but they didn't care (I know we should have got it paid to another account at the time, I honestly can't remember why we didn't, I think we were just sinking under everything and then he was back in hospital for a bit, then had to find somewhere to live as the landlord wanted the house back... it's been a difficult couple of years, full of stress). Natwest refused to put a note on the account that I could speak, every time they'd make my husband go through the security checks- he wrote to give me permission, and they ignored it. The last time I spoke to them in 2011, they mocked the fact my husband used a wheelchair and couldn't get into his local branch because it was not accessible- the man suddenly decided he was a wheelchair user too and claimed ALL NatWest banks were accessible and he'd never been to one that wasn't- well lucky him, but our nearest one not only has a step, it also has a wall right opposite the door and my husband still can't get in there (not that he wants to) in his powerchair. They have a bell to press for assistance- ie a member of staff eventually comes out to speak to you on the pavement. Discussing your private financial situation in the street in front of everyone passing isn't really very nice. When I got off the phone, I took my husband to the bank and we took whatever was left in his account out, and closed it (although it still shows as an active account on Noddle? But he closed it in 2011). I think we wrote to them after this, told them we wanted the account putting on hold as we were not in the position to pay anything right now. Natwest have not had any real contact since then, other than through a couple of DCA letters- I swear one offered a discount, but at the minute we have no proper bedroom/living room, we're sleeping downstairs and a lot of our paperwork is in storage, so can't go through it all properly and check. For the past couple of years we've picked other battles to fight- my husband's health, finding somewhere to live that's adapted etc. A week ago, we had a phone call from Regal Credit. My husband refused to confirm details, told them to write to say what they wanted- they gave out part of our previous address when he questioned if they even wanted him. They didn't write- but they did a few silent calls (on bank holiday Monday, then in the day, then yesterday, few minutes later rang again, and someone was actually there- I answered- the woman hung up when I asked to speak to a manager though and seemed confused that I'd know if they'd written- hmm yes, my husband doesn't hide letters from me, we trust each other and talk to each other I was ready to argue with her for ages- I was feeling a bit fed up- but she hung up on me . My husband rang them back but he wouldn't confirm anymore than his name, so he got yelled at by a manager, then the manager hung up on him because my husband told him to calm down and to stop shouting and being aggressive. So my husband rang again, spoke to a 3rd person, who said she'd email the supposed letter they'd sent. Email came this morning- their client is Natwest, who have increased the original amount by a few hundred pounds, with charges. I was going to start trying to sort this out by writing to Natwest. My husband thinks there was PPI on one loan, but not sure, and they added the loan together with his student overdraft, business overdraft. At the time (2010) they told him (their debt management department or something like that- same department I had to beg and write to when they kept freezing his account when he was first ill) he had the choice between them taking him to court for it or a managed loan, so he took the loan. I know he needs to send a SAR to them, to get all the paperwork. But at the minute, we just want them to put action on hold for a few more weeks. Would a SAR also have transcripts of phone conversations? What about discussions in person with a bank manager- would notes be taken and put on the accounts? If we dispute the amount and their behaviour regarding being helpful to him when he was in financial difficulty and also ill, in a complaint with Natwest, can we also tell Regal Credit to stop ringing us because it's being discussed with Natwest? Will they actually stop? We're not really in a position to make more than token payments at present anyway, at the end of the day, they can't have what we don't have. Thank you:-)
  16. Hi All, First of all am new here and I ve just stumbled upon pinky696's thread which has taken a good 2-3 hours to read through the thread, so here is hoping someone can advice me. I have an HSBC account with an overdraft limit of £1,500 this was my salary account and has always been paid into this account, I have a default registered in April 2007 but is still showing in my credit file 6 years later, but now that I suppose it should no longer be there based on the fact that a default should drop off the account after 6 years, should this still be registered on my account at all? Account Opened 21 March 2007 Last Updated28 February 2013 Opening Balance £0 Credit Limit £1,500 Headroom £1,500 Worst Status 1 If not who should i take this up with, Callcredit or HSBC? Thanks in advance. PS: Just edited the Post title as it seems a but misleading.
  17. I have a halifax current account and it had a £100 overdraft. As my mum uses the account too I turned off the overdraft and started using another current account. Anyway by accident I had all my cards automatically set up on paypal and i charged £370.00 to the account a few days later. instead of declining the transactions because there wasn't that in there..it minused the account and used my mums funds. i of course reimbursed her because it was my fault. But I wondered was this a glitch or normal? Can haifax do this..and am i at fault..or??
  18. I have an rbs overdraft. i also had a rbs loan which has now been paid off. During the it glitch they took off my loan payment twice. to cut a long story short they then made a bit of a mess, but to make uo for it upped my overdraft limit by £428 for 6 months. I received a letter saying that as of 3 February 2013 my overdraft would be reduced to its previous level (ie) be reduced by £428. February has come and gone with no reduction to my overdraft. I would be in a bit of trouble if they now reduce my o/d by £428. Given that my overdraft was not reduced am i within my rights to assume that i now have a new overdraft limit? If they do reduce my o/d eventually i will complain and ask for an extension (3 months) to allow me to find the £428 which i am sure they will agree to....
  19. I have a cash card account with Barclays which is overdrawn to the tune of £687. I have tried a few times to set up a repayment plan and agreed repayments. I have found these repayments hard due to Barclays' rigid repayment schedule which they state that the overdraft has to be paid back within 6 months. I agreed the repayment plan with the best intentions but have found it hard to keep up with their repayment schedule. The original overdrawn amount was £711. Talking to Barclays on the phone is a frustrating affair so I've decided to communicate with them via letter. I want to repay back what I owe but I am finding it hard to deal with Barclays even after explaining my difficulties. The "unauthorized" overdraft came about due to Guaranteed Card Payments to various Payday loan lenders which have now all been paid off bar one final repayment at the end of this month. I am in full time employment at the moment and working to pay off all my debts. I currently have £3258.28 of debt to pay off of varying amounts to Woolworths, Littlewoods, Very, Barclays, Capital One, Vanquis and Natwest. I have made headway with Natwest who agreed to let me pay £25.00/month over a year and with Vanquis. The others are being a bit more difficult to deal with at present. Could anyone advise with how to deal with Barclays? I will tackle the other ones after. Many thanks
  20. Hello all I had a few bills that needed to be paid so did something a bit stupid - I used an unauthorised overdraft on my Lloyds TSB account. I did try asking them to authorise a overdraft but they refused the application so it was either that or go down the route of a Pay Day loan and thought it was a lesser evil of the two. The trouble is, I'm not in the position to pay it all back in one go so looking for advice if it would be possible to get them to freeze interest and charges and pay them back over the next 6 months? (amount owed is about £800) The other issue is that I have two accounts with Lloyds - this one and my main account which is used for all my direct debits, wages etc and that has a overdraft of £2500 and is maxed at the moment and rely on that - would me trying to set up a payment plan on the other account affect this? Thanks for any help
  21. HI, i am looking for some advice with regards to how i can handle my debt of £1331.80 with Wescot credit services. The debt has been bought by them from natwest and is from a student overdraft. Wescot have stated that they will send the debt to a doorstop collection agency if i do not phonme them with regards this debt. Having read a number of threads on this website i have understand it would be more desirable from my point of view to only deal with them through writing. I am currently unemployed and don't have much money i could spare in order to pay large chunks of this debt. Basically i am looking for advice with regards to how i should go about contacting Wescot and setting up a payment schedule with them. Thanks for your time reading my query.
  22. I am a 22 year old student who has finished university with a £513 overdraft. Without this overdraft I would have been unable to complete my studies and three years of work would have been finished without obtaining my degree. I had went into the bank speaking to the students advisor who told me straight that the bank would not extend the overdraft past the expiry date as I had been late with a few direct debit payments. Since then I have been sent letters demanding immediate payment. Today I received a letter dated the 10th June 2011, saying I had to pay the full amount by the 14th or they would take action, against either a surety (don't think I have one?) or take me to court, details passed onto a debt collection agency etc. The letter was sent under the Consumer Credit Act 1974. Can anyone give me advice or help me? This is causing depression and fear. Since university I have been finding it hard to gain full employment. I am on Jobseekers until 2 months time when I have a work placement arranged which is paid employment. There is absolutely no way I could lodge that amount by tomorrow, or even within the next two months as I have live off £53 a week and pay £15 a week housekeeping. Please help, Thanks
  23. SUMMARY: I have an overdraft from HSBC from my student days but relocated to the US 8 years ago. The account was closed in March 2009 after having gone delinquent. HSBC has engaged a firm called “Bluestone Law” which it appears to use to chase debts abroad. I want to know what I should do about the debt. DETAIL: I had an interest-free overdraft agreement with HSBC and a student loan for a post grad degree. Working and being paid in the US, I would transfer back enough money once a year to cover the whole year’s payments to my student loan. When calculating how much I would need to transfer, I would factor in the amount of the overdraft. Unfortunately, as soon as the overdraft was entered again (approximately half way through the year), HSBC shut down it down and additional loan repayments caused an unauthorized overdraft. The account then spiraled as a result of unauthorized overdraft interest expense and fees. I was not aware of this for a few months as the bank was sending statements to my UK address and I was not checking online. HSBC approved some of the initial student loan payments, charged fees and interest, resulting in the balance of approximately 2300 pounds---the amount that Bluestone Law is now pursuing. I asked for a statement of the account. Bluestone provided the past five years. The earliest entry already showed a 1600 pound debt. I requested to see the statement history for the entire debt, but Bluestone told me that HSBC only kept 5 year’s history and didn't have access to anything earlier. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: 1. I settled on the student loan (approx 20,000) for 50% of the outstanding balance back in 2010. HSBC used the same firm/individual as they did before. 2. Unfortunately, I was paying in a nominal 25 pounds a month from another bank account in order to show “activity”. I assume this means that the statute of limitations runs right up to the close date in March 2009. 3. I provided an offer to settle on the overdraft a couple of months ago and provided an expenditure and income report. The offer was for 35% and was rejected. 4. I am a legal permanent resident of the US and have been so since June 2012. QUESTIONS: 1. What is the process that Bluestone can pursue? Do they have to get a court judgment in the UK? If so, is the court judgment valid in the US (specifically New York State)? 2. Can it directly get a court judgment against me in the US? 3. Can the debt be reported on my US credit reports? 4. What information should I request? Credit agreement? Full statement etc? 5. What should my next steps be? Thank you so much in advance!
  24. Hello, On December 31st, I went overdrawn on my account. The money was taken by BT. I was not made aware of an upcoming payment because I hadn't received a letter from BT. The paper billing had been changed to online billing. I didn't change it myself. On January 16th, I noticed my account was overdrawn so I paid some money in to get my account back into credit. There were no charges taken in January. In February, I was charged £30 and in March I was charged £80. Also, the unplanned overdraft interest charge and the £6 overdraft usage fee was applied. I was charged a total of £122.77 for being overdrawn by £97.47 by 15 days. I spoke to the manager at my local branch. He said the charges are £10 each day I'm overdrawn but there is a cap. I asked if it's possible to get some of the money back but he just said to check my account regularly. I'm thinking to write a letter to Lloyds TSB. I would be very grateful if someone can give me advice about how to go from here.
  25. Hi, some advice would be very appreciated. Is it possible to claim back o/d fees. I have been paying Halifax £1 a day for my £800 overdraft for what feels like years now (the balance of which is still £800) and I just wondered whether I could claim this money back. Are there any good template letters.
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