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Everything posted by dar£n

  1. The most annoying thing is about the stays being allowed is the claimant is completely at the mercy of the test case......will we be allowed to appeal? I doubt it.
  2. DO NOT ASSIST THE DEFENDANT IN ANY WAY.. Would they tell you what they are going to use against you in the court room? Letting you prepare a counter defence? dont think so. At this stage in the game our best policy is only communicate when necessary. once it goes to court be consistent and state "see you in court".
  3. very std stuff tez. As suggested go for the kill on the day,,,you will be fine. If the judge sides with Barclays at this late stage then it shows the system is a corrupt as the very thing we are fighting. Like I always say...it depends on whether the judge has a spine
  4. no worries Tez,, i read it and thought it referred to an earlier posting where you may have asked for help,, as I havent been active on here for the past couple of weeks, [school hols etc] I thought I might have missed something, had a quick read but couldnt find anything relevent. even tho' my post have been a bit thin, Im still reading the threads to see whats happening, its just gone very slow for most now. You say your case is coming up, lets hope you get a judge who wants to see an end to all this..they are out there, there are still a few who are allowing judgements even when the banks representatives bother to show up... Good luck mate, just remember its not crown court where the all wear wigs n stuff, its low key and wont be as daunting as you may feel.
  5. keep a record of all of his actions and comments including visiting your home address, this could be seen as intimidation or harassment. if it goes to court you can use your diary of event to show how unreasonable he is. it prob wont go that far he will bottle it as soon as you file for action. If you do confront him on any issue,,make sure you have a witness.
  6. I know how you feel, whats happened to customer satisfaction these days? doesnt seem to exist anymore....its all about greed now. Im lucky in the way my gym is a monthly payment with no agreement, plus im a keyholder anyhoo so can train what ever time of the day I please...
  7. sorry babe I did realise it was an old post but I was concerned that no-one had replied....
  8. That the trouble with this OFT ruling its given them too much breathing space, we had them on the run until the anouncement
  9. CPR 27.14 claim for loss of earnings.....unless recently updated it was previously a max of £50.....I claimed it in my first claim and had it added to the final amount. one member even added the price for the stamps etc ...and got it...LOL
  10. you will need to get the data from the credit reference agency which holds the default details, then present the bank with a copy [not the original] along with details of your original SAR & fee. Tell them to forward your details or you will take the matter further under the DPA1998 with the ICO
  11. you obviously know about the SOLA and they will argue it but your response will be the usual about concealment right? Another problem you will have is the whole of your claim is going to be in question,,,,this will not be a problem if the OFT ruling proves all charges to be unfair,,, this in turn will open the floodgates to even larger payouts. just make sure you are fully conversant with the Limitations arguments and be ready for their defence. read all you can on claims beyond 6yrs
  12. Send in your SAR with the £10 fee with as much detail as you possibly can, name address, approx date of opening branch opened blah blah blah. it will depend on how long the account has been inactive to how much if any of the records are retained. In the case of Barclays Bank, they state on one hand that as long as the account is in use the records are kept indefinately. but if the account is no longer in use then its only 12years. Im not saying your bank will hold the data for 12yrs but you will need to try and determine how long ago it actually was.
  13. have you experienced extra charges due to their neglegence. Tell them to act on your request or you will pursue the further as suggested by rory
  14. Hi Kia, A lot of gyms are doing this because so many people join the gym, go for a few weeks and when they dont see the progress they want, they get fed up and stop going.....the owners do the credit agreement so it guarantees them the yearly subscription. how it works is, the gym is paid the full amount from the credit agency and you pay them back over the agreement period. So many people fall into the trap of not going anymore but still having to pay. Ask the credit company for a copy of the agreement as you dispute its legality.......
  15. The next day the postman delivered ANOTHER TWO white envelopes............. > > > > > COPY STATEMENTS BACKDATED TO 1995...... This contradicts what other members of Barclays departments have previously stated.....
  16. 24/08/07 OMG Came back from holiday to find a familiar white envelope on the doormat. yep you guessed it anoth friggin 6 yr bundle....
  17. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/barclays-bank/110863-sarahapples-barclays-16-8-a.html
  18. Well Done, this confuses a lot of people. see here for full list: Judiciary of England and Wales - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  19. morning Rhi...what court are you in? Is the letter from Barclays or the court? If it is from the court does it inform you that you do not need to attend? you can request the stay to be lifted but this all depends on how independant the judge is, or if he/she is under the thumb like most of them.
  20. Ken, dont take this personally or derogatory, it is going somewhere. Do you own your home or are you in rented accomm? if the latter you could file for bankruptcy....have you considered this option? A relative of mine did it, got all debts cleared and was only credit barred for two years....shes better off than me now and I work full time..
  21. Hi, Sounds like you had a judge that wanted to settle but her hands were tied by those above....although they have the final say, a lot of judges dont want to upset the apple cart if theyve been 'advised' The front desk advised you £100, This is the APPEAL FEE You are thinking of the fee for removing a STAY of ACTION see here taken from here: County Court Fees
  22. hope you dont mind, ive linked your thread in here. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/barclays-bank/108691-success-after-oft-anouncement.html
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