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Everything posted by dar£n

  1. Tez, Look at it from this point of view. Okay so what if they did go to court argued the judgement, gets allocated for a further hearing WITH A DIFFERENT JUDGE. What if this judge doesnt share the same opinion as the other, what if he sides with the bank and allows them to halt proceedings until the OFT case. Grab it while you can...Do NOT rock the boat here, you have the judges decision..use it.. Contact them [THE BANK....THATS BARRRCLAYSSSS] advising to pay up before the big boys and Sky News come knocking
  2. Yes They are guilty of non compliance to the judges directions and therefore the judge SHOULD give you judgement..whether he does is another thing.. Yes wait for a couple of days and make out you were once again being lenient allowing the defendant more time than you actually had to. Yes carry on to the court and use it against them. if you are approached before the hearing by their representative calmly ask if he is aware that they have not responded to the courts directions and you intend to have their defence thrown out for non compliance.....this will un nerve him a little cos they all think we aint got a clue about what we're doing. Unless he wants to settle do not discuss anything further, just say see you in there..
  3. you Wont receive a Barclays bundle...doesnt exist. If they request a stay this is something you can try to use to get it lifted. Banks abusing the system and ignoring the judges directions...if you had failed to submit..your claim would be thrown out,, so why should they think they can do it.
  4. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/general/66182-how-enforce-judgement.html
  5. just in case you havent come across this one http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/general/66182-how-enforce-judgement.html
  6. Bromley Court it is still unclear to which way they will swing towards the application to a stay. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/cases-stayed-pending-oft/109936-find-out-here-if-9.html Take your std bundle with you, update your SOC's so they show the very latest interest amount. take ALL correspondence you have from the bank etc. take ANY press releases you may have read that support the cause. in the likely chance that a stay WILL be requested then you could have the application to have it lifted prepared in advance. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/bank-templates-library/17065-application-removal-stay-updated.html#post1046820
  7. wed: make sure you are not alone and that you have a witness IFF they do turn up. DO NOT enter into ANY communications with them apart form 'what is your name'....Let me see your I.D When they do show their I.D have a camera ready and take a picture of them on your doorstep and tell them you plan to use it as evidence in court for harassment. When you have done this simply say you have nothing to say..see you in court, goodbye
  8. heyyy Jill,, just like the old days eh?
  9. you are correct in saying claimants were contacting the Lit Team to settle. You will notice I use the term WERE...Since the OFT announcement that the test cast will make a final ruling and all claims be put on hold the Lit Team have crawled back into their shell,,, only communicating to the necessary. Settlements, although very thin on the ground are still going ahead but the majority, the banks are pushing to put a stay of action on ALL claims Be aware, this does NOt MEAN THEY WILL GET IT, SO OUR ADVICE IS TO CONTINUE REGARDLESS AS SOME JUDGES ARE ALLOWING THE CASes to continue. Sorry about the caps, frgn new laptop and I cant be ahhhst to change it
  10. Kia, I have tried countless times to try and find out how the OFT can rule that a) Banks are allowed to put a halt on processing our complaints. b) Keep us waiting until the outcome of the test case c) Still allowed to apply the very same charges that we are disputing. And to date...Still havent got a reasonable answer. They simply reply time and time again referring to the press release garbage
  11. it want your fault the bank was penalising you by applying unlawful charges which lead to even further hardship.
  12. Yeh agree go for it first thing tomorrow, jump on them from a great height..
  13. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/bank-templates-library/33060-basic-court-bundle.html http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/lloyds-bank/82148-got-court-date-important.html#post732094 http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/abbey-bank/57385-examples-witness-statements-disclosure.html to give an idea
  14. Dont be surprised if you try and contact the Lit Team only to be fobbed off with crud about the OFT Test Case. Ideally the Court Bundle to Barclays should have been sent to the Litigation Team at Churchill Place, London. Did you get a receipt for handing in the bundle at court.
  15. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/guidance-notes/64911-got-court-date-guide.html
  16. Have you completed your bundles? If so hand deliver them as soon as poss [get a receipt] http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/bank-templates-library/33060-basic-court-bundle.html
  17. Beverley your biggest problem is that you stopped court proceedings on their word. Did you keep a copy of the settlement, take it to the court and explain what they have done to you. you could email Dino first stating youintend to take it back to court which will incurr further costs to the bank. tell them they have until the end of business to get back to you with details of the transfer.
  18. doesnt matter if it seems right or wrong ..in your case its RIGHT, you have your judgement, now unless theyre going to be real stupid and be guilty of non compliance to the judges orders and force you to send in the big boys they will pay up. As advised in an earlier post, contact the Litigation Team and TELL THEM you want your money or you will order the bailiffs in and to which you will get the media coverage from Sky News AND BBC to embarrass them further. by the way this isnt meant to be an empty threat, if i was in your position I would get as much media coverage as i possible could , if nothing else it would boost the morale of everyone claiming and stuck behind a frgn stay. Nice one judge ...[can you post the name of the DJ handling your claim.]
  19. you could take the application to lift the stay to the court, I would still attend unless directed otherwise by the judge. Do not listen to what the Banks are saying unless its to do with settling.
  20. PM = Private Message. you could take the application to lift the stay to the court, I would still attend unless directed otherwise by the judge. Do not listen to what the Banks are saying unless its to do with settling.
  21. I dont know if this will help you in any way..but........ Barclays have a reputation for being very ignorant to customers complaints right up until the courts hand out a date for a hearing. then they bottle it stating it is not cost effective to pursue blah blah blah. your story is a little [okay a lot] more complex than the claiming of bank charges so im not really in a position to offer advice... but someone will advise better soon. keep watching
  22. YES YOU DO Just because they are waiting for the OFT case doesnt mean the judge is..there are still some courts allowing the claims to go ahead.. continue regardless and make sure you follow the courts directions etc and NOT Barclays... Be prepared to be informed on the day that they have applied for a stay until the OFT hearing. see here to find out if you court is continuing. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/cases-stayed-pending-oft/109936-find-out-here-if.html
  23. If you are in possession of the settlement letter and a copy of your reply then they should still honour it..............did you amend any of the wording? did you return it via recorded delivery did you actually stop the proceedings or apply to have an adjournment waiting for the funds to clear etc.? If not you may have problems with the judge throwing it out as you never attended,,[esp if they did]....you will prob have to apply to get it started again by explaining the situation to the judge. have you tried emailing the Lit team recently threatening with further action....The OFT case is irrelevent in your case as they have already agreed to settle....as long as you returned within 8 weeks they are to honour it
  24. Last i heard it was planned for 14/01/08 estimated 2wks hearing
  25. thats fine, if they say there is no fee,,,,,,there is no fee. Some courts charge for the privilage Some courts omit the AQ completely your court is simply getting the info without charging you. just add the paperwork to your bundle in preparation.
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