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Everything posted by rmoody70

  1. He sounds like a complete BS merchant. A Barclays Banker. Tell youre friend to shove it - and he / she is not getting bought any beer bought for them too!
  2. and dont take any sleeping pills, anti depressants or anything of the like. Like the banks they are pure evil - Use natural remedys only, PLEASE.
  3. How about a new Credit card section, with an angle on freezing credit card interest, dunno what leverage is out there yet but im researching it. Maybe a staged process of correspondence. Any ideas?
  4. I have just written this letter to MR Bowden - Dear Mr BOWDEN, Please can you send me contact details for correspondence regarding the credit card I have with the HSBC. I now feel it is time to commence correspondence regarding this card, with a view to eliminating the monthly interest charges that you apply. Talk about ****ing mone down a drain. These interst charges need to froozen too. Does any have any ideas on this topic?
  5. Just got all my OVERDRAFT INTERST back - £ 96 over six years from HSBC. I had itemised it from statements on a seperate sheet and added it to the claim. Nice 2300 - Full payback from HSBC
  6. Just seen it. What a shower of siites and lanky steaks of pis - They will bring this country to it knees.Least I won 2300 from HSBC.
  7. I got that too!! and then 2 days later got FULL OFFER letter, wich included a bit of ' Sabre rattling' ie we would win but heres our cash anway from DG. HSBC 2300 Offered in Full
  8. Has any one been on the Which site, regarding bank charges? It provides a paragraph refering to the 'law of mistake' - Now is anyone out there familiar with this concept and is it a good thing to use in our claim particulars? Have read about it on the web but cant make sense of it. Please Help.
  9. Dont be. Its now a game of waiting, you will get an ack stating they will defend the claim. Then it will be WP ( without predjudice a way of solving a dispute without court room battle ) negotiation time - Dont go for the 1st offer unless its a full one and dont sign nuffing either about confidentiallity etc. HSBC - WP Negotitions £2500 to be settled this week I hope.
  10. For any who are interested I have found this on the net - The without prejudice doctrine ("WP") is a well-established principle of privilege, enabling litigants to explore settlement rather than litigate. It applies to negotiations which take place as part of genuine attempts to settle a dispute and essentially prevents disclosure to the court of statements (including concessions) made during genuine compromise negotiations, thus encouraging parties to speak freely. The English courts have consistently found it in the public interest that WP privilege should cloak all such discussions, with the exception that it may not be exploited to conceal wrongdoing or "unambiguous impropriety". So its a good thing.....I think yes. HSBC - wp negotiations in progres for £2500
  11. rmoody70

    RM Vs HSBC

    Does any one know if the DG crowd have an email adress or do they operate in the 1960s methods of faxs and post?
  12. Are DG on Email? if yes what is the adress to send amount breakdowns?? HSBC - 2500 Request for claim breakdown
  13. rmoody70

    Whats Next?

    We are slapping the banks slowly back into line. Whats Next?? Who we gonna fight when our claim is settled and we have helped everone else get their money back. IM BORED!!! Please help. HSBC 2500 in Litagation
  14. rmoody70

    RM Vs HSBC

    Just recieved a letter from Debrah D'aubney requesting a schedule of charges. Beats me why the havent seen this from all the previous letters I have sent. If any one wants help let me know. The whole process is extremley easy and straight forward. The letter is marked 'Without prdjudice' The negotiations have begun. HSBC £ 2400 - Nice!
  15. Seems like good advice on the small claims court particulars paragraphs. What do people think??
  16. maybe the'll 'loose' some of the less helpful people and have more paying in machines etc
  17. See my post - from the top down - Boden is the kiss of death mate, dont bother with him. Got any leverage??
  18. Hi Everyone, Im approaching my claim through the customer relations dept and the online complaints dept. They are obliged to answer, investigate and log each complaint recieved. See the HSBC contacts for email adresses. As I wait for any activity I am going to send a complaint email and a customer relations email each month adding charges and interest each time. Got all my data from cutting and pasting 6 years of statements in online banking, then divided it into charges and overdraft, formatted the two pages into excel and totaled it. Took 1/2 a saturday to do. It was 2k. Sent that with initial approach letter asking for full payment. This M bowden lark I think is a hiding to nothing. He is computer generated. In my experience always go as high as possible, do not bother with the grunts at the branch. LEVERAGE - For the more adventurous claimer. Funny thing is ive got an HSBC loan for - Guess what, 2K, exactly what they owe me. HMMM let me think about this. If they dont refund me .......
  19. rmoody70


    exactly the same boat, just emailed 2 HSBC big chiefs. Going all the way on this one.
  20. Is this guy computer generated?? His name seems to be occuring quite frequently. Going to google him later. M Boden if you are reading this then listen up pal - The buck stops here and youre computer generated letter system has gone far enough. Now im going to have a turn.
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