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Everything posted by rmoody70

  1. This topic was closed on 03/07/19. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  2. This topic was closed on 03/07/19. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  3. Tell them to SPIN ON IT and dont pay them Nuffing. If they can prove anything in hard copy ( which I bet they cant, they are trying it on ) . They are trying to put the 'frigteners' on you to get some free money, Please dont fall for this. PLEASE. These lot are a complete shower of shiites.
  4. Hi, I recieved a 'closure for commercial (thats commercial not comical ) reasons' last year from a 'gnome' at the HSBC. I had my parachute fully deployed at this stage, so swapped accounts over. A few months later I put in a complaint to the financial ombudsman and requested compensation. I recieved £ 125 Wahoo. The HSBC letter said it was NOT meant to be a retaliatory action. ( Dont believe everything u read eh )
  5. Sorry they need it. To fund third world poverty relief projects dont you know.
  6. Hi All, Have you had youre account closed or been given notice by the HSBC gnomes? Keep the letter, its gonna be worth another estimated £ 200. The financial ombudsman has published 2 test complaints on the web site. Financial Ombudsman Service They have ruled compensation is due in the range of £ 200 for time and inconvienience of sorting it all out and transfering accounts etc. So keep youre closure letter and note youre case no. Complain using the forms on the site, after you have got youre 30 days notice letter. What has happened to Mr Bowden? Has he been sacked?
  7. Accounts being closed by the banks are now worth £ 200 - See the Banking ombudsman service website and put in a complaint.
  8. You will get the money back when they pay up. Bite the Bullet.
  9. It would be funny to find a purveor of live flees, and to sprinkle them on any furniture they may nick.
  10. I'm Sorry but no I dont. I cant accept that philosophy. Just think that they are getting paid more money then most of us put together and they are just doing a job. You and me are like flies on the elephanht's arse of banks, insignificant pieces of Sh..t, money making automata, cash cows - You name it. Banks will ' turn you over and under' at the drop of a hat. So dont feel sorry for their lap dogs. Please. But still be nice in any dealings, cause that is how results are achieved. Got £ 2.5 k of MY MONEY from HSBC
  11. Hello Your Claim against the bank is a seperate issue. Keep pursuing it. Search around for the DCA bit - you be able to get out of it if the debt is a certain age , on the site somewhere
  12. The revenge of Robot Bungle!!!!! Look out HSBC and Mr Bowden in particular, robot Bungle is coming for you!!!!
  13. Careful here, on the 2nd round of refunds I was closed down and had to deploy my parachute.
  14. This is what happened to me too, was threatned to close on 23 August. Funny thing is if it is a 'commercial decision' then how come they deny that these charges are not 'profit generating' ???? Anway funny thing is that my account is still open on internet banking and is overdrawn by six quids. Stick that HSBC where the sun dont shine. SIDEWAYS!!!
  15. Love that guys robot Bungle Avatar. Wheres Zippy et al?
  16. They do not want your life story, just simple facts like account no, amount in dispute, interest charged, dates and some legal paragraphs referring to unfair terms etc Go here - ( Link removed ) and put it into your claims particulars Moderated : link removed
  17. Ed balls - Sounds like a made up name , similar to ..... Mr M. Bowden maybe??? Maybe a football fan??? Ed the Balls!!
  18. This sounds murky. look up the telephone preference service TPS on the net, enter your number and calls may stop after a while. If that dont work play a wav file down the phone http://www.grsites.com/exec/public/soundview.cgi?dir=people&fn=people001.wav&desc=Woman%20screaming I bet Mr Bowden is behind this. The devils work indeed.
  19. Hi there, I have had a months notice from them too. First - Get or have u got a new account set up?? If no try the coop bank, they seem ok. 2nd See a few pages back my thread 'HSBC have made a commercial decision'. You could fight this , but is it worth it? Move on. Have u cleared all HSBC owings, like OD etc? The Hungry bears at HSBC have turned us over and under and now they cant squeeze us any more they are dropping us like a lead ballon.
  20. I claimed and got back OD interest, I put it on a seperate sheet and included the total in my sum of charges. Read the FAQs too. Have u got internet banking? all your statements are on it. If you have your statements then u can pick through them with a yellow marker pen and then enter them into excell spread sheet.
  21. Yes - Dont waste your time going to this meeting. Youve got your schedule of charges carry on with the method and get your cash back. Dont bother with meetings etc, a total utter waste of time, the only way this works is by letter. Sent all requests to Colin Langdale, he seems to get things working. Get your schedule of charges together and then go for it.
  22. Try the Co-Op bank, current account The Co-operative Bank : Current Account I got full everything, including cheque book and card, internet banking and a £ 0 od.
  23. rmoody70

    anya vs HSBC

    Claim them as before ( when youve got the refund ), but beware the 2nd claim is when they shut u down. They are hungry and selfish bears and will turn u over and under at any opportunity.
  24. HSBC seem to closing people down if they make more than 1 claim. They call it a commercial decision. Somthing smells wrong here..........
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