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  1. I'm starting to realise Dolly! Haven't visited this site in a few weeks and it seems a whole lot has changed since I last logged in. I'll keep on with the paperwork and see how the land lies when I do get to MCOL stage. Everything might have changed again by then...
  2. Sent off LBA on22nd Jan by recorded delivery as had no reply from Principality. Had a letter back fron them dated 24th Jan saying they had sent me an acknowledgement letter on 9th Jan in reply to first letter and apologised if I hadnt received it which I hadnt. They did enclose a copy of their original letter which I wont bother posting unless anyone wants to see it, but it just states in point form their understanding of my complaint which is pretty damn accurate. Finally a company that actually reads their letters and gives proper replies and not just bloody templates off file! Letter also says that they have 8 weeks in which to resolve the matter which I think is fairly standard (I remember Barclays saying the same about my bank claim) but that they would write to me within 4 weeks to keep me up to date. Had their update letter through the post today saying they are in the process of gathering further information and reviewing our client file. They will write to us again within the next 4 weeks. According to my original timescale I should be starting court proceedings now but have decided to go with the 4 more weeks that principality have stated. Its not because I'm a soft touch, its just because I'm due to give birth in 3 weeks time and quite frankly I have enough to think about at the moment! I will then issue another LBA (probably) in response to what is bound to be a refusal and take it from there. I have read through other threads especially those against Kensington and they do seem to be fairly brutal in defending these but I figure my claim is incredibly low compared to the amounts that others are trying to reclaim and that mine will stay within the small claims track. I feel hard done by that we had to pay £1579 to get out of our mortgage, I cant begin to imagine how I'd feel if we'd had to pay 7-8K or more for the privilege!
  3. Sorry I'm a bit slack on updated these things. Sent off an intial request letter asking for repayment. No reply from Principality so LBA is sorted ready to be sent off tomorrow by recorded delivery. Thanks for advice paddym. We have already used our free trials for the credit file but intend to get another copy in a month or so's time to make sure HSBC havent entered a default against hubby. They got funny with us after 2nd bank claim against them and closed the current account. I did make it clear to them that they shouldn't enter a black mark on credit file a number of times through several snotty letters but never had any confirmation from them that they weren't going to.
  4. I have just read somewhere on another thread not to use MCOL due to the limited amount of space and to use the N1(I think) form instead. Where you get this from I'm not sure but it surely says in the FAQ's. I used MCOL for bank claim but not yet that far with ERC claim so dont know much about it.
  5. We did try doing something about his credit file. It was a load of missed payments (which he never told me he missed) on a loan that was paid off in the april, but when we tried to take out mortgage in the august we were told although it was settled, because it was less that 6 months ago at the time they had to say no because of it. It shouldn't cause any problems further down the line because it will be old by then. Oh and I now know all hubbys banking passcodes so I can keep an eye on whats being paid! About to print off letter requesting repayment of our charges. Cheers zootscoot, its because of your post on my bank charges thread that I found I could reclaim our ERC aswell.
  6. I have read others threads regarding early repayment charges with great interest. We paid an ERC of about £1700 with the Principality back in september on a mortgage that if we redeemed in november would have been nothing. I think we redeemed it about 6 weeks early. For some reason I'm more apprehensive about trying to claim this back that I was over the reclaiming bank charges (£4300 in total from HSBC and Barclays) which I went at like a bull in a china shop. We had to redeem early as we relocated and principality wouldnt lend us the amount we needed (3.5x income, they offered 3x). We struggled with other companies aswell because hubby defaulted on a loan earlier in the year so anyone with a good interest rate wouldnt touch us with a barge pole. As a result we ended up on a self cert with a pretty shocking interest rate, which we agreed we'd put up with for the two year tie in then remortgage when his credit file is clear. Getting our current mortgage was such a nightmare that I suppose I dont want to narrow the market for ourselves when we do come to remortgage. If we get our money back will they say they never want to deal with us again? I suppose the other thing I'm a bit nervous about is that with reclaiming the bank charges there are hundreds of others around doing the same thing and banks have drafted their own standard reply letters. I've not come across anyone else taking on Principality in the forums and god forbid they may actually read my letters and draft relevant replies to them!!!!! Having just read back through my post it sounds like I've talked myself out of it, but its just made me more determined to have a go. Whats the worst that could happen - its not like they can close the account!! Thanks for bothering to read!!!!
  8. Cheers m'dear. Pretty much what I have written, just a slight adaption from what is reccommended to write in the AQ. I just needed a bit of reassurance that I was on the right lines. Posting it off tomorrow. Ta.
  9. Hi Charbydis. My case is being heard at the directions hearing in Cardiff, same as yours. I was going to follow same tack as you and will write to them as soon as possible. I know roughly what I need to say just wording is my problem. Are you willing to let us know what you put in your written representations letter? I am also guessing that you've had a positive result from this, removed posts, confidentiality issues - could these be not so subtle hints!!!!!!
  10. Ok will hold off on sending my bundle. I've decided to make written representations instead of turning up, being 6 months pregnant is stressful enough without heaping on more unneccesarily! As I've said in another thread I really dont see them turning up, but I suppose that isnt to say they wont make written representations aswell. My god I've just realised I wasnt even pregnant when I started this claim! Barclays are very good at their stalling tactics I can tell you that much!
  11. Shortly after HSBC said they intended to defend we had a letter from their solicitors asking for a schedule of the charges. Within a week we had a full refund, plus interest, plus court fees sitting in the bank so just sit tight, it will happen. Just remember, everyone on these pages are here to help each other, no one, from what I gather, gets paid for offering advice and support to other users. None of us are professionals in this area, so if you lay off a bit, people may be more willing to help you. Good luck with your claim and keep us informed.
  12. Apologies for hijacking your thread but I just wondered if any of the mods know whether or not Barclays have ever actually turned up to court? I. along with several others, have directions hearing on 21st dec in cardiff, I have no problem with attending and showing Barclays I mean business but to be perfectly honest I just dont see them turning up. How can they possibly inform the court of how the case should proceed if they know full well they are not going to pursue it to full hearing?
  13. I took that to mean that you need to supply a copy to defendant only if you are making written representations? Thread looks good. Barclays are certainly making us earn our money back thats for sure! May still be worth sending off bundle before directions hearing, at least its done and out the way then, then if they dont settle by 21st could hand in courts bundle there and then. The thought of actually speaking to someone from Barclays absolutely terrifies me. I'm not the most articulate of people when I'm put under pressure and if I'm challenged over anything I seem to turn into vicky pollard! Yer but no but...
  14. Mmmm good idea. Postage will be a fortune otherwise. I did intend to attend but more so for a nose as was going to write but I suppose I cant do both really can I! I will prepare my bundle and hand it over to the court and the now infamous Keith Jeremiah (poor bugger - I do feel sorry for him!) when the time arises. What do you think of writing to barclays beforehand stating the points I will be raising see if we can get them to settle a bit quicker?
  15. Wow, I'm surprised they let it go to court stage on third claim. I was just being cheeky to see if they would give it back. We always intended to add hubby to my new account(now with lloyds) so closure isn't really a problem. Sent hsbc off a letter today cos we found another £50 we hadnt claimed and I also put in that we trust HSBC will not be entering a default on credit file regarding closure as they were also in breach of their own T's & C's. If they do we will see them in court. Claire dont worry about not having an offer yet. We had court papers through saying they intended to defend then shortly had a letter through from their solicitors asking for a breakdown of charges, which was where I started this thread. Maybe pre-empt them and send their solicitors a copy and fingers crossed you might have a nice christmas present. Tackling Barclays at the moment which are proving to be far more a headache.
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