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Everything posted by craigten

  1. Hi there, i have sent the usual first letter to Barclaycard asking for my 6years worth of statements and they replied with the usual microfiche balh blah letter with a small amonut of statements so i have now sent them a 'non-compliance' letter telling them that they have 7 days to respond or i will apply to the County Court for an order to enforce compliance, can anyone please please please tell me what to expect next? i would appreciate your help! Many, many thanks- Craig
  2. Hi there Gary,so sorry to bother you once again,im having a bit of confusion as to how to start i thread of my own,please can you give me a quick bit of guidance? Much appreciated as im trying hard to learn about all this as quick as i can!!-Craig
  3. Thankyou very very much Elsinore,you are very kind!!! I shall try to start a thread of my own if i can work it out as im not the brightest!! All the best-Craig:)
  4. Oh im so sorry,im really new at this but very willing to learn!! Please advise as to how to start a thread of my own? Really appreciate your help you know-Craig
  5. Hi there, im fairly new to all this but i am currently taking HSBC to court for around £1500 but i am very wary of doing the same with Citi cards as i have read that they are actually contesting the claims?! i have sent the usual 2 letters before court action asking/demanding they pay me the £763 that they have charged me (including interest). I have recieved a letter from a Mark Clibbens saying that "it may take between three and six weeks as they (statements) are retrieved from our archives" blah,blah and that he will confirm in writing the outcome, so what i want to know is do i to to moneyclaim online? Please,please can you/anyone help or advise me? Many thanks-Craig
  6. Hi there, im fairly new to all this but i am currently taking HSBC to court for around £1500 but i am very wary of doing the same with Citi cards as i have read that they are actually contesting the claims?! i have sent the usual 2 letters before court action asking/demanding they pay me the £763 that they have charged me (including interest). I have recieved a letter from a Mark Clibbens saying that "it may take between three and six weeks as they (statements) are retrieved from our archives" blah,blah and that he will confirm in writing the outcome, so what i want to know is do i to to moneyclaim online? Please,please can you/anyone help or advise me? Many thanks-Craig
  7. Hi there, im fairly new to all this but i am currently taking HSBC to court for around £1500 but i am very wary of doing the same with Citi cards as i have read that they are actually contesting the claims?! i have sent the usual 2 letters before court action asking/demanding they pay me the £763 that they have charged me (including interest). I have recieved a letter from a Mark Clibbens saying that "it may take between three and six weeks as they (statements) are retrieved from our archives" blah,blah and that he will confirm in writing the outcome, so what i want to know is do i to to moneyclaim online? Please,please can you/anyone help or advise me? Many thanks-Craig
  8. Hey thanks for the advice, just one more thing, i want to find and print a letter to barclaycard from the 'templates library and send 'non-compliance' letter' but please can anyone tell me where to find the templates library? sorry for being dull!! -Craig
  9. Hi again Sallysas, no i have'nt started my own thread yet as im not too sure as to how to go about it!! Hey thanks for your help,how far along are you now?
  10. Hi there, can anyone at all please help me?? I sent the normal request for my 6years worth of statements to Barclaycard and i got the usual 'we cant send all your statements due to them being stored on microfiche' etc etc, what the hell do i do now?? PLEEEEASE help me anyone? Thankyou-Craig
  11. Hi there, im fairly new to all this but i am currently taking HSBC to court for around £1500 but i am very wary of doing the same with Citi cards as i have read that they are actually contesting the claims?! i have sent the usual 2 letters before court action asking/demanding they pay me the £763 that they have charged me (including interest). I have recieved a letter from a Mark Clibbens saying that "it may take between three and six weeks as they (statements) are retrieved from our archives" blah,blah and that he will confirm in writing the outcome, so what i want to know is do i to to moneyclaim online? Please,please can you/anyone help or advise me? Many thanks-Craig
  12. Hi again,no i haven't yet,do you think this is the way ahead? Thankyou for your advise!! One more thing, im claiming against citi cards, iv sent the usual first letter, then the second warning them against court action and i have recieved a reply along the lines of 'to allow me to review your case it may take between three and six weeks as they (statements) are retrieved from our archives' , is this a delaying tactic and should i just go ahead with the court action? Ps-referring the the above HSBC claim, will the court add on the court fees i have already paid? Thankyou Gary, you are one of these brilliant people who help others out of the goodness of their own heart!-Craig
  13. Hi there again Gary, i dont want to bother you too much but i do have a question for you: I have now sent the AQ (with draft order enclosed and section G filled in requesting that my claim be allocated to the small claims track) back to my local court (recorded delivery) and also sent a copy of it to HSBC's solicitors, can you please,please tell me what to expect next(and what to do!) as i am ultra nervous about this!! Your help is very much appreciated!! Thankyou so much- Craig
  14. Many,many thanks to you my friend!!! i will keep you updated!! All the best-Craig
  15. Hi Gary,how are you? Let m,e firstly say how very very impressed i am with your knowledge on these matters, you are a fantastic help! However, could you please,please help me? I am at the stage where i have to fill out the N149 form,now i have ticked the relevant boxes but i am now at the 'G'stage,i have printed off the 'Draft order for directions', what i need to know is do i simply attach it to the 'G' section or do i also add the 'I respectfully request that my claim be allocated to the small claims track. This issue is not a complicated one; it is an issue of fact and not of law. The issue is whether the money levied by the Defendant in respect of its customer’s contractual breaches exceed their actual costs incurred. Accordingly, the claimant proposes the attached draft order for directions, for the courts due consideration. I estimate the hearing of this claim will last no longer that one hour' bit aswell???? Im slightly confused you see!! Please, please can you reply to me at craigebay10@yahoo.co.uk I am new at this and have never posted a thred before but im trying to learn quickly!! All the best-Craig
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