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Everything posted by craigten

  1. Hi there Tanz,after MUCH hassle from B'card i recieved the "as i gesture of goodwill we will send you your statements within 28 days" from Carl Nuttall,now i wrote to them with my original SAR on the 5th of November,what do i do now?Just wait my 28days or is there a way of speeding things up?Pleease try and help me,all the best-Craig
  2. craigten


    Hi people,Just a quick update on things so far: My brother ordered his statements,worked out how much HSBC owes him(£649),used the online calculator to add his interest(to make a total of £769.77),sent HSBC the first letter to which they replied with the usual "we are in investigating your complaint", my brother(and me) sent the second letter threatening action and we recieved a letter from the (in)famous Colin Langdale offering him £514 which my brother is going to refuse!!(Good for him eh?)Now what i want to know is should he send a reply saying "no thankyou,i want the whole amount and i will go to court to get it" or just not reply and go straight to court?Pleease help us if you can,all the best-Craig
  3. craigten


    Hey again,just to give you a quick update on things!-HSBC(or should i say GD solicitors) didn't fill in their AQ by last friday(which was the deadline)so today iv had a letter from my local court saying that the court have given them until 4pm next monday! Now, i rang DG last week only to hear an answerphone message saying that Deborah D'Aubney wont be in the office till next Monday and if i had an urgent message then to speak to Mr Blah-Blah on some number or other! What should be my next move do you think?Pleeease help if you can!!-Craig
  4. Hi again,ok the latest is that today i recieved a nice letter from a Carl Nuttall basically saying that allthough Barclaycard still believe that they are in the right with reference to the microfiche argument,due to the infomation comissioners report they will be sending me the statements as a 'gesture of goodwill' and that they will arrive within 28 days!! What lovely people they are to send them out of a 'gesture of goodwill' eh?Nothing to do with them not wanting to get their wrists slapped then,haha! The wait continues.....
  5. Hi again, i have started a thread already but im not getting much help im afraid,could you please tell me how to put a link into my reply and i will certainly do that for you!! I await your reply,all the best-Craig
  6. Hi everybody,PLEASE can anyone help me? I have sent citi cards the usual two letters before action and they haven't even answered me so im going to MCOL,please can anyone help me with any ideas of how to phrase what i have to put in the claim?You know,the proper phraseology? All help would be greatly appreciated-Craigten
  7. Hey people,just to keep you updated- after recieving the standard microfiche b*****ks argument to my first letter asking for charges, i then sent a second letter from the templates library mentioning that "if you do not comply fully with my Subject Access Request within 7 days, i shall apply to the County Court for an order to enforce compliance", i then rang them after 10 days to be told that they sent the relevant statements on Feb 2nd,it is now Feb 10th so i am slightly suspicious!! Any thoughts on this people? Much appreciated- Craigten
  8. craigten


    Many thanks, yet more great advice!! I will keep you updated!! All the best-Craig
  9. Hi again Gary,how are you tonight? I just thought id update you on something- i returned my AQ to my local court(including my draft order!) so i rang the court on monday to ask if HSBC had filed their AQ and apparently they were supposed to do it by last Friday(2nd Feb) but it didn't look like they had,although there was a backlog of letters for the court to go through because they are only a small court so im not yet 100% sure if they have or not,i have to ring up tomorrow to check for sure! Do you know if HSBC have a history of missing their deadline to return the AQ and if they have indeed missed it,what happens now? Thankyou-Craigten ps-i do have my own thread but i just wanted your opinion on this if this is ok,i value what you have to say!
  10. craigten


    Hi again,how are you tonight? I just thought id update you on something- i rang the court on monday to ask if HSBC had filed their AQ and apparently they were supposed to do it by last Friday(2nd Feb) but it didn't look like they had,although there was a backlog of letters for the court to go through because they are only a small court so im not yet 100% sure if they have or not,i have to ring up tomorrow to check for sure! Do you know if HSBC have a history of missing their deadline to return the AQ and if they have indeed missed it,what happens now? Thankyou-Craigten
  11. craigten


    Thankyou,thankyou,thankyou!!! Now go and enjoy Emmerdale and corrie!!!!
  12. craigten


    Hi again, well im going to ring the court tomorrow to find out if HSBC have filed their AQ and if not, when they have until!! Just one more small question please?- When you say send DG my breakdown of charges, do you mean the list of charges,when they were applied to my account and including the 8% interest that i have added on? (plus the court fees!!) Please answer me when you can, all the best - Craigten
  13. Ok,thankyou very much for that! Could you please help me with the 'particulars of claim' bit? So confusing but i am ready and willing to learn....
  14. Hi there,im currently making a claim against Citi cards using moneyclaim online,im halfway through the process,im having a bit of trouble deciding exactly what address to put for citi,im also not sure what other info to put in the 'particulars of claim',could you please please give me a bit of help? Aren't citi a bit awkward to deal with these days?Thankyou-Craig
  15. Hi again, well im finally going to go for it and go to MCO to claim my cash back! Just a quick question- What details do i put in the claim? Im not sure on the proper address to give for Citi or wha to put for the rest,have you any ideas please? Really appreciate any help you can give me!! Many thanks-Craig
  16. Hi, im not terribly sure,i asked him last night,possibly this thread but further back? im so sorry im not much help,im new at this game! Ive started my new thread and that was the advise given to me! My thread is 'Craigten vrs HSBC. Grrr' I sent the details of my charges (including 8% interest) to Hsbc with my first two lba's but then just filed for the total amount through money claim online,i included my draft too! Im going out for a while now but any/all advise is greatly recieved!! Thankyou so much- carig
  17. Hi there Tanz,sorry to bother you but i have a quick question i want to ask- I have sent my AQ (along with draft) back to my local court and photocopies of both to DG (HSBC's solicitors) and i am now waiting for my court date! i have just been advised by another person on my new thread that i should send DG a breakdown of my charges to make/persuade them to make me an offer, can you please tell me do you think this is a wise course of action? GaryH thinks not!!?! Thankyou in advance-Craig
  18. Hi there, im fairly new to all this but i am currently taking HSBC to court for around £1500 but i am very wary of doing the same with Citi cards as i have read that they are actually contesting the claims?! i have sent the usual 2 letters before court action asking/demanding they pay me the £763 that they have charged me (including 8% interest). I have recieved a letter from a Mark Clibbens saying that "it may take between three and six weeks as they (statements) are retrieved from our archives" blah,blah and that he will confirm in writing the outcome, so what i want to know is do i to to moneyclaim online? Please,please can you/anyone help or advise me? Many thanks-Craig
  19. craigten


    Hello again, well thankyou once again for your brilliant and helpfull reply! Unfortunately iv only just come home from work so being as it's a bit late in the day to get together and fax my details to Dg il get it all together today and send it tomorrow first class post and registered AND fax it to them on Monday and ring them in the afternoon to check that they have recieved it! Im feeling stronger with each time i read your reply!! By the way-how far did it get with your son before they stumped up? Many,many thanks to you again- Craig ps-Please dont retire,you dont know how nice it is to know that there are people out there like you!!
  20. craigten


    Hey, thanks for all that! Unfortunately im not in a position to fax them tonight but i will do my very best to do it tomorrow and then ring them in the afternoon! That is very good news that they are now offering near 100%, (and so they should!) I look forward to your next post! Good luck to both of us!! -Craig Ps- yes it cost me £100 for the AQ and £120 for the court fee before that!! I will add those on!
  21. Hi there Gary,sorry to bother you but i have a quick question i want to ask- I have sent my AQ (along with draft) back to my local court and photocopies of both to DG (HSBC's solicitors) and i am now waiting for my court date! i have just been advised by another person on my new thread that i should send DG a breakdown of my charges to make/persuade them to make me an offer, can you please tell me do you think this is a wise course of action? Thankyou in advance-Craig
  22. Hi there, im fairly new to all this but i am currently taking HSBC to court for around £1500 but i am very wary of doing the same with Citi cards as i have read that they are actually contesting the claims?! i have sent the usual 2 letters before court action asking/demanding they pay me the £763 that they have charged me (including 8% interest). I have recieved a letter from a Mark Clibbens saying that "it may take between three and six weeks as they (statements) are retrieved from our archives" blah,blah and that he will confirm in writing the outcome, so what i want to know is do i to to moneyclaim online? Please,please can you/anyone help or advise me? Many thanks-Craig
  23. craigten


    Hi Lateralus, thanks for your reply! Very interesting indeed! Im afraid i haven't sent Dg a list of my charges etc simply because they haven't yet asked me for them! However, after reading your reply i think i will send them to them and see what happens! Do you think it's odd that they haven't yet asked me for them? Also, if and when they do make an offer (i think im right in saying it is uaually 85% of the total?), and it is the usual 85%, what do you think i should do? Im split 50/50 as to what to do! Part of me would like the payout but part of me really thinks that i should take 'em for what they owe me!! Your thought would be appreciated!!- Craig Ps- i have sent Dg photocopies of my AQ and my draft!!
  24. craigten


    Hi there, i have got to the stage where i have completed the N149 AQ,included the draft order and sent it off to my local court! Could anyone please, please, pleeease give me any idea of what to expect next? My claim is for £1642 including the 8% interest and im really quite scared now......-All the best-Craig
  25. Ps-how on earth do i get an icon/pic to appear by my user name? Thankyou!!
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