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Everything posted by TUTTSI

  1. Hi Potless It is a pity that you did not research them before parting with your £149. Insist that they pay you back and keep at them until you do. I have read a horror story on Money Saving Expert, where they want the guy to stop paying his monthly money Northern Rock and pay the money to their solicitor instead £265. When I spoke to Cento they said their solicitors were Forbes Douglas, but having done some research they are not solicitors but just a claims management company. I belive this guy will get into loads of problems including being defaulted by Northern Rock and possible repossession. If have a chance also do some research - you just have to google Cento Client Review.... Also, did you at anytime have any dealings with Loans.co.uk? Also, remember anything they can do for a fee can be achieved here on CAG free of charge and you will not be putting yourself at risk. Tuttsi
  2. Hi Andrew, Many thanks for the insight on the way that peeps personal data could be passed on for marketing purposes and I am sure this could explain 99% of our mailings. But in the case of Loans.co.uk, we know for sure that many thousands of personal data belonging to many folk including mine were stolen back in Sept 2007, as we all received letters from one of the directors explaining the position and in fact it also made the news headlines. The police and ICO were also involved. Our concerns are now that this company called Cento Client Review when they telephoned and called me by name on an ex directory number and knew all my personal details which mortgage accounts I had had and bank and credit card accounts as well and when I was not in when they first called they blagged it off my personal info to my hubby..... which under the data protection they should not have done so. Many of the people I have spoken to who have received these very intrusive calls had also had their data stolen back in Sept 2007. It could be just coincidence or has the stolen data turned up at Cento Client Review. I have found so far the as the common link that many of the people that have been called by Cento also had dealings with Loans.Co.Uk and also had their personal data stolen back in 2007. I am preparing to write to the Ministry of Justices and the ICO and possibly the police who dealt with this case back in 2007, as I for sure want to get to the bottom of this. Oh and by the way when I asked Cento how they got my personal details they told me it was passed to them from the FSA as there was 18 flaws in the CCA 1976 and they had been commisioned to sort it (lol) they must have thought I was stupid. So I bet the FSA would be interested in those comments. Unfortunately, I did not record the call but did make my notes as I carefully asked them questions which in many cases they were unable to answer. Tuttsi
  3. Hi Lyn You are quite right they knew far too much about you and hoards of other peeps that I have come accross as well and in almost all cases all roads are leading back to Loans.co.uk stolen data. I will have a hunt arround and see if anyone has heard or knows about Hanover Sterling, it maybe just a coincidence, but lets see. Just found a link on moneymarket for Hanover Sterling which you may want to read, having read it I would not use them at all. http://www.moneysupermarket.com/community/forums/ThreadNavigation.aspx?PostID=143741&NavType=Previous If you have anymore calls keep us posted. Tuttsi x
  4. Hi Andrew, Same here with have a suspended posession order with them so one wrong move and we are gone. House also been up for sale months now with no joy or serious buyers. The offers we had were less that we could aford to move on, so we are battling on. Good luck Tuttsi
  5. I have been contacted by a company called Cento Client Review which I believe operates from the same call centre in Swansea as UPI and Splash. The name of Jason Cuncliffe has come up being connected to these companies. Cento Client review phoned me and knew far to much of my personal details for which I was horrified. Having been doing quite a lot of research I have now put two and two together. My personal details along with thousands of others was stolen arround August 2007 from Loans.co.uk. This matter was reported both to the police at Watford and the ICO - as far as I know no arrests or further action was taken. Loans.Co.Uk are or were connected to MBNA, GE Money, First National etc... the same directors were appointed. There is a Loans.co.uk thread here on CAG with all the information regarding the stolen data. I am sure that my stolen info has turned up now at Cento Client Review. I plan to get to the bottom of it. What worries me is that when the data was stolen - for a loan that I never even took and was only an enquiry, I did a SAR at that time and found that they had my Mothers maiden name amongst many other details like Bank, Mortgage and Credit cards also my mobile number and house phone number which is x directory. This is the only place that all this info which they had could have come from. I am very careful these days about giving out any information about myself. What is further worrying me is that people who are being contacted are giving more personal details about themselves, Cento are stating that the FSA has asked them to contact people and peeps are believing them. Please do not be fooled by them as from my conversations they were unable to answer any of my question with truthful answers. Tuttsi
  6. Hi Andrew Did you have any luck with Rooftop! I am going to claim from them our charges which by now must be now ginormous, then when they refuse which I am sure they will I am sending it to the FOS for them to deal with it. I have just googled Rooftop and found this article stating that Rooftop was closing, by July08. We are still with them though and because of the reduced libor rate have now the lowest mortgage payments that we have ever had. FTAdviser.com - Rooftop Mortgages to close All the best Tutts x
  7. This was the founder and MD of Loans.Co.Uk - he ranked in 2008 1355 in the wealth scene. The Sunday Times April 27, 2008 Steve Hayes div#related-article-links p a, div#related-article-links p a:visited {color:#06c;} RESULTS FOR 2008 Ranking: 1355= Worth: £55m Source of wealth: Finance In 1997 Hayes co-founded Loans.co.uk, which arranges secured loans on behalf of lenders. Its Watford-based parent, Marlin House Holdings, was acquired for £100m by MBNA bank in 2005, which would value his stake at £50m. We include past salaries and dividends in our £55m assessment. In the same year, Hayes, 46, became managing director of Wycombe Wanderers football club, the League Two team. Last year, he took a seat on the board of co-tenants London Wasps to signal a joint bid to build a new stadium for the football and rugby club
  8. Thanks I will check this out... you never know. I also found another company connected with Cento also doing the same and also in Birmingham My Simple Claim Ltd Tuttsi x
  9. He is the Director of both Cento and Splash - not sure whether he actually has any connection with the companies you mention other than the common demoninator is that everyone so far who has been contacted by Cento has had dealings with Loan.Co.Uk. They had Data stolen in Sept 2007 and Julian Greer the MD of loans.Co.Uk wrote to loads of people at that time when the matter was in the hands of the ICO and the Police. Now the same people are being bombarded with this calls in the thousands and thousands. tuttsi
  10. Hi Bizzimum This is the name of the Director who I have linked so far -Jason Cunliff Also, if you have any other info to share please PM me I would also be happy to share any other info with you. I have set this as a mission to get to the bottom of why they have all our personal details and I am not happy with the way the ICO and the police handled this. How can someone breach peoples personal data and sell it and get away with it. Someone pointed me to a site to day where people are advertising for personal data on repossesions past and present where they will pay up to £500 a go for information + many others adds which really sicjkened me. Tuttsi xx
  11. I was planning to write some letters at the weekend, I was also thinking of writing a letter of complaint to the ICO and the Police at Watford who did nothing after all they had this matter reported to them back in Sept 2007. What is also more worrying is that I have now connected the Director of Cento with a company called Splash who deal in mobile phones. They cold call and I have read horror stories from Supermarket.com and much more. A lot of peeps have been taken in by them. I have gathered so much info.... and I plan to follow through. If you Google Cento Client Review you will find much more info! Tuttsi x
  12. One more question, have you received any calls regarding deals with Mobiles! as this company director at Cento is also connected with Splash.co.uk. I very much suspect they could be useing the info from data they have and cold call - especially if they have a mobile number they can work out what network you are on - and go from there. If you do get a call from Cento, be very wary and do not give them anymore personal info. Tuttsi x
  13. Much appreciated and thanks Bizzimum Mmmm A Chester address sounds like the home of MBNA. Is Donna Pumphrey still there I wonder! Thanks for posting that up for me. I think one letter will definately be going to the ICO, maybe another to the police at Watford where the original crime was reported, one to the Ministry of Justice advising them of the goings on with Cento Client Review and that is just for starters. As well as I have now linked another company with Cento which is connected with Mobile phones and which has become a nightmare for it's victims. There are now quite a few in the same boat as me that have been contacted by Cento and it is growing daily and fold are natuarally worried about their personal data. They operate from a Swansea call centre. Tuttsi x
  14. Hi Bizzimum You you ever get a letter froms Loans.co.uk in or arround Sept 2007 advising that your some of the data held by this company had been passed to third parties without the consent or knowledge of the company. The reason that I ask is that many of us who were informed of this breach back in Sept 2007 on our data have now been contacted by a company called Cento Client Review, wanting to claim back charges and charging upfront money. At the time of this breach I did a SAR and they even knew my mothers maiden name + much more info. It is very worrying that peoples data could turn up just about anywhere. This incident was reported to the police and the ICO and basically, it died a death untill about a month ago when this reared it's ugly head. Somewhere on CAG there is a thread for loans.Co.UK as a lot of people were involved at that time. Tuttsi x
  15. Cento Client Review.... There is beginning to be a pattern emerging, arround Sept 2007 a great deal of personal data belonging to peeps who either enquired after a loan or who took out a loan was stolen from Loans.Co.Uk, the police were informed and the ICO was also informed. Consequently no one was fined or knuckles raped or any action as far as I know from the police. There is a thread on here somewhere here on this site regarding this, it also made the National Press at that time. It appears now that many of the peeps who have had calls from Cento also had contacted Loans.co.uk a number of years ago. I was also contacted from Cento about 3 weeks ago and was annoyed that they knew so much about me. I questioned them on where they got my info from - but they did not give me a definitive answer. They told me that the CCA 1974 had 18 flaws in it - I bet the the government would be pleased to hear this. They also said they could get me back arround £3k - how do they know this! They also told me that they have a solicitor firm acting for them - after making further enquiries I find this firm are only agents and sub out the work to Solicitors. I understand that they are asking for £99.95 up front.... .....TBVH anything they can recover for you, such as mis sold PPI, Bank, Credit and Mortgage charges can be done with the help of sites such as this and it is free. My advice is do not give these peaople any more personal info.... Tuttsi x
  16. I personally do not have a MBNA Credit Card, and have never applied for one either. I did however contact Loans.co.uk for a loan from some advertising material which was posted to me. Stupidly, I telephoned them they took to my recollection a lot of details, then told me I was unsucessfull for the loan. MBNA are also tied with GE Money, in fact many of their directors etc are with all companies including Loans.co.uk. I did an SAR back in 2007 to Loans.co.uk and it revelaed they even had my mothers maiden name, details of past mortgages, bank accounts. TBVH - it was very worrying that my data along with many others were passed to third parties without authority and that the police and the ICO did nothing. I am convinced this is where the source of data came from that CENTO CLIENT REVIEW were working from. They knew far too much about me. I know of no other place where they could have got their info from.
  17. Just an update here.... I was called from a company called CENTO CLIENT REVIEW yesterday. Coincidentially, they had all my personal details, my x directot phone number. They said that bought a bunch of data. They say they are registered with the Ministry of Justice and that they have Solicitors Forbes Douglas acting. They come over with a good sales technique telling me that CCA74 agreements have 18 flaws and that I could get as much as £3K back from a mortgage lender. After a lengthy telephone call I found that Forbes Douglas are not Solicitors they are only an agent subbing the work out. The reason I am posting is that I belive my data which was sold from Loans.co.uk has now turned up here with this company. I am interested to know if any of you are still arround have had any communication from any company seeming to know all about you as this company did in my case. If anyone does hear something and you do not want to post on public forum please PM me.
  18. Firstly, congratualtions on getting your hardship agreed with Lloyds. IMHO, I believe that is correct that the bank will pay £1993 against your arrears direct to your mortgage account, this will get you out of the Financial Hardship. If they pay the money to you, you still have to pay the money to your lender and they will start repossession proceedings. If you were not in this situation you would not be considered for Financial Hardship and you would have to wait along with the thousands and thousands of peeps who are waiting to be paid out because of the waiver. I would be happy that they are willing to help you at this time when you need the money to help you out of a situation. Also, the £10K that you say you owe how many months does this represent!and after the £1993 is paid what will that reduce the outstanding period to! If it is then under 3 months then it is highly unlikely that they will repossess. Are you able to make any payment in addition towards the arrears! Are you able to pay the monthly commitment + agree to pay something off the arrears on a monthly basis. There is the Cheltenham and Gloucester v Norgan http://www.creditlaw.co.uk/Cases/cheltenham.htm which could allow you to pay the arrears over the remaining term of the mortgage. This will obviously be dependant on your situation and if you can afford to pay the continuing mortgage. In any event if your lenders repossessed your property, they will come after you for any shortfall, so it is in your interest to try and resolve this. Tuttsi
  19. Hi Lucy The best way to find out if you come under the FSA waiver rules for hardship is to :- 1 Complete and Income and Expenses summary 2.Have you done a complete list of all your charges on a spreadsheet! 3.You will need to gather all your evidences as proof of your hardship - this can be arrears on Mortgage/Rent, proof of all your benefits, Utillities arrears any court documents! 4. Then you need to do a letter enclosing 1 to 3 above explaining to Halifax bank why you should be considered. Have a look in the library for the Income and Expenses sheet and also the spreadsheet for your charges summary. If you need any further help just shout. Please let us know how you get on. Tuttsi xx
  20. This is an extremely bizzare situation - them having agreed it and then you not receiving anything. I suspect the paperwork got lost somewhere along the line or they sent the payment to the wrong address. With me they banked the cheque in my account and it was there within a few days as they said. I am quite sure you have not spent a few hundred on phonecalls - but you have suffered emotional stress! What has happened since 7th February to now, did you phone your contact! and what did he/she say! Now that CEO office is dealing with it I am sure you will get the money very quickly. I think if they offer £50 for your stress that is probably as much as you are likely to be offered. I think that once you receive the money you can sort yourself out your hardship situation. All the best xx
  21. Hi Knelly, My scarf finished.... at long last. Well the Appeals were heard yesterday and the OFT won. But the waiver on stays are still not being uplifted because the OFT have to access the charges for fairness. Also, the banks may take their case to the House of Lords - just to drag it out a little longer. We are my dear getting a little closer..... DSxx
  22. Phone your contact who agreed the payment. Cheque may have got lost in the post, you should have received it by now! Good Luck Tuttsi x
  23. Hi Andrew Did you eventually do your claim and what was the outcome as I am just starting the pre-lim this weekend against Rooftop Mortgages. oh and by the way hubby's down for two more eye ops at the end of March - minor though. I trust that you are well. DSx
  24. Hi Knelly The appeals on the test case is due to be heard in about 4 weeks time so I understand. In the meantime if you are suffering hardship I can help you claim from Abbey. I have received 65% of my claim and the rest is pending the conclusion of test case. All the best DS xx ps what happened to my scarf!
  25. ERC as I understand it is more difficult to claim, as there has been cases which have lost in court. Have you considered claiming your charges back.... this apparently is easier. I am just starting my claim with Mortgages PLC and have also today done an SAR... so not far behind you. I am intending to do the pre-lim letter followed 14 days latter with the LBA and then whack the file to the FOS if I do not get a satisfactory response. Good Luck
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