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Everything posted by TUTTSI

  1. Hi Nemasis I had posted on the other Rooftop thread. Ell-Enn has given you some excellent advice and along the lines that I have also stated. You said on the other thread that you can pay the £1100 imediately? is that still an option? and fully dispute the balance which is made up of charges? Good Luck and all the best for your hearing. Tuttsi
  2. Hi Nemasi I am really sorry about your impending eviction. Can I ask how many months are you in arrears? Is there a reason for getting into arrears ie loss of job, illness etc? Are you able to make an arrangement to pay the arrears ie can you afford to pay an amount over the basic monthly amount? Did you try to make an offer to repay the arrears? If you did try to negotiate what was Rooftops stance in this matter? Is there any prospect of you making regular monthly payments. We were in arreas due to hubby having eye surgeries and he was not able to work for about 4 months and we agreed with them to repay the arrears over 4 years, we used the case of Norgan v Cheltenham to negotiate with and they agreed to this with no problem. The only thing is we now have a suspended possession order hanging over us until the debt is repaid. But at least we still have our home. http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&source=web&ct=res&cd=1&ved=0CAYQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.creditlaw.co.uk%2FCases%2Fcheltenham.htm&rct=j&q=norgan&ei=vHygS5WyKqi80gS0-vyTDA&usg=AFQjCNFUcAJXrJ5D4HaNCQk4yqo6z0I20Q Basically this case allows for the mortgage payment to be paid off over the remaining term of the mortgage, but we wanted to get this of our backs sooner. Rooftop have a way of keep changing the goal posts they agree to one thing then renage on it the next. You need to immediatly bring to the courts attention that you fully dispute the amount of £6,000 as this is made up of all sorts of charges (some of those charges may not be refundable but many of them will be?) and that you are able to actually pay the full arrears figure of £1,100 and that you intend going to the FOS to apply for a refund of the charges which are very excessive. At least ask the courts for a 3 month reprieve whilst you negotiate with Rooftop in the first instant. You have to have a final letter from Rooftop stating that they will not refund the charges before you can go to the FOS? I think that if it were me, I would today fax Rooftop a letter stating that you dispute the charges of £xxxx and that you want them refunded and give them say 14 days to respond. I would then take this letter with you to court to show the judge that there is a disputed debt amount and that Rooftops have refused your payment of the arrears which total of £1100. Do you have this in writing? Good luck and please let us know how you get on? Tuttsi
  3. How very funny, firstly they do not even know who I am, neither has my husband been sued by them. He has never had any contact with them or visa versa and that is the most ridiculous story that they have made up so far about me. If you read back through the posts on this thread you will see that on another callers post they told her I was an ex gruntled employee. Never on this earth would I would work for a company like that and to make up stories and tell lies about me and my husband, how dare they. All they are trying to discredit me. I don't cold call people like they do, and I do not promise the earth that I can refund people money and take upfront fees. I only help people who have paid an upfront fee and do not know how to go about claiming them back. You will have to make your own choice as to what you want to do all I know is of the hundreds of people I have helped accross the forums not one person has so far has had any money returned to them for the service which they provide. Their licence is up for renewal for it's authorisation at the end of this month. Tuttsi
  4. Yes Margaret they are still trading, we have our mortgage with them. Are you saying they overcharged you £10 or £10K? Your post is not very clear as to what actually happened? Did they also charge you loads of huge charges as some of these could be recoverable as well? The FOS might be you best bet for a complaint with charges. As for the overcharge you may need to go back through the court system to get your money back. Tuttsi
  5. Misty That is fantastic news and well done your credit card company. If you need any help in dealing with your own claims, their is a wealth of information on this site. Remind me what was it that Cento was planning to do for you? Tuttsi
  6. Hi Knellyk Just to give you the heads up, Abbey have sent a letter to all the courts asking the courts to strike out our claims. Call your court tomorrow to see what your court is doing and if they have received the letter from Abbey> Good luck. Tuttsi xx
  7. Hiya Badmoney I am just going to make some notes against your timeline of encounters with Cento. I believe you have done everything you could to protect yourself under the circumstances. You could write a letter of complaint to the MOJ explaining what has happened. Because I believe that they are in breach of the conditions for holding their licence, on the following accounts, they have cold called you and they should not be taking upfront fees and they should have access you your data. They should also still not be saying that Forbes Douglas are solicitors. This is all so wrong and it makes my blood boil. Please let us know what happens next........ Regards Tuttsi
  8. Hiya Badmoney I take it that after you cancelled you credit card before Cento tried to take the money from it and that maybe the fraudulent transactions. Has your credit card company asked you to contact their fraud department? You should return the pack most definately within the 14 days by recorded/special delivery otherwise it would be construed that you required the service and they could in effect sue you for the money if that credit card transaction did not go through. When you send the pack back with a letter demanding the return of your money put at the end of that letter:- cc The Ministry of Justice. Just to let them know that the MOJ are also aware that you cancelled within the 14 days. The moral of this is never to be taken in by cold callers again and never ever give you credit card details to people who cold call you. Please let me know how you got on. Thanks Tuttsi
  9. Jdene, I am really pleased to see that you are you planning on putting forward a sensible payment plan one which you can afford? Please let us know how this matter progresses. All the best Tuttsi
  10. How did you get on with your solicitor to day?
  11. Bookworm.... btw... I know this thread is about our old friend MTM, I firmly believe that if he wants to post here on CAG he can - but he will be monitored for the time being. It is his clearly his choice as I understand it not to post on CAG and MTM if you are arround we all miss your sense of humour, so come back hun and strut your good humour. Tuttsi
  12. Well I for one really do miss MTM as well and had a good rapour with him, a real fun guy with no malice, he told it as it was and always made me laugh. But I firmly believe it was his decision to leave CAG after he was put on moderation. Just a thought, maybe it is time to let bygones be bygones and remove the moderation from him. But sadly as well a load of other VALUABLE CAG members that have been banned from this site - in fact good peeps that have been helping folk and answering their posts (I am not going to name them individually) where other CAG members leave posts which go ananswered and new members and indeeed old members asking for advice are now not getting the help that they need which is frustrating. One post against many others that I come accross the other day he had bumped it so many times and no one had come to his aid - this has to be resolved with the CAG team - folk come here because they need help and sadly they are not getting it. What strikes me is that since the Supreme Coury Judgement that there has not yet been any clear way forward offered to CAG members. Perhaps some energies ought to be chanelled in this direction and stop banning peeps that were at least offering some sound advice and helping folk. Think about the bigger picture, a happy site where everyone gets along is the way it should be. Tuttsi
  13. How much is owed? Is the debt 50/50 with your partner? Can you afford a repayment plan? To make you bankrupt you would have to owe in excess of £750. If the debt is more than £750 then you should seek the help of the solicitor ASAP imho. Tuttsi
  14. you will need to complete and income and expenditure to present to the courts together with documentation to back up your hardship claim as proof to the court.
  15. So are you saying that you have a copy of the document that you actually signed? Maybe you can make an offer to repay the overdraft over a period of time, but knowing the banks they are not always sympathetic even in hardship. I presume your ex partner is also responsible and will also be paying half, but you ned to contact your ex partner and maybe if he/she is in a better position than you will pay it in full and you can repay them when you are in funds. Just my thoughts.... Tuttsi
  16. Jdene, I am very sorry if I misunderstood and also that no one else has been answering your thread. Also noticed that you joined CAG the same time as me. Have you sent them a SAR and requesting a true signed copy of this Directors Guarantee document? You will find a SAR in the template library and you will have to adapt the letter to suit what documents you are requesting. You will also have to send £10 with this request. They then have 40+2 days to respond to you and then if they cannot supply you with that true signed copy of that document they are snookered. Tuttsi
  17. I am not sure if Business charges claims are still claimable since and during the OFT test case. There is however, a thread for business claims at http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/business-claims-bank-charges/68191-claiming-business-account-lets-new-post.html and I fully suggest you have a read of this thread as I have not looked at this thread lately, and you may wish to post on there to obtain some much needed current help and advice. Tuttsi
  18. If you have paid for the service with Cento Client Review or indeed any other CMC and it has been more than 12 weeks since you initially paid them and especially if it is for a CREDIT CARD reclaim, you should contact your credit card provider imediately to see if your refund has been made directly to Cento Client Review or the CMC you paid the money to, it would be a good idea just to check the status directly with the Credit Card Company for your own peace of mind. Credit card refunds have been taking between 9 to 21 days for a refund + interest to be recovered/ repaid and this is evident and seen on many forum sites. It has come to light on another Claims Management Company Robertson Holbrook that the refunds have been made directly to the CMC involved many months ago (as far back as August 09) and the clients have still not received their refunds despite promises they are now having to take Legal Action because in their case Capital One are not prepared to help. I would confirm that as far as I know Robertson Holbrook and Cento Client Review are not connected in any way. Can you therefore please contact your Credit Card providers and enquire as to the status of your refunds and post on here and advise the current situation. Thank you Tuttsi
  19. Twinkle, They even told one person that I em an ex employee with a grudge against them, I nearly fell off my chair laughing so much. I have never ever worked for them and would never work for such a company. I did have a call from from them last year when it was only £49.99, they told me so much garbage which was not true. They are very good at what they do is to sell the pack, but unfortunately I have not heard og one person since last year who has recovered any money whatsoever. They told me that the solicitors were Forbes Douglas and they turned out to be just another CMC. I have it in writing from the MD of Forbes Douglas that they do not employ any solicitors. They told me that I had £3K to come back from PPI which was mis sold, I have never taken PPI so that did not add up and they just made pure guesses to attract my attention. Unfortunately, I did not trust the situation with them and have found that everything that they can do I can do with the wonderful help of sites like CAG and other forums. I do have a thread on another forum which is extremely long and I have had many hundreds of people who have parted with their money as they are excelent sales peeps and very convincing and none of them so far have had any joy, some have now parted with sums of £500 for the fast track and still nothing. Their MOJ licence expires at the end of March so it will be interesting to see if they get their licence renewed. Personally, I do not stop anyone from paying money to these CMC companies but when there is no track record it is hard to advise people to continue with them. Sending back the pack is part of their conditions within 14 days in their T&C's so you are well advised to send it by special delivery and as quickly as possible as any delays they will have the excuse not to repay you. You make your own decision whether you listen to advice here or elsewhere you only have to google Cento Client Review and you will see many posts which people have posted up about them. Personally, I do not like the idea of giving these companies my personal data and the less people that have access to your information the better - imho. Good luck and let us know how you get on. Tuttsi
  20. I am waiting to see your response from DG as my o/h sent his response yesterday to DG and the courts in response to their letter received a few days ago. Tuttsi
  21. My stayed claim with HSBC, I have now heard from DG solicitors basically we won you lost ha ha ha....in the SC and that they have asked the Court to now dispense with the claim, well we will see as I am sure a solution will be found.
  22. Rooftop's charging regime is totally out of order. The charges as far as I am aware are not counted within the arrears, but in our case they really are humungus and we have been so far slightly reluctant up to now to start the proceedure because of our arrears. We still have at least two years of arrears to pay back on top of the mortgage. What was of more concern to us is they keep on trying to change the goal post and change the date which the mortgage is currently being paid and as they have a suspended possession order which they are threatening us with repossession. But they do not have cause to repossess as we are not in further arrears they are just being vindictive in our honest opinion. I look forward to hearing your news. Tuttsi
  23. I tried to give you a thankyou - but it says I cannot give a reputation point to you - do not have a clue why. But thanks for posting this article. Tuttsi
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