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Everything posted by TUTTSI

  1. Well done, keep us advised of your progress as we are a few steps behind you. We are keeping a fairly low profile at present as they want to change our payment date to a date which we will not be able to meet the mortgage on and are threatening us with repossession as they have a suspended possession order. The only thing is that we are paying the mortgage in full + back arrears and are paying within the same month as they have agreed to, but are now they are changing the goal posts and of course are adding £75 for the privelidge. So they will in due course when these latest threats subside or if the letters get any nastier we will advise that we plan to go to the FOS and complain. Tuttsi
  2. Hi Jonny If you speak to them again - you now know for sure that I am not an ex employee and would not work for such a company. Tuttsi
  3. I look forward to hearing about any good results from Cento.
  4. Hi Fair Lady You are quite right to be cautious for the following reasons: 1. They probably cold called you as everyone that I have spoken to so far has - They are not allowed to cold call under the terms of their authorisation with Ministry of Justice. 2. If they do not willingly confirm and back up their telephone conversationin either by email or post before the £149.99 is paid how can you be certain that you have understood everything and that what they have said is backed up in writing. 3. Did they not tell you about the 30% to be paid as well. 4. They quite often tell you what sums they can recover for you when they are trying to sell their services - it is worth remembering that they are not privvy to your personal information at the time of their call to you and it is just pure guess work on their side. Apart from anything else everything they can do for you, you can do yourself for minimal/no cost here with the help of this site. At least then all your personal information will be kept private and away from prying eyes. I have heard of some awfull horror storries Claims regarding Management Companies in general, taking the money that has been refunded and not paying it over when the money has been received. There are well over 100 claims management companies that have had their authorisation with the MOJ either cancelled or suspended. Many of then have not been in operation yet for a year and do not have accounts filed yet at companies house. Tuttsi
  5. Hi Metin Are you also with Rooftop Mortgages? So you are stating that according to the fees booklet the the fees should not attract interest - so why are they writing to us stating that the fees/charges will now attract interest. We have written back stating that we will dispute this and take it to the FOS should they continue along this route. Thanks for your post. Tuttsi
  6. We have now had a threat letter from Rooftop advising that they are applying & charging interest on the charges. They also now want us to change our repayment date which they have accepted for last 18 months as last day in the month. We had been loathed to reclaim the charges up to now as we currently have arrears and are on a suspended possession order and they are now threatening that if we do not pay earlier they will reprocess our house. It looks like Rooftops are now being more ruthless. Tuttsi
  7. Firstly write and send to them a pre-lim letter you should find a suitable letter in the template library asking for the return of your charges. I understand these charges should not be accruing interest? After 14 days send the a letter before action, they will of course deny that they have to return the charges. When it states it is a final letter then take your complaint to the FOS. They will only deal with your complaint once you have had a final response from Rooftop. The FOS are not quick by any stretch of the imagination but I understand that it works from people who say they have gone this route, I have not yet put it to the test myself yet? An alternative you can issue court proceedings and then you can add 8% stat interest. Gooed luck and let us know how you get on. If you start a new thread of your own give us a link on here so that we can follow your progress. Tuttsi
  8. Capitol Plus authorisation has already been cancelled by the MOJ back in July. If people come forward and report them to Trading Standards if they have been scammed by this company, what action will trading standards take and will it get peoples money returned that they paid? Is this company still trading without a MOJ authorisation? If they have done anything fraudulently, this matter should also be reported to the police for further investigation. If I hear of anybody, I will ask them to phone trading Standards to the number which you have given. Thanks Tuttsi
  9. They have had there authorisation cancelled so I am not sure if you can get your money back as they are probably not trading anymore. Have you been in contact with the MOJ to see if they can offer any help or assistance. Tuttsi
  10. You did not attach the two letters from CCR and DM company?????? Tuttsi
  11. I am not really sure what you mean by a charge back on your card? Can you please explain. Thanks
  12. Ray, forgive me, who is Newholm Ltd? and what connection do they have with Cento Client Review? You state that Cento Client Review sent a consilidation plan, Cento are a Claims Management not Debt Management Company, so I am at a loss as to what exactly they sent you and who and how receivers are involved. Have you assigned all your debts to Cento? or to Newholm Ltd? Was it a consolidation loan or a DMP, did they make it clear to you that the £1400 was their fee or was this being paid to your creditors? Can you post up the T& C's which you signed as well as any correspondence between Cento, yourself and Northolm Ltd, omitting your personal details. I am very concerned as to what documents you have signed and we need to make some urgent enquiries and make a campaign of how to deal with this. Can you please explain what documents you signed and did you have them checked with a solicitor. You can PM me with this information. Thanks Tuttsi ps is this the company Newholm Ltd - taken from the FSA Register? 460877 - Newholme Ltd Current status:Appointed RepresentativeEffective Date:05/12/2006Tied Agent:Undertakes Insurance Mediation:YRegistered under Money Laundering Regulations:Address:69 Hollins Spring Avenue Dronfield Derbyshire S18 1RP Notices:Other information:
  13. Are you saying you paid £149.99 to Cento Client Review - or another Claims Management Company or a Debt Consolidation Company? Has this matter gone to court and has a judge given a court order? Can you please state the name of the Company who asked you to sign these forms? This to me does not sound kosher and needs to be investigated ASAP. Tuttsi
  14. We all look forward to the outcome. Go get um...... All the best Tutts
  15. I am sure you have already asked me this question... Rooftop mortgages address is PO Box 522 Ipswich IP1 3YE Hope that helps Tuttsi
  16. Hi AA, For this exercise with hardship the banks will not at this stage refund the interest, for instance Abbey just gave me 65% of my charges only, because my charges claim was already in court at the end of the test cast, hopefully I will receive the other 35% + the interest accrued. But my all means you could mention the interest at this stage but it wont I am sure be paid right now. The best you could hope for is to receive anything upto 100% of the charges back In your case you have not started proceedings with the court yet so the interest is not as important at the moment as getting back the charges especially as you are in hardship. This must be prime importance to you as every day this goes on your debts are probaby getting into a much worse position. Also, for claims over £5K if you took it to court would probably go into one of the higher tracks and this in MHO is very tricky. I had to face this with one of my claims agains Halifax albeit it is a 18 year claim for charges if I had compounded the interest it it would have come to £60K+, but with 8% the claim came to under £5k. I would have loved the £60K+ but sadly I did not feel confident enough to argue these points in court with statute of limitations and Sempra, although I had a very good POC already prepared. All the best Tuttsi
  17. Personally I do not like either letter as it may not truly reflect the whole position. Also, it is not a good idea to use a templated letter. A letter written as I explained in my previous post must include what documentary evidences you are providing, the reasons that caused your hardship, your income and expenditure summary and the bank charges schedule + interest. I would if I was you take from each of the letters ( the first letter being the better letter) only the bits that are relevant to you and adapt the letter to suit to your own circumstances. I really do not think you are any where near ready to send your claim off until your letter and your enclosures are all ready. It is not a quick fix by printing off a standard letter, your circumstances should be fully explained and are really important for your claim to be accepted by the bank. I have found that claims under hardship if packaged correctly will get the attention it deserves and is more likely to be considered by the banks much more sypathetically and your claim dealt with quicker. Sorry if what I have said sounds harsh, but I just want to put you on the right track and help you. Have a go at drafting up a letter and posting it up and then we can alter or adapt it further. Your letter needs to be simple but must include the required elements. Tuttsi
  18. Hi AA Have you got all your evidences together to support your claim. ie arrears mortgage or rent, utilities etc, any court documents where you are being pressed for payment of debts. You also need to write a letter detailing the reasons why you are in hardship and make a note in that letter of the different evidences that you are enclosing. You also need to state in this letter, what was the cause of your hardship and you need to also enclose with this letter your income and expenses summary ( jointly if you have a partner) and the schedule of charges. If you post up a draft of the letter you propose to send we can give it a look over for you. Tuttsi
  19. AA How far have you got with your hardship claim - please update on this thread and we will try and help you further. Tuttsi xx
  20. Lenny When you wrote to them did you make them fully aware of your hardship by sending them evidences of your hardship underthe FSA waiver rules? 1. You need to send them actual proof of eveidences that you are suffering hardship Mortgage/Rent/utilities arrears. 2.Any other evidences to support your claim. 2. An income and expenses summary. 3. You also need to send a letter identifying why you are in hardship - what caused it ie loss of job, illness etc.. Do you have your own thread, if you do can you give us a link. Also advise which bank, that would also be very helpfull. We can try and help you more once you give us more info and possibly post up the letter you received, blanking out your personal details. Thanks Tuttsi
  21. Hi PWG, No I have not progressed my claim yet as our arrears are still being paid off. They keep trying to move the goal posts and we are at present trying not to upset them. But my intenetion is to send it to the FOS as their has been recent press where even MP's are up in arms about the horendous charges that mortgage companies have been making. I understand that the FOS though not fast they do eventually get the money refunded. Also, from what I understand the charges have been added onto your loan and will not become due til you dedeem your mortgage. Good luck and keep us informed og your progress. Tuttsi
  22. OK, the story so far, 1. Basically, I have not heard of one person so far who has been sucessful, but that is not to say that there have not been any. 2.The solicitors they have stated to many people that they use are Forbes Douglas, I have evidence from the MD of Forbes Douglas that they are not solicitors and neither do they have any solicitors employed by them, they are in fact another claims managment company. So again if they make these references you must check out what they are saying is correct. 3. If your claim progresses to the next stage they will ask for more money and they will also get you to sign away in addition 30% of any money they recover. 4. If you decide to use them, you should check their T & C's before entering into any agreement IMHO before you pay any money over. 5. Get everything in writing before entering into any agreement, usless you are recording your phonecalls. 6. Do your research before using them or any other claims management company, before parting with your money. There are loads of resiurces on the internet. 7. Anything they can do for you you can do for free, with the help of consumer web sites like CAG. 8.They told me that I had £3K to come back from a particular previous mortgage company, this was not true as I have checked it out, I did not take PPI and neither did I have £3K of Mortgage charges. The mortgage payments were much more than £3K so where to they get there figures from. 9. Also, it is worth remembering at the time of their phonecall to you they are not privy to your Bank,Mortgage,Creditcards and Loans so how can they pluck figues out of thin air and advise you what you have to come back. 10. They have been known to tell people to stop paying their loans and pay the money to their solicitors, on no account must anyone do this as it is not advisable. Seek solicitors advice from someone you trust as you could end up in default and your record would be damaged. 11. When they phone you, did should ask where they got your personal data from? they are not allowed to cold call. They told me from the FSA - that is not true. 12. Never give you personal data to anybody that calls you on the telephone this includes you credit/debit card numbers, without first checking them out. Finally, if you feel they have misled you or that they cold called you, this will make them in breach of their conditions for holding a Ministry of Justice Licence, then a complaint to the MOJ is very important. 100 companies with licences have had them suspended ot cancelled. Claims Management Officer Claims Management Regulation Monitoring and Compliance Unit 57-60 High Street Burton on Trent Staffordshire DE14 1JS www.claimsregulation.gov.uk Telephone: 0845 450 6858 Fax: 0845 450 6866 Email: info@claimsregulation.gov.uk MOJ web site showing CMC's that have lost their licence. http://www.claimsregulation.gov.uk/
  23. Hi Alexander Firstly, did you receive my email? I have telephoned the OFT regarding an OFT licence as I was concerned in particular regarding Cento Client Review. The OFT have confirmed that definately they do not hold one. They are unable to take any action directly and suggest that a complaint is made to the local Trading Standards office if it is felt that they should have one. The Office of fair Trading cannot advise if they should or should not hold such a licence, this is a nonsense that they cannot advise. They said I could look up on their site 'do you need a licence' and this should explain if one is needed. Businesses requiring a licence You are likely to need a licence if you want to and I have marked the possible points where a CMC may be required to hold a licence. Again it is very wishy washy and does not confiem exactly if they do or don't: sell on credit hire or lease out goods for more than three months lend money issue credit cards or trading checks arrange credit for others offer hire purchase terms collect debts help people with debt problems possibly this one also for requiring a licence. advise on people's credit standing This one stands out as requiring a licence. administer agreements (but do not collect debts) for creditors or assignees This one also may require a licence. help individuals to locate and correct records about their financial standing This one for me stands out as requiring a licence. As far as I can see CMC's in general should be holding a licence, if they are doing the points that I have marked. The OFT do not police companies who trade without a licence and they are not able to give advice on the phone one way or other. I found this very frustrating that a department that is supposed to licence companies and monitor them are not interested unless the TS take up a complaint. Perhaps someone with more knowledge could advise. Also, I checked on the ICO web site and Cento have a registered Data Controller. So it is worth checking this with the ICO if this is the case with Access Money Ltd. Anyone who has a complaint against any CMC, especially for cold calling should send their complaint to the MOJ immediately as unless we complain nothing will ever change mailto:info@claimsregulation.gov.uk Tuttsi
  24. Claims Management Companies are not allowed to cold call no matter where they are calling from and that is a condition of holding a licence with the MOJ. Please complain imediately to the Ministry of Justice who will will look into your complaint. info@claimsregulation.gov.uk The more people that complain will give the MOJ amunition to take away their licence. Tuttsi
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