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  1. no just said not in his juri sdiction and he was so sorry for what had happened
  2. no just said not in his juri sdiction and he was so sorry for what had happened
  3. went to court today and eviction order suspended wahoo they opposed it straight away judge asked on what grounds there answer was rooftops had no confidence in us keeping up payments in there opinion we would probably miss payments again what a cheek i quickly pointed out to the judge if he looks at the payments over the last 12 months only 1 payment had been missed even in our difficult circumstances we had maintained payment judge not happy said he wasnt interested in rooftops opinion and how dare they be churlish. he couldnt beleive we was evicted after he ordered an adjournment as was very sympathetic told me when the arrears is paid off to get an order to cancel there solicitor told me when we left the chambers he wasnt at all suprised we had won as i had an answer for everything he brought up and the judge backed me another victory to the little people well done cags AND ELL-ENN keep the faith and fight thank you xxxxx
  4. went to court today and eviction order suspended wahoo they opposed it straight away judge asked on what grounds there answer was rooftops had no confidence in us keeping up payments in there opinion we would probably miss payments again what a cheek i quickly pointed out to the judge if he looks at the payments over the last 12 months only 1 payment had been missed even in our difficult circumstances we had maintained payment judge not happy said he wasnt interested in rooftops opinion and how dare they be churlish. he couldnt beleive we was evicted after he ordered an adjournment as was very sympathetic told me when the arrears is paid off to get an order to cancel there solicitor told me when we left the chambers he wasnt at all suprised we had won as i had an answer for everything he brought up and the judge backed me another victory to the little people well done cags AND ELL-ENN keep the faith and fight thank you xxxxx
  5. thanks ell-enn hearing is 12.30 not sure about free legal reps wasnt any about last time it was just me and the judge in the hearing. i have made notes on every point of their defence so i am prepared. they would have received the letter you drafted for me so they will be aware i will be challenging their fees after tomorrow so im sure they will do there best to get this eviction won. hope i get a chance to voice my opinion on the way ive been treated by this lender and others in my situation. will let you know the outcome whatever happens. i will be donating to this site as soon as i get home keep up the great work ell-enn we would have been on the streets only for you and cag i bow to you all thank you xx
  6. thanks ell-enn hearing is 12.30 not sure about free legal reps wasnt any about last time it was just me and the judge in the hearing. i have made notes on every point of their defence so i am prepared. they would have received the letter you drafted for me so they will be aware i will be challenging their fees after tomorrow so im sure they will do there best to get this eviction won. hope i get a chance to voice my opinion on the way ive been treated by this lender and others in my situation. will let you know the outcome whatever happens. i will be donating to this site as soon as i get home keep up the great work ell-enn we would have been on the streets only for you and cag i bow to you all thank you xx
  7. yes printed if at work yesterday morning took it to court in my lunch hour. i keep wondering why the judge has said 30 min hearing ?? looked on all the other threads they usually last 5-15 mins think im being paranoid but im thinking he wants to look like he has looked at all the evidence before he decides to take my house off me
  8. yes printed if at work yesterday morning took it to court in my lunch hour. i keep wondering why the judge has said 30 min hearing ?? looked on all the other threads they usually last 5-15 mins think im being paranoid but im thinking he wants to look like he has looked at all the evidence before he decides to take my house off me
  9. hi ell-enn i took yesterday to the court your statement which you so kindly prepared for me so fingers crossed all will go well i wouldnt be surprised if again they fail to send a representative but im all ready. Today i received a letter from the bailiffs saying they are looking into the unlawful eviction on the 18th march and i will have as full response from them by 21 march so hopefully 2 pieces of good news tomorrow Thank you once again ell-ann you have been a star couldnt have done this without you xxx
  10. hi ell-enn i took yesterday to the court your statement which you so kindly prepared for me so fingers crossed all will go well i wouldnt be surprised if again they fail to send a representative but im all ready. Today i received a letter from the bailiffs saying they are looking into the unlawful eviction on the 18th march and i will have as full response from them by 21 march so hopefully 2 pieces of good news tomorrow Thank you once again ell-ann you have been a star couldnt have done this without you xxx
  11. i cant thank you enough ell-ann for your time and effort you have been so good i will do as you say on monday and hopefully the judge will see that sub prime lenders use every trick in the book to bully and squeeze every penny they can from unsuspecting vulnerable people who have through no fault of there own have experienced financial difficulty in my case put on short hours then redundancy. thank you once again will be back on next week to tell yo the outcome god bless you xxx
  12. i cant thank you enough ell-ann for your time and effort you have been so good i will do as you say on monday and hopefully the judge will see that sub prime lenders use every trick in the book to bully and squeeze every penny they can from unsuspecting vulnerable people who have through no fault of there own have experienced financial difficulty in my case put on short hours then redundancy. thank you once again will be back on next week to tell yo the outcome god bless you xxx
  13. hi ell- ann i have now read through the list of charges and payments i was 400 in arrears and they charged me 288.63 and 88.63 on the same day for asset management fees as well as the normal £75 .00 they charged me every month for management fees what is asset management fees??? also they say i have had 4 eviction dates 30 july08 31 july 08 that was when i paid them the full contractual arrears i have a lot of challenging to do they have added all sorts of fees and when i added them up the figure they quoted doesnt add up i received a letter saying they will change the due date and also about the arrears being paid back but still adding management fees of £75.00 which they dropped to £50 last month also a further charge of £213.00 for building insurance which my insurer faxed them a copy of in jan.i am going to fight the fees balance after wed but need to get this eviction suspended or even thrown out as the judge thought they cant use the possession order from july 08 as i paid the arrears in full your help with a letter would be much appreciated thanx xx
  14. hi ell- ann i have now read through the list of charges and payments i was 400 in arrears and they charged me 288.63 and 88.63 on the same day for asset management fees as well as the normal £75 .00 they charged me every month for management fees what is asset management fees??? also they say i have had 4 eviction dates 30 july08 31 july 08 that was when i paid them the full contractual arrears i have a lot of challenging to do they have added all sorts of fees and when i added them up the figure they quoted doesnt add up i received a letter saying they will change the due date and also about the arrears being paid back but still adding management fees of £75.00 which they dropped to £50 last month also a further charge of £213.00 for building insurance which my insurer faxed them a copy of in jan.i am going to fight the fees balance after wed but need to get this eviction suspended or even thrown out as the judge thought they cant use the possession order from july 08 as i paid the arrears in full your help with a letter would be much appreciated thanx xx
  15. well lets hope the judge is in a good mood at least they are now saying mortgage arrears as at 6th april 2010 1077.15 shows i paid march installments but they very clever i had an arrangemrnt in place to pay the mortgage on the 28th of the month but still put due 1st of the month to make it look like missed and late payments i will draw this to the judges attention
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