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  1. I suppose bereavement doesn't count then? I asked a simple question but as always in this group I receive the usual unwelcoming abrupt response - the reason why I have not particularly engaged with this group in recent times. I did think that I would risk another simple but polite question but responses indicate that it was not a wise move
  2. Can I ask if there is a time limit for MCOL claims against a courier company (DHL) for insured goods damaged in transit
  3. The transaction took place in July this year - all fully documented and valued and with a complete paper trail as this was via Ebay. DHL wanted to inspect the damaged goods at the recipient's home and although I asked I did not receive an agreement particularly as he had already sent me a full dossier of photographs of the item and the damage. I took the case to the Financial Ombudsman - they just asked for details of the insurance policy which I supplied as requested from DHL and I was referred to their insurers - AIG who responded that this is not an insurance related complaint and does not relate to a policy underwritten by AIG. The Financial Ombudsman Service said that they do not deal with this type of complaint and that I would need to contact the Alternative Disputes Resolution Centre which seems to be an organisation from the courier industry to protect the courier industry hence my need for Small Claims
  4. Sold an item of kitchen equipment on Ebay - stainless steel/metal grill for £150 . Packaged and despatched via DHL and paid for additional "protection" to the value of the sale. Arrived with recipient completely wrecked and damaged and complete pictures supplied. Dispute was raised with Ebay and I was obliged to refund. Long trail of correspondence with DHL who refused to compensate. Took complaint to Ombudsman - again a complete waste of time . Small claims is the only way I can see to recover my losses. Therefore I am asking for advice as to appropriate procedure ? Do I need to send DHL letter before action and if so what form should it take ? Advice and guidance appreciated - this is my first claim against courier company
  5. I had previously had success with Ombudsman and credit card charges but their position seems to have changed. Has anyone had success with MBNA and taking them to court for credit card charges as I could not find any threads
  6. I had same experience with Ombudsman and thought I might be better going to court but your experience suggests otherwise
  7. 100mel

    New POC for MBNA

    I was trying to reach the link posted here ie. POC for MBNA credit card charges claim. I click on the link above and I get this Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system? If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation. You may not have sufficient posts to permit you to carry out your intended action
  8. how did this go? I am in the same position
  9. 100mel

    New POC for MBNA

    this link tells me that I do not have access even though I am logged in. I really needed to view this
  10. I now propose to file a court claim for recovery of the charges. Don't want to make an idiot of myself in the procedure so am asking for guidance on MCOL procedure as I have never done this before
  11. My Barclaycard terms and conditions are dated 08/11 which is when Barclaycard took over my Egg account. I have a number of t & c's relating to the Egg account but these are undated from 2008 - 2011
  12. I am just about to do it having received the letter from FOS today. However, I suspect that they will either ignore the LBA or rebuff me so I will need to follow through on court claim as and when
  13. Thanks for this. Are there any particular POC I should use with MBNA? I assume that it is best to do N1 rather than moneyclaim online?
  14. I have an amount of default charges relating to an Amazon card for late payment ( 1 day) - formerly Bank of America now sold to MBNA. They have refused any refund. I made a c omplaint to FOS. They responded and did not accept my complaint on the basis that MBNA had advised FOS that between 2005 - 2009 the average cost of default was £12 and that their judgement was based on MBNA's pre estimate of the cost. Is this correct? Grateful for any advice as to what to do next here? Is a court claim a possibility? My charges relate to 2012 thanks
  15. I have found Egg t & c - these are undated - there are several of them as the card was replaced on a number of occasions owing to fraud alert. I then received a Barclaycard set of terms and conditions in approx november 2011 when they bought egg and it became a barclaycard world mastercard so which set of t & c's do I refer to. I am assuming that the court claim has to be issued against Barclaycard with their t & c's - however the period of charges covers both Egg and Barclaycard
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