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Everything posted by WILKINSS208

  1. thank you but it says can take up to 6 weeks to remove i have a remortgage going through but explained it to them and got copy of letter
  2. does anyone know, what a average score is? mine is 339 and i know that is poor. i have a default coming off and ccj this year and was wondering if my score will go up straight away or whether i have to build it up again over years?
  3. got it paid and got letter to send to court to get removed. thank god!
  4. thanks. it was only £150, had more claimed back but better in my pocket than theirs! good luck to everyone. especially after this test case, hope OFT win with good results;)
  5. yes me too, but good call for others who want to still chase
  6. yes i was very pleased! i dont know whether because it was a hp loan instead of bank account it made a ddiference ??
  7. there is basically nothing to read. i paid a hp loan off in november and filed for all my charges back straight away. i realised the test case was going to run, but i have lots of cases pending at the moment so thought i would only add another to list. i have 3 other with Bank of Scotland/Halifax but this is the only one that has paid out before its even got to the court fee stage. They paid me everything in full and final settlement. I think the woman must of been having a good day! I have won lots of claims before the test case was announced so I have all templates, right up until court bundles still at hand if needed. I also managed to claim from 1998-2007 with Halifax last April - wow that was a good one!
  8. yes agree. this thread is going off on one again lol i wish it would hurry up i want to go ahead with court. i have had one pay out this week with BOS, paid me full amount before court!
  9. i think we are getting side tracked now, someone will come along and delete all this LOL
  10. Hi without going into everything. I have claimed last year and won with different banks. it got to court hearings with all but paid out within days of hearings. anyway, got more pending with others and just had letter off BOS offering me part settlement. I have refused as want it all , but good to see some still paying out while test case on.
  11. my mam has bailed me out many a time when i was younger, and even when just got married and struggling. now not so bad but she does let me use her visa if i need anything urgently and got no money, ie. new washer etc. i always pay her back though, thats why she does it. we love mums! any way, getting back to this test case, any news today?
  12. hi thank you for all your help I will try for removal.......no need to fight about it guys
  13. SORRY I AM NEW to this post, where abouts in forum?
  14. hi i havent even sent them through to court yet as i know they would be held until test case done and cant really afford to pay out 100s in court fees when dont know whether i would get back
  15. Hi everyone so how does everyone feel this will go and when will it be over. i have 12 pending cases awaiting for refunds LOL i have had 7 pay out last year before the test case, wish i had done all then
  16. hi i have a semi 3 bed, 2 adults and 2 children in house. had all the cons, tv,sky,fire,dishawasher,heating,shower,electric oven,tumble dryer,washer etc etc and we pay £100 a month. much more than we did as well but got a debt of £1174 to pay back due to NPOWER estimating our usage for months as we work and we were never in when called. I put meters in so knew what i was spending but much more expensive
  17. do you have to be unemployed or can working people apply? i am in debt with water, electric and gas.
  18. i am trying to pay it before the month end so ccj wont be registered but really struggling
  19. hi thank you i am really going to try and pay this but got so much to pay this month i wont have anything left hardly
  20. does anyone think they they get away with it and we wont be able to claim anymore???? lets have a vote............. YES 1 NO 0
  21. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/utilities-gas-electricity-water/126570-water-took-court.html#post1323968 can anyone help me??? please
  22. hi can anyone help? please.......... i had £185 left to pay by march and paid £40 a month which would clear this by 30th march. in the meantime, the water company have took me to court and added more fees on. they said took me as had not replied to a letter they sent. i was so angry i sent form off to court before xmas to admit debt but did not realise more costs would be added. the bill now comes to £285!!! they have said if i pay this before 9th feb (before the 1st month of judgement) i can request the ccj to be removed from my file. has anyone had a ccj registered on their file from a water company? i have agreed to pay monthly as cant really afford the full amount but if it means the ccj will be removed i might have to struggle as dont want bad credit, just getting it fixed. can anyone help? thank you for reading xx
  23. thank you i might just go ahead with cards now then and hold on bank charges. are poeple paying out on loans, mortgages still or are they classed as bank aswell? thanks again
  24. cani ask, are people still claiming? I have loads on hold wont refund with the OFT case pending. Can we still send them to court?
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