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Everything posted by WILKINSS208

  1. hi thanks for reply its gmac! the claim is £400 plus interest. i am going through the court route as i have done before just wanted some feedback from others if had similar. is this likely to go to court?
  2. gmac are refusing to pay me the redem admin fee, what was your arguement here? they said they are costs which i signed up for in when the mortgage was taken out
  3. hi i have an old mortgage i am trying to reclaim the charges from. they have offered me half the amount back, but they say it was my fault the other charges were charged...... what can i argue here? i have also reclaimed admin fee/redemption fee of £115 when mortgage paid off - can i reclaim this also?? could someone help me here? thanks:D
  4. yes i do, thanks for your advice i will send now - i will keep posting
  5. but the fos have already told me wont refund if before 2005
  6. i emailed the fos to ask their advice on the ppi cases without going into too much detail. they have stated under their rules they can only consider claims in respect of mis-selling if the advice was given by the firm after 14 january 2005, the date from which insurance intermediary business was regulated by the fsa. does that mean i cannot claim for the ppi frm 2003??
  7. thanks for reply, really appreciate that... i have a loan with ge money, who say its up to simply loans to deal with as they sold me the loan.....however, they ceased trading. this was sold in 2003 my other one is with sppl who said its national guarantee who sold me loan and they have to deal with it. this was sold in 2005 the fos said because both over 5 years wont help
  8. hi i have a poicy for ppi from 2003 and 2005....can i still claim? i hsvr sent the claims in, but got letters to state i used a broker and now they was not trading anymore. therefore got to go through compensation service. can i still claim though ny advice would be appreciated
  9. Hi I took out a couple of loans with PPI some years ago. I went through Simply Loans Direct as the Broker and loans were with Southern Pacific Loans, now Capstone. I have sent questionnaires off to reclaim PPI, however, they say I need to reclaim through Simply Loans Direct. I have looked online for their details, however, they are no longer trading. I have 20K on this.....can I still claim???? Any comments would be great, thank you in advantage xx
  10. Hi Vanquis have offered me my charges back in full, however, they have failed to offer me my 8% interest. Does anyone have an email address for a contact at Vanquis???? I would like to send an email rather than post a letter so can get it quicker. Thank you x
  11. Hi Just starting to claim my PPIs back. Has anyone won with GE Money, IGroup, South Pacfic Personal Loans ?? Any advice would be appreciated x
  12. Hi My husband has worked for a company for 9 years. He works shifts getting a 40%shift allowance on top of his basic pay. 2 weeks ago the company announced they had no orders for 2010 so everyone would be going on day shift, loosing their shift allowance. Last week the company announced 200 people were getting made redundant, so my husband was one of them who took his voluntary redundancy. He was given his offer calculation which he signed along with HR staff. Included on this offer was his completed years service, 9 weeks notice, redundancy offer. His 9 weeks notice included his 40% shift allowance as he has worked for 9 years. However from Jan 2010 to Feb 2010 he will work days for 6 weeks before he finishes. The company now have said they wont be paying his shift allowance on his final 2 pays as agreed in voluntary calculation as he would be working days for final few weeks. This will be a lose of £1800! CAN THEY DO THIS?? We would appreicate any comments
  13. Hi I have today received a letter requesting me to call Inland REvenue as they are wanting to provide me with the best service etc etc, and they want to confirm the details they hold are correct. I need to ring between 9-5 and confirm details in order to confirm the amount I am getting is correct. I have no problems with this, but just wondered if it is a normal thing and whether it sounds as if investigating my claim. I have nothing to hide but feel like done something wrong. The letter looks standard but in my 6 years, never had this before. Can anyone help, thank you Sue x
  14. well consumer direct gave them 5 days and guess what,,,,,,no reply. they now have took it to the ombudsman to deal with and they now have 10 days to reply. lets see what happens
  15. yes i know, just wanted to know other peoples stories in similar position thanks
  16. but they are charging me twice, surely not right! consumer direct werent impressed and said wrong so hopefully something will be done. meter numbers etc right
  17. Hi Can anyone give me some advice please, I would really appreciate it. My story is as follows: In 2006-2007 I ran up a debt of £1700 in gas and electric with Npower. After discussions with them, I agreed to get repayment meters fitted into my home. They were fitted over a year ago and I have been paying approx £80 per month on my electricity meter and £60 on my gas meter. When entering my key and card into the meter it takes off my set amount of £5 per week off each meter then credits the rest to the meter for my future usage. Once this runs out I once again top it up. I was informed my Npower I would not receive any bills as I was paying a pay as you go scheme now and my debt was been reduced by the weekly fees of £5. However, and this is where it gets interesting! Npower have started to send me bills and on these it details how much I have been paying on my meter and also the quarter charge they are charging me for my usage. So, basically they are making me pay for my usage through the meter and ALSO charging me £200 approx each quarter. My bills are going up not down and I now owe more. How?? I have a man out from EDF yesterday and he said £374 was recorded as debt on my gas meter, but I owed nothing on my electricity bill. I have contacted Npower who said they would do an investigation into the account but this could take up to 4 December. I have contacted Consumer Direct who contacted them while I was on the phone. They told them they had 5 days to answer me. I have to contct them again once Npower respond. Has anyone had this and what happened? What do you think will happen here?
  18. SORRY CHART ALL OVER THE PLACES, COPIED IT BELOW THE REDEMPTION FIGURE GIVEN TO GOLSMITH WAS FOR REDEMTPION ON 16TH MAY DEBIT CREDIT BALANCE 25/4 card payment 475.90 14,412..27 16/5 redemption 15,041.27 -629.00 18/5 reduce interest 16.34 -645.34 18/5 reduce interest 0.01 -645.35 19/5 interest 149.22 -496.13 19/5 additional interest 4.85 -491.28 19/5 income on early settlement 291.28 -200.00 19/5 solicitor discharge fee 52.88 -147.12 19/5 admin discharge fee 147.12 0.00 19/5 repayment of admin charge 147.12 -147.12 19/5 repayment of fees 694.44 -841.56 19/5 repayment of capital 13,962.38 -14,803.94 19/5 balance transfer 14,803.94 0.00
  19. please can someone help me with this please http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/mortgage-companies/156294-ge-money-help-figures.html
  20. SO when claiming I need to put SPPL on form instead of capstone
  21. yes do it, its so worth it. i claimed loads back from halifax and ge money before test case and doing more again now ha ha
  22. hi just filing lba to gmac for: fees, arrears fees, deeds fee, admin fees, totalling £599.02 will this to put on hold if have to file to court claim?
  23. hi reclaiming charges from account 1998-1999 i will try and win it as won my halifax case and that was going back 13 years my claim with hfc totals £219.52 to date probably put on hold but will wait
  24. hi just sending court claim in for charges from account. totalling £85.41 but might as well be in my pocket. sent all sar and lba and got nothing back. probably put on hold but i will wait
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