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Everything posted by datxman

  1. I was listening to the radio yesterday when some manager or director from a bank was being interviewed about possibly starting to charge for current accounts as they believe this is much fairer than charging PENALTIES. Every defence I have received state they are not penalties???? the mind boggles:confused:
  2. Bailiffchaser - I hate it when you say things like that as you are normally right. I fully expect them to file before friday but believe me if they don't I am straight down the court on Monday. Mercers are now running scared after phoning me during a briefing on a murder case and I B*****ked them also sent the letter off stating I am now taking things further about the harrasment I have received from them and barclaycard. I have now been passed back over to the Barclaycard main account people again.....
  3. Your proberly right " The right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing" as Barclaycard have failed to reply with their AQ and now only have until the end of the week to comply with the request of the judge. The strain is showing and they are cracking under the immense pressure LOL:D
  4. ***UPDATE*** Barclaycard have failed to return the AQ and now have until 4pm on the 23rd to do so failing that the judge has stated I can file for judgement on this. But knowing what barclaycard are like then they will fill the AQ in just in the nick of time. I have sent them another letter because once again I have received a phone call from them at work asking for payment on my account. So I have stated that I will not start paying the full amount each month as I do not believe the amount to be true. So until my claim is concluded I will pay £35 per month. So I await their reply??? I will keep you all informed:)
  5. A simple answer to that is "NO they can't do that" The most they can charge is £10, it's a stalling tactic Check this thread out to see why they can't http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/barclaycard/50148-barclaycard-microfiche-they-wrong.html Hope this helps you, good luck
  6. Well Done !!! Enjoy yourself when you go to Starbucks and Lloydstsb are paying for it ha ha. Hope my claim is settled soon as I have another one to start off.
  7. Well Done - Yet another winner and the banks are down once again ha ha
  8. Dear All, I am currently in arrears with my Barclaycard and I have been getting phone calls at work, I have sent the letter in the templates section. However I was in a briefing today discussing a very important case, when the phone rang and it was for me, no surprise there, but it was the works phone and it was Barclaycard, after asking them to phone me back later I could not hardly hold my temper. They said that they would delete the phone number and put a note on my account saying not to contact me by phone (this is what they said last time and I am still getting the phone calls). Any suggestions what to do next?
  9. I love it, it is the same response as mine and with the same typo?s ha ha:D
  10. Likewise, and good luck with your claim keep us posted!!!!!
  11. I would wait until the end of the 40 days is up and then I would inform the ICO. I had a similar problem with Capital 1 and as soon as I sent the request to the ICO I received the statements. The ICO are not the most helpful of organsiations however they do tend to work eventually.
  12. Cheers for that Kendraflo, I think I may do the same more the merrier for me;)
  13. Any news yet is the money in the bank or did they not turn up????
  14. Sounds like you've got things sorted I was going to wait to serve my bundle on them giving them less chance to pick the bones out of it. I never claimed for the preparation of the bundle etc, did you put that on the summary? It's a good idea as I have went through loads of ink and paper and the cost of photocopying is unreal - 5p per sheet soon mounts up! My girlfriendis scared stiff of anything to do with courts, but I work for the local law enforcement agency so I am used to going to court as well. I think it is fun, fun, fun !!!!! or am I just mad
  15. **Well Done** I hope mine is done that quickly......
  16. Cheers thats what I have done anyway, at least I got that one right!!!!!
  17. Oh well at least it shows I mean business - ha ha ha Did I need to attach anything to it???
  18. Sounds like you have a pretty good case against them. Yes you should attend still and more than likely SCM won't then thats another case won. Good luck
  19. AQ has now been filed and I will be sending a copy to Barclaycard.
  20. Not really I always worry that I have forgotten something even though I have read the site billions of times I will need a 3 copies of the following: Any letters sent to the bank Statements / S.A.R. reply Statement form me Revelent case law EDM from house of parliament Dunlop v new garage UTCCR 1999 SOGA 1982 UCTA 1977 oft statement re: charges Is that correct????? p.s. did not get a copy of their AQ - nice of them isn't it
  21. Hello Fellow northeastener, How is your claim going I am in the process of filing my AQ with the courts and then just wait and see what happens. Hope they settle out of court, however I have been to court a few times giving evidence but never as the main person taking them to court, but the court is not that bad and small claims are less scarey than law courts and crown courts so don't worry too much if you do need to go to court. Best of luck anyway, and keep us informed. Chimp choker dave
  22. Just wondering if you have had any word from them yet???
  23. Any ideas what documents I should with my AQ????
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