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  1. Thanks Lucid Couldnt have done it without your help and encouragement either You guys are brilliant S.P
  2. Thanks Gary.Couldnt have done it without you.I rang the court straight away and was told " Oh yes they wrote to say they would settle".....Pity no-one informed me as I was getting more nervous as the day went on.I do have to inform them in writing though.I will PM you but will have to think about claiming.Im just working out how much more they have ripped me off for since my claim started so will be starting the battle all over again S.P
  3. Im not too sure about the centenary posting as it seems to go up and down like a yoyo.I was on 159 at one stage ?? Thank you both and a massive thank you to GARY H , MINDZAI and LUCID. Without their help I would have given up long ago. S.P
  4. Well I just checked my bank account and there it is in black and white.....CLAIM SETTLEMENT.....£5163.69........whooohooo. I must admit that when I checked it late this morning and saw nothing I was in a panic cos I thought I would be facing court at 3pm tomorrow S.P
  5. Hi GED Welcome to the CAG. My advice would be to spend a couple of days reading through the FAQS and step-by-step guide and also read some of the threads and you will pick up most of it from there.Then if you do still have any questions there will always be someone willing to help S.P
  6. Thanks Lucid I have the sreadsheet on my home pc plus identical at work so I will be checking just before I leave at 2 . Once that is done with I will be back at them for everything they have charged me since I started this claim...about another 800 in total I think and also start one with them for my credit card too. Massive congrats on your win by the way.Im not sure I am confident enough to go for the costs etc though I do admire you both for it...the same as the contractual interest...I thought about it but chickened out. I will have enough of a task working out the interest on my next claim with them S.P
  7. Hi Lucid Yes I liked that part too..Think the courts know what to expect now Yes I have a valentine date with Lloyds.Same place and time as GaryH as it happens.Dont think we will get any chocs and flowers from them though but as long as we get our money I for one wont mind.I am on early shift and am that confident that I am not taking the day off.Should I not hear any good news before I finish at 2 I will just go straight to the court from work for the hearing at 3.Do you think Im being over confident now ? S.P
  8. Got the following reply from the court yesterday: Dear Sweetpants Re:Sweetpants vs Lloyds Thank you for your letter of 5th Feb. In a case such as this where one side has complied with the Judges direction and supplied their documents to the other side but the other side has not reciprocated,it is for the aggreived party (yourself in this case ) to consider making an application to the court for an order imposing a sanction against the offending party ,up to and including asking that their case be struck out.Wether or not you make such an application and what you actually ask for in it is a matter for you to decide. Clearly the idea behind giving the parties directions is so that at the hearing both parties will have seen and be familiar with all papers in the case,their ownand the other sides,and so that no evidence is adduced at the trial which the other party (and the Judge) have never seen before which can lead to an adjournment or that evidence not being allowed to be used,and possible costs being awarded against the offending party. The court is not aware as to why the defendants have not complied.It may possibly be,as with many of these bank charge cases,that they may offer to settle with you at the last minute. Yours sincerely Mr R Hodder Listing Section S.P
  9. Just another update. Faxed and posted [problem] non compliance letter off last Saturday and have heard nothing from them ,(no surprise really ) ,so letter to the court being delivered on Monday. S.P
  10. Hi Mindzai Yes I think I will fax a copy off in the morning and pop another in the post as Gary did.Like you say it may help things along. S.P
  11. Hi Gary No nothing yet. I submitted my bundle by the 24th as directed by the court but received nothing from [problem]. S.P
  12. Thanks Gary I have the transcript but my pc wont let me get the soundfile. Tried to set up a wireless connection for my sons laptop so that I could reclaim my pc and everything seems to have gone haywire since.went into Cuttings and Soundfiles Library and anything to do with sounds it cant find the link.It wont matter if I dont include it though will it.As long as I include the transcript ? S.P
  13. Thanks Gary My hearing is 3pm and it says it should take 15 mins. Yes the only thing I havent got are the McNamara soundfiles. I have just been looking through the court bundle and noticed a couple of things missing.I dont know if its relevant or not.Page 26 No 30 is blank and so is page 34 No 3. Probably doesnt matter but just in case ...... S.P
  14. Hi All Received notice of hearing date this morning. District Judge Carron has allocated claim to the small claims track and hearing will take place on 14th February 2007. I know have to deliver copies of all documents etc to [problem] and court before 24th January. Taken me by surprise as after reading other threads I was expecting to have to wait a while. Better get busy getting it all together to send:) S.P
  15. My daughter works at Nationwide in payroll dept and theirs is 23rd
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