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  1. Lloyds have finally sent me my cheque, it's been a long long wait Thanks to all who helped and advised with my claim. Now lets just hope they dont stop the cheque before it cashs :o
  2. I have exactly the same situation as you, I am still waiting for lloyds to pay after an offer of settlement on the 19th June. I went to court on 29th Aug, as was advised to carry on with court proceedings until I actaully recieved the money from Lloyds. The judge has given Lloyds 14 days (7 as of tomorrow) to pay or he will issue a judgement against them. They are beyond useless and letters seem to mean nothing to them, I would agree with previous posts and commence with court action against them, this seems to be the only way to go.
  3. Yes it did make enjoyable viewing lol, my did she squirm!! Serves her right for telling porkies, if I was the judge i'm of given her a right telling off! And I definately know what you mean about the Irish ladys voice, god that was weird, she seemed to draw every word out to twice it's normal lenght when she was addressing the judge! Maybe that was her charm offensive....
  4. Yep I was the one all in black, I might as well been going to a funeral the way I was dressed I don't do formal usually lol Yes I know what you mean about the amount of people there, I did expect that though but yes it was unorganised and I don't think anyone expected that so many of us would stand up and have our say. I wish I could of added something but I wasn't confident enough that I could of argued my point with the solicitors. I'm sure they intentionly try and baffle us with long words and legal terms to intimatate us all, but in some cases it didn't work which was great to see. Yes I get the impression that if the OFT test case rules in your favour you will be back in court again, presuming that Barclays don't decide to pay up first?
  5. Yes sounds like me, I was in the jurors section. Judge has given Lloyds 14 days to pay up in my case or judgement will be entered against them. I was there when you spoke ScoobZ. Think you were right after or before me. You spoke very well, you sounded very knowledgeable! Srfrench, I thought you were great, you've obviously really done your research and I think you did yourself proud, you really came across so well, and annoyed Miss Dainty at the same time too I think!! Result lol!!!
  6. Thanks, yeah it's good, but I'm not getting my hopes up for a cheque in the post in the next 14 days, prob will have to go to the baliffs knowing LTSB!
  7. I got out about 4ish, god I thought we'd be in there forever! lol Erm, not sure how to describe myself lol, I was sat in the jurers section if that helps? Next to a guy with glasses, 2nd from the end nearest the wall. About 5 ft 4, blonde, late 20's, the lady who looked really really bored lol! Who were you, did you stand up and talk at all?
  8. The cases that had applied for a stay were granted to them It was a really long day for everyone. The judge ruled in my case Lloyds had to pay up in 14 days or he'd issue a judgement, i'll have to read up more about what it all means later, just glad to be home, my brain hurts now lol Bit of a wasted day for most though I think, and quite dissapointing too.
  9. Setting off soon, making sure I give myself loads of time to get there lol!! Looking forward to it now, and mite finally get my money
  10. Hi, I will have to drive to Leeds Combined Court tomorrow morning for my case against Lloyds TSB, can anyone recommend a near-by car park thats easy to find? Thanks, Jess
  11. Im going tomorrow, im terrified!! Reading up all relevant threads in a panic now, hoped to of have it settled way before now
  12. I have been on the phone to Lloyds twice in the past couple of days. They told me they sent the cheque out to my old address, funny that as all other correspondance has always come to my present address fine Has anyone else had this excuse? They have said they are resending the cheque to my proper address, and it could take 2-3 weeks!? I am sooo fed up with all this now. I have my court date on the 29th which I have told them several times. So I need to know if they really are intending to send payment soon. They have confirmed in writing and over the phone that I will be receiving my full claim back but seem to be stalling. Should I tell the court they have offered to settle, and have attempted to send a cheque to me?
  13. Ive been waiting for my cheque since the end of June too
  14. Thanks for the reply, yes I thought this would be the case, seems such a silly waste of time for all concerned though, they've said there gonna pay so I wish they would stop messing about and get this sorted.
  15. Hi, Thanks for the reply, yes i've rung them twice. The first time to advise them I would need a cheque as the account with them is shut, and I rang again to ask about the progress as it was about 29 days since they wrote to me. The lady I spoke to was unbelievably unhelpful and said there was nothing about a cheque being sent on my file so I wrote to them after this, reminding them I was waiting still, etc etc.
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