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Everything posted by Allyxia

  1. Oh Gawd..... and westy...... Hes a star wonderful very helpful blah blah Sorry trish but I cant help but to get dragged into these hijacks. Now off with you boys and leave the girl alone!!!!
  2. Well Done Seems Cobblers were bizi licking stamps yesturday!!! What happened to saturday pay outs???? Congrats again!!!
  3. WELL DONE We knew they would cough up before the court bundle!!!! Congrats
  4. Thanks Pat was aware it was either way still on til October. Do you want to know the irony......... Stupid muppet got stopped yesturday for "illegal U turn" or something (somebody actually gave this guy a license). In fairness it was in the dead of night, but hey ho you break the law. So another automatic 3 points and £60 fine, along with a producer - great stuff isnt it!!!! I could kill him sometimes I really could!
  5. Hiya Trish No if there is a subject i know pots on its blooming Natwest!!!!! But you have the ever wonderful Deller onside here (dont tell him I said that you know how big headed he gets) Sorry for hijack earlier my humble apologies to you. The thing with natwest is they like playing a waiting game that aswell and sending silly billy letters to scare people - you'd think by now they would get the point, that we will not be bossed about - all well - some poeple never learn eh!! Anyway ther isnt really nothing to add to help you at this point but if you ever get stuck i'll try my best to help!! Good luck!!
  6. An enhanced disclosure will show up everything. I consult in two areas Youth offending and Child abuse (which covers family, homeless, substance MISUSE, etc etc etc). Enhanced disclosures will show up thing you did even before you were 18. In the Youth Offending System we are having problems with Solicitors advising Youngesters to plead guilty to gain a referral order, by advising them that referral orders will not show up - this is not the case.
  7. As somebody who has provided a lot of support herself to many and was inadvertantly scrolling through the thread in question i found a post extremely rude and completely out of order. This is a self help site whereby we empower each other. I have never found any evidence that dellar has passed ANY letter off as his own or plagarised it for his own means. Maybe if people are that precious over their work they should not post them on a public forum.
  8. and relax........ congrats crazy girl See wasnt ally right? HMMMMMMM you owe me a pint!!!
  9. Yes but the question asked by my insureners was as typed above. I appreciate everybody input but if we could just comment on my own specific query rather than variants of this I would be grateful.
  10. thanks everybody to clarify. quote was submitted on the Confused website and the exact wording is this: number of motoring offences in the last 5 years? Hope that helps?
  11. Any ideas OH got stopped with defective tyre in 2005. Date of offence 10/2002. 3 points on license £60 bucks fine. How long does this have to be declared to insurence? Is it five years from offence or conviction? I ask because when he received the court forms he ticked the box that said "you do not have to appear in court - tick here if you wish it to be dealt with in your absence" Then unbelievably he received a letter saying you have to attend court? So he went along - had slap on wirst (no explanation as to why this had to go to court - no previous convictions etc, not part of any accident, it was just an unlucky routine stop?) Anyway with all this tooing and froing he wasnt convicted until 08/03 almost a year later. Surely though if it was five years from the conviction he would have been declarring this in total for 6 years come next year? Any ideas - legally it is only on his license from 3 years as well?
  12. Abi well done You are on the right track here. Yes those phone calls do count as harrassment - and there is a letter on here drafted regarding it - which i see youve linked up (your a star). Again you are correct in the fact they can not take your benifits either - so I would foirge ahead ASAP as Abi has instructed. And if you have any fight left in you -s tart youcliam aginst these idiots. As you onlyhave a basic account with them anyway I would suggest you open a new account immediately fpor you benefits to go into - so at least you don thave to keep fighting this ballet every month whilst you claism are in progress. Good luck
  13. Me veggi - so I'll take the straw! How I miss you!!!
  14. Well it certainly appears that way doesnt it!!!!! Hey W - you stalking me now ive popped on hun - gosh you must have missed me!!!
  15. Well the point was the default showing and the CCJ were removed by court order - and therefore should have left my file as if they had not appeared there in the first place. this is what the Judge personally told me when he ordered the set aside!! To clarify WE currently have 7 "current" files showing all of them have last 12 months at 0, which means they have all been met, apart from one 2 four months ago when I went £25 over a £100 over draft. This is not a default or anything. Clearly there IS somethig else going on here. Which is the Point I am making. The fact the CJJ and Default have been taken off has still effected my score. I asked experian what was the score for excellant/v good/good etc etc and they wouldnt tell me. I also asked what would you expect a file to look like in each of those brakets ie A few CCJs and Defaults in Very Poor whilst Excellant being all O. On this guess I would have fallen into very good or at worse good wouldnt you think. I was also told that that information was confidential. I concluded my call with the "robot with a script" by saying on the basis of this call and the credit scoring system I concluded that it actually ENCOURAGES people to deafault and get into debt. Because if people like me with only one 2 marker cant even get a high street product then I may as well not pay any of my other debts get loads of defaults and CCJs, keep my monthly repayments because Im not going to be offered any more favorable products than now when I do make all my payments!!! And the government are going to give these more powers over us!!!!
  16. Ok had letter from DCA agreeing to my offer (they took their time considering). So in order to make this a water tight payment with no option of them or anybody else they pass this debt onto coming for the rest.......is there anything I need to write in my letter when i send them the cheque?
  17. Well its looks like that worked - thanks guys! so its go go goodbye - go debt! Friend very happy!
  18. HI BGB You may have seen my thread on a simular problem. Me and OH did they same thing. We got rid of a CCJ and a default the only blights on a credit file due to bank charges via the court and was left with perfect credit files bar one 2 marker for 1 month all the rest were zeros. We couldnt get a mortgage with any high street lender. When I spoke to credit expert they said tough luck it was all down to the one 2 marker (which was 4 months ago). I hardly believe that being £25 over my overdraft could seriously blight a prefect credit record in such a way. Cant really offer you any more help on how to improve as credit experts advice was "you should pay all your bills on time if thats the case". So again weve gone with a subprime lender. Its at 5.85% which I guess at todays rate isnt bad compared to prime lenders which are hoovering around the 5.3% mark? So if anybody got any advice for BGB I sure would like to know how the hell to get out of this viscious circle?
  19. Thats what I asked them - I said - so you have no copy of the contract with my signature on that legally binds me to your company - and they said no. All they have is the T & C. I asked if there was anything linking me to those particular T & Cs as they could be anybodys? They replied no there is no signature on them your signature would have been on your mortgage offer which is held at the brokers. I mean lets face it they could have change the T & C anytime over the last 2 years or those T & C could belong to any product they offer for we know - all we have is their word - and lets face it we got that in writing 13 times saying Date Early Redemption Charge no longer applies = 8th December 2006 But they still insisting on playing this stupid game. Im wondering under what heading would this be claimed in court? Breach of contract?
  20. Well done Im interested to know who the dealer was - it happened to me. Put £500 deposit on car agreed to pick it up in a fortnight - despite being told finance had been approved. Went to collect the car, they told me that the finance was no longer valid and they couldnt find another company to give me any (why - is anybodies guess) so they kept my £500 deposit. Trading standards were like a wet weekend about it - and unfort wasnt that clued up on the small claims court way back then - it was a big scary place that cost a lot of money. So we lost our cash - so good on you!!! Incedentally - we had also borrowed £300 towards our deposit, and then had to borrow a further £200 for another deposit against another car somewhere else where they had no problem in getting finance for us!!!
  21. No chance they are standing by it even though we going with a sister company I-Group or whatever they called. Neither me or OH have any adverse credit history on either of our credit files but we tried 3 different prime lenders and couldnt get an offer! They said they dont supply the oringal agreement only the brooker will have that - so its back to chasing them - I find it unbeliveable that they can just turn around after two years and claim admin error and expect to get away with it!!
  22. Wasnt sure if mine was on there mascarading as someone else - Im with GE Money! Their ERP 6% 1st year 5% 2nd year 1% 3rd year Though all our paperwork said our date ERP no longer applied was 081206, they are still forcing through a 1% ERP on ours at the moment as they claim all the paperwork they have sent us in the past (statements and ER Figures) with this date on was an admin error. We started on a fixed term for 2 years of 6.2% Fixed term ended in December whereby we were paying £812 per month, January it went up to £854 and this month its £876 thats £64 in two months - if we had to hang on until 081207 when they claim the ERP no longer applies I dread to think what they would have hiked the mortage up to by then. Incidently, copies of my credit file revealed no adverse credit for either myself of partner, but we still couldnt get a prime lender mortgage so guess who we stuck with now - IMAC - see they are on your hit list *sob* . Let me know if there any other info you need on these bandits!!
  23. We are in the propcess of changing our mortgage with GE CAP. All our monthly statements over the past years have show an ERP end of 081206. However our solicitor has informed us that they are claiming £740 ERP. I wrote to them and asked to put the correct figure in writing to me - which the did minus the ERP. So far so good. Anyway the solictor says the new figure sent to them still includes the ERP! So we have been on the phone to them today and they are claiming that is is an admin error and we are liable until 081207. The past 2 years have all been admin errors (even though I specially wrote to them 3 weeks ago and had special letter drafted with the correct figure). We dont have a copy of the orginal contract we signed so we asked them to send us a copy of our signatures agreeing to this figure and they couldnt find one! In a nut shell Im going to instruct our solictor to pay it and sort it retrospectively as our new company wont pay us until our old company agree that it has been settled, and this is really delaying things. We have paid too much money in brokers and survey fees to pull out now and wait until 081207. Also could someone confirm that is it usuall practice for an ERP only to apply during the fixed term period and not beyond? As our fixed term period ended in 071206 and our mortgage has gone up £78 per month since then so we couldnt afford to stay with them at this rate anyway? So whilst appreciate that ERP are not going positively through the court at the moments - this case is slightly different. Any Advice please?
  24. Well despite them receiving the cancellation notice before they debited my account, and subsquently informing me that they will adminsitering a £45 penalty they have gone ahead and taken the whole amount today of £300. This flipping lot are a disgrace - banged off an email to them today. Will chase them up with phone call tomoro if all else fails.
  25. Ah well at least you getting closer to that all important court date!!! Keep us posted Lex!!
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