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Everything posted by Allyxia

  1. Hun I only have your best interest at heart, and i dont claim to be any sort of expert. I just hate to see it when cobblers (my bug bear) get people in twist because of their stupid requests and all - just didnt want you a: doing more work than you have to and b: getting yourself worked up coz of those muppets Anyway you at final hurdle now love - money will be with you say - 30 days!!!!! Take Care Alyx (Ps like I said to westy " we were in your shoes once" - and I know how much of a flap I got it - its rather funny to look back and read it now hee hee!!!)
  2. Ni I lived in amajor town at the time (only moved to a small village nobody heard of - seven years ago *smile*) but I know where you are coming from. I think Im going to seek an expert on this matter - unfortunately a few solictors I have spoken to wont touch cases like this!!!!!!
  3. Ok *trying to sound restrained now* If you have filled out your POC exactly as they have been written on here, then why do you need to amend them? This is exactly the run around Cobblers want you to do. Because by submitting another or amended POC, you risk making errors or showing them and the court that you really dont know what you are on about!!! By submitting defences such as this, and the ones requesting Part 18 Cobblers are edgeing their bets (quiet rightly in this case) that some people who are claiming and going to run around like headless chickens and by trying to resolve the "imaginary" problems end up shooting themselves in the foot. Incedently - what exactly are you going to put in your amended POC? If you read throught the Settled thread you will find 100's of defences like yours and like mine......why do you think yours is going to be any different? Ally needs lie down in dark room now!!!
  4. Well westy you know what that means hun - one step closer to pay day!!!!! Why have you got fast track though?
  5. And guess what their defence will be.......... Their defence is "we have settled the full amount" So I would expect a cheque through the mail any day shortly or they will pay it directly into your account if you have a live account!! Oh Happy days
  6. Not officer statement to show I wasnt there but they were called to the property plenty of times!!! At the end of the day we are talking 10 years ago - Ive been with my current husband 10 years and married for 8 - this came out of the blue we had heard nothing about this until a bailiff turned up last august!!! Why they had suddenly decided to track me down for this I dont know as ive lived in this house for 7 years????? (by the way it was built for us as new)
  7. Thanks If you read above I was constantly onthe move avoiding my ex so no didnt stay anywhere long enought to register neither did I inform the council I had moved out -it was last thing on my mind! I think inorder to clarify things these are the main issue at hand here:- 1. As Im not on any income at the moment, can my husband be laiable for a debt of mine which occurred before he ever new me? 2. In the Councils own acknowldgement they are chasing me AND my ex. However they are contacting him at this address. He has never lived here he doesnt even know I live here (this raising concerns about my saftey if the council are this pig headed in disclsing adressess) 3. All the court summons are addressed to both of us - acknowdleging joint liabilty but they are only chasing me. 4. They will not accept single liabilty (thereby offering single occupancy discount) 5. They are chasing me - and only me becasue they have found me!!! It doesnt matter about anything else. Ive been to the CAB see above - utterly useless!!!!
  8. Looks that way eh!!! bless him!!!! He all over the shop!!
  9. hey westy - heard Dellers News? He now got one!!!! He Oh had wee baby boy yesturday!! I let him fill you in all the other details!!
  10. Cripes Sarah How on earth? I typed in Go debt and didnt come up with zip - I even typed in Go Debt Cardiff and got zip!!! This is what I hate about the internet searches one day you get stuff other days you dont!!!! Oh well they obviously dont abide by the OFT then do they!!! But then again they are hardly going to put that on their website!!! Oh well go to draft her letter!!! Cheers Sarah
  11. I tried to search for them but couldnt find them they are called Go debt and they are based in Cardiff so if you find their web page or any other info on them let us know!!! As for the OFT from thanks Sarah - I will take your advice on that because I concur that people get angry, then get their probalm sorted, but never follow it up with a complaint - (Im begining to think its just me being moany as ive got 100's of template complaint letters on my PC). So if youve got the link to hand that would be fab hun!!! Now if you would all take a peek at my Council Tax thread and wave your magic there that would be sweet!!!
  12. Westy have you ever thought of taking Nytol love - all your posts are in wee hours !!!!! I didnt do MCOL so cant help you out here sorry Muggs!!! Looks like westy has flown in to the rescue though!!! Westy as for their defence it wa sthe same as mine but a bit less (I had parts regardign being struck out) there is nothing else to be done here other than getting mugs back into the flap she was in two pages ago!!!! Only two kids eh? Amatuer
  13. Thanks stone I never knew thsi about the car - and when I was talkign to her about her she clear;y was under the impression that when she handed the car back that would be that (i mean lets face it what would be the flipping point!!!). Now, after all my time on Cag I am aware that there are some shoddy dodgy people out there, but how can these lots just pop up after say 7 years and demand £2+K when they know damn well they cant get any money legally from her - I mean why waste their time!!!! Surely thats extortion or something? The Whole thing Bizarre!!
  14. Ok Ive had to bump this thread as it has raised it ugly head all over again! In today post Final Demand for nearly £2k of unpaid Council Tax. It is esp insulting that dispite repeatedly informing them of the situation with my ex the letters are coming to this address adrressed to him and me (my son even asked about him when he innocently picked up the post today). Basically next step is obvisouly attending court - but as you can read above im currently on the sick after having my thrid child and suffering complications (yes we have told the council about this as well). Im at my witts end here now as I dont owe all this council tax but I have no evidence to say where I was living all those years ago and this council seem hell bent on chasing me and not my ex (as I keep saying in my posts it a case of now we found one of you we dont care about the other). Please any advice greatly receive as I do not know where tyo go with this - FYI my CAB where hopeless when I went to see then as dispite taking all the paperwork - they wrote a letter to my current Council Tax Authority!!!!!!!! (great isnt it)
  15. Thanks people!!! Im trying to nag her into just becoming a member of CAg it would save all this too-ing and fro-ing but hay im here to help!!!! Anyway, the bit that confusing (and scaring her is)even though she is certain she only heard from them for the first time last year (and of course the last letter she had off them last week), she cant be certain that she hasnt had any other sporadic contact off them. When she moved into this house 6 years ago (thats how she no's the debt is definately over 6 years old) she was in a bit of a pickle so was cleaning up loads of debts, and as these "chancers" only seem to send one or two letters per year, they may may contacted her in the past and she has just ignored them! So I think her query (and mine - so I can be clear) is the debt statue bared even if they have sent her one or two letters per year for the last six years? She hasnt contacted them back - she is pretty certain of that because it was only last week when I did some digging on her behalf she realised what they were chasing. As I keep saying even if they had chased her in the past, there would be no way she would have thought it was for the car as - like a previous poster has explained she handed the car back and thought that was that. This is the part im unclear on?
  16. Well as she has nothing to lose I will type it out for her to send!! Why do I feel in the pit of my stomach that this isnt the last we are going here from them?
  17. hee hee me too bach Im done with bank charges so watch out ERC and other penalties!! and of course helping out newbies!!!!
  18. oK denis Its up to you when you send it back some people hold out in the hope they dont have to fork out the extra £100 - so if you want to wait then its up to you! IME You seem to get settled around 33 days after the AQ deadline, but maybe one or two have been settled about now (though i cant think of any to be honest with you). Up to you whether you send AQ to cobberts make no difference to your legal action - some say send it as a matter or curtesy but if you wish to extend curtesy to people who have messed you around so far iit s up to you. I didnt send it to them and I got paid out. As you are aware by now it doesnt get to court so why the question of curtesy to other side would matter to the judge is beyond me!!!! On the other hand it is gona cost you 30p to pop it in the post to them so why not!!! Hope that helps
  19. Thanks Sarah - even I was unsure on what to do to be honest I think as she only had two letters from them in six years I would have agreed with her and ignored them for fear of "opening a can of worms". However the general consenous seems to be that the debt is not enforceable anyway even if it was under six years, but like she claims she had the car when she was with her ex and has lived in this addy for 6 years already so she knows full well the debt is over six years old!!! Its funny how these chancers prey on our unawareness of legal rights eh? Never mind needing to be legally trained to field our way through the law you need it just to survive day to day in some respects!!!
  20. Oh Demon *sigh* I know how you feel!!! I too share this view of "respect". Whilst I agree we should treat people with courtesy, dishing out unearned respect, which agreed is taught from a young age, makes my blood boil. Respect should be earned and gained mutually and stumbling blindedly benefits nobody. At the risk off going thread - but picking up where you last left off. I work as a Child Psych both for Volantery and Statutory Sector - I work with adolescents who have been abused, in my experience, I have seen the effects of abuse which are reaching from a high ranking civil servants, to policemen to teachers (now before anybody gets on their high horse - this is evidenced and fact and I am not infferring for one minute that everybody in these professions is - this mearly an example to what I have come across), all people which automatically are told to be treated with respect. There is nothing wrong with teaching ouryoung to treat people as they wish to be treated and be to be polite, but we are often taught to wander in without question and when it comes to the area of work I am in, it is this automatic right of respect and unquestioning that is the bigist contributor to the epidemic of sexual abuse and organised child pedophillia. What we need to be teaching our children is the correct way to challenge and question in a nonconfrontational and nonagressive way - these are the skills we need to be pervading!!! But back to the orginal post - I do wonder!! I myself am fighting to get a fridge freezer repaired which broke 1 day after it was 12 months purchased. Now we all know my Statutory Rights in this matter but why on earth should I have to spent 4 hours today drafting and quoting various leglistaion - these companies should already be acting lawfully and without extra work on behalf on of the comusmer. In the same way our rights to privacy whether it be ID cards or Data Sharing under the NHS, should be automatic and the government should be petitioning to have change not draft some flipping White Paper, and sneak it through the back door!!! Dispondant - yes maybe - but tomorrow just another day!!!
  21. Cheers peeps found it myself - but very much thank you for helping as well!!! Loverly 4 page letter typed but couldnt find exact named person to send it to so just went for Cust Ser Manager? They got 14 days!!!!
  22. Thanks guys she will be well chuffed with all of this! Make no mistake she isnt just trying to "get out" of paying this debt - she genuinally thought handing the car back was the be all and end all of the matter. And I know for a fact (as I have helped her out in the past) she has worked really hard to repair and repay all of her past debts to become minimal debted and credit clean, so this is a right bolt out of the blue for her!!! I have advised her to send letter M - but she is reluctant, as - as yet this DCA do not even know that she in fact lives at that address (she has so far her words "ignored them") and is worried that they may come after her even harder depiste the fact they have no case for it. From reading through these threads on here, Im tempted to agree with her because since when do DCA care whether or not they are breaking any laws and be surely be writing to them she is in fact confirming that they have in fact "found" her!!! My mind is bogling on this matter!!!! What do you guys think?
  23. Ive had re read around on this site for info regarding statue barred etc etc, and funnily enough Ive just got off phone with her to check a few things - whilst she hasnt contacted them, it appears that she did hear from then "sometime last year" but just ignored the letter (I know what I would have done as well in that case), so dont know if that is included. Apparently it was for a car which she purchased in 1998 which after repeadedly breaking down she contact the finace company as she could no longer afford the repayments and the repairs bills and the fiannce company told her she would just have to have to hand the keys back and that would be the end of that. Now the car cost her £3499, she had repaid approx £1500, when she handed the car back and they are now chasing her for £2800 (she may as well have kept the damn thing). So it appears that handing the car back isnt the end of it for her. So is she just better off ignoring these people as they are just chancing their luck or taking some more practive action? This seems a flipping appauling situation!!!!
  24. Maybe spending her cash eh sue?
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