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Everything posted by Allyxia

  1. Ah deniis just think another weekend gone another weekend closer. Went feeling down just reread my thread and remember how I was going through this......and how the gits sent me my cheque some 7 weeks after they had written it ******** (edit your own words here). See Ive not abandon you in your hours of need (this is the worst part as there is nothing else to expect bar the cheque or court date preceeding the cheque) so there no definate timeline just eternal hope and a lot of beer!!!
  2. Lex as you know hun barclays lot love to chase people up the courts steps with their cheques!!! Dont laugh it did happen!!!! Best you can wish for is your court date now 9lets hope you not one of the ones that get lumped togther for a"test" case as they seem to be set 3/4 months ahead! Oh I keep watching and waiting hun.
  3. Grazel how did you get on? Natwest do love to straggle the life out of the claims but Im surprised that the courts have done the same - actaully Im not as my natwest claim was messed around due to my local court just shoving it as far from their dockets as posible (we had 4 transfer hearings as it holidayed around the UK). But yes as westy says - Phone the court. if in doubt send them your schedule of charges again (what you got to lose bar 30p Stamp) And check your post as your cheque shall be here as soon as cobbs get their court date!!!!!
  4. Thanks Rosie That is exactly how I got caught out. The T & C were in a seperate box which only showed part of them (1 -5 from 7) then you had to use the scroll down bar at the side of this box to read number 6 & 7 as they were not visable on the screen. Ok so Im going to have to cough up the £45 penalty for this but personally I think contracts such as this are obserd, because there is no way you can buy from these sites unless you agree to this and therefore are not able to have any cool off period as per satutory rights - maybe unfair t & C of Contract?????? Basically they state that as they are an internet company they start to work from you as soon as you click accpet by Im really wondering as to how much work they did from 7:30pm sat night til 9:20am sunday morning that costed £45???? I mean did they really draft up all the contracts etc etc or again is this just another case of unfair penalties aginst the consumer?? On an upside they have agreed to let me offset the £45 against another number plate if I should choose (yeay!!!!!)
  5. Could try these:- www.bailiffwatchdog.co.uk I dont know anything about them. So use your own judgement - but hey its a starting place for you!!
  6. Thanks. My only concern is the fact they state in their small print ;- As specified in our terms and conditions, the service we provide begins immediately and, therefore, upon submitting an on-line purchase, you (the buyer) are agreeing to give us your informed consent to waive your 7 day cooling-off period. I only had this statement sent to me after I placed the order. However my arguement is that they have been closed over the weekend? What do you think?
  7. I am aware that with distance purchasing there is usually a cooling off period. Does this apply to goods ordered from the internet? In a nutshell i made an online purchase at 7:30pm on saturday night. The company said as it was an internet based order, work to locate my goods (a number plate) begins immediately therefore no cooling off period is allowed. However i have tried to contact the company and it is closed (im assumming until 9am monday morning. What I need to know is am I covered by law for a cooling off period. Urgent responce grateful so I can argue my case tomorrow at 9am if need be. Thanks
  8. I see I leave you a couple of weeks and you are still having the heebies jeebies!!!!!!!! Can someone give this girl some prozac? I fear she gona have a nervous breakdown before this claim is settled!!
  9. HI I have been to court regarding this. You will need to complet a form try HMCS website and it cost £60. Apply to have it set aside becasue you did not receive the orginal summons to attend the hearing. You will then be sent a court date (usually takes about 3 weeks). YOU WILL HAVE TO ATTEND COURT. Its good teh otehr side are not contesting howveer the CCJ is a court matter and although this will help it is up to the judge to remove the CCJ and its not that simple as having yorks water agreement. If you have moved house I would takle evdience to say you had moved out and this wasnt the reason you received the summons. Failing thatit is going tobe a case of your word aginst the courts that you did not receive the summons. Your case will linch pin on the fact that if you had received the summons you may have had the opportunity to either file a defence or pay the amount within 4 weeks and therefore you would not have been given the CCJ. Let me know if you need any further help!!
  10. Nice Bloke - you are having a laugh aint you muggins?????? This is deller you are talking about after all!!
  11. Obviously not somebody who knows you pair as well as me then!!! You'll learn Stansfield.........You'll learn.......
  12. you should do it then you waste enough time on here LMAO!!!!
  13. it was in this case. But as per my my other case with CCj it wasnt! However, even if yours are not any help you require just let me know!!
  14. Westy Hun!!! How you doing huney bear? Ive not been on much of late as im back to work properly now? So how you getting on with organising the Do?
  15. Personnlay I would write to wescott and inform them the debt is in dispute. As for the default I dont think you are going to stand a chance of getting transferred to your mums name. I have a ccj for £3200 removed when my charges were only for £1.5K, my argument was if they had not applied unlawfull charges to my account I may have been able to manage my account better and therefore not have run up the other £1700 in debt - so no not always just make sure if you are going to get the default removed you put it on your court form!!!
  16. Its not definate but it most people are being settled around 33 days from AQ deadline. Just my experienec of nosing at othes claims on here!!
  17. Yep been to a broker? WE keep getting an offer in principal but when it comes to finalising things, we are getting our offers "revoked" due to credit score????? Broker doesnt know why either by the way!!!!!
  18. Not sure about MCOL But my Wooly account was a Joint account but I filed as a sole litagant!!!
  19. Thanks Stone! Glad to be prepared! Cowboys!!!
  20. Cheers Sarah New day new battle - this time flipping CRA and my credit score??? Grrrrrr Incidentally theyve really stepped up the anti - the day I posted the SB letter (so they didnt have it yet) my mate had another letter saying the account was being passed to their solictors then went on about extra charges and more scary scary threats. So Its a good job she didnt decide to ignore them as it appears from the two letters in 4 days that they are upping their anti on this matter. Letter went last weds so far nothing back from then so we'll see eh!!!!
  21. After being turned down for the 3rd time for a mortgage, I decided to obtain a copy of my and my Hubs Credit File and Credit Score from Experian. Credit File for both No Defaults No CCJ All Credit Markers (8) 7 Zero 1 Two No other adverse info As for searches 20 of them over a two year period - mainly Insurance purposes (car, home, Life etc etc) but obvisouly we've got the three mortgage ones in the past month. So generally a very good credit record. Now here come the bad news: My credit score 510 Hub 221 Ive spoken to Experian and basically they just say that is our score so tough luck. Spookidly hubby score was 410 in December then it dropped - around this time the court ordered a CCJ be removed from his credit file as it was unlawful - so surely his score should have gone up not down? Now all the bumph on the website explains how to improve your credit score and credit file but as far as I can can see there is noway for us to improve our score as our file reads prefectly? Can somebody help us - as the more mortgage apps we apply for the more searches are getting done and I have no idea where to go from here?
  22. There is a part settlement offer letter:- Dnt forget to edit to suit you:- Response to settlement . In relation to Nationwide Account Number I notice on checking my account a deposit has been made for the amount £XXXXX on behalf on yourselves. I can only assume that this amount is in relation to the on going litigation in respect to the unlawful charges you have leived on my account total amount £XXXXX. Please note I accept your offer of £1500, as partial settlement of my claim, on the understanding that I will pursue the remainder through the court. I am confident that should this matter proceed to a hearing I will win, unconditionally. To clarify, I will consider the claim to be settled in full, £ and will inform the courts accordingly when I receive payment of the full amount on the claim including costs, £ and interest £. At today’s date this is £ and is continuing to attract interest at a daily rate of £0.00022. I look forward to your prompt response in settling this claim. Yours Kit Kat Feel free to amend it to sound better!!!!
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