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Everything posted by bathgatebuyer

  1. Great isn't it???! I've had the holding response to my 1st letter from them over my request to have my PPI premiums back. Hopefully this is going to sway their minds somewhat!
  2. Those lovelies at Egg have since written back and offered me £16 to go away. That will be shining bright. They get one more letter to give me it back or I'm off to court.
  3. Fantastic news! I know how ruthless ths organisation can be following the death of my father a few years ago - the level of upset they caused me was on a daily basis upsetting and completely devastating. How thoroughly brilliant for you AND everyone who can take heart from your story and the strength you have had to find from within.
  4. Well done again! I'm guessing you won't be on their Xmas card list this year?
  5. Good news then? I'm in the middle of this process too - albeit not with a solicitor acting for me. Fingers crossed this marks ths start of more than one payout from Egg.
  6. Just going by another thread, is there not a distinction between the requirements of a pre-2004 CCA and a post-2004 CCA? I note that the openng page of yours says 2003.
  7. I sent a secure message to Egg and asked them about the CCA being missing from the details they've sent me and they've came back with: You can view the Credit Card Agreement on the Egg website, by following the instructions below: *Type 'www.egg.com' into your web address bar. *On the right, select 'Egg Card-find out more'. *On the right select 'Small print'. *Then select 'Egg Card Credit Agreement'. This then takes you to the small print for their present offers but doesn't seemto relate to my account. You took out the Egg Card repayment protec
  8. Well done!!!! :grin: Blinkin' delighted for you!!!! (Is there no dancing smiley??!!!!)
  9. No - I just used the standard SAR letter, but will be pulling them up for not sending me everything under the SAR request. I've received all my statements tonight and have worked out that with the 8% interest, Egg owe me a little under £350. It's quite a healthy sum given that it's about a quarter of the remaining balance of the card so anything I can do to get this back will make quite a difference to my financial situation. Can only ask!
  10. I'm going to put in an application against Natwest at Edinburgh - the information above will undoutedly be useful. I'm only looking for £380 which have accrued over the past 3 years. If I complain the FOS, it autmoatically costs Natwest £450 to deal with the FOS complaint so why they just don't give in now, I've got no idea. Is court really the best route or should I put in an FOS complaint and await the outcome of the Test case? There's no immediate rush for the money - it would be nice though.
  11. Hi - my own agreement with Egg was before 2004. Can I ask the legislation or precedent which mentions the 04/05 change as far as online signatures go? Would be helpful to me and the original poster.
  12. Is the property manager a member of any professional body or assocation such as the RICS? The trouble is that too many of them aren't regulated, but certainly find out whether they are or not, and if so, make their professional body aware.
  13. Received a response from Natwest which was a little confusing as it was actually a form for them to identify whether I needed a new account to avoid falling into further debt or taking action such as suspending non-essential direct debits from my account. (Presumably they would decide which are non-essential!). Should I log my complaint with the FOS now or use the Scottish courts - I don't think Edinburgh are issuing sists (stays) in respect of bank charges cases at the moment.
  14. I may be wrong, but I think HAK is the only one who has had success with them. They are certainly hard work and don't seem to know anything of the law or have any wish to stick to it.
  15. Righty-ho, got a letter from the FOS yesterday in which they've said that they have everything they need from me and the complaint is: "..... now waiting to be passed to an Adjudicator. As soon as this happens, the adjudicator will be in touch with you, to explain the next step and to ask for any further information they may need from you". Looks like I may get a decision sooner rather than later. Does anyone know what the likely timescale of this is or exactly what happens next????
  16. I'm not aware of the FOS awarding costs - especially not paying for my time in preparing all the letters and the like. If you know otherwise, please let me know.
  17. At the moment, I've asked the FOS to consider the issue of the invalid CCA which has been provided to me by them (although I note from what a few people on here have said about the FOS and these issues is that they have refused to rule on the legality of CCAs - although I've sent them a letter from the OFT in which it says that the FOS should consider this), there's the PPI issue (which is worth about £800), and also their failure to adhere to the OFT Debt Collection Guidance Note as they've continued to pester me for interest and the like despite this account being in dispute and up for consideration by a third party. My only costs thus far as stamps and recorded deliveries and the like. If I don't get a satisfactory response from the FOS in terms of resolving this (i.e. in me getting my money back!) then I will be taking it to court and seeking any costs that arise out of that.
  18. I have! Always worth pushing them along. I think 4 months is quite good going for them as they do say between 6 - 9 month.
  19. I had to email the FOS rcently about my complaint against Sainsburys and they have said that they have the info they need but are waiting to pass it to an Adjudicator who will be in touch should more information be needed. I think my initial complaint was in June or thereabouts.
  20. Ok everyone, that's my SAR request sent off with £10 postal order. Have also sent them a secure message which tells them directly to expect the SAR request. Hopefully this will be relatively straighforward as it involves card and not bank charges. Going by what has been said on this and other forums, any refund tends to be reasonably quick - anything to help reduce the balance of this asap. At the moment, the balance of the account is over £1800 which I've reduced from £2,200 about 5 months ago so progress is definitely being made in the right direction! I'm now making regular payments to this account of £110 per month the day after my pay day, so things are whittling away nicely - but every little bit will help. I've also asked if they would consider lowering the 21.5% APR given that they have closed the account at their choice, but they have refused.
  21. Good luck whatever you do them. These buggers phoned me within about 10 mins of my Dad dying at home. When I told them I couldn't speaks as my Dad had literally just died and I was waiting for the Doctor to come over, they said, "We'll call back later".
  22. That doesn't sound a huge deal wrong to me if it's about a post and DX mix-up. Having said that, in my first job after Uni, I was hauled aside and given a written warning for taking a caller's telephone number wrongly (I got the last 2 digits around the wrong way ). I think it was their way of trying to force me to buck my ideas up. It didn't work, and I just hated it all the more. If they are going to discipline you, however, they should be telling you in advance so that you have the opportunity to take someone else along - at least that's my understanding of things (but I'm NOT and expert). Maybe it is just an informal chat to find out if anything is wrong. If it's more than that, I'd be asking why you weren't allowed to take someone else in to listen in and ensure everything was done fairly. Maybe someone with more knowledge of employment law can confirm this though.
  23. Perhaps they have other thigns to keep them busy at the moment?
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