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Everything posted by bathgatebuyer

  1. This is the most fantastic thread I think I've ever read in my life!!! The words 'Halifax' and 'sent to prison' will keep me smiling for the whole weekend! Well done!
  2. MBNA are horrible when it comes to dealing with death. Shortly after my Dad died (literally 5 mins after he died) they called me asking for money. When I said, "Sorry, my dad has just died................can you call another time?", their response was, "We'll call you in ten minutes or so".
  3. Sorry Phatram, can't offer anything other than words of support here (and a wee bump!). Can't believe that Egg have allowed it to get to this stage, and that they even use as part of their defence, "The option for CRP Insurance was already pre-selected"
  4. I hope so! I've got my mediation appointment with them in a few weeks time, so here's hoping they're in a receptive mood for me shortly!
  5. Awwwwwwwww, shame. You must have been looking forward to a day off work
  6. Hi all, another wee update. Got my mediation appointment through too which is in a few weeks time. Can't believe this year long matter will be over with by the end of September.I'm surprised they've let it get to this stage as if I'm successful, I'm sure the FSA would take quite an interest in them being found guilty of mis-selling. The fines from the FSA can be huge, so why they are persisting rather than just giving me back my £1600 + £300 in interest I don't know, particularly when I read of so many of their cases being settled as 'goodwill gestures' for so much more money than I'm looking at.
  7. I think it sounds fine enough. Not too pushy, just reinforcing your point and that it has already been to the FOS. I think it probably strikes just about the right tone.
  8. Got my 4 weekly update from the FOS today and they have not been able to allocate it to an adjudicator as yet. Say they will update me in 4 weeks.
  9. :grin:Well done! That's fantastic news!
  10. I think the best thing would be to refer it to the FOS - they'll not get very far without proof that you consented to the policy.
  11. Having broken new ground with this whole court thing, it's all a bit of a learning experience. I've scribbled down some thoughts today for the CPR 18 request and wonder what everyone thinks? Please note that this is a formal request for further information in accordance with Part 18 of the Civil Procedure Rules. 1. The defendant is requested to provide details of their internal procedures in order to ensure compliance with the Association of British Insurance (ABI) Regulations for the sale of insurance as at XX May 2001, along with details of any external audits or quality assurance assessment of these procedures undertaken. Letter of Xrd October 2008 from XXXXXXXof Halifax Customer Relations refers; 2. The defendant is requested to provide details of their internal procedures for the management of documents – particularly credit card application forms – as at XX May 2001, along with details of any external audits of quality assurance assessment of these procedures undertaken. If this is not available, notification should be given immediately to both the defendant and the Court in accordance with the Civil Evidence Act 1995; 3. The defendant is requested to provide details of their internal procedures in order to satisfy the Money Laundering Regulations 2007 4. The defendant is requested to provide a true copy of the original application form document dated XX May 2001, rather than the scanned copy provided thus far, and outline the measures taken in respect of this document to ensure compliance with those document management procedures outlined in 2 above from the date of application in xx May 2001; 5. The defendant is requested to confirm the measures taken to train all staff involved in the handling of application forms, and the scanning and storage of documents; 6. The defendant is also requested to provide a true copy of the Consumer Credit Agreement relation to this account. For the avoidance of doubt, this must incorporate the prescribed terms and conditions outlined within section 60 (1) of the Consumer Credit Act 1974 and the Consumer Credit (Agreements) Regulations 1983 (SI 1983/1553) 7. The defendant is requested to confirm the legal status of Halifax Insurance Ireland within the HBOS Group; 8. The defendant is requested to confirm whether commission was paid between Halifax Insurance Ireland and Halifax Plc at the time of the sale in May 2001; 9. The defendant is requested to confirm those actions undertaken to investigate the concerns raised by the claimant in correspondence to Customer Relations dated XX that the ‘Application Form’ provided by the defendant in response to the request for the Consumer Credit Agreement for this account is not in the claimants handwriting; 10. The defendant is requested to confirm whether those measures taken in 8 above are aligned to their policies and procedures for investigating complaints of suspicious activity. The defendant should also provide a copy of the results of any external audit undertaken in respect of this issue; 11. The defendant is request to confirm the number of complaints it has received in relation to the mis-sale of Payment Protection Insurance, and the numbers of cases which it has settled following referral to the Financial Ombudsman Service; 12. The defendant is requested to provided strict proof that the extensive terms and conditions relating to this PPI policy were provided to the claimant; 13. The defendant is requested to provide a copy of any eligibility or benefits and needs questionnaire in assessing whether the claimant would benefit from the PPI cover provided; 14. The defendant is requested to provide confirmation as to any internal procedures it has to ensure compliance with the Administration of Justice Act 1970 as well as the Office of Fair Trading Guidance Note on Debt Collection from 2003. I trust that you will be able to provide this above requested information within the next 28 days. Again, would welcome any thoughts before I send this off to Howard and his cronies at the Halifax. As an aside, I wonder if they Halifax were so tardy when investigating the £7,500 which went missing from their chief exec's account through ID fraud!
  12. Give them a recorded delivery prompt over the next few days - I imagine they are starting to get swamped by all of us. Well, that and sitting in the office sitting singing 'Sailing' all day which is what they appear to do on the adverts. I was told today that the Courts couldn't even get beyond an answering phone today when trying to reach them in relation to my claim! Says it all really. They certainly do like to give extra; extra hassle, extra headaches, extra-poor customer service................
  13. I'm with 111253 - I'm sorry another customer is going through this crap with HBOS. Their friendly smiling, singing advertising hides what is really inside this organisation and it is a complete lack of co-ordination between the departments and complete contempt and disregard for the customer. To say I despise them is an understatement.
  14. Excellent! I'm going to throw this into the mix with letters to both Sainsburys and the Halifax (same thing really) over accounts which are in dispute and where I've been continuing to make token payments (as it's too much hassle to sort out the damage they do to credit reports thereafter!).
  15. Hi - sorry, just a quick question I need an answer to for some letters I'm sending tomorrow. Can anyone tell me what piece of legislation or guidance specifically says that a bank cannot add charges or interest when a dispute is in place? I know the OFT Debt Collection Guidance Note says that debt collectors must stop chasing a debt when a genuine dispute is in place, but am I right in thinking that this also means that no interest or charges can accrue in that time? Would welcome any advice on offer!
  16. By coincidence I printed off the OFT notes on Debt Collection and I can outline more than one of these good practice notes that the lovely 'Charlotte' (or whatever her real name is) has breached: 1. d. Not ensuring that an adeqaute history of the debt is assed on as appropriate resulting in repetitive and / or frequent contact by different parties; h. ignoring and / or disregarding claims that debts have been settled or are disputed and continuing to make unjustified demansd for payment; i. Disclosing or threatening to disclose debt details to third parties unless legally entitled to do so. For me the big one was in disregarding that a dispute was in place and I have it well documented by the legal system that there was a dispute in place! The frustration I feel with HBOS and Ms Gurnell in particular can never be overstated.
  17. I did with my claim against the Halifax although to date I've not heard anything from them. I chased them up and they said they have not been passed my details despite me returning it with the AQ. Will have to chase it up again - a good reminder
  18. Absolutely! Spread the word! Anything that can be done to educate and assist consumers who have suffered as a result of this protection racket.
  19. I think Charlotte, Hayley, and Ellie must be hiding on an island somewhere with Shergar and Lord Lucan while the computers churn out their threats and ignore our carefully and conscienciously worded letter to them.
  20. Definitely worthwhile! HBOS do not hesitate to send out nasty letters with her name on them. If she's such an important woman that she cannot and will not return letters or emails then perhaps it will need a solicitors letter to spur a response from her. 'member and tell her we'll all missing her (like a hole in the head!)
  21. Hi HFC? How are you? Still counting the cost of your mis-selling fine are we? So they want to raise the issue of this website in court do they? Fine. What about the success stories on here of people who have been successful in getting back the money that is rightfully theirs? I bet the courts are interested in that. Also, perhaps the should look at the FSA handbook which outlines how organisations should treat the customer fairly - does bullying and threats fall within those guidelines? I think not. Let them mention this website all they like. It proves that there is a consumer bandwagon rolling along and that the punative action taken against them has not been enough for them to sit up and listen and that they are still treating customers with disdain and disrespect. Perhaps HFC's behaviour is worth mentioning to the Office of Fair Trading as it seems that a fine has done nothing to change their contemptuous attitude towards their customers. I'm sure others would happily join you in writing a mass complaint to the OFT about this organisation. Still enjoying your reading, HFC?
  22. I've been granted my court date in my case against the Halifax but I'd like to ask them for some additional information which may be useful in my case. Am I entitled to ask for additional info from (say) their Custoemr Relations team while awaiting the trial or does everything have to go through the court? They seem to be relying on the fact that they've followed the ABI guidelines for insurance sales, but according to the ABI, at the time I took my insurance out, it was the GISC guidelines which they would have had to follow and this did not split between advised and non-advised sales. I would like to ask them to show that their internal procedures complied with the ABI guidelines at this time (that original ABI comment coming from them), and also what their procedures are for document management as the writing on the CCA they provided is not mine. I also want to ask where the application form they provided complies with the CCA 1974 in terms of prescribed terms (as it doesn't have any!), and also ask for confirmation that Halifax Insurance Ireland are part of the HBOS Group (which their defence says they are not). All useful questions I'd like to have some answers to. Can I ask it direct of them or do i need to go through the court?
  23. I'm off to court against the Halifax on 30th Sept so it's an interesting question for me too!
  24. Ceebee, try and put in claim forms for PPI cover at the moment as, if anything, it can help buy you some time. I know that I was out of work and being chased for money, the pressure was lessened on occasion when the caller was told I had a claim in. It's not much, but being able to get rid of one call at a time was often helpful. Please speak to one of the fee-free debt counselling services available. And I agree with all the other comments - 3 years ago I had £34K worth of debt, sever depression, no job..............................now I have about £2K of debt and can see myself being debt-free inside 12 months. My life is well back on track and this 'blip' (albeit a serious one) in your son's life can be overcome.
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