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Everything posted by ozzywizard

  1. Thanks again, im reading just not a lot of time to type as you can all imagine . . been sols and got app tomorrow at 9am with stephensons family solicitor...... not heard of her yet.
  2. Thanks heaps for all the advise here, really really appreciated and I read each comment a few times. Really tired now so not gonna rant on but had great day as took all the kids for hige day out at the air show, the 10 year old does keep getting upset and asking questions and I answer with a fair response like mum will contact you soon and she loves you very much but she just needs some time to herself" . . anyways we are both on the mortgage and deeds etc, she has not yet asked for entry or to see the kids but my guess is after a few days away she will miss the kids and want them and the house and think she can swan in and take all . . . I will not allow this for the kids sake........ my lif is my kids and I will be there for them 100% they are my priority. gonna go solicitors tomorrow and the school as advised here and surestart and social services for help etc. . . . I will also go to the benifits . . . . I also do not think that this week is a good time for her to see kids as they are hurting and need to get in a routine, if she asks I will offer her full day saturday 10-7 but if they late back it will be classed as kidnap as I will be sole carer. . . Also am I right to ask they do not go to this fellas house, I dont know him and she only known him 3 weeks !!! he could be a pedo or somthing,,, im sure a woman with 5 kiddies would be a good target for them and expecially 4 being girls. . okies off to bed, all kids are asleep after showers and all uniform ready for tomorrow.
  3. On way out, here is one for a bit of advise. what do I do about school ? do I inform them etc. my 9 year old keeps crying. . . .
  4. okies if I leave my front key in the lock and go the back way out as I only have back key she cannot get peacefull entry, so I will do this today. I have no issues with her coming anytime for her stuff and seeing the kids etc but it does have to be when I am here based on the adbvise here. to be honest there has been no argument or nastyness, all was very quiet and surreal . . . yesterday I woke up to a normal day to be hit with the bombshell she was moving out on her own with her new fella...... I cant do much to go hunt him down as I got 5 kids lol. I am happy to look after them and be their carer in the house as I love my kids to bits and do everything anyway with them........ i just dont want her think she can reverse this anytime she wants.
  5. Thanks you all again, I will post more tonight as going out for the day with the kids, hope no bad surprises tonight when I get home. how ironic today is our 12th anniversary. I will be asking for the key.
  6. Thankyou all for your exelent advise and support, I am after advise more on the seperation and my rights to stay in the house with the children. I have been very fair and let her keep key and she can see kids whenever she likes but it ewas her decision to walk out and leave me with the kids (they all in bed now) . . I will work the benifits out and just dont her walking back in after a party weekend for her and claiming she wants me out and she gets kids . Tomorrow for example im taking kids out for the day and when I return can she of changed locks etc. . . dont think this will happen but my kids are first priority.
  7. Ok gonna make his quick as looking after kids, This morning with no notice my wife said she is having an affair and is leaving me, sxhe is now gone and im in thew house with 5 young kids. What help can I get and can she come back anytime and kick me out ? house is in joint mortgage names............ sorry probably more questions to follow, she can see kids when she wants, i just dont want her to kick me out. . . .
  8. WELCOME FINANCIAL SERVICE COMPLIANCE RUDDINGTON FIELD BUSINESS PARK RUDDINGTON NOTTINGHAM NG11 6NZ REMEMBER THE £10 POSTAL ORDER AND SEND RECORDED DELIEVERY Never sign but print signature. [your address] [their address] [DATE] Data Protection Act 1998 Subject Access Request Dear Sir/Madam ACCOUNT NUMBER: xxxxxxxxx (or multiple numbers if more than one account) Please supply me with copies of all the data which you hold on me in relation to any matter and in any form and for any period of time. Please note that I require disclosure of any personal data which you hold on me for the entire period of my dealings with you. The Subject Access is not limited to my transaction history and it is not linited merely to 6 years of historical information. Additionally, where there has been any event in my account history over this period which has required manual intervention by any member of your staff, or any other person, I require disclosure of any indication or notes which have either caused or resulted in that manual intervention, or other evidence of that manual intervention in relation to my financial business with you. I require all information on details of all insurance products supplied by welcome financial services. This is to include the statement of means, statement of price, details of all insurance premium tax paid, and underwriting sheets. If mortage indemnity insurance has been added to the agreement, i require all details on who this premium was paid to, and who underwrites this insurance. If you are unable to supply this data because there has been no such manual intervention, then please be so kind as to confirm this in your response. I enclose the statutory maximum fee of £10. You have 40 days in which to comply. Furthermore, if I discover that you have levied disproportionate penalties or charges which are invalid under the Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations against me, then I shall be reclaiming them together with any interest charges which you have levied on them. As it is your wrongdoing and mishandling of my account which has created the necessity for this Subject Access Request, I shall also be reclaiming the enclosed £10 Data Protection Act subject access request fee. If there is specific information which you require in order to satisfy yourself as to my identity, please let me know by return. However, please note that the above address is the one which you normally use to communicate my private business to me and which you have hitherto found to be acceptable. I would be happy to collect the Data from my local branch. Yours faithfully, [signature] [name]
  9. Exelent news !!!!! me not been around for a while and its an absolute pleasure to come back to this thread . . . well done. . .
  10. Woww Beyond !!!!! proud of you cause you got your first blob hehehe . . capitalisation is welcomes attempt at being posh !!!!
  11. Hey you all !!!! fame at last as gots ma own thread. . .lollll . . . I am absolutely fine, doing really well just been so busy its unbelievable, apologies to anyone who feels let down by me not being around, I love this place and should really do better to be here more. Anyways, ive setup my own buisness being self employed doing courier work up and down the country and with managing my time doing this and also with 5 kiddies and also an house to renovate its been kinda challenging . My first attempt was a bit of a shambles as bought a recovery truck to transport vehicles around the country but it kinda never worked due to various reasons so now gone with the safe option of running a van and delivering items that people buy and sell on ebay etc. . . this is now going real well. With welcome and me, well were just not talking, haha. . last correspondance I had with them is me giving them a CCA request and them not replying, so no contract no payment or discussion of one. Beyond, hope all is well with you . .
  12. I think that is fine Dawny, although I would give them 14 days to reply rather than leave it open ended.
  13. No problem, send off recorded delivery and stop paying them. if they give you grief in writing then come back here for advise. do not discuss on the phone. remember they are professionals at scaring people so dont allow yourself to be bullied.
  14. Okies lets do you a letter. Im gonna assume your under English law, please correct me if not. Dear Sir/Madam Account reference: XXXX After a full accounts audit on all my finances I am now aware that this debt on the above account is not enforceable and all payments and arrangements will cease with imediete affect. Under the Limitations Act 1980 Section 5 “an action founded on simple contract shall not be brought after the expiration of six years from the date on which the cause of action accrued.” We would also point out that the OFT say under their debt collection Guidance on statute barred debt that “it is unfair to pursue the debt if the debtor has heard nothing from the creditor during the relevant limitation period”. The OFT Debt Collection Guidance states further that “continuing to press for payment after a debtor has stated that they will not be paying a debt because it is statute barred could amount to harassment contrary to section 40 (1) of the Administration of Justice Act 1970”. I await your written confirmation that this matter is now closed and that no further contact will be made concerning the above account. I also insist that you supply a full written copy of your complaints procedure.. It should also be noted that I will be contacting Trading Standards concerning this matter. Ignoring this letter and continuing to press for payment will not resolve this matter. I will not hesitate to pursue this matter with Trading Standards and the OFT, additionally I will seek immediate legal advice should you continue to press for payment, as we feel this may constitute an offence under The Consumer Protection From Unfair Trading Regulations 2008 I would appreciate your due diligence in this matter. I look forward to hearing from you in writing. Yours faithfully
  15. Bubble, do you have a CCJ for this debt ? Are you sure that a period of 6 years (5 if in Scotland) went without contact or payment before you started paying ? If you answer that it does not have a CCJ and yes to the second let us know and we can do you a letter to send to the DCA, on sending this letter do not pay them anything else and never contact them again regardless of their contact with you ONCE STATUE BARRED ALWAYS STATUE BARRED . . they cannot decide it is no longer because you decided to make goodwill payments . . . .
  16. When your SAR comes through give me a nudge to check all this for you. priority is getting your agreement on here for us to check. If you have paid over a third they do need a court order.
  17. Sounds to me that you have sent your letter to compliance at head office and now you got your local branch monkeys trying to scare you into paying by telling you compliance are doing nothing. To be honest and i know its hard ignore them, do not speak to them on the phone and do not accept a visit from them they are from the branch. await the written reply.
  18. Ed we need to do a reply to them with the true figures of the claim and then ask them to either comply or give us a breakdown of their figures. They are offering less than the actual PPI. give me a few days. promise i will deal asap.
  19. Jdene, I admit ive not been through all your thread as been busy all night and limited on time. I can check the figures for you later but they have applied the PPI correctly in the sense they are allowed to use the monies to clear arrears which they have and then the charges, fees and interest are another dispute unrelated to the PPI claim.
  20. Ed, sorry only online for a min. will defo read up on your trhread tonight and help were i can. cheers.
  21. Jdene, im only online now for a few mins. but just letting you know I have bookmarked this thread so will defo read through it late on tonight and help out were I can, in the meentime if anyone else wants to jump in feel free too. On a quick note as long as you have not signed to accept cheque as full and final settlement then we can cash it and once cleared send them a thankyou letter in acceptance of part settlement and chase the rest, again i need to familiar myself with your thread. will do later.
  22. Hiya Crampers, first thanks for your input. Yes I have a copy of the agreement that they sent under a CCA and e terms and conditions etc. He was in the same employment for 20 years were he resigned due to him getting older and the job getting too hard for him. he then took a lesser manual job but it was a tempory contract, hoping he would be kept on. then he was laid off so made claim to cap one to be told he cannot claim due to being on temp contract. He then got taken a lot worse so stopped bening a job seeker and went on sick ESA. then he made a second application for insurance as he was now sick . . they refused and said that he cannot claim for sickness as he was not workking. . . . His claim is based that he understood he would be covered in every eventuality but ovbiously not . . . .they have replied they did not intervene or advise him in his decision as he ticked the box. I will post up their response . . just not sure were to go from here, but i need more time to look at this for him and put a response together but ive been soooo busy with other stuff lol.
  23. Dawn have you seen the reply I sent, this kinda evades the questions 2-9 that Major refers too . . use this as a guide. click here
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