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Everything posted by adridude

  1. Its all dropped and there's no double yellow lines. *council won't assist if its not double yellowed lined*
  2. HI, I've been happily living in my new house (since march last year - 2015) and at first my neighbours kids (now in their 2-s 30s) parked their cars covering about 1/3 my driveway. At first I didn't mind, but now I have a car, it bothers me as my visitors can't park in my drive at all. I've spoken to them and written them a note and left it under their wiper (friendly note)... I've called the council for advice and they advised that I call the police for "anti social" behaviour. Which way can I go (or should I?).. The council told me: "As there are no double yellow lines, they can park there"... Which I guess means they can park across my entire drive. (can they?) Some help should eb handy! Cheers, Ade
  3. Issue resolved. The department manager got involved and refunded the £20. He identified the issue as "human error", so nothing further to do/say here I guess.. Thanks for the feedback.
  4. Any idea from anyone if this is still arguable? Thanks ericsbrother for your input there, but I still feel that something was incorrectly addressed here: 1) I was a citizen, with a duty to fulfil for the first time and in need of more information 2) I went to my local authorities website, obtained the advise they had on their site 3) found it was wrong and was ultimately misinformed
  5. They can get the police involved and get me properly identified. Not identifying yourself to a council official is as bad as doing the same to police. Plus the CCTV cameras they have on themselves will prove who I am. Despite me telling them that I don't want to be recorded
  6. This wasn't about 'force majeure'. The fine is naturally £80 and has been all the time. The council, locally, choose to lessen the fine through 'discount' if paid within 7 days. So that was something decided locally and not up the food chain.
  7. It's been paid and no I wasn't given the chance. I'm not arguing the fine at all. And if you can't afford it and can prove that they'll let you pay in instalments etc... The point of a fine is to pretty much make you remember not to do it again.. Which I'm pretty sure I won't forget lol I'm arguing: 1) Their public notice stated that I only had to pay £60 if paid within 7 days, £80 if after 7 days 2) Why they felt it necessary to notify the public 4 days after this "apparent law" came into effect I'm expecting to get my £20 back, but if they're going to put up a struggle, I'm going to put something together (a nice illustrated youtube video) to post on their Facebook and Twitter pages to alert the public. I wonder then how many people will put their claims in then I know £20 is trivial in the grand scheme of things, but what got my back up is that I accepted buy wrong doing, got information from their site, was going to comply full without any more thought about it and wham... They totally didn't do what their website clearly said.
  8. I wasn't able to edit the above so had to reply... I just googled around and found the departments number directly. They said that the law changes as per April 1st and I'd have to pay the full £80. She said that she wasn't aware of the incorrect notice on their website and regardless, of what they said, I'd pay the full £80. The fact that I went to their website to get more information about these fines and got the information I needed (despite them incorrectly advertising it) and offered to pay what they asked for isn't my issue. I did as they publicised.
  9. stupidly dropping a fag end on the floor and getting a fine for it :-/
  10. Hi, I just had a Fixed Penalty Notice (fine) for dropping g a cigarette end on the floor and quite rightly so. So I'm not disputing the fine at all. When I came home looked on the Councils Website, it clearly states: I then logged in, attempted to pay and voila.. It asked for £80... I contacted the Council and asked to speak to the team which deals with this to get the correct amount put on (as I received the fine today) and was told that I wasn't able to speak to them. I explained about the website, they confirmed this; Her manager confirmed too that the site indeed IS incorrect and that as per 1st April there isn't a reduced fee any more. Luckily for me, I: 1) Took screenshots of the entirety of the page (including the date etc... in my computers status bar) 2) Printed off a copy of the page 3) Saved a copy of the page With the above quote in it. I was then assured that a manager from the team will contact me back this afternoon as they were unable to override the amount on the phone with me. Can I hold them against this £60 (rather than £80) that they quoted on their website? I've just confirmed now (58 minutes later) that the websites been amended... Lucky I took a load of screen shots and that Cheers, Ade
  11. Hi, I've just noticed on my newly issued credit report that two debts, which were settled years ago, have mysteriously appeared. One belonging to BT, which I believe I addressed here for 200 odd and the other to Cabot Financial who insist that I have a debt with O2. (£900 odd?! no explanation as to what its for) The BT debt isn't an issue, that expired as of 9 hours 11 mins ago as per stutter barring O2 deny having a debt with me,Cabot tell me I do, neither of which will entertain sending me a letter to the effect... Also in the past I've sent them various letters: Oct 2011: Letter requesting invoices and full and final breakdown of the nature of the debt Nov 2011: (No Response) Chase up letter referring to the previous Dec 2011: (No Response) Final chase up letter stating that "if I don't hear from you within 30 days, I'll deem this matter as closed and resolved" (no response to date) I've contacted the CRA, they won't entertain the fact that I've gone though all these steps, Cabot are just a bunch of morons on the telephone as they won't discuss the matter and will only accept "a credit card or debit card number" and sound stay anything else. I'm literally grasping at strafers here as I really can't be bothered to go to court... Would the FCA be able to assist in this matter (and is that the right course of action?) Hope you can help Cheers, A
  12. Getting bugger all work done thanks to getting engrossed in a book
  13. Out of interest, just jotting down the prelim values without actual dates from the sar it comes to £250. (ballpark figure). Do I literally disregard the £400 odd of charged the piled on and claim that against the balance I had after previous payments? Or is that off of the balance with their charges in place?
  14. Thanks! When I get round to filling it in and start the whole "SAR SAR SAR your boat, gently down the..." I'll pst with updates
  15. Ah phew, immense help and relief!... Thanks.. That puts my mind at ease! I'v had a scout around for the Sheet, but can't seem to find it? Am I looking in the right place for starters? --> http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/forumdisplay.php?403-CAG-Library
  16. Thanks... What about the charges which are under £12? i.e. they apply several "different" ones under different names but in total each month, they collectively add up to £40+ Sadly at the time I wasn't recoding all of my calls and letters (diarising), but if they start those antics again I will
  17. But if there are multiple charges in one month under £12 are they counted as separate charges? If I remember right, they were listed as something like: Late Payment Fee Default Fee Or something along those lines.. I'm just worried that it'll be enforceable and I'll be lumbered with a 600 odd bill whereas i could quietly ride this out and let the statute bar kick in in 2 years.
  18. This is why I'm a little weary about giving them my new address. They utterly bombarded me with calls and letters.... 3 calls a day, daily, 4 or 5 letters a week... I had to start screening all calls, and send "deceased" envelopes back to them just to shut them up! what do you mean by scc?
  19. Hi All, I was just mulling over my "nearly clean" credit profile and it appears to be marred by the mess that Vanquis left me in. Between 2011 and 2012, they bombarded me with monthly charges that outweighed any payments I could make.. So at the time I just gave up even paying.. I've left it for a few years and they've appeared to have stopped adding amounts to the balance. Anyway, the card limit was £250 and now the balance is £661 (including about £100 of payments which I'v made). This is how their charges went: 06/2011: 248.00 (last balance before charges started) 07/2011: 288.00 08/2011: 323.00 09/2011: 360.00 10/2011: 311.00 11/2011: 334.00 12/2011: 371.00 01/2012: 409.00 02/2012: 417.00 03/2012: 437.00 04/2012: 457.00 05/2012: 498.00 06/2012: 541.00 07/2012: 584.00 08/2012: 619.00 09/2012: 661.00 I haven't listed any of the payments here... And that's where the balance stayed.. If I remember right, looking at their statements back then, because the FCA said that the maximum a charge could be was £13 (or 12?), instead of adding one large charge, they added multiple charges each month of under £13 (in total adding up to larger amounts). Because of this, I'm not quite sure how to approach it... Ideally I'd like these unfair charges cleared and my account back to the £250 minus the mount I've paid etc... but how would this be possible given at how they've broken the charges up? Also, because of the way they've done things, I've left my credit report in an absolute mess. Every other account is squeaky clean, except for theirs... Could I also get (force?) them to remove their markers? Any help would be appreciated! Cheers, Ade
  20. Just an update... Time, perseverance and frugal ways cleared my record up. I guess at the time, the bombardment of mail, calls and everything else DCA's and debt departments were throwing at me blinded me to what the situation actually was. Lesson learned...
  21. I just thought that I'd share that I've been with a company called Utilita for a year now and had their prepayment Smart Meter energy. From the get-go, I've had nothing but great service. The handiness of having an accurate (to the minute) update on what I'm using, how much I've used and how long I've got left before I need to top up has been immense. be warned they don't participate in warm home discount in all cases, but on that note, as the sales person told me that I would get it, they honoured that, apologised for the confusion and sent me a letter as proof of honouring their mistake. Something I've never really seen an energy company do. On top of that, Since moving to them I've had two price decreases, both outside and before the "big 6" decreased their prices and at 2% more than each of their decreases. The only gripe that I have, and a minor one, is that their smart-phone app only deals with payments. It doesn't have any interaction with your energy usage results. Anyhoo, I thought that amidst the gloom and doom of energy I'd share this little gem. Hope this helps others! Cheers, Ade
  22. Hi CAGgers, Since having left BG early 2015, I seem to have had a charge added toy account. Prior to moving I confirmed that my account was up to date (bar about £20 usage for the 2 weeks before I left). After leaving, I was initially bombarded with calls from foreign call centres chasing a new debt for £140. Despite disputing this and reminding them that there's an open dispute from a few years earlier I was blatantly ignored. In short: Every call I made to BG was logged (transcribed against a date and time with persons name etc...). At some point in 2013, it was noted that I was quoted one set of unit rates, but when I checked my bills a year or so later, I was getting a whole other set of rates (about 70% more expensive). The actual call dating the unit quotes, reference number and persons name is logged... As at the time I was a user of theirs, and had some debt, the relied on that to pursue the debt rather than address the issue at hand. The temporary outcome for the price dispute came to a £50 refund (which is about £200 short of what I was missing). I contacted BG's CEO thanks to ceoemail's website and got a fairly friendly person to approach the situation. Despite trying he still insisted that £140 was outstanding. I contacted him again after discussing this after leaving, (sept 2015, also logged with the rest), I literally get no replied further from them... As it stands, They've put a nasty marker on my new squeaky clean credit record which I managed to get back to health and no matter what I do i.e. call them, contact the CRA's, nobody is budging. What's the best way to approach this? I was hoping that my clear and concise logging of each and every call, email and letter would clear the way for an easy transition but things still seem a bit grim. It was suggested that i send the CEO a daily email to literally bother them into resolving the situation, but I feel that this could amount to harassment. Any ideas as to how to dig my way out of their hole? Cheers, A
  23. I'm still wondering if there's any headway with this. When it comes to digital purchases, last I remember (dating back to early 2014) was that the EU was working on making concrete assets of purchasable assets. Any news on that here yet? As far as I know, the company in question has left the EU "trading Area" on the Apple App Store and moved on to the Eastern Block and the America's. So it's not a case of the company went bust.
  24. Hi, I've spent a few years playing a particular game on my iphone/iwhatever and spent quite a bit to get myself to where I was in the game. Sadly the developers pulled the plug for EU (not the rest of the world), so the game isn't "end of life"... Do I have any rights at all asking for the bits and bobs which I bought over time? On a side note.. Whether a company releases apps to the world, or to one country, it doesn't cost any more or less. The only thing that could drive an app developer out of a particular country would be law (I guess?). I've spoken to apple, but they want me to converse with the actual company first as they are quite clear in their agreements that they've got nothing to do with purchases (despite taking 1/3 cut) Anyway, some feedback would be interesting! Cheers, A
  25. So do we have any "fundamental" laws? i.e. something like the American amendments?
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