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Everything posted by morsy

  1. no not checked with the land registry - does it cost? ... is it not down to the dca to registy a charging order and also to remove it? The court said they dont deal with registering charging orders Plus I never recived anything from the land registery to say it been removed. The DCA have been quite since the set-a-side
  2. I have an old credit card debit which is with a DCA They obtained a CCJ and then a charging order. I only found out from the land registry letter informing of the charge. I applied for set-a-side - the judge said they can only set-a-s side if I had grounds. I had previously DPA the original lender and sent a CCA request. They never complied with the CCA request but did supply the DPA data which did not contain the credit agreement. The Judge ordered that the DCA provide to myself and the court copies of the CCA, default notice and notice of assignment. They had 28 days to provide it .... They did not ... judge was fuming but gave them another 28 days to provide it ... they did not set-a-side granted. The debt has dropped off my credit file and I believe the last payments were in 2005 or 2006 the set-a-side was in 2008. At no point have I acknowledged the debt or paid them anything. Would the set-a-side be considered as acknowledgement? The question is I believe the charging order is still in place. How do I find out and what the best way to get it removed? I believe the DCA are the only one who can remove it?
  3. yep unfortunatly thats the benifits systems ... and now with LHA cuts more people will find they get less LHA and have to move to cheaper properties. Many landlords wont take tennants on LHA and many rents are above the LHA they get making them homeless.
  4. The standard test most LA use is previously rented to non related tenants as prevoius poster outlined. You would be best off discusing it with your LA as they would be able to advise firstly if you qualifiy and secondly for how much. If they were paying a relativly low amount of LHA then you may be better off not bothering with claiming LHA if you can aford not to and stay put. Other wise you would have to move and you could make that case to the LA, but I think they would still not allow a claim for LHA.You may also aruge you would be homeless and suggest that they need to house you? Not sure how that would work out. Under the rules, as I understand them, if it is just you and your child then you would only be allowed a 2 bedroom property and the rent would be based on the 1/3 average price of a 2 bedroom rental proerties in your area. If that makes sence.
  5. HFC is now part of HSBC and they rebranded the braches as Household finance / Household bank before they closed them and integrated that business into HSBC branches they also use benificial finance they moved their head office to Registered Office: HFC Bank Limited Camden House West,The Parade, Birmingham B1 3PY Registered in England No. 1117305. HSBC member
  6. Just getting failed to connect contact forum administrator .... using HTC Wildfire on android 2.3
  7. The question is did you book over the phone? If so did you say to them you found their web site? or did they explain the cancelation policy to you when you booked on the phone? That is assuming you had nothing in writing from the company prior to phoning them? If not then they should have explained the cancellastion policy when you booked and by not doing so these terms would not be part of the contract. If you booked online then it would be part of the contract as the T&C are displayed online weather or not you read them is irrelivant.
  8. Well the way the council look at it is. If you dont tell them something which they should have been told or you think they should know and dont tell them then its fraud. Even if it does not affect your benifits You can ring the council or write to them explaining the circumstances. You wont need time of work for that. A written record is properly better. I have my son stay with me, this is not his main residance. I had to tell the council that he stays here and how often etc. I put it in writing and kept copy in my file. If the council found out and investigated you and found more people living there then you told them about you'd be called in for an interview under caution and your benifuts stopped. They'd ask you why you did not tell them ... and you can't say I didnt think it was relavant or I dint know I should have .... that would not be a defence. At the end of the day its your call.
  9. The council view would be you need to tell them anything that has changed since you claimd. From a local authroites web site .... "Anybody claiming Housing Benefit and/or Council Tax Benefit has to tell us about their personal and financial circumstances. This is so we can work out the correct amount of benefit that is due. Benefit fraud is a criminal offence. Anyone who knowingly fails to declare their true circumstances when receiving benefit is committing fraud. Common types of fraud include failing to tell us about: Bank or Building Society accounts Working part time or full time Other people living with you Other income including private pensions Other benefits, such as tax credits Moving home Marriage A partner moving in with you - even if it is only temporary Renting a room to a lodger or tenant Properties you own or have an interest in" You be better off not having anyone else stay with you if you must have them stay then tell the council.
  10. My best advise when attending a IUC is to take a solicitor .... you should be able to get this on legal aid (same as if you were attending a police station) If you have a solicitor the council or DWP have to disclose everything up front to your solicitor. The solicitor will then have a meeting with the person to be interviewd ... you can then discus this privatly and decived what is the best way forward in your circumstances, they may postpone the interview so you can get any evidance you need. Without a solicitor they will carry out the interview and drip feed you information and try to trip you up and get you to contradict yourself to make you look guilty. Ive seen it a few times before.
  11. then you would not be able to cancel at all .... the fact that they have said they will resedule it for free if you can prove you are ill seems fair ... its inline with common pratice with regards to most courses. Did you book online or over the phone? if you phoned them and booked they should have expained the cancelation policy or in your case that you cound not cancel .... If you booked online then you could look at distance selling rules and cancellation rights and see if you are covered under them.
  12. You can try ringing NHS direct or looking on therir website they should be able to give you a list of NHS dentist near you. If you ring them up and say its urgent your in a lot of pain they should see you in 48hours. They should also be able to tell you what its going to cost and how you can pay.
  13. http://www.abbeyridertraining.co.uk/art.html they are on the about ART tab 2) Failure to give the correct cancellation notice for courses (as follows) will result in the student forfeiting any monies already paid. Cancellation giving the following notice periods or more will still carry fees of 20GBP - 50GBP (dependant on the course) to cover admin and bank charges. Should the course(s) be re-booked, the student will be liable to pay any lost fees again. Cancellation notice required: CBT - 10 days, A2 - 14 days, Direct Access - 14 days, Theory Test - 7 days, Practical Tests - 7 days.
  14. You can go to any dentist you like, if you can find an NHS dentist. However by not seeking trearment straight away you have proplerly made the proplem a lot worse. If you were in unbearable pain that would surly be a sign to seek medical help straight away. Proving that she was negligant would be dificult and as you didn't seek treatment straight away then it could be said you contributed to proplem. The denist could counterclaim contributry negligance - where through your own negligence (failing to seek help straight away), contributed to the harm suffered.
  15. It depends on the terms and conditions you agreed to when you booked. Your GP may provide you with a note if he has seen you, this would properly be a private sick note and you may have to pay for this ... My GP chrages £25, however this maybe cheaper than paying all over again.
  16. depends how long the CCTV footage is kept? 8 months ago is a long time .... usually CCTV footage would be kept for 3 to 6 months
  17. Iis it a sim only paygo or a sim only contract?
  18. Strange as T-mobile and Organg are now the same company - Everything Everywhere Ltd .... My understand is Orange was being targeted at business and the business user types while T-mobile at non buiness customers. Ive not heard of this deal before ...
  19. By opening the account in someone elses name you have made a false representation which you know to be false. PP could presue the matter with the poice for fraud.
  20. Is there anything that says bonus / commissions are at the company’s discretion? The few companies that I worked for that paid bonus / commissions had a provision stating that bonus / commissions would be paid subject to company approval. They used this cause to not pay bonus / commissions that employee thought they would be getting for various reasons. Not sure if that applicable to your case - just a thought, It might not be a fine but a provision that allows them to withhold bonus / commissions.
  21. Was this so called 'fine' from you basic pay / over time or from any bonus or commision payments? There maybe diferant rules about these as often bonus / commision can be at the companies discresion. The reason I ask is you said " only noticed the fine on my commission screen" ....
  22. The council can ask for the bank statements and what ever else it deems necessary to process your claim. As they have stopped your claim it is up to you to provide what they require. without it your claim will stay closed. If they suspect any wrong doing (not that I am suggesting there is) they can get hold of the bank statements under there investigating powers. Many basic bank accounts allow DD and SO these days
  23. You can ask the council why they removed the old bay ... You can also apply to have a residental disabled bay installed if your neighbour has a blue disabled parking permit. This can be done via the council, we got one put in for my dad. They may look at wheather off road parking on a drive way would be more aproprate as they did with my dad an wheather a parking bay is aproptiate and the location of it. I belive they should have given notice for change of use?
  24. Can you be more specific in how it was incorectly displayed? for example: upide down, no clock set, not visable through windsceen etc
  25. When it happened to me I rang thier complaint number (01908 680123 i think) and gave them the details ... they sorted it out for me and got the people I needed to get hold off to lift the account block. Phone banking call centre did not have a clue what to do or who to contact. It can take some time and if you keep phoneing them and chasing they pull there finger out to get you off their backs .... Branches don't seem to be able to deal with anything other then pay in / out and fill in forms ... hence why I closed my accounts ... good luck
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