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Everything posted by fergal71

  1. guys while we have so many watching this please go and sign this petition whilst you wait Petition to: Regulate the UK's Credit Reference Agencies. | Number10.gov.uk credit reference agencies next they also are a law unto themselves
  2. good luck everybody! remember no matter what the decision there are many more battles still to be fought and won.... keep CAG going in a positive way and donate... credit cards test cases at the end of this month????? is just one more battle
  3. I have been disadvantaged significantly which I can prove! this shower are horrendous.... crap invoicing , breach of direct debit guarantee, constant biiling errors, excessive charges, and when you dispute their actions , they are allowed to ruin you for 6 years and all you can do is move to sky who are pretty much the same slightly better though... sorry state of affairs, I forsee over the next few years lots and lots of people being made aware of their rights and taking many companies to court. if these companies dont do something quick they will be inundated with court claims. I am looking forward to my day in court, if they try and buy my silence how much do you think I could ask for???? Have you ever worked for VM or sky buzby?
  4. the tension is almost unbearable..... I cant wait till tomorrow I bet this thread gets a thousand posts alone..... is anyone taking bets on the decision? believe it or not I am taking day off tomorrow to take in all the info which will be fired out tomorrow.....
  5. the error has been corrected nearly 2 years ago , my complaint is due to damage done whilst on credit file... I received 8 different amounts whilst services were cancelled that is what I was disputing they could not give me breakdown of charges... kept changing
  6. hi buzbt, what about if the default amount was for say £100 and they had charges on account of over £200. would this be grounds for them putting default on incorrectly.... I am trying to look at all angles? is it dpa or cca that states that disputed accounts should not be defaulted????
  7. This makes interesting reading this is ombudsman for phone companies and how they look at issues such as defaults etc... Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman
  8. when did they start using defaults rather than ccj's ????? I bet it was same time as credit reference agencies started sprouting up? I am not sure I would accept an offer , I really think this needs to be viewed by a court as it has a much wider implication for millions of people whos credit file is ruined by these companies in the knowledge that general public dont know there rights and do not consider implications when they sign contracts... ps would virgin have to bring contract to court as I never signed one I am sure... so what do I need to prove ????
  9. hi yes I have read so much I think I am confused... should I start legal route cpr 31.14/16 and what is timescale of all this? really confused but can not afford this default on file? is costing me already?
  10. off course I will, but our economy and the masses will not affect these businesses you and me will not make much of a difference... I will post on here how I go in a few weeks at least I will be getting my say in court... I will play on the fact that these companies circumnavigate the judicial system by way of county court judgements as somewhere down the line because of credit reference agencies companies can place defaults which are just as bad for the consumer without the costs or time of going to court... they merely send an email.... when did this all start any ideas when this started to be allowed??????????????? I have had phone accounts since I was 17 and cant remember any defaults like this?
  11. this is all good and well, but if you need TV and phone and you do not agree to share data and they say you can not have services then what do you do???? surely this is an unfair contract when they mess up what can I do to them refuse to pay ? then they default you???? like bank charges there has to be a stand against this ind of thing!
  12. hi slick couldnt see anything on there for default added even though account in dispute due to unenforceable agreement .... seems to be more about bank charges????? it also has Y in PPI box I did not ask for this???? do you have a letter for unenforceable agreement defaulted?
  13. lots more rumour mill, I would just take abbey offer at face value it will be of no consequence in the coming months when announcement is made in our favour the banks will start jostling for position ... this can be a good thing as competition will heat up for our business.... abbey just the first to do so... the problem is a few years down the line when we all leave this site with our money in our pockets. they all get together again and find a way to fleece us once more.... you can bet next time they do it , it will all be perfectly legal and we will have to just suffer it. the only power we have is in numbers and if we keep campaigning and sick together we can beat all they throw at us..... next time any banks steps out of line we should all withdraw our money and close the bast"ards down.....
  14. how to go about it though ,,,,, too early for FSO is court only option?
  15. hi buzby they have removed default just not in time... I am in court in a few weeks and I am just preparing paperwork... I am appreciating your input even though it is not what I am wanting to hear... they changed bill 5 times after restrictions on service despite me asking for breakdown of bill, which was never received... I really feel strongly about this obviously as it nearly cost me my home... cant rely on CCA, surely they have a protocol to follow for dpa if they dont then they breach it? what about unfair contract.... we charge you in advance for services you have not received and when you dispute what we charge you , we are right and if you dont pay we default you and ruin your life for 6 years, no comebacks as you agreed to these terms by having our equipment???? hang on a minute this cant be right????
  16. Can someone take a look and see what they think about this agreement. I really need to have default removed and I think this is unenforceable? any help much appreciated http://i940.photobucket.com/albums/ad241/FERGAL71_2009/barclaysagreement.jpg
  17. sorry for my blatant misuse but can anyone quickly show me how to add jpeg agreement to threads... having a thick day... again sorry for using this hot thread for my personal ignorance wonder when the leak will be of the judgement always a few days before,,,, obviously abbey had it already.... just to keep everyone on their toes...
  18. i can prove financial loss, I am just wondering wether to use data protection act, unfair contract act???? they changed amounts frequently, bills used to arrive after direct debit was due to go out.... contract was with telewest so never really accepted virgin conditions or changes... also amount was in dispute at then end and the bill changed 5 times before default was placed and default was placed before they sent deadlock letter....
  19. i AM thinking about restarting my claim against them... they changed interest rates frequently which added just a few pounds to arrears balance we were never informed until we came to end of agreement after 60 months they said we owed still over £1300 which was made up of arrears, interest and charges for things like letters to bank etc....we paid agreement amount every month on time for 5 years and yet we still owed them, is this something i should be fighting in court....
  20. there is lots of conjecture on here but think through the reprecussions the reason martin lewis and the media have not hammered this is because this still has a long way to go.... think of the impact on the banks and the taxpayer if they have to pay out lets say 100 billion and then lose the revenue from now on year on year.... the reason this has taken so long is because there are lots of various anomilies which answers are needed for before the decision.... believe it or not I am confident this will be in our favour, but I just want to try and quell the pre xmas spending of billions through refunded charges... I think the banks will end up making us offers and many will accept without challenging amount in court...go back and think individually about what these and other charges have done to your life.... increased borrowing , higher interest rates, more credit cards to survive etc etc ... these issues have led to the meteoric rise of credit reference agencies which have fuelled the fire and allowed many many companies to play with us in any way they choose..... when you accept your offer please think about what we are letting these people away with.... years of abuse..
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